Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Today in Bigfoot History | July 30 1995 | The New York Times Reviews "Where Bigfoot Walks"

(yes that is a blanket of moss.)
Dr. Robert Michael Pyle is one of my favorite Bigfooters. Over a few beers last year we talked Bigfoot, biology and butterflies. Yes butterflies, you see Dr. Pyle is world renowned etymologist and more specifically a lepidoptertist. Due to his background, he has a take on Bigfoot like no one else. In the back of the book he even maps out a protocol in case we ever do have the opportunity to come across one, live or dead.

Below is a review of his book, "Where Bigfoot Walks: Crossing the Dark Divide" from The New York Times. Not many Bigfoot books make it across the desk of a NYT book reviewer; an achievement in itself.

The title comes from a geographic area between Mt. St. Helens and Mt Adams, a dark valley made mostly of black basalt. It is the largest roadless area in Washington State. Although seemingly apt, the name actually comes from a gold prospector named John Dark. The Dark Divide is also the nest of Ape Caves and Ape Canyon. This book is highly recommended. You can get a copy from Powell's Portland's largest local bookstore, or of course at Amazon.com

Book Review by Robert Sullivan

The New York Times, July 30, 1995 Where Bigfoot Walks; Crossing the Dark Divide

By Dr. Robert Michael Pyle, PhD.

Illustrated. 338 pp. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. $21.95

While the description of Bigfoot generally remains consistent — very tall, very hairy and extremely elusive as it roams the forest of the Pacific Northwest — the styles of Bigfoot literature vary like the styles of the Bigfoot hunters themselves. Sasquatch, the British Columbian classic by Ren&ecute; Dahinden with Don Hunter, reads a little like Louis L'Amour with a cryptozoological ax to grind. The Search for Bigfoot: Monster, Myth, or Man?by Peter Byrne, a former African safari guide who currently heads the Bigfoot Research Project in Hood River, Ore., is like a story told over a campfire at the end of a trek across Nepal (especially the part where Mr. Byrne recounts smuggling what was thought to be the hand of a yeti in the lingerie of the wife of the actor Jimmy Stewart). And then there is the rigorously scientific air that characterizes the work of Grover Krantz. In his last book, Big Footprints: A Scientific Inquiry Into the Reality of Sasquatch, this anthropology professor at Washington State University executed a frame-by-frame analysis of the so-called Patterson film, a blurry eight-millimeter home movie that shows something hairy running across a bank of Bluff Creek in northern California. With Where Bigfoot Walks, Robert Michael Pyle has added yet another style to the genre: the Bigfoot book as natural history treatise, a kind of story of Sasquatch as told by John Muir.Mr. Pyle says he is not interested in whether Sasquatch is or is not real. Rather, he aims to examine the myth surrounding the controversial creature and the human characters who have concerned themselves with its fate. He describes his pursuit as "a chance to immerse myself in the putative habitat of Bigfoot. And perhaps a way into its mind, or at least into the part of my own mind where Bigfoot dwells." He recounts a year of studies in flashbacks woven into a narrative of a month long hike through territory in southwestern Washington, known as the Dark Divide, that is rich in Sasquatch sightings.

He also talks a lot about butterflies Bigfoot may or may not be familiar with. His Wintergreen won the John Burroughs Medal for the best natural history book in 1987, establishing his credentials as an ecology writer, but he seems to be a lepidopterist at heart. In addition to having written The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies, he is now editing a collection of butterfly writing by Vladimir Nabokov. The idea of a lepidopterist on the trail of a 1,000-pound giant hairy thing that is sometimes said to lift cows into trees contributes, for me, to an accidental comic effect.

Mr. Pyle is not a slight lepidopterist1, however: he describes his long-bearded self in full pack and custom-made hiking boots (he has a foot problem) as weighing 330 pounds. In fact, for the first few pages into the hike I thought I was going to have to call for help as he heaved and dehydrated his way up and down hills, once nearly falling to his death. Fortunately, he survives long enough to recall a few of the Northwest Indian tales of hairy creatures such as Dzonoqua, Bukwus,Bokbokwolli nooksiway, Stick Man and Se-at-tlh (Mr. Pyle suggests that the name of the capital of grunge might be an etymological relative of Sasquatch). Next, he lays out some of the key issues of Sasquatchology: Has Sasquatch embraced second-growth forest as a living area? Does it travel in tribes or alone? If found, should it be killed? The rest of the time he details the habitat. He over details it; this guy knows the name of absolutely everything that grows in the woods. Which turns out to be the problem with sending a lepidopterist out after Sasquatch: he might not be able to see Bigfoot's forest through the pipsissewa2, a batch of which he duly notes.

Not very far into the trip, Mr. Pyle begins to sound more like a believer than he cares to admit. "If a lagomorph3 most often identified with alpine granite can thrive in sea-level basalt and mid-elevation woodpiles, what does that say for a primate's chances of switching from forest to scrub?" he asks; I get the distinct feeling he thinks it says the primate's chances are very good. He also says, "In the absence of specimens, no one can prove that Bigfoot is not out there." And sure enough, more than once he has what might be called a limited encounter. He remains skeptical of even his own possible brushes with Sasquatch, but by the time you get to the appendix, entitled "A Protocol for Encounter," you're not surprised that he thinks Sasquatch killers, scientists or others, ought to be hit with the book: "If not manslaughter, the crime should at least be an imprisonable felony."

The school of Bigfoot thought that Mr. Pyle's book most neatly sides with is that usually associated with Peter Byrne, whom Mr. Pyle describes as "suave and handsome" in appearance, "enhanced by his Oxbridge accent, pressed khakis, sweat-stained safari hat and silk cravat." "I have yet to share a campfire" with Mr. Byrne, Mr. Pyle writes, "but we have sat around fireplaces in both our homes, sharing good ale, chenin blanc or single-malt whisky, trading tales from Nepal or New Guinea, comparing signatures of Tenzing Norgay." Mr. Byrne is a staunch advocate of the no-kill policy, and he often suggests that Bigfoot hunters cooperate in the search — something as unlikely as an imminent Sasquatch find. But what will Mr. Byrne make of the chapter in which Mr. Pyle runs around naked in the woods? ("I was Bigfoot," he claims.) I can't say.

For those unfamiliar with the Bigfoot legend, Where Bigfoot Walks is a good primer. For those up to speed, the story Mr. Pyle has recorded of a Sasquatch-like encounter as told around the campfire by a former Haisla Nation chief from coastal British Columbia may be worth all the rehashing; it is one of the best I've ever read. I found a lot of Where Bigfoot Walks to be a little annoying, mostly because Mr. Pyle does what he accuses various Bigfoot hunters of doing — using the creature for his own cause, in this case as a paean to the Northwest's evaporating nature. As a paean, it is O.K., but its point — that if Sasquatch is in jeopardy, then so are both the mythic and the no mythic qualities of the woods — seems obvious. In the end, I mostly savored the Bigfoot encounters and the crisp writing about butterflies. There is a description of ghost moths mating fluorescently in the moonlit sky that makes them seem fairylike, even haunting. After reading that, I hope to be out in the woods camping sometime and see a ghost moth light up the night.

