Friday, June 28, 2013

WATCH: Bob Gimlin and Bill Munns Share New Insights into the Patterson/Gimlin Bigfoot Film

Bob Gimlin was there when the most famous Bigfoot footage was
filmed and Bill Munns  has done the most signifivcant analysis of it.

Ahhh to be a fly on the wall when two of  the biggest contributors to Bigfoot research discuss the most iconic footage of Bigfoot. The video below is an candid spontaneous conversation between Bob Gimlin and Bill Munns recapping the events that must have happened when Roger Patterson filmed.

The most exciting thing about the video, in our opinion, is that both garner new insights from each other while discussing Bill Minns 3d representation of the events.

Watch the video they are referring to down below. You can also view the video at

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

WATCH: Video of Man Presenting His "Fossilized Bigfoot Skull"

Todd May holding the "fossilized Bigfoot skull" he discovered

In the video below you can see Todd May describe the "fossilized Bigfoot skull" as he holds it. He also describes other encounters with more modern Bigfoot near hot springs at 2 O'clock in the morning. After the video you can read the original article from the

Man believes he found fossilized Bigfoot head
By Mark Saal
Standard-Examiner staff
Sat, 06/22/2013 - 10:20pm
OGDEN — “I found a fossilized Bigfoot skull.”

A journalist can go his or her entire life waiting to hear those six magic words. And yet, on a recent weekday afternoon, that very thing happened.

Todd May, of Ogden, dropped by the offices of the Standard-Examiner to see if someone would be interested in a story about a fairly impressive fossil find. After showing off a couple of digital photos, May offered six even more compelling words — “Do you want to see it?” — followed by the motherlode of sentences: “It’s out in the trunk of my car.”

In the trunk of your car? Do I want to see it? Does Bigfoot make in the woods?

May proceeded out to his car, where he popped the hatchback on his Nissan 300 ZX. Peeling back an American flag draped across the cargo area of the vehicle, he hefted a black piece of luggage that resembled an oversized bowling-ball bag, lowering it to the asphalt of the parking lot with a clunk. He struggled to pull a noggin-sized, seemingly ordinary rock out of the bag, held it up and turned it over.

A face.

The rock looks vaguely like a smaller version of one of those Easter Island heads. Pronounced forehead. Large, flattened nose. What could only be described as a chiseled chin and jaw line.

It’s been about six weeks since May found the rock near the mouth of Ogden Canyon.

“I was looking for some fossils,” the 49-year-old “semi-retired” private investigator explains, “and I was kind of drawn to something in the ground.”

It was a rock, sticking up out of the dirt.

“So I went and dug it out, and you couldn’t tell what it was ’cause the head was face down; all you could see was the back of it,” he said. “But when I dug it out you could see the face, perfect.”

May believes his weighty prize — it tips the scales at 70 pounds — is a fossilized Bigfoot skull. What compels him to make such a claim? Because he says he has seen a couple of the nonfossilized, live skulls — attached to their monstrous, hairy bodies — in recent years.

“I’ve been tracking and watching for Bigfoot,” May said. “I’m very curious, interested in that, and wanted to get footage on it ’cause I’ve ran across him a couple of times.”

The first time was in April of 2011, just before dark one evening. May was “kicked back, enjoying the hot springs” near the mouth of Ogden Canyon when he spotted something emerge from the bushes just across the river. It was black with a silky coat, and it moved quickly, never looking over at May.

“My first thought was, ‘My heck, there’s a gorilla escaped from the zoo or something,’ ” he said. “I thought, ‘What in the heck’s a gorilla doing?’ Then it dawned on me what it was.”
The only other time May has seen Bigfoot was about a month ago, in the same area. He says he likes to go to the hot springs late at night, when there are fewer people there. He was at the springs about 2 a.m. one night.
“A couple of nights something was breaking branches and throwing rocks in the water,” May recalls. “And I thought it was just some obnoxious people or kids or something in the canyon.”
On this particular night, however, he decided to investigate, thinking perhaps it was an animal. May was walking down the trail when he saw it, down in the trees by the water.

“I had the light on it, and I thought, ‘Oh my land,’ ” May says. “It was tall, it was big, it was big around — pretty good size. And it kind of looked back at me and I was just frozen. … So I just stood there with the light on it for a minute, and then I heard somebody across the way yell, ‘Oh my gosh, it’s a monster!’ or something. So somebody else had seen it.”

May says he found the fossilized skull about two weeks before his second Bigfoot sighting. He has been hunting fossils for two or three years in that area, and says he has found “a lot of things that look like different types of animals.”

How do others respond to May’s Bigfoot tales and his claim of finding a skull?

“The people that have seem ’em before, they kind of smile and they tell me their story,” he said. “There’s some people that kind of shrug their shoulders and think, ‘Whatever.’ You know, ‘Strange.’ ”

May says he’d be perfectly happy to allow scientists to examine his Bigfoot skull, but he wouldn’t want it to fall into someone’s hands “where it just sort of disappears.”

“I wouldn’t mind, I just don’t want to get it lost,” he said.

The Standard-Examiner sent a photo of the rock to several paleontologists for an initial opinion on May’s find.

In an email interview, paleontologist Kenneth Carpenter said what May found is interesting, but it definitely is not a fossilized skull.

“I’ll admit that it is the most head-like rock I have seen,” said Carpenter, director and curator of paleontology at Utah State University Eastern’s Prehistoric Museum in Price. “However, there is no doubt that the object is a natural phenomenon. Basically, it is just the odd way the rock has weathered.”

Carpenter said there are several key features of a real skull that are missing — eye socket, nose opening, and teeth among them.

“The object looks more like a head than a skull,” Carpenter wrote. “When a human head starts to decompose, the first areas to go are those soft tissue high in water, namely the eyes. Thus, even if the eyelids are closed, the eye socket is seen as a collapse of the eyelid into the socket. Scavengers, including coyotes, rodents, insects, etc., feed on tissue. For them it is an easy meal. That is why murder corpses in the outdoors are little more than bones.”

Carpenter also said the structure of the material suggests it’s a rock.

“If a piece is knocked off, you’ll find that it is rock all the way through,” he said. “Bone when it fossilizes still retains its structure, even at the microscopic level. ... IF this were a fossilized skull, then knocking a chip off should reveal bone structure inside.”

Brooks B. Britt, paleontologist at Brigham Young University in Provo, says he gets these sorts of calls regularly.

“This happens all the time,” he said in a telephone interview. Rarely, however, do such leads result in an actual fossil.

