Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Coffee and Science Keeps Bigfoot Research Alive

Science + Coffee = The continued pursuit of Sasquatch
Nautilus, a website that promotes science and its endless connections to our lives, explains how the design of a coffee experiment keeps Sasquatch research alive. In an article titled, "Why Science can't rule out Bigfoot: How the Null Hypothesis Keeps the Hairy Hominid Alive" Carl Zimmer does a great job explaining what the null hypothesis is and how it came about. It is a well-known that Dr. Jeff Meldrum considers Gigantopithecus as a Sasquatch ancestor, a null-hypothesis.

Read probably one of the greatest explanations of the Null Hypothesis and how coffee helped it come about.

People often think that the job of scientists is to prove a hypothesis is true—the existence of electrons, for example, or the ability of a drug to cure cancer. But very often, scientists do the reverse: They set out to disprove a hypothesis.

It took many decades for scientists to develop this method, but one afternoon in the early 1920s looms large in its history. At an agricultural research station in England, three scientists took a break for tea. A statistician named Ronald Fisher poured a cup and offered it to his colleague, Muriel Bristol.

Bristol declined it. She much preferred the taste of a cup into which the milk had been poured first.

“Nonsense,” Fisher reportedly said. “Surely it makes no difference.”

But Bristol was adamant. She maintained that she could tell the difference.

The third scientist in the conversation, William Roach, suggested that they run an experiment. (This may have actually been a moment of scientific flirtation: Roach and Bristol married in 1923.) But how to test Bristol’s claim? The simplest thing that Fisher and Roach could have done was pour a cup of tea out of her sight, hand it to her to sip, and then let her guess how it was prepared.

If Bristol got the answer right, however, that would not necessarily be proof that she had an eerie perception of tea. With a 50 percent chance of being right, she might easily answer correctly by chance alone.

Several years later, in his 1935 book The Design of Experiments, Fisher described how to test such a claim. Instead of trying to prove that Bristol could tell the difference between the cups of tea, he would try to reject the hypothesis that her choices were random. “We may speak of this hypothesis as the ‘null hypothesis,’ ” Fisher wrote. “The null hypothesis is never proved or established, but is possibly disproved, in the course of experimentation. Every experiment may be said to exist only in order to give the facts a chance of disproving the null hypothesis.”

Fisher sketched out a way to reject the null hypothesis—that Bristol’s choices were random. He would prepare eight cups, putting milk first into four of them, and milk second into the other four. He would scramble the cups into a random order and offer them to Bristol to sip, one at a time. She would then divide them into two groups—the cups that she believed had received milk first would go in one group, milk second in the other.

Bristol reportedly passed the test with flying colors, correctly identifying all eight cups. Thanks to the design of Fisher’s experiment, the odds that she would divide eight cups into two groups correctly by chance were small. There were 70 different possible ways to divide eight cups into two groups of four, which meant that Bristol could identify the cups correctly by chance only once out of every 70 trials.

Fisher’s test couldn’t completely eliminate the possibility that Bristol was guessing. It just meant that the chance she was guessing was low. He could have reduced the odds further by having Bristol drink more tea, but he could never reduce the chances she was guessing to zero.
You can read the entire article which also has some commentary about Bryan Sykes at the Nautilus.

And in an article about Sasquatch and coffee, we would be remiss if we didn't share where you can buy Sasquatch Coffee online. But the best coffee online at Sasquatch Coffee


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  3. I'm not sure what the previous posts have to do with "Coffee and Science Keeps Bigfoot Research Alive", but when you're citing an article it would be nice if at least you get the subject matter correct. The scientists used TEA, and not COFFEE!!

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