1. lep·i·dop·ter·ist: n. An entomologist specializing in the study of butterflies and moths.

2. pip·sis·se·wa: n. Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Chimaphila, especially the Eurasian species C. umbellata, having white or pinkish flowers grouped in a terminal corymb. Also called prince's pine.

3.lag·o·morph: n. Any of various plant-eating mammals having fully furred feet and two pairs of upper incisors and belonging to the order Lagomorpha, which includes the rabbits, hares, and pikas. –lago·morphic, lago·morphous adj.

This book is highly recommended, I come back to many times and read certain passages just to feel the wonder of Bigfoot through the mind of a naturalist. You can support my local bookstore Powell's or get it at Amazon. Either way, both links are worth checking out for the reviews.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Art Bell Returns to Radio September 16th

This publicity image released by SiriusXM shows
Art Bell his home studio in Pahrump, Nev. The title art is ours.

For many of us, Art Bell is an icon that would keep us up at night with topics stranger than you could imagine. It wasn't the topics alone that made Art Bell's radio show so successful, it was his ability to be truly interested in his guests while still being honest about his own opinion. Without Art bell there would be no X-Files.

Although Art Bell covered UFO's, Aliens, Ghosts, Demons and everything else that went bump in the night. once in a while he would take on the topic of Bigfoot. One significant episode was with a man named "Bugs."  Bugs was an aging farmer who has repeatedly told of his account of shooting and burying two Bigfoot creatures back in the 1970s in the Texas Panhandle, initially thinking they were bears. Bugs has mailed a map of the location of this "burial" to Art Bell, to be released to the public upon Bugs' death. During his first appearance in 1996, Bugs said he had taken a dozen Polaroid photos of the creatures he would be willing to send to Bell. None of the alleged photos have yet been made available. You can listen to the 2006 rebroadcast at the end of this post. You can also read what eventually became of the 12-year running "Bugs" saga at Cryptomundo.

For many of us Bigfooters this is great news. We also did our homework, Art is returning to Sirius XM Satellite radio. You can get Sirius XM streamed on the internet or as an app for your smart phone. Here is the an excerpt from the AP report announcing Art Bell's return:

NEW YORK (AP) — Art Bell, radio's master of the paranormal and outward edges of science, will return to the microphone on Sept. 16 with a new nighttime show on Sirius XM Radio.

Bell was one of radio's top syndicated voices in the 1990s before walking away from his nightly show in 2002 due to family issues. He worked occasionally after that but hasn't been on the air since Halloween 2010.

"I missed it terribly," said Bell, 68, whose weeknight show will air live from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. ET. Sirius is building a studio at Bell's rural Nevada home where he will work.

A Sirius representative contacted Bell through social media a few months ago, leading to the formation of his show, "Art Bell's Dark Matter." He'll talk about things like UFOs, ghosts, near-death experiences and weird aspects of science. He'll do interviews and take calls from viewers.

Scott Greenstein, Sirius XM president and chief content officer, said the show will be "uncensored, unrestricted, uncluttered and utterly unique."

"There's probably more interest in the genre now than when I did it," Bell said. "When I did it, I was damned near alone."
Art Bell is also frank about his opinion of his successor George Noory.

There's also a potential rivalry with George Noory, who replaced Bell on the syndicated show. Bell isn't a fan, saying he considers Noory "not edgy enough." Noory's program is on later at night, so the two will not compete directly live.


The 2006 "Bugs" episode which includes a description of a map of a Bigfoot burial ground.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Results are in! Joe Rogan Questions Everything is an Initial Success

One segment of SyFy's Joe Rogan Questions Everything featured Thom Powell 

First, from a strictly ratings point of view the show was definitely a success. Here are the results from Ratings Watch:

Syfy's new unscripted series Joe Rogan Questions Everything became the channel's most watched reality premiere in more than five months, averaging 1.3 million total viewers, 720K Adults 25-54 and 693K Adults 18-49 during its debut on Wednesday, July 24 from 10-11PM (ET/PT).

The new series also delivered the best Wednesday unscripted series premiere in more than 15 months in Adults 18-49, Adults 25-54 and total viewers.

Powered by Joe Rogan and Paranormal Witness at 9PM, Syfy posted its highest-rated Wednesday prime time period (8-11PM) among Adults 18-34, Adults 18-49 and total viewers since October 2012.

In prime time, Syfy ranked #6 among Adults 25-54 and #8 among Adults 18-49.

Read more about Syfy's JOE ROGAN QUESTIONS EVERYTHING Draws 1.3 M Total Viewers -
Huffington Post was intrigued by the DNA segment with Dr. David Swensen

He came up with some pretty compelling evidence along the way. Our knowledge of DNA has advanced tremendously in recent decades, and putting that knowledge toward the myth of Bigfoot provided some interesting results. Dr. David Swenson, a biochemist, examined DNA that was allegedly from a Bigfoot.

“There is an unknown animal that appears to be some kind of a hybrid between a human and something else," Dr. Swenson said.

“You read this DNA sequencing and you’re like, this could be a real animal?” Rogan asked him. Swenson was fairly certain that DNA that complete and complex could not be faked. Read More... 
Poptimal says this about the show:

Rogan’s Bigfoot episode hopefully gave us a great slice of how the series will continue to flow, since it had equal measures of science and levity. Not only did we see a PhD-level scientist dissect what was purported to be Sasquatch dung, we also got to learn new terminology that we may never have encountered on the course of normal conversation. For example, we now can win a Jeopardy question about what a “blobsquatch” is (it’s a blurry image of Sasquatch) and know the intricacies of “wood knocking,” which means you hit a tree using a specific pattern that equates to Morse code for Bigfoots.

What was refreshing about the show was that when Rogan went out Sasquatch hunting for the evening with two Bigfoot experts, he was listening to them as if they were telling him where to find a restaurant and he was a starving man. It was clear that he truly wanted to learn what they had to offer, rather than some previous Bigfoot search shows where the cameraman is so obviously rolling his eyes and chuckling while chasing the Sasquatch hunters through the woods.

Exploring Onward and Upward

The series will include six episodes, with Bigfoot being the first, followed by next week’s show, which  delves into the question of whether humans can use technology to manipulate the weather. Rogan plans to continue exploring to pique his knowledge and that of the viewing audience. Read more...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Today in Bigfoot History | Jul 27, 1923 | The Legend of Old Yellow Top

The Yellow Top Legend

Old Yellow Top was allegedly a shaggy haired humanoid with a yellowish mane and a pronounced limp said to have wandered near the mines in Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. The following newspaper articles, dated 1923 to 1970 are all courtesy John Green, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, 1997...