“I’ve been doing this since I first started at BYU, and only once did something turn out to be worthwhile,” he said.

Most of the time, Britt says, it’s just a rock that looks like something interesting. He has seen people bring in rocks shaped like hearts, kidneys, fingers, eggs — all sorts of anatomical parts.

“It’s just the way the rock weathered naturally,” he said.

Britt says despite explaining this to the finders, he can never convince them otherwise.

“They just won’t listen to anybody,” Britt said. “He’s always going to believe it.”

Carpenter said it’s perfectly normal that May saw a face in the rock.

“Seeing recognizable shapes in objects (including clouds) is something the human mind is wired to do, even if it is seeing the Madonna in toast,” Carpenter wrote. “Seeing it doesn’t make it so.”

Still, Todd May is undeterred. He believes that many people have “tunnel vision” when it comes to discoveries like this.

“I think people need to be more aware, open their eyes and be more aware of what’s around us,” he said. “Because I think there’s a lot of ancient (things), and fossils and different things, around us that if people would just kind of open their eyes to they’d see that we walk past them every day.”

Falcon Project Uses Rats to Build Bigfoot Blimp

The Rats logo. Rats is an acronym for Remote Aerial Tripod Specialists.

An Alberta news source, MetroNews, showcases one of their local businesses involved in the Falcon Project. The company is called Rats Inc.

An interesting tidbit from the archived website is this tidbit about how aerial surveillance of arctic ice flows inspired the co-founder of Rats Inc.

Read a brief history of Rats Inc. and then the article from MetroNews.

Rats Inc. History:
Stephen [Rats, Inc co-founder] has taken a lifetime of interest and experience in remote controlled aviation to an obvious next level.  As a young man, he migrated towards the Ultra-light Aircraft Industry and with a background as an instrumentation machinist, he then managed the development of the Christensen Ultra-light program.  This included setting up manufacturing facilities, training of employees and clients.  In total, Stephen has produced over 35 fixed-wing aircraft, including a number of antique aircraft restorations.

With a desire to train as a Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, he hired on with a company that had acquired a Challenger 601 for the purposes of aerial reconnaissance of ice flows throughout out the Arctic Circle.  It was during this 3 year Arctic period that was most influential for Stephen.  As it was then ''he derived the concept of Remote Controlled Imagery''.  In 1993 Stephen founded a company which was first to introduce R/C Aerial Photography to the public.  After a couple of years, clients included everyone from government agencies, corporate firms to private individuals.

In 1997 another inventor, Keith Campbell and Stephen formed their present company, Rats Inc.  Collectively they've developed their line of products into the company as it now stands.  With combined focus, their long term plans have withstood the test of time and as a result, one of the finest products developed within the Canadian Borders.

MetroNews Article 

Bigfoot Beware! Alberta company at centre of sasquatch search

By Annalise Klingbeil

American researchers believe a high-tech airship created by a company located in the Alberta hamlet of Lac La Biche could solve the mystery of the sasquatch once and for all.

Utah-based bigfoot researcher William Barnes is trying to raise $300,000 to buy a helium-filled airship that would quietly float over dense North American forests and use thermal-imaging equipment to film footage of the legendary – not to mention elusive – creature.

An official fundraising drive for the venture, which has been dubbed The Falcon Project, kicked off last Saturday in Oregon with an all-day symposium.

After a personal encounter with bigfoot in 1997 and more than a decade spent researching sasquatch researchers, the project’s founder came up with the idea to use unmanned aerial surveillance to record the fast-moving nocturnal primate.

“We don’t want to bother them, we just want to study them,” Barnes said.

That’s where Stephen Barkley, the president of Remote Aerial Tripod Specialists Inc. (RATS), fits in.

His company in Lac La Biche, a hamlet located 220 kilometres northeast of Edmonton with a population of fewer than 3,000 people, has designed the aircraft to be used for the ambitious aerial undertaking.

“If it wasn’t for his (Barkley’s) innovation of this type of airship, this would never work,” Barnes said.

In his 15 years of running RATS, a business that provides blimps and airships for outdoor advertising and photography, the entrepreneur said this is one of the most out of the ordinary projects he’s been a part of.

Barkley said if his company can play a part in finding evidence of the bipedal hairy humanoid creature, “it will make everyone involved famous, if you will.”

While a prototype of the Aurora MK II, the airship that will carry thermal-imaging and high-resolution wireless videography equipment, has been designed, a full-scale model won’t be built until funds are secured.

“Being an inventor and an entrepreneur, it would really be a feather in our cap to have the platform out and operating,” Barkley said.

The business-owner said he has “done his research on bigfoot” and wants to see what a functioning ship hovering above the forest will be able to capture.

“If they do come up with a definitive answer to the whole thing, then, boy, I’d sure have loved to have been part of that,” he said.

The team behind the Falcon Project includes Jeff Meldrum, an Idaho State University professor of anatomy and anthropology, who has been probing the primate’s existence for nearly two decades after examining inexplicable footprints in Washington.

Founder Barnes, a former gold dredger, is eager to secure funds to purchase Barkley’s hovering invention.

He still remembers vividly what he says was a sasquatch encounter in the middle of the night at a campsite in California in 1997.

The hairy creature was about three feet away, walking on two feet and “too big to be a bear,” recalled Barnes.

“I was scared,” he said. “My heart was beating so hard I could feel it in my eardrums.”

SRC: Metro News
Model of Falcon Project Blimp, Aurora MK II

Long Lost "Minnesota Iceman" Resurfaces--in Austin, Texas!

Close up of April 1969 Argosy magazine cover featuring the Minnesota Iceman
The Minnesota Iceman has resurfaced and will be on display at the Museum of the Weird in Austin, Texas. Read the official press release below, buy tickets to the Minnesota Iceman grand opening, and learn about the shipping of the Iceman filmed on A&E's Shipping Wars to be rebroadcast this Saturday June 29th 2013.

Promo video below is from the Museum of the Weird Facebook Page.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Long Lost “Minnesota Iceman” Resurfaces… in Austin, Texas!

In 1968 a carnival attraction being billed as “The Siberskoye Creature” began showing up at malls and fairgrounds across America. Also known as “The Creature In Ice,” the exhibit appeared to be the body of a hairy Neanderthal or Bigfoot-like monster frozen in a solid block of ice in a refrigerated coffin.

The “Iceman” soon garnered the attention of scientists, the Smithsonian Institution, and even the FBI, who all wanted to get their hands on the creature. Then, as suddenly as it appeared, the Iceman seemed to mysteriously vanish without a trace, and along with it all hopes of ever having the body thoroughly examined.

Over the ensuing decades the enigma of the Minnesota Iceman, as it were later to be called, became the subject of many books, lectures and television shows including Unsolved Mysteries and Animal X. The story grew to near legendary status among the generation that remembered seeing it, and for over three decades the mystery of whatever happened to it became as much an open question as whatever “IT” actually was.

Now, after many years of its whereabouts being unknown, the long enduring mystery of “Where is the Minnesota Iceman?” can finally be answered.

Museum of the Weird owner Steve Busti announced today that the original Minnesota Iceman is currently in his possession, still frozen, and will soon be exhibited to the world once again in his Austin, Texas tourist attraction.  Busti is aiming to have the Iceman set up in his museum and open to the public within a week, with plans for a special Grand Opening event on Saturday, July 13th in cooperation with eminent cryptozoology site

The Museum of the Weird is an homage to dime museums made popular by the likes of P.T. Barnum, and features everything from real mummies, shrunken heads and oddities, to wax figures of classic movie monsters, to live giant lizards.  They even boast a live sideshow on stage every day, where one can see magicians, sword-swallowers, human blockheads, and even an “elecrticity-proof” man.

In addition to the Minnesota Iceman taking up permanent residence at the Museum of the Weird however, Busti also plans to loan the Iceman for display to Loren Coleman’s International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine ( for a special limited future engagement. You can follow Coleman’s blog at for forthcoming information.

Further details will be announced at a later date. In the meantime, you can find more information at

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

(Time to be announced)

Museum of the Weird, in conjunction with the world's foremost website on all things cryptid,, will be hosting a very special event on July 13th at the Museum of the Weird in Austin, TX:


Featuring an all-star line up of world famous cryptozoologists, experts and authors, it's sure to be a night of entertainment, intrigue and mystery as we explore the unknown creatures that lurk in the darker corners of the world we live in! Please come out and join us for the grand opening of the Minnesota Iceman!

Speaker presentations, author book signings, and screenings to be announced.

The regular ticket price to the event is $35 and includes admission to the Museum of the Weird and the conference.  Space and seating is extremely limited, so we recommend buying your tickets early!

Click to Buy Minnesota Iceman Tickets

Jennifer meets with the buyer of the Minnesota Iceman and his friends
as they prepare to hunt Bigfoot. Will Jennifer join them on their adventure?
New episodes of Shipping Wars debut every Tuesday 10/9c. You can catch the Minnesota Iceman Episode this weekend on Saturday, June 29 11:31 PM ET and Sunday, June 30 03:32 AM ET. A description of the episode is below.

Marc's buddy, Johnny Chavez finally wins a load, but his day in the sun will be overshadowed when Marc pranks his run. Jennifer hauls a cold, creepy, mysterious load... and that's just the seller, who joins her to ensure the oddity he's shipping makes it to its destination before it unthaws.

Bigfoot seen at Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium

Newport Oregon is home to the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum. They have recently changed the lobby to showcase a Sasquatch and wanted us to share it with our fans.

Enter the world of the strange and the wonderful at the world’s last great sideshow – Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

Since Robert Ripley’s first cartoon strip in 1918, Ripley’s has been collecting oddities from around the world, featured in books, fairs and Ripley’s famous Odditoriums.

You can experience all the wonder of the world’s most bizarre sights right here in Newport, from the “live” stageshow to shrunken heads to the magic harp. And be careful not to step over the edge of the universe in the deep-space hall of mirrors.

Address: 250 SW Bay Blvd, Newport, OR 97365

Phone:(541) 265-2206

Mon 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Tue 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Wed 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thur 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Fri 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sat 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sun 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bill Munns at Falcon Project Symposium

Bill Munns has analyzed the famous Patterson/Gimlin Film (PGF) footage of a Bigfoot walking near a creek bed in California.

As the designer of the Creature of the Black Lagoon, he is an expert in costume design. He has also been a consultant for 3D software design, which requires knowledge of how cameras work in order to duplicate authentic looking rendered results produced by multiple types of cameras and camera settings.

Mr.Munns has investigated the PGF footage from multiple angles; lens size, film speed, evidence of splicing and editing, camera distance, and has created the definitive analysis of the film.

During today's presentation he explains how he can conclude with confidence, the PGF cottage has not been edited, because splicing, even in second generation copies always leaves evidence of the splicing.

Another topic discussed is how small the Sasquatch's head is. When creating costumes, it is an additional process. The Sasquatch in the film would have been a subtractive process. Comparing more modern king kong costumes, Munns illustrates how even more current costume technology can still be problematic regarding seams and hair.

It gets really interesting when he talks about breast fluidity.

Dr. John Bindernagel Kicks Off Falcon Project Symposium

Dr. John Bindernagel starts his presentation with a series of Bigfoot eyewitness illustrations spanning several years and locations Many if the similarities are uncanny; lack of neck, broad shoulders and hanging hair in triceps area.

Below is an excerpt from Dr. John Bindernagel's Wikipedia page.

John A. Bindernagel (born 1941) is a wildlife biologist who has sought evidence for Bigfoot since 1963.[1][2] He published a book in 1998 entitled North America's Great Ape: the Sasquatch (ISBN 0-9682887-0-7).[3]

Bindernagel grew up in Ontario, attended the University of Guelph,[4] and received a PhD from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.[5] He moved to British Columbia in 1975[6] largely because the region was a hot spot for Bigfoot sightings.[4] Over the years, he has collected casts of tracks that he believes belongs to Bigfoot. He also claims to have heard the creature near Comox Lake in 1992, comparing its whooping sound to that of a chimpanzee.[7] Bindernagel believes that the Bigfoot phenomena should receive more attention from serious scientists, but has remarked, "The evidence doesn't get scrutinized objectively. We can't bring the evidence to our colleagues because it's perceived as tabloid."[8]

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Exclusive! 1 of Only 2 SquatchIt Prototypes will be at HopsSquatch

Only 2 prototypes have been created! One will be at HopsSquatch
"We are so excited to have Craig [Woolheater] introducing SquatchIt to the some of the most celebrated and influential people in the Bigfoot community. Having Craig as the first ambassador of SquatchIt is a dream come true" -- Christopher Oliver, SquatchIt inventor

Another hopsSquatch exclusive! Read the press release below:

Christopher Oliver hand delivered one of the two SquatchIt prototypes that exist in the world to famed creator of, Craig Woolheater on Wednesday June 19, 2013 in Arlington, Texas. Woolheater will be attending both the Hopssquatch event as well as the Falcon Project Conference in Oregon June 22-23, 2013. Craig will be introducing SquatchIt, the world’s first Bigfoot Call novelty noisemaker device, to Bigfoot luminaries including Bob Gimlin, Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Cliff Barackman of Finding Bigfoot fame.