Sept 1906 and July 1923 -North Bay Nugget  (Ontario)


"Cobalt, Ontario Canada July 27,1923 - Mr. J. A. MacAuley and Mr. Lorno Wilson claim they have seen the "Pre-Cambrian shield man" while working on their mining claims North and East of the Wettlaufer Mine, near Cobalt. This is the second time in seventeen years that a hairy ape-like creature nicknamed "Old Yellow-Top" because of a light colored mane has been seen in the district. The two prospectors said they were taking test samples from their claim property when they spotted what looked like a bear picking in a blueberry patch. Mr. Wilson said he threw a stone at the creature. He said, "It kind of stood up and growled at us, then ran away. It sure was like no bear I have ever seen. Its head was kind of yellow and the rest of it was black, like a bear, all covered with hair." The first report of the creature was made in Sept. 1906, by a group of men building the head frame at the Violet Mine, east of Cobalt. It has not been seen since that time."

... And this news item dated April 16, 1947 -- North Bay Nugget - Ontario

Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. - "Old Yellow-Top", the half-man, half beast that is supposed to be roaming the wilds around the Cobalt Mining Camp, was supposedly seen again by a woman and her son who live near Gillies Depot, while they were walking the tracks into Cobalt. The woman, who did not want her name made public, said she noticed a dark hairy animal with a "light" head ambling off the tracks into the bush near Gillies Lake. She said she did not get a clear look at the thing, but said it walked very much like a man. The sighting is the third such report to be made since 1906, or 1947. A search party was formed to try to find "Old Yellow-Top".

...and this article dated August 5, 1970  - North Bay Nugget, Ontario

Results in Bus Accident near Cobalt Lode Mine
Cobalt, Ontario Canada - Twenty seven miners on their way to work the graveyard shift at Cobalt Lode could have lost their lives when the bus in which they were riding went out of control and almost plunged down a nearby rock cut. Bus driver Amos Latreille, who has been driving the route for the last four months, said a dark form, which walked across the road in front of him, startled him. "At first, I thought it was a big bear. But then it turned to face the headlights, and I could see some light hair almost down to its shoulders. It couldn't have been a bear." Although no one was hurt, Mr. Latreille said he did not know if he would continue to drive the bus. "I have heard of this thing before, but never believed it. Now I am not so sure." One of the miners at the front of the bus said he caught a brief glimpse of the creature. Larry Cormack said it "looked like a bear to me at first, but it didn't walk like one. It was kind of all stooped over. Maybe it was a wounded bear, I don't know." Mr. Cormack added that he did not believe that PreCambrian Shield Man existed anyway.” My father used to talk about it, but I've seen it close up," he pointed out. The story started back early 1900s when a group of construction workers claimed to have seen the creature.

Did a Historian Document a Battle Between Vikings and Bigfoots?

Did the Vikings encountered Bigfoot in Battle?
"Buliwyf's band establishes that the Wendol are humanoid cannibals who appear as, live like, and identify with bears." -- Wikipedia on Michael Crichton's description of the cryptids in The 13th Warrior

Is it possible that a 10th century historian could have documented a fierce battle between Vikings and Bigfoot? Ahmad ibn Fadlan was an Arab ambassador that was captured by Vikings during a diplomatic mission, the Vikings allowed him to chronicle their adventures. He called them men of the north and his depiction of a Viking ship burial is often references and considered accurate. Other aspects of his adventures border on the fantastic including a battle with Mist Monsters, or as the Vikings called them the Wendol.

Speculation on the Wendol is all over the place, from pure fiction to the last remaining Neanderthals. Michael Crichton's, author of Jurassic Park and Westworld, depicts the Wendol in his screenplay, The 13th Warrior, as humanoid cannibals who appear as, live like, and identify with bears. For Doc Vega of UFODigest.com, the Wendol may be Bigfoot. Doc Vega has written a five-part series on the topic with commentary that includes references to Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Grover Krantz and heavily on Lloyd Pye.

Below we have a short excerpt of Doc Vegas 5-part essay, this is just the initial battle between the Vikings and the Wendols (Bigfoot).

The feared confrontation begins On the first night that Buliwyf and his war party arrived at the Kingdom of Rothgar to the apprehension of Ibn Fadian who thought his Viking comrades to be unprepared to do battle, they feasted, drank, and finally slept. However, Ibn was unable to attain slumber. He lay awake worrying and after barely drifting off, heard animal-like grunts and groans along with footsteps. In the darkest hour of the night with sudden ferocity the gigantic doors to the King’s hall of Rothgar were crashed open. The sleeping Vikings sprang to their feet and began to do battle with the monsters as they savagely attacked from a cloak of mist that had hung over the Kingdom that night.

A gruesome trophy A vicious fight ensued as the marauding Wendol tried to slaughter all there. Ibn himself was picked up and thrown across the room, landing against a wall, and falling to the floor. Herger ran to his side to see if Ibn was all right as the incredible battle raged on. Finally after what seemed like hours, the Wendol withdrew as quickly as they had sprang upon the Vikings. Like phantoms they left with hardly a trace, but there was evidence of their presence there. One Viking warrior had the severed arm of a Wendol which he proudly raised above his head as they others cheered. They examined the arm cut off by a Viking sword. It was muscular and very hairy yet shorter in length than a human arm.

Lloyd Pye attested to the robust structure of Neanderthals. Their dense bone structure that was tougher than human bone indicates also the denser muscles of Neanderthal. As Lloyd puts it, the Neanderthal could pop a human’s head and was probably so strong that it could even take on the predatory cats of their time. Remember that Ibn talks of being picked up and thrown across a room. The Neanderthals were also known to have observed an afterlife as evidence was clearly abundant in archeological ruins that they buried their dead. This is why when the Wendol withdrew from combat they took their dead with them. This also lent credence to their phantom-like reputation among humans who had seen the aftermath of their atrocities and feared them.

Lloyd Pye’s findings shed light on a mystery Keep in mind if what Lloyd Pye attributes to Neanderthal was true, then it was only the superior swordsmanship and weaponry of the mighty Vikings that overcame their more powerful assailants (the Wendol) along with their sheer courage. This might also account for how the inventiveness of Homo sapiens ensured the downfall of the more robust Neanderthal unable to cope with a well-organized and technically advanced species of competing hominids (modern man).

Ibn Fadian evaluated their victory over the “Mist Monsters” as they were called, who had terrorized Rothgar. They had beaten back the Wendol, but there had been a price to pay. One of the Vikings had been wounded badly. The women fixed him a broth of onion and garlic. When it was drank if there was a sword injury that pierced the abdomen or stomach the women could smell the onions and garlic through the punctured flesh and muscle. This usually meant that it was a mortal wound, but the healing powers of the Vikings were legendary as well.