“We are so excited to have Craig introducing SquatchIt to the some of the most celebrated and influential people in the Bigfoot community. Having Craig as the first ambassador of SquatchIt is a dream come true,” says James Villepigue, co-creator of the SquatchIt Bigfoot call.

Craig Woolheater is the creator of, the online web portal dedicated to Cryptozoology, that serves as the epicenter of the online Bigfoot community with articles detailing adventures, treks, theories, and wisdom of some of the most respected leaders in the field.

SquatchIt is not only the world's first novelty Bigfoot call aka a “predator call” product, it’s also a new lifestyle brand phrase that allows people to shrug off situations that really aren’t worth getting upset over; i.e., when you’re in a jam, just SquatchIt! For more information about SquatchIt visit their website at or email contact(at)squatchit(dot)com.

The Falcon Project Conference will take place at the Bossanova Ballroom 722 East Burnside in Portland, OR on June 22, 2013. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!

The June 23, 2013 Hopssquatch event will take place from 12:30PM to 4PM on Sunday, June 23, 2013, at The Lucky Labrador Beer Hall 1945 Northwest Quimby Street 1945 Northwest Quimby Street and will feature Dr. Jeff Meldrum & William Barnes of the Falcon Project. GET YOUR TICKLET BELOW!

For more information on the SquatchIt:
Christopher Oliver
SquatchIt! Bigfoot Sasquatch Caller Finder

Tickets -$5 per person or save money by becoming a member of HopsSquatch for $50.
Membership includes a seat at each series event, a Hopssquatch t-shirt, first chance at news and speaker updates, and more.

Olympic Project's Derek Randles will be at HopSquatch June 23rd

Left to Right: Derek randles, Lindsay, Dr. Jeff Meldrum
Last chance to buy tickets and reserve your seat for this Sunday's HopsSquatch (June 23rd 2013). Along with Dr. Jeff Meldrum and William Barnes of the Falcon Project (aerial survelliance technology to find Bigfoot) Derek Randles who is part of the Falcon Project's ground team will also be in attendance.

Click the following links to learn more about Derek Randles and the excellent Saquatch expeditions he runs called the Olympic Project Expeditions.

Tickets -$5 per person or save money by becoming a member of Hopssquatch for $50.
Membership includes a seat at each series event, a Hopssquatch t-shirt, first chance at news and speaker updates, and more.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum one of the world’s most respected authorities on Sasquatch and William Barnes the creator of the Falcon Project will join Big Foot enthusiasts at the Lucky Lab NW to share their quest to find Sasquatch, Sunday, June 23, 2013 from 12:30-4:00pm. Learn more about plans to build a remote-controlled dirigible equipped with thermal-imaging and other high definition cameras and send it aloft in hopes of catching an aerial glimpse of Bigfoot.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a Full Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology with the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University. He has made multiple appearances on The Discovery Channel and History Channel regarding his Sasquatch Research. He is most noted for the Discovery Channel Documentary and companion book Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.
The blimp-based search - dubbed the Falcon Project - was the brainchild of William Barnes, a Utah man who said he encountered Bigfoot in 1997 in northern California. Barnes said he watched an immense, hairy creature that was otherwise "well-manicured" approach his tent before striding up a rocky ledge. Years later, he approached Meldrum, well known in Bigfoot circles, about his idea for an airship expedition.

The two speakers will be followed by a panel discussion involving Dr. Meldrum, William Barnes and Craig Woolheater, founder of the world’s most popular Cryptozoological website, Craig has also contributed to and appeared on History Channel’s Monster Quest and the documentary Southern Fried Bigfoot.

Become Bigfoot insiders learning what is on the horizon of Bigfoot research while having a beer with other Bigfooters at the larger Lucky Labrador NW-1945 Northwest Quimby Street, Portland, OR 97209, on Sunday June 23, 2013.

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this historic event. Limited space available, only $5 per person to attend. This event will be held at the larger Lucky Lab NW in anticipation of a sell-out crowd. Reserve early so you don’t miss out. The times of this presentation have also adjusted to accommodate speakers.

For more information, please contact Guy Edwards at, 503.929.7436 or register online at

HopsSquatch is a unique speaker’s series bringing together Bigfooters and those that want to know, in the relaxed atmosphere of beer and camaraderie.

Cost: $5 per person or $50 for membership
Phone: (503) 929-7436
Event url:

Monday, June 17, 2013

Malaysians Panic Over 200 Bigfoot Prints

No recent photos of recent Malaysian track find. This Pic is from Cryptomundo circa 2007.
“Based on the footprints, we can assume that the creature has two legs and weighs more than 100kg (approx. 220 lbs)” --Adnan Pungut, Local Malaysian

A recent sighting of 200 foot prints is causing a stir in Malaysia. The Malaysian Bigfoot is known as the Orang Lenggor or Lenggor Man. In 2006, Tay Teng Hwa, the Johor Wildlife Protection Society secretary, described the creatures as, "between 10 and 12 feet tall while their children were six to seven footers. Seventy per cent of the Orang Lenggor have a human appearance but the rest resemble apes."

In a local Malaysian paper, The Star Online, an article describes a man discovering a series of footprints and disturbing villagers. Read the article below.

ABOUT 200 Bigfoot-like footprints have been discovered near Kampung Kepis Baru, Kuala Pilah, causing panic among villagers, reported Harian Metro.

Adnan Pungut, 48, claimed he discovered the footprints when he was clearing rubbish and wood at his rubber estate at 3pm on Saturday.

“I immediately informed the others because I was scared. I told the other villagers and all of us went back to the area.

“We found 200 footprints that were about the same size and tried to follow them,” he was quoted as saying.

“Based on the footprints, we can assume that the creature has two legs and weighs more than 100kg,” he said.

According to Adnan, further checks by villagers found that the creature could be headed towards a nearby forest.

The report stated that the villagers decided not to pursue the creature as they were afraid.

“We will let the authorities handle it as the animal could be endangered,” Adnan said.

SRC: The Star Online
For further reading on the Orang Lenggor, there's an extensive article at UFO Digest covering Malaysia's history of sightings. For something slightly more recent you can check out Loren Coleman's 2007 post New Malaysian Bigfoot Tracks!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Bigfoot Roommate an Original Web Series

 Walking through the woods one day 

♫ He found Bigfoot with no place to stay... 
So the theme songs go. It's pretty catching, by the time you watch all the videos it will be stuck in your head.  These are a great series. Short and sweet. You can catch the series every Monday at the Bigfoot Roommate YouTube channel or even the official Bigfoot Roommate website.

Below you can watch the promo and the first three episodes.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Trucker's Secret Pact Regarding Bigfoot (Top 10 Trucker Sightings)

Trucker Billy Joe McKay and his pet chimp Bear
"In trucking, there's a secret pact that you simply do not report the bizarre events that the "regular" public will not understand." --Username Trucker Bug on the trucker forum, The Truckers Report

The above quote from The Truckers Report was somewhat in jest and was a response to a conversation thread started by a trucker who was asking if other truckers have witnessed Bigfoot while driving. In fact, he asks what his chances of shooting a Sasquatch are and asks, "Have any of you seen a skunk ape / rock ape / sasquatch / yeti / bigfoot? What do you think my chances are of bagging one these creatures for the long haul home?"

As you can imagine some of the other responses were also less than serious. Another reply was, "First you have to put in your magical 1 year. Then you'll learn the super secret handshake and take the sacred trucker oath. Then and only then you will receive super secret maps of all the super secret places that only WE know. On page 23 of the aforementioned maps you'll find the exact location of Bigfoot, with descriptions on what to use as bait."

All joking aside, some of the most interesting sightings have been witnessed by truckers. A quick search on John Green's Sasquatch Database reveals over a dozen reports. We count down the top ten below.

10. Tractor-Trailer Trasher | 1976 | Maryland
Sgt. George Brooks said that a truck driver wrecked his tractor-trailer swerving to miss an 8 to 9-foot hairy creature that ran in front of him on the Pulaski Hwy. (Rte 40)

9. The Albany Albino | 1959 | Oregon
Unnamed truck driver was driving over a field mear [sic] Dever-Conser (only Dever is on map) when what appeared to be a huge shaggy white gorilla came running alongside the cab and peered in the window at him. As the truck neared a mint distillery the creature turned and disappeared in nearby woods.

8. Maryland Mudbeast | 1973 | Maryland
Truck driver on Rte 32 just outside Sykesville saw a large object by the road. As he approached it stood up. Appeared to be a 7 to 8-foot ape, caked with mud from the waist down.

7. Human-like Hulk | 1959 | Ohio
Truck driver said only that he saw a "hulking creature" climb from the Ohio River onto the shore, "I can't describe it. I've never seen anything like it before." However later that night across the river in Kentucky there was a description of a "huge man-like thing."

6. The Clothesline Creeper | 1978 | Iowa
All reports in rural West Des Moines, at or near Raccoon River. About 4 a.m. Larry W. heard screams from alfalfa field, dogs upset, went outside and heard woof sound that scared him. Went in and from second floor window saw heavy creature, taller than 6'4" clothesline poles, walk ain front of yard light and down the driveway. Arms swinging head high, walked with fluid grace. Called sheriff, and they found tracks in frost 48" apart. One soft spot at gopher hole showed front part of big human foot. A few days later, according to Russ D., there was a report on the news of a truck driver seeing a similar creature in his headlights on the I-80 near the river.

5. Emergency Stop Sasquatch | 1964 | South Carolina
Doug Sipes, camping out with friends, burst into house saying Bigfoot had scared them. A tall, hairy, manlike creature had appeared at their fire "and ran them off." Next day Sue Johnson saw the camp torn up, stuff scattered and torn, strange footprints in dirt. Footprints not described. Between Estill and Hampton, near the Salkehatchie River. A week later there was a story in the Hampton County Guardian saying that a truck driver had reported an emergency stop to avoid hitting a sasquatch on the road. The creature was said to have either banged on the door or jumped onto the hood.

4. 50 Gallon Gorilla |1950's | California
Harold Westlund, Chico, stated that Joe Ely, fire control officer in Menticino National Forest, had investigated an incident where a logging truck driver arriving at the loading area noticed that a 50 gallon drum had been tossed around. He fled, but large humanlike footprints were later found there.

3. Double Driver Detection | 1976 | Montana
Truck driver radioed on CB to truck behind him saying there was some kind of hairy ape in the bush by the road. Driver behind saw it too, said was about 8 feet tall, very heavy looking, very hairy. Location just "near Helena." No information on time of day.

2. I-97 Eye Contact | 1988 | Oregon
R, 37, a truck driver, and D, 233, truck dispatcher, driving North on Hwy 97, in an 18-wheeler, encountered an 8 ft. biped covered with shaggy, brownish-grey hair, walking south in the northbound lane, on the east side of the road. They had heard about it on CB radio a quarter hour earlier, and saw cars in front of them veer around it, so they slowed to 5 miles an hour as they went by, and D made eye contact. Estimated weight 400 t0 500 pounds. It had unbelievably long arms, a longer, taller head than a human, and turned its whole body, not its neck. It appeared calm but possibly confused.

1. Scratching Sasquatch (Clothes Ripper) | 1970 | Florida
Truck driver reported to sheriff's office that he was sleeping in the cab of his truck north of Brooksville when a hairy creature yanked him out and ripped his clothing. Ramona Hibner confirmed that the incident was reported and that the driver was at Lykes Memorial Hospital and was scratched.

We picked the Florida incident as number one because not only did the truck Driver get his clothes ripped off, but he was hospitalized! On top of all of that there was a second witness who confirmed the incident! 

Finding Bigfoot's Vietnam Episode Submitted for an Emmy Consideration

The Vietnam episode for Finding Bigfoot is being submitted for the Emmys

David Miraglia (pictured left) is a sound designer. He specialize in all aspects of Post Production Audio including: Dialog editing, Music editing, Sound effects editing, as well as Mixing. He has worked on multiple films and TV shows including Destination Truth and, of course, Finding Bigfoot

On May 7th Mr. Miraglia uploaded the first act of the Vietnam episode of Finding Bigfoot. This is Season 3 Episode 22 titled. "Vietnam: The Heart of Squatchness" and first aired on March 31, 2013.

A ten minute segment from the episode was submitted for consideration as a 2012/13 Sound Editing Non Fiction Emmy Nominee.

Watch the segment below followed by a link to David Miraglia's previous work on Finding Bigfoot

FINDING BIGFOOT EMMY FYC SCREENER 2012/13 for the Category of NON FICTION SOUND EDITING from David Miraglia on Vimeo.
This is the first act of the Vietnam: Heart of Squachness episode that has been submitted for consideration as a 2012/13 Sound Editing Non Fiction Emmy Nominee.