Even though the warrior was perhaps fatally wounded, he laughed and joked with the others and continued to eat and drink as if nothing had happened. This was the nature of the Vikings that often amazed and appalled Ibn Fadian as he accompanied them on their quests and battles. Even in victory Buliwyf was not satisfied of the outcome. They had repelled the Wendol but he and the people of Rothgar knew that this would only lead to another more vicious attack than the first. The next day the Vikings conducted strenuous construction of fortifications regardless of the sleep they had lost. As Ibn walked around exhausted and barely able to stay awake he marveled at the Vikings who worked digging motes, assembling wooden barriers, and fashioning weapons. Ibn was amazed at their tenacity. Soon the night came. The defenses were not finished, but Buliwyf left them as they were and once again as night fell, the Vikings did not feast as the inhabitants of Rothgar agonized over the near future. Neither did they drink mead once again and pass out from intoxication. On this night the Wendol would not come. As the sunset turned to night it was observed that the mist from the highlands was not forming upon the elevated grounds and slopes. This meant that the Wendol, who always attacked beneath the veil of a mist, would not attack without it.

No celebration after the initial victory As was the tradition of the Vikings, the nobleman of Rothgar who had been killed by the Wendol while fighting them, that their bodies were erected at the top of the kingdom’s roof for the prescribed 10 days prior to being sent out to for an ocean burial in fiery vessels. The mood among the Vikings was somber in expectation of the next battle. Ibn still could not figure out the Vikings who seemed to do everything in contradiction to what he would anticipate. According to Ibn Fadian the “Northmen” as he called them (Vikings) who would drink day and night did not do so prior to battle. The severed arm of the Wendol was not strung up on a ceiling beam of the great hall of Rothgar.

So, rather than rejoicing over their victory over the Mist Monsters (Wendol) there was no drinking or merriment. You might recall that there were only two things that Ibn had said the Northmen feared-sea serpents and the Mist Monsters! It is clear that as being perhaps the most formidable warriors in human history, fighting the powerful Wendol who are suspected as being Neanderthals who were massively strong, was no small feat, and little to look forward to. To their credit, the Northmen, as Ibn called them had managed at using their superior skills to defeat a strong and feared enemy.
Links to the 5-part essay below. 
Vikings UFOs and Bigfoot Part 1
Vikings UFOs and Bigfoot Part 2
Vikings UFOs and Bigfoot Part 3
Vikings UFOs and Bigfoot Part 4
Vikings UFOs and Bigfoot Part 5

Friday, July 26, 2013

9 Best Alaskan Native Hairy Man Stories

Illustrations for each of the top 9 Alaskan Native Hairy Man stories
On the west coast of Alaska the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers empty into the Bering Sea creating one of the largest river Delta's in the world. Mostly covered in Tundra it is protected as part of the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. Eighty-five percent of the 25,000 residents are Alaskan Natives  both Yupik Eskimos and Athabaskan Indians.

In Alaska they have a cryptid "Hairy Man" that goes by many names. The Delta Discovery, a local publication owned by Native Alaskans has been chronically the Hairy Man stories since February 2013. We have selected our favorites and provided links to each story.

1. Plane buzzes Hairy Man people running over ice

Plane buzzes Hairy People
In May of 2012, a plane took off from Bethel and headed upriver, following the Kuskokwim River. The river was breaking up and the snow had pretty much melted, but many big lakes were still frozen over.

For the two people in the plane, the flight seemed to be much like any routine flight. However, just as they passed Tuluksak, the passenger saw something on his side of the plane. He saw two upright but dark creatures running like people on a large, frozen lake. Read More...

2. Captured by Hairy Man

Human nurses hairy Man juvenile to health
In the interior of Alaska, the Hairy Man is known as the “Bushman”. There was an elderly woman who was known as a medicine woman because of her experience as a young girl.

She was out picking berries with others near Rampart when she was kidnapped by a Bushman. She was taken into the wilderness and brought to a cave, where she saw other members of the Hairy Man’s family or group.

In that cave, there were both male and female Hairy Man people, and even young ones. They were hairy and wore no clothes, and smelled badly. But one of the babies of the Hairy Man people was very sick. Read More...

3. Bigfoot follows women during night ride

Two women see Hairy Man in the full moonlight
This lady is from Bethel. Years ago in the 1990’s, she and her younger sister were traveling by snowmachine to Bethel from one of the tundra villages. The sister was driving the snowmachine and she was riding in the back in the sled.

It was nighttime and the moon was full and bright, illuminating the frozen tundra. Stars shone in the sky and there was not a cloud in sight. One could see a long way on a night like this.

The lady riding in the sled had been wearing glasses but took them off because they kept fogging up so she tucked them away. The two women were about halfway to Bethel when suddenly her sister stopped the snowmachine and said to her, “Look!” Her sister was looking at something. Read More...

4. Hairy Man steals dried fish

Caught red handed
One evening, her baby wasn’t well, being restless and whining. That night she slept a few minutes at a time, before baby would wake again and start whining. Soon it was getting bright outside and baby whined again. The lady got up and tended to her baby. When the baby started nursing, the lady was relieved knowing that the baby was much better.

But then she noticed it was unusually quiet outside. Even the early morning birds were not chirping. Through the open door, she could see the dog, which was tied up to the left of the smokehouse door, down on its stomach, its fur very smooth and chin to the ground. She also noticed the dogs were making noises through their noses, making snorting sounds.

While she was looking at the dog, she saw a very big, furry person-like creature coming toward the smokehouse. It was looking around, turning its upper body while turning its head. It got to the smokehouse but did not go inside. Instead, it reached in and took out a dried chum. He tucked it under its arm, looked around again and left. It took long strides when he walked away. Read more...

5. A hunter is chased away by a Hairy Man

After several misses, the hunter runs
A man went hunting by boat one day up the Black River, and got close to Kusilvak Mountain. Stopping at one location, he got out and anchored his boat.

He got his rifble and went up the bank to some high ground to look around, like all other hunters do. While looking around, he spotted some kind of animal not far away.

As he looked longer, he realized it was a Hairy Man! Then the Hairy man saw him too and began to run toward him, making terrible sounds as it came.

Quickly the hunter swung his gun around and fired several times toward the charging beast. Apparently he missed, as the Hairy Man kept coming. Read More...

6. Strong-smelling creature in woods near fishcamp

Remembering a stick whizzing past her ear
“While going back, I bent down to pick a beautiful little flower. Then something went past my left ear, like wood making a ‘swoosh-swoosh-swoosh’ sound like it was flipping over and over as it went past my head.

“Just when I got up and looked, a piece of dry wood branch landed in front of me. I looked to see if anyone was around. I could see far into the woods because there was no grass or growth covering the ground inside the trees.

“I didn’t see anyone or anything. But I smelled something really strong like a wet dog, but stronger and different. I went back to fishcamp. Read More...

7. Nunivak Island Bigfoot

in the 1930's a sod house is invaded

It was during the winter when the three hunters went out on their trip to the west side of the island. As it was evening, the hunters stopped at an old fishcamp to bunk down for the night in an abandoned sod house.

Sod houses, especially those at hunting or fishing sites, were not large and had small entry ways.

The hunters were traveling by dog team. When they stopped to camp they secured their dogs to wooden posts before turning in for the night.

As they were waiting to sleep, the dogs outside began barking. The next thing they knew, someone or something was trying to break in through the door of the sod house. The terrified men got out their .30-.30 rifles in fear of the unknown. Read More..

8. Nome miner kills a Hairy Man

Bear or Bigfoot?
Jean Joiner was a miner from Nome who had a mine near Jade Mountain on Dahl Creek. The Jade Mountains are the westernmost peaks of the Brooks Range.

Mr. Joiner told his story that he had killed a Bigfoot-like animal near his mine, which he thought was a bear at first. But when he looked at the “bear” he killed, he didn’t know what it was but it resembled a human being.

He got real scared of what he had killed and believing that he would get in trouble for it, he cut it up and threw the pieces into the stream near his mine. Read More...

9. Rock throwers of the Andreafsky River

Rocks being thrown from the shore
“Miluquyuli” (the thrower) is one of the names given to the Hairy Man in many parts of the Yukon and Kuskokwim River villages.

At another time, a son (now in his 50s) of the elder remembers camping as a young boy along the same river with his family when, from far up a hill above their camp, a large rock or two were thrown and sailed over them, landing with a big splash into the Andreafsky.

The rocks were too large for humans to thrown that high and far. Read More...

Click the following link to find The Delta Discovery Hairy Man Section

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Finding Bigfoot Wants Your Skamania and Klickitat County Bigfoot Stories!!!

Skamania County Postcard designed by Guy Edwards

The producers of Animal Planet's popular TV show Finding Bigfoot are planning a town hall in Washington State and they want YOUR stories! As you may know Skamania County is the first local government to acknowledge and sign laws to protect Sasquatch. Read the ordinances protecting Bigfoot

Now YOU can be a part of that continued history by contacting Finding Bigfoot with your own Skamania and Klickitat County encounter(s). Read the Press Release below and contact Finding Bigfoot!:



Animal Planet’s hit show “Finding Bigfoot” is coming to Skamania and Klickitat counties! Skamania county is one of the ‘squatchiest’ places in the world and the “Finding Bigfoot” investigative team; Matt Moneymaker, Cliff Barakman, James “Bobo” Fey and Ranae Holland; are coming to listen to the  stories, examine the evidence and determine once and for all if Bigfoot really calls the Northwest home!

The team is looking for YOUR stories of encounters with Sasquatch in Skamania, Klickitat or surrounding areas. Sightings? Strange noises? Tracks? Wood knocks? We want to hear it all! Tell us your Bigfoot story and you may be invited to share it with the team at our Washington town hall on Wednesday, August 7 2013.

If you have a Sasquatch story and would like to attend our town hall meeting on August 7, email


Keep it squatchy everyone!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Linquists Battle Over Bigfoot Language

Does Bigfoot have defined phonemes? Phonemes are distinct units of sound, like vowel sounds. 

"The vocalizations are an amateur impression of how a proto-language might sound if it evolved from non-human primates" -- Karen Stollznow of Scientific American on the Morehead/Berry tapes.

We are NOT big fans of lazy skeptics. Good skeptics on the other hand are healthy for our research. Ones that have held our feet to the fire are Sharon Hill of Doubtful News and a Huffington Post contributor and Brian Dunning of Skeptoid. Skeptics, in my opinion, are just like witches in OZ, there are good ones and bad ones.

We are not quite sure what category Scientific America's Karen Stollznow. Ms. Stollznow has  Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of New England and seems to be critical of Scott Nelson's credentials. To catch you up, Scott Nelson retired from the Navy after a 17-year career as a crypto-linguist, intercepting Russian communications and decoding them. While his son was listening to the Morehead and Berry Bigfoot audio recordings (a/k/a Sierra Sounds) he detected patterns and perhaps even language.

After Karen introduces the general public on types of Sasquatch evidence she dives right into the possibility of Bigfoot language and the Morehead/Berry Tapes:
A fascinating category of evidence involves claims of a Bigfoot language. Eyewitnesses report hearing howls, whoops, growls, screams, mumbles, whistles and other strange vocalizations in the wild, and attribute these to Bigfoot. Variant forms of Bigfoot are found across cultures, and the Sasquatch, Himalayan Yeti, Australian Yowie and other alleged creatures are similarly believed to produce vocalizations. Other Bigfoot communication includes the mimicry of wildlife and forest sounds, wood-knocking, rock-knocking and rock-throwing. Bigfoot is also thought to form patterns with sticks and rocks as a kind of writing system. In wilder claims about wild men, Bigfoot are believed to have the ability to communicate telepathically, and use their large feet to send infra-sound communication over long distances. Bigfoot are also claimed to speak and understand human languages, and to have their own Bigfoot language.

There is little evidence to support these claims, other than the anecdotal kind. The Sierra Sound recordings, also known as the Berry/Morehead tapes, are touted as the gold-standard of evidence for a Bigfoot language. During a number of expeditions to the Sierra Nevada Mountains between the years 1972-1975, Alan Berry, Ronald Morehead and their crew captured audio recordings of alleged Bigfoot encounters. They recorded a total of 90 minutes of Bigfoot language and vocalizations using a microphone dangled from a tree branch attached to a reel-to-reel recorder. Over the years they also found 18-inch footprints of Bigfoot, and experienced many sightings…just not during the recordings!

Morehead and Berry (until his death in 2012) staunchly deny that the recordings are a prank. However, for a number of reasons, it is highly probable that the recordings are a hoax, or that the crew were hoaxed. The expeditions were undertaken specifically to hunt for Bigfoot. “Bigfoot” was heard but never seen when the recordings were made. It is obvious that other animals made some of the sounds, such as bears. The wood knocks are easy to re-create, while the “language” itself is unconvincing. The vocalizations are an amateur impression of how a proto-language might sound if it evolved from non-human primates. This “Bigfoot” is likely human, and the Sierra Sounds a combination of hoax and misidentification, like all of the other evidence for Bigfoot.
Sounds like she has already reached a conclusion. What is unfortunate is we were hoping her critique would come more from a linguist perspective, but her conclusion, as you will read below,  is that looking into Bigfoot language is putting the cart before the horse. She thinks we should be looking for a body first. Not only is this a disappointment, because it would have been great to get another linguist's perspective, but it  also a flawed argument. If this was the prevailing logic we would have never tried to decipher the cuneiform text left on clay tablets by the Sumerians.