Watch another uploaded video by David Miraglia.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hypothesize This!

How would Hamlet handle the debate among Bigfoot insiders
"But then again, I couldn't say for sure either way.  For I am a 'fence sitter.'  Like Hamlet, I chose to withhold my entire judgment on the matter." -- Kirk Sigurdson regarding Bigfoot and UFO connectivity

The sasquatch phenomenon has defied explanation for thousands of years.  A few more are not going to kill us.  I am not one of those paranormalists that thumb my nose at game cameras and thermal imagers.  I’m quite interested in examining data that has been gathered, quantified, mulled over, (and hopefully not massaged).

Yes, I admire Jeff Meldrum’s work immensely, but that doesn’t stop me from considering paranormal aspects that are often attendant upon sightings, encounters, and run-ins with the “big folk.”

Part of the reason that I am open-minded about the supernatural aspects of High Sasquatchery stems from my own personal experiences that have made me quite uncomfortable--encounters involving limited telepathic exchanges, as well as the witnessing of a verbal language.  I also have reason to believe that some sasquatches, some of the time, have the ability to “cloak” themselves from people’s sense of sight, but not our senses of smell or hearing.

About half of my hundred-odd overnighters into the wild have involved friends and loved ones tagging along with me, and, yes, witnessing everything from branch breaking, to knocking, to calls, to stomping, to verbal exchanges between sasquatches, to roaring, to the games sasquatches are want to play, such as stacking eggshells on top of each other in little piles to peak our curiosity the next morning after the raw eggs had been sucked dry.

On more than one occasion, different friends, at different times have independently said they suspected a sasquatch had been standing or walking near them, despite being invisible.  On each occasion, I had not mentioned my suspicion that sasquatches are capable of such things.  My friends came to this conclusion on their own, based upon experiences such as literally seeing a thick branch on the ground break when nothing was visually there, but something heavy seemed to have walked by.

I try my hardest to respect the opinions of my peers, especially when those opinions differ from my own conjectures about just what in the hell sasquatches even are.  One thing that I feel inclined to mention here involves a playful jab at the hardcore “scientists” in our midst.

I personally know a few of the more famous “apers” (those who contend that sasquatches are a heretofore uncatalogued species of primate), and I feel privileged to call them my friends, but I just can’t let one thing go.

Here it is:  I won’t name names but more than a few of my “aper” buddies admit to having seen UFO’s and ghosts.  Some of them even claim to have seen both!

And yet, when it comes to Pacific Northwest bigfoots, they insist that anything other than a “hard science” explanation involving a reclusive species of (non-technologically gifted) ape would be unprofessional, counterproductive and pointless.  In short, many of them flatly deny the possibility that sasquatches could have supernatural abilities, despite the fact that a significant number of sightings involve variables that simply can't be explained with the scientific tools at our disposal: things like vanishings, portals, UFO's, etc.

To me, not only is this reluctance on the part of my scientific friends to include inexplicable variables in many sightings a form of self-denial, but it’s also a great illustration of the way human beings tend to compartmentalize what modern science cannot explain.

In a way, I find this to be unscientific—summarily ignoring evidence that doesn’t fit into a pre-established paradigm.  One example might involve tracks that simply disappear in the middle of a field; another a hovering UFO over a visual (or auditory, such as mine) encounter with sasquatch.

Again, I am speaking here about my scientific friends that have experienced life-changing supernatural events in their pasts (such as UFO sightings and ghostly visitations), which bow to peer pressure and discard data they consider to be insignificant and unreliable because it falls outside of the usual scientific paradigm of sasquatches merely being large apes.

The inexplicable (supernatural) data they ignore in their bigfoot research has no direct connection with their earlier supernatural experiences; however, these earlier experiences do provide a sense of context (life outside of the price fixe scientific bubble in which most of us live) that is summarily ignored, and thus discounted.  My contention here is that scientific researchers that have personally encountered UFO’s and/or ghosts should be the first ones to examine and evaluate supernatural aspects of bigfoot phenomenon; however, it’s been my experience that this is rarely if ever the case; in fact, such “hard science” adherents, which have experienced supernatural activity in their pasts, seems to GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to avoid the supernatural aspects of the bigfoot phenomenon.

This type of scientific cherry-picking (avoiding anything that seems even remotely supernatural about a sasquatch encounter or evidence gathered from a sasquatch sighting or hot spot) applies double to “hard science” folks that have, at other times in their lives, experimented with the use of psychedelics, which can also provide valuable insights into the real perimeters of existence rather than the price fixe bubble in which most of us tend to live and operate as human beings.

One friend in particular, who considers himself a “hard scientist” in the bigfoot camp, and who is quite well known and respected by people on both sides of the phenomenological fence, told me over a few beers one night that he had been visited by an extra-dimensional entity as a child, and this being reappeared to him several times every six years until he was eighteen years old.  The creature was jet black, larger than a normal man, and it had the ability to appear and disappear at will.

Now, you might dismiss such an account as preposterous, but I most certainly do not.  I know my friend quite well, I trust his judgment, and I believe he did experience something out of the ordinary.  Or course, the fact that the daemonic “thing” appeared in front of a group of his friends on his eighteenth birthday, and that I personally spoke with one of them, also had an impact on my assessment of the phenomenon.

I have also noticed that, occasionally, folks who become interested in sasquatches (whether or not they have personally experienced any sasquatch-related funny business) also claim to have relatives in their families that once upon a time worked in Black Ops, usually involving the Air Force.  I can personally name three unrelated people in the field of sasquatch research that fit into this category.

None of them has told me more than that.  None of them has gone into any mind-blowing accounts of exotic technologies or encounters with aliens, while all of them have reported that their relative "in the know" kept his or her lips shut tight and didn't talk about what they did on the job, whereas after work, they preferred not to think about it themselves.

It's probably worth mentioning that I don't know anyone else in any other social circle or professional circle who claims to have relatives that once worked in the "black ops" business.  I have no connection whatsoever to anything like that.  In fact the people I've ever met with such connections are bigfoot researchers.  Neither do I have any relatives of my own that claim to have worked in Black Ops.

As for my own experiences, I make no secret of the fact that I have seen UFO's on two occasions and encountered strange UFO-like activity on two other occasions.  So even though I don't consider myself a "hard science guy," that's yet another case and point.  Two of those experiences occurred when I was with other people, whereas during the other two happened when I was alone.  In other words, fifty percent had additional witnesses.