Here is her non-linguistic based argument:

Self –proclaimed “Bigfoot language expert” R. Scott Nelson has taken the Bigfoot language claims one-step further. As though it is the Linear B of Bigfoot language to be deciphered, Nelson has created a transcription of the Sierra Sound Recordings. He is a retired U.S. Navy Cryptologic Technician Interpreter who speaks Russian, Spanish and Persian. He also believes he can speak “Bigfoot”.

Nelson claims he has identified not only vocalizations such as whistles, grunts, and snarls, but also individual phonemes, i.e., the sounds that combine to create words. Nelson has created a pronunciation key for these phonemes, and he uses the Latin alphabet, diacritics and various other symbols to represent these sounds. He calls this the Sasquatch Phonetic Alphabet (SPA), or the Unclassified Hominid Phonetic Alphabet (UHPA). It is unclear why he doesn’t use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), the standardized representation of the sounds of spoken language.

Bilingualism (speaking two or more languages) and working as a translator doesn’t qualify someone to identify or describe undocumented languages. This is an area of anthropological linguistics, although it appears as if many cryptozoological fans confuse “crypto-linguistics” as a field that researches the language of cryptids. The Sierra Sounds are used not only to support the claim of a Bigfoot language, but also to legitimize claims of Bigfoot’s existence. As Nelson argues, “The existence of the Sasquatch Being is hereby assumed, since any creature must exist before his language.” However, there are still prior questions. Does Bigfoot exist, and if so, could Bigfoot speak?

For arguments sake, if Bigfoot did exist, the species would likely have developed its own system of communication, like chimpanzees and Vervet monkeys. Similar to the claims of the (so far mythical) Orang-Pendek, Bigfoot would probably communicate using vocalizations. However, non-human primates don’t have the physiology to produce a wide variety of speech sounds, so it is unlikely that Bigfoot would have developed language, or would be able to speak existing human languages. At any rate, this is all starting off on the wrong (Big)foot. There is no solid physical evidence to support the existence of Bigfoot. Before we establish the existence of Bigfoot language, we would need to establish the existence of Bigfoot.
You can read her full article at the Scientific American Blog

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

TV Critic Questions Joe Rogan for Questioning Bigfoot

Wednesday Night (07.24.2013) Joe Rogan Debuts "Joe Rogan Questions Everything" on the SyFy Network.

"...Joe Rogan, host of a new Syfy show, “Joe Rogan Questions Everything,” hasn’t changed my opinion one bit." --Linda Stasi, TV Critic for the New York Post

Tomorrow night  (07.24.2013) Joe Rogan will debut his new series on the SyFy channel. You can read our earlier post "Joe Rogan Investigates Bigfoot on new SyFy show" to read our previous coverage. Even though the show does not air until later tonight, the first review is in. The review seems look-warm based more on whether or not Linda Stasi, the TV critic, thinks Bigfoot is real.

Here is how she starts her column:
Let me be the first to confirm: There is no such thing as Sasquatch — aka, Big Foot. And Joe Rogan, host of a new Syfy show, “Joe Rogan Questions Everything,” hasn’t changed my opinion one bit. Not that he wanted to.

This despite the DNA-filled animal poop that curious Joe brings scientists to study on the first episode of this new series. What he wants to know is why there is no photographic evidence of the elusive missing link. So do I!

He’s right to ask, but the problem is that Rogan (a funny urban myth investigator) is asking the wrong question.

The real question should be how is it possible that there isn’t photographic evidence?

Fact is, a human man — whether he be whole or half- human — cannot live without public displays of nudity, no matter how risky the behavior.
Linda Stasi compares how pervasive photos of Anthony Weiner and Geraldo Rivera are. As if photos in the wilderness of Bigfoot are comparable to politicians and celebrities proactively tweeting pics of themselves. I think Bigfoot would have better things to do with a smart phone, like decapitate squirrels, or play Candy Crush.

Ms. Stasi finishes off with questioning if Bigfoot is the proper theme for a a premier episode:
Another question worth asking is why Rogan, who questions everything, didn’t question the wisdom of devoting his premiere episode to the search for Big Foot — when in fact, just last month, the dopey hillbillies on “Mountain Monsters” also went lucklessly a-searchin’ for Sasquatch.

We know from the promos that Rogan has much more interesting questions to solve, such as if there’s is life in the universe. If I’m going to take anyone’s word on these questions, it would definitely be Rogan who has a podcast and a gig hosting UFC.

Look — I like Rogan (please don’t send me a pen). He’s got a good way about him. He’s not a slick reality-show host nor a serious PBS egghead. But I’m not sure that I would watch more. He says he’s not here to convince us of anything, which is good, but that might mean that all episodes end up where they started. Is Big Foot ready for his closeup, Mr. DeMille?
Read the New York Post article 

Monday, July 22, 2013

SquatchIt! Sasquatch Calling Device on Kickstarter

The SquatchIt! Sasquatch calling device is more than a novelty.
Soon anybody will be able to sound like a Sasquatch. For many of you who attended the last HopSquatch event you were able to hear a prototype first hand. Well now is your chance to get this out of the prototype stage and into the hands of the world.

The inventors of SquatchIt! have started a SquatchIt! Kickstarter campaign to raise some money to put the SquatchIt! into production. For only $25 dollars you get all sorts of perks plus your very own SquatchIt!


Read how and why the SquatchIt! was invented
The Genesis of SquatchIt!

One day we had this great idea… What if we could create a Sasquatch caller that would be both authentic in replicating the sound of what many people believe to be the actual screams of a real Bigfoot and at the same time, have on our hands, the ultimate loud, next-generation, battery-free noisemaker. We believe SquatchIt could very well be the next “must have” impulse item.

The possibilities from communicating with a Bigfoot to scaring friends on camping trips, to heckling politicians are endless!

So, after a lot of research and development, as well as access to some seriously secret Sasquatch research, we have developed a SquatchIt prototype and now have an amazing Sasquatch Caller device, to help people find Bigfoot and raise a ruckus!

SquatchIt makes a loud, scary noise, sure to soil the underwear of your friends and loved ones during that next excursion into the wild wooded yonder! Whether you want to capture a photo of the elusive Sasquatch, scare and startle others or you just want to make a whole lot of noise, SquatchIt is totally up to the task!

SquatchIt is perfect for the serious Bigfoot enthusiast, as well as anyone looking for something new and fun!

Approved by Guy Edwards!

Approved by Derek Randles

Full more details, photos and videos go to SquatchIt.com
or go to the SquatchIt! Kickstarter campaign and DONATE NOW!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Come See "Finding Bigfoot" Film Cliff Barackman in Portland, OR

From 5-6pm Cliff Barackman will be playing live music at the White Eagle
"I'll be lurking around afterwards to do interviews as needed for the episode, but also to chat with folks about music, bigfoot, or whatever." --Cliff Barackman

Today (07.17.2013) from 5 to 6 pm Cliff Barackman will be filmed playing live music for a special episode of Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot.

If you are in Portland you do not want to miss this opportunity. On his blog, NorthAmericanBigfoot.com Cliff Barackman says, "I'll be lurking around afterwards...to chat with folks about music, bigfoot, or whatever."

Cliff Barackman also adds, "It's free, beer will be flowing, and the venue is legendary (and supposedly haunted!). "

Kirk Sigurdson, another notable Bigfoot personality will play the drums and accompany Cliff. Mr. Sigurdson has been the topic of some post and written a few post for Bigfoot Lunch Club.

Join us at McMenamins' White Eagle Saloon. Get there early! These venues fill fast when Cliff is around. Map and directions below 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Joe Rogan Investigates Bigfoot on new SyFy show

Joe Rogan Questions Everything Premieres Wednesday July 24th
“I’m trying to go into it with a completely open mind, talk to the believers, kooks, scientists.” -- Joe Rogan

To be published in the July 22, 2013 issue of New York Magazine, Vulture.com ran the story, "Investigating Big Foot With Pot-Evangelizing Fear Factor Host Joe Rogan."

Read an excerpt below, be prepared adult language is used. 

Joe Rogan arrives on the fourth floor of NYU’s anthropology department in Greenwich Village still clinging to the possibility that Bigfoot isn’t total bullshit. “I don’t believe,” Rogan says, “but I don’t not believe, you know? There’s enough weird people that have muddied the issue that it seems like fuckery, but then Jane Goodall says she’s absolutely convinced, and then when you go [to the Pacific Northwest] and there’s so much uncharted land up there, it’s impossible to see it all. And then Native Americans have 100 different names for this thing, and they’re uniform in their descriptions—it’s always a large, tall ape.”

Rogan, a former martial artist and current Ultimate Fighting Championship color guy, is a compact, muscular, hairless-pated hominid deeply attuned to his inner monkey. Having emerged from sitcom acting (Hardball, NewsRadio) and reality-TV hosting (seven seasons of Fear Factor), Rogan now hosts a twice-weekly three-hour talk show, The Joe Rogan Experience, where he frequently evangelizes about pot and psychedelics and the Altered States–style isolation tank he keeps in the basement of his home north of Los Angeles. This month on Syfy, he’s launching Joe Rogan Questions Everything, an unscripted X-Files in which he’ll alternately channel Mulder and Scully as he investigates topics ranging from black-helicopter crazy (chem trails) to actual, secret government-research programs (weaponized weather, remote viewing).

He’s in New York for a conference on transhumanism, and while here, he’s getting in an interview for the TV show with Todd Disotell, a fiftyish biological anthropologist with a Mohawk, an impressive collection of aged whiskey, and an office door crowded with stickers that say things like HONK! IF YOU UNDERSTAND PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIUM. Disotell has become a go-to talking head for TV producers looking to inject some reality into the Bigfoot “debate.”

Rogan had told me earlier, “I’m trying to go into it with a completely open mind, talk to the believers, kooks, scientists.” A cynic could say that being open-minded about Bigfoot just means you haven’t taken fifteen minutes to read a Wikipedia page thoroughly debunking it. Rogan, 45, is a guy who knows what TV needs—suspense until the very end—but he also comes by his interests honestly. He has long read books and watched documentaries about “stupid shit … weird fringe topics … I have a deep curiosity for things that haven’t been solved yet.” He knows Disotell is going to provide the rigorous, scientific case against Bigfoot; still, Rogan clearly likes the idea of Bigfoot and seems to enjoy having a platform that allows him to get to the bottom of all the mysteries that tantalized him growing up, even if they turn out to be fuckery.

His producers had sent Disotell some alleged Bigfoot scat and hair samples, collected by Bigfoot hunters, to analyze in advance of today’s interview, and after comparing molecular-themed tattoos—­Disotell’s, on his upper back, illustrates the chemical structure of three of his favorite stimulants: alcohol, caffeine, and capsaicin; Rogan’s, on his left bicep, depicts DMT, a.k.a. dimethyltryptamine, part of the shamanic brew ayahuasca—Rogan proceeds to lay out the various arcane arguments in defense of Bigfoot, which Disotell then knocks down one by one. The Swiss wildlife photographer who claimed to have taken pictures of a previously unknown species of ape? Disotell’s a DNA man, not a photo appraiser. What about the uniformity of sightings? Like angels and alien abductions, “it’s a meme, literally.” What about Melba Ketchum—a Texas Bigfoot-ologist who reported that highly sophisticated analyses of a sample had isolated Bigfoot DNA? The non-peer-reviewed journal it was published in was registered with GoDaddy a week before the article was published, and “the way they analyze, interpret that data is … I want to be polite, I don’t want to say crazy, it’s … heterodox.”

“What is heterodox?” Rogan asks.

“It’s crazy,” Disotell says.

“Ohhh,” Rogan moans to the camera. “Todd Disotell, Bigfoot party pooper, just trashed the whole Bigfoot party. So there’s zero evidence; all the evidence sucks; it’s all crazy and unscientific.” Rogan seems resigned, albeit crestfallen. Afterward, over a lunch of fish and chips at Murphy & ­Gonzalez across the street, Rogan acknowledges: “You can’t fuck with science. What he said was pretty irrefutable. There’s a lot of fuckery, lots of muddy thinking.” But then he says to Disotell: “You didn’t disprove Bigfoot, you just disproved the evidence.”
You can read the entire article at Vulture.com.
You can also go to the official Joe Rogan Questions Everything site
Watch the Joe Rogan Questions Everything trailer below

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Joe Beelart Reviews Peter Byrne's "The Monster Trilogy Guidebook"

Cover art for Peter Byrne's Monster Trilogy Guidebook
For Bigfoot insiders Joe Beelart needs no introduction. Cliff Barackman has referred to him as "The King of Clackamas," a title earned by Joe's extensive research of Bigfoot encounters in the Oregon's Clackamas region.

Today he reviews Peter Byrnes new book "Monster Trilogy Guidebook". Peter Byrne also needs no introduction as he is a pioneer in Bigfoot research. He has been committed to the search for unrecognized creatures for over 50 years. Peter has led expeditions in the Himalayas to search for the yeti, and then pioneered Sasquatch research in North America. He is recognized as one of the four men of sasquatchery, a title of distinction for a generation of pioneers in Sasquatch research that includes John Green, Rene Dehinden and Dr. Grover Krantz.