I have also witnessed two large balls of light going up and down behind a treeline near Goat Mountain, Oregon, changing the tops of the trees from red to white.  These objects emitted soft effusive light not radiant light (such as that from an airplane or helicopter).

In short, both objects were glowing, spherical, and approximately thirty feet in diameter.  I know because I could see them with my naked eyes, as well as examining them through a pair of binoculars.  Even as these glowing spheres were rising and falling behind the treeline, from behind me, over the ridge, by Big Spring, a loud sasquatch vocalization was calling in the direction of the lights.  For all of the world, the call sounded to me like the Klamath Scream recording, deep and sonorous, almost mechanical, yet with the ability to carry effectively over quite a distance.

Now, does this mean I believe aliens were piloting those "unidentified" craft, which I witnessed?  Certainly not.  Leaping to such an illogical and unscientific conclusion would be the province of an operant programmer/provocateur such as Stanton Friedman or Whitley Strieber.

Even though I am not trained in the hard sciences, I still recognize the importance of considering "what, when, and where" before "who or why."  In fact, I'm a strong proponent of the "trivium," an ancient form of logic that actually predates that of scientific inquiry, but it no less useful in situations such as UFO sightings.

Since we're at it, we might as well add in the paranormalist friends of mine in the field that have also reported seeing UFO's at some point in their lives: three more eyewitnesses for the peanut gallery.  And that's not even counting the ones that I have yet to meet.

I should have mentioned at the outset of this article that I've never made a point to go around asking folks about UFO's.  In fact, the subject makes me somewhat uncomfortable to broach.  So there could be quite a few more people with dual experience sets (sasquatch and UFOs) coming to the meetings at the Western Bigfoot Society and other related events without my knowledge.  Plus, there's the fact that I'm not very active in the field these days and rarely attend any meetings.

Are all of these connections between people with UFO experiences who are also vigorously pursuing answers about the sasquatch question a mere coincidence?  I think not.

But then again, I couldn’t say for sure either way.  For I am a “fence sitter.”  Like Hamlet, I chose to withhold my entire judgment on the matter.

Yes, I know what you are saying: Hamlet’s famous “reluctance to act” is what helped to precipitate the demise of his kingdom.  How very medieval of him.

When the evaluation of sasquatch phenomena is involved, I might as well go ahead make the case that we need more people like Hamlet, who resist the urge to dismiss things which they and the tools of modern science cannot explain.  Lest we forget, Hamlet also saw a ghost with three witnesses, one of whom was a dear friend of his.  And not only did he see a ghost, but the otherworldly entity also claimed to be the spirit of his murdered father, and demanded revenge!

In the case of "hard scientists" that believe they have seen ghosts or UFO's, and also harbor a strong desire to figure out the mysteries of sasquatch, it's understandable not to leap to conclusions.  After all, their training in the hard sciences conditioned them to resist making such connections.

Such training can also function as a form of conditioning that causes the brainwashed subject to ignore observable evidence that cannot be repeated or categorized.  Despite such things, it's worth remembering that many great pioneers in the sciences were able to balance their belief in a supernatural supreme being along with their work constructing experiments, observations and conclusions based upon repeatable, reliable, and observable evidence--in other words, the application of scientific inquiry.

These days, the hard sciences are marked by a trend towards specialization and compartmentalization.  Such motion seems retrograde when it comes to making the really big breakthroughs, and perhaps this is no accident.  After all, many of the really big discoveries of the pre-industrial eras were made by so-called "amateur" scientists that dabbled in more than one discipline.  Back then, the cross-pollenization of ideas helped to stimulate unorthodox associations that led to unexpectedly big discoveries.

Compartmentalizing personal UFO experiences from sasquatch research is nothing short of tragic, especially when key evidence and experiential data very much point towards a relationship between the two.

And for those researchers that don't have the advantage of such personal experiences, dismissing and discarding accounts of paranormal experiences and evidence involving sasquatches is just as "unscientific" as proselytizing others about one's spiritual veneration of New Age sylphs, satyrs & hirsute giants.

Kirk Sigurdson is an acclaimed author whose works have included the novel Cowslip and have been featured in The Portland Review and Lovecraft Studies. Kirk holds a Master's degree in English literature from NYU and teaches writing in Portland, OR. His next project is a Bigfoot novel titled Kultus.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Estately: 11 Best and 5 Worst States for Bigfoot to Live

Does a real estate website know where Bigfoot should live?
In a Q13Fox article titled, "Website claims Bigfoot is a Washingtonian," Mariana Hicks reports how a Real Estate blog names Washington as No. 1 “Best State for Bigfoot to Live in"

Read Mariana's overview below followed by the 11 best and 5 worst states for Sasquatch to live in determined by

SEATTLE – Washington was named the No. 1 “Best State for Bigfoot to Live in,” according to, with more than 500 reported sightings of the mythical beast.

Estately reported Washington’s heavily forested area gives the big guy lots of places to roam. The state has the fifth most designated wilderness acreage in the country.

Whether or not you believe in Bifgoot, Washingtonians love the monstrous mammal — Skamania County even a law forbidding hunting Bigfoot, there’s a music festival named for him and even a publishing company.

Unfortunately, there is a downside for Bigfoot hiding out in the Evergreen State. There have been two dozen reports of people shooting him but Olympia Beer wants him alive and is offering a $1 million reward for his safe capture.

Estately drew its conclusion based on findings that included wilderness and forest cover, protective laws, likelihood of road kill, Bigfoot enthusiasm and number of sightings.

Trailing Washington, California took second place as a potential home for Bigfoot. Estately took points away for high population density, bounties, laws allowing people to hunt Bigfoot and the number of claims from people who said they had shot him.


Now for the top 11 States and 5 worst states for Sasquatch to live in.

Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, the furry biped has been spotted in every U.S. state except Hawaii. Rather than debate if it’s a massive hoax or the most incredible game of hide-and-seek ever, we asked, “What are the best U.S. states for Sasquatch to live?”

Points were given for wilderness area and forest cover, protective laws, likelihood of deer roadkill (a favorite food), Bigfoot enthusiasm by locals, and frequency of sightings. Points were taken away for high population density, local bounties, laws allowing hunting of Bigfoot, and the number of reports of locals claiming to have shot one. In the end, Estately determined these 11 states provided the best habitat for Bigfoot to hide out and make occasional appearances in grainy photos and videos.

1. Washington State

According to the Bigfoot Field Reseachers Organization (BFRO), the Evergreen State has far and away the most “credible sightings” of any other state with 537. It really is the best state for Bigfoot to see and be seen. Heavily forested and with the fifth most designated wilderness acreage in the country, Washington State provides exceptional habitat and a Bigfoot-positive culture. The only downside is it also has the most reported Bigfoot shootings with 24, and locally-produced Olympia Beer is offering a $1 million reward for the safe capture of Bigfoot. Despite the threat of murder and kidnapping, Washington is the only state with a law on the books forbidding the hunting of Bigfoot (in Skamania County), and the state is home to the Sasquatch Music Festival, independent publisher Sasquatch Books, and it was the location for the classic Bigfoot film Harry and the Hendersons. It even used the Sasquatch as the mascot for its now vanished NBA team—the Seattle SuperSonics.

2. California

With over 428 sightings, California has the second highest number in the United States. The state has over 15 million acres of designated wilderness, as well as Bigfoot museums in Felton and Willow Creek. There are numerous organized groups searching high and low for them, including North America Bigfoot Search and Southern California Amateur Bigfooters (SCAB). The species is honored in the names of dozens of California businesses, including The Bigfoot Lodge in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Truth be told, California gets the #2 slot because when Bigfoot finally comes out of the woods to reveal its existence, it’s going to want to hire an agent, purchase some laser hair removal, and take its talents to Hollywood.

3. Oregon

Oregon is the unfortunate home to the world’s only Bigfoot trap in the Siskiyou National Forest, but the state still exhibits the many features this hairy being craves. There is plenty of fog and dark forests to hide in, plus there’s over 2 million acres of wilderness and a hippie vibe that’s tolerant of infrequent bathing. The Sasquatch Brewing Company honors the beast with its Hairy Knuckles Stout, and there’s even a festival called the Sasquatch Brew Fest. Also, Bigfoot traditionally takes his water unflouridated [sic], just like Portland, Oregon does.

4. Ohio

Being a bashful Bigfoot makes dating hard, especially for any Bigfoot longing to meet eligible humans. Luckily, Ohio’s residents take an unusually enthusiastic interest in the legend of Sasquatch, who’s been spotted in Ohio 234 times—more than all but three other states. The state hosts the annual Ohio Bigfoot Festival and the Ohio Bigfoot Conference, and there are numerous groups of squatch hunters in the state.

5. Texas

Everything’s bigger in Texas so Bigfoot should feel right at home in the Lone Star State. Still, the hairy one should be on the lookout for hunters because it’s completely legal to plug a Sasquatch in Texas, provided it’s on private property and with permission of the owner. Also, Texas is home to the dreaded Chupacabra so it’s possible they battle over territory.

While local Bigfoot enthusiasts gather for the Texas Bigfoot Conference, Sasquatch can wander the Sam Houston National Forest and feast on the exotic wildlife stocked at neighboring hunting ranches. It’s nice to add some antelope and ibex to the standard diet of deer and berries.

6. Idaho

With a small human population, plenty of wilderness, and millions of acres of rugged forest, Idaho is the kind of place even Bigfoot could get lost in. The only downside is the state is crawling with skilled hunters who have a keen eye for wildlife. Also, there’s an Idaho State University professor cooking up a plan to utilize drones with thermal imaging equipment to spot Sasquatch from the sky. Hard to find privacy.

7. Tennessee

Tennessee gets the nod over neighboring Kentucky because Bigfoot is still angry over Daniel Boone’s claim that he shot the first Sasquatch in the Bluegrass State. Also, nearly 58% of Tennessee is forested, and there are over 9,000 cozy caves to live in, the most in the country. As a special treat, Tennessee is home to 15 varieties of turtles, a healthy Bigfoot snack that’s both crunchy on the outside and chewy in the middle.

8. Michigan

According to BFRO, Michigan has 173 sightings—8th most in the nation. There are various local groups who study the elusive bipeds, including the Michigan Bigfoot Information Center and Michigan Bigfoot. Most importantly, Michigan is a culinary wonderland for ol’ Bigfoot thanks to extensive apple orchards and the fifth highest frequency of roadkill deer. Plus, with nearly 13,000 state parks there are excellent opportunities to steal picnic baskets from campers. Many Bigfoot sightings include witnessing the creature stealing apples, snatching deer carcasses off the road, and raiding campsites. As if that’s not enough food, there’s a local woman who claims to feed blueberry bagels to the numerous Bigfoot who live in the woods behind her house.

9. Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania tends to shoot first and ask questions later when they come in contact with a Bigfoot, but perhaps that’s because the fuzzy rascal is allegedly prone to vandalizing RVs? All the same, the Keystone State is 66% forested habitat, with Bigfoot sightings frequently occurring in the Michaux State Forest. The state also has an enthusiastic fan club in the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. Pennsylvania is also home to the Houdini Museum, and surely Bigfoot is an admirer of the late performer’s skill in escaping.

10. North Carolina

While the rest of the country bad mouths Bigfoot’s horrible stench (like a skunk + rotten cabbage), North Carolina’s hill people speak lovingly of its “beautiful hair.”Besides this welcome praise, the rugged terrain of the Great Smokies and Blue Ridge Mountains provide ideal habitat, and the warmer climate provides ideal weather for mating season, apparently March through April. Many in North Carolina, such as Carolina Bigfoot Field Research, are working diligently to protect these allegedly non-existent creatures.

11. West Virginia

West Virginia is the #1 state for roadkill deer, providing a virtual roadside buffet for the hungry Bigfoot. And to wash it down, moonshiner shacks still dot the hills so Sasquatch can sneak a little swig now and then. In addition, 81% of the mountainous state is forested, it’s sparsely populated, and there are plenty of caves—ideal for a reclusive Bigfoot. However, the West Virginia Bigfoot Research Organization is fast on their over-sized heels, frequently searching the region for the elusive Sasquatch.

The 5 Worst States for Bigfoot to Live
46. New Jersey: Share the woods with the Jersey Devil? No way.
47. North Dakota: Nowhere to hide in a state that’s only 2.6% forested.
48. Louisiana: Humidity wreaks havoc on hair so just imagine if your entire body was covered in it.
49. Hawaii:  It would be awful lonely living in state devoid of any other Bigfoot.
50. Florida: Around these parts, Bigfoot gets called a Skunk Ape, which is unflattering. Also, Florida has the fifth highest recorded incidents of people shooting a Bigfoot. And there’s a Florida-based online store selling fake Bigfoot urine in glass specimen bottles.

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