Please read Joe Beelart's complete review below:

Review of Peter’s new book by Joe Beelart:   July 2013

Peter Byrne’s new book The Monster Trilogy Guidebook is exactly what it should be; a foundation stone of Bigfoot literature based on six decades of well-funded field work in the Himalaya, Pacific Northwest, and Scotland.  In it, Byrne straightforwardly tells the reader he has never seen one of his monsters; but he assures us they live!  And, he encourages the peaceful pursuit of proving their existence.

Serious researchers should purchase a copy and study it.  Probably, this is not a book for casual or new aspirants in the subjects for Byrne does not delve deep into history, list tables of sightings, tell tales of times past and grandiose expectations for the future, etc.  Rather, he tells the serious enthusiast how to go about field research with the reasons for his suggestions based on what is possibly the most field time ever accumulated by one man in any outdoor pursuit.  In short, Byrne shares hard earned experience; researchers should heed his words.

While Byrne barely comments on it, the theme of this memoir is conservation.  Only in passing does he mention the great White Grass Plains Wildlife Reserve he established in southwest Nepal under the auspices of the International Wildlife Conservation Society, and the patronage of the Nepalese royal family.   In conservation circles, the White Grass Plains is widely recognized as one of the most important achievements of the last half of the twentieth century.  For his work Byrne was honored with awards by the Royal Geographic Society, London and the Explorer’s Club of New York, among other high profile groups.

When Byrne encourages ready-at-hand still and video cameras to capture and prove the reality of Bigfoot, the Yeti, and the Loch Ness monster; instead of shooting them with a powerful rifle, we see his concern for the creatures and their future.  He also stresses practicing with a camera until its operation is second nature, for an encounter of a lifetime may last only seconds, or if lucky, minutes, and from experience as an investigator Byrne tells us when that encounter occurs, in all likelihood the witness will be shaken.

With those brief notes I assessed the general value of this book, established the principles of the book, and offered a snippet of the many suggestions Byrne makes on conducting field research.  Now, a few observations about how it is written.  Byrne is an expert writer and story teller.  I own at least seven of his books which include Himalayan and Indian history, novels, and his early Bigfoot book.  I have enjoyed every one.  So when I say I feel there is a hint of disdain in The Monster Trilogy Guidebook toward our favorite monster – Bigfoot – I have a basis for my remark.

Or, perhaps it is more accurate to say Byrne may hold a bit of derision toward a segment of Bigfoot “researchers” and enthusiasts who maybe an audience for this book; the gee-whiz folks.  Make no mistake; in the sixteen (16) chapters he devotes to the subject, he professionally covers a lot of ground fast, possibly to the point of being brusque.  But, there seems to be a lack of liveliness, understated humor and attraction to the subject which is so prevalent in his other works.

It is as if Byrne knows he must address a topic, does so, and then goes on to the next.  A telling hint is the title of Chapter 16:  “Go Get ‘Em.”   Why not use a little more encouraging title like “Onward?”  Maybe it’s because Byrne has spoken so many times to so many people that don’t read, have not gone into the hills and, even if they can, never will.  Maybe he is tired of people, who in the American way, want superficial entertainment from Bigfoot talks and films.

There is a decided change in attitude when Byrne writes about the Yeti.  Again there are sixteen (16) short chapters, but these are filled with wonder and humor and technical tips beyond compare or imagination.  Truly, Byrne’s love of the Himalaya shines in this wonderful section.  It is contagious.  And in the Himalaya, I’m quite sure Byrne did not speak to crowds; or perhaps hold back information due to contract constraints as may have been required in his Bigfoot research.

Finally Byrne talks about the Loch Ness Monster.  This section will make you smile.  For certain, Byrne was on a hillman’s holiday as he rode boats, glassed Loch Ness waters, and enjoyed pleasant hospitality searching for one of the most celebrated monsters in the world.  And in this section, in quiet ways, Byrne pays both tribute and respect to the rich men who funded his expeditions.  For those rich men knew, when they wrote the checks, that they were engaging a personable, honest, fit, quietly eloquent man who would represent their interests and names in impeccable fashion.  Thank those men, and the man who lived their dreams, and maybe yours, for this fine book.

Hancock House Publishers 2013:  trade paperback 8.5”x5.5” with 176 pages and 116 photographs and illustrations:  US $19.95:  HancockHouse.com or 1.800.938.1114

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Discusses Bigfoot Hoax on Jay Leno

The wooden strap-ons used to hoax Bigfoot tracks
"There might be a Bigfoot in our backyard." --Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is an American actor best known to television and movie audiences as Denny Duquette in the 2005 medical drama Grey's Anatomy, patriarch John Winchester on Supernatural, and as The Comedian in the 2009 superhero film Watchmen. 

On the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Jefferey Dean Morgan describes his wife as a believer in all things fringe including Bigfoot.

When asked by Jay Leno if his wife had seen a Bigfoot, Mr.Morgan describes his year-long hoax. In his words a "practical joke" on his wife. In the process he has probably tainted any credibility to sightings in the town of Rhinebeck, NY. Shame on you Jefferey Dean Morgan. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

BBC: First Time an Orangutan Birth has been Filmed

Moments after first filming of an orangutan birth
"It is believed to be the first time a live orangutan birth has been filmed." --BBC Spokeperson

It will be some time before we get to see how Bigfoot care for their young. This is as close as we may ever come. For the first time ever, a live orangutan birth was filmed. 

The Daily Mail reports: 
After a labour lasting an hour and three quarters, Dana delivered the baby herself, cleared her airways with her mouth and checked her new daughter’s fingers and toes.

Knowing she was being observed by the park’s staff, she went over to her trusted keeper and showed him the baby. She is being referred to temporarily as Harta, which means ‘gift’.

SRC: Daily Mail
You can watch the 30 second video of the orangutan mother caring for her newborn below.

Extended Clip

Survivorman Les Stroud will do a Bigfoot Special for the Science Channel

Survivorman star Les Stroud will host a Bigfoot special
“These new specials push me to go further than I have ever gone before..." --Les Stroud

The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed Les Stroud, host of the Science Channel's Survivorman series, will have two upcoming specials. The specials are titled Survivorman & Son and Survivorman: Bigfoot Sasquatch Territory, they are set to debut in the first-quarter 2014. Below you can read excerpts from the Hollywood Reporter regarding details on the Bigfoot special.
In Bigfoot Sasquatch Territory, a two-part special, Stroud goes deep into the territory of the infamous Bigfoot to survive with few supplies and even fewer rations, "smack dab in the middle of the monster’s hotspots." He also will delve into the truth behind the legend as he investigates the whereabouts of this infamous creature.
The Hollywood Reporter leaves it at that. you can read about the second special Survivorman & Son in the same article. Watch Les Stroud talk about his Bigfoot encounters below.

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