Showing posts with label Kirk Sigurdson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kirk Sigurdson. Show all posts

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Kirk Sigurdson: The Relationship Between Kong, Bigfoot and Trolls

Scene from Peter Jackson's King Kong
"Legends of sasquatches abducting female humans were quite common in Native American lore. Of course, both trolls and King Kong follow suit in this regard, kidnapping females." -- Kirk Sigurdson
There is no other personality in the Bigfoot community that has explored the psychological impact of the Bigfoot mystery more deeply than novelist Kirk Sigurdson. In fact, his novel, Kultus, is at the surface a riveting page-turner that is hard to put down, but upon deeper reflection it exposes and reminds us how a single phenomena (the Bigfoot mystery) can be many things to many people.

Recently, on his blog, Kirk reminds us of how the Bigfoot phenomena continues to shape and reveal itself through pop-culture. To get more of Kirk's insights regarding King Kong, Bigfoots and Trolls read, King Kong: Modernist Representation of the Bigfoot/Troll Mythos.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bigfoot Novelist, Kirk Sigurdson, to be Interviewed by Coast-to-Coast Guest Host Dave Shrader

Kultus is one of the Best Reviewed Bigfoot Novels on Amazon
"I will be speaking about my experiences with the supernatural, which also include a plethora of sasquatch encounters over the course of a lifetime" --Kirk Sigurdson

Tonight on Darkeness Radio, Coast-to-Coast guest host Dave Shrader will interview Bigfoot novelist Kirk Sigurdson. Dave Shrader is also the Executive Producer of Darkness on the Edge of Town, a Paranormal Radio show that has been broadcasting since 2006.

Tonight Kirk promises to take us down the rabbit hole into a world that is probably more real than the one we perceive. On his website he writes, "I will be speaking about my experiences with the supernatural, which also include a plethora of sasquatch encounters over the course of a lifetime, particularly my most dramatic sighting that occurred at Spirit Mountain, Oregon, in 2009."

Kirk Sigurdson also notes some interesting hotspots for paranormal and Bigfoot activity:
It's interesting to note that Spirit Mountain is known for all sorts of intra-dimensional phenomenon, including UFO's, orbs (especially mini orbs that seem to function as monitoring probes of sorts), and intra-dimensional portals.

The area actually has a great deal in common with the Skookum Meadow area in Southwestern Washington. Thirteen years ago, I began squatching in earnest between Lone Butte and Squaw Butte (on each side of Skookum Meadow). This was the time that I was conducting a great deal of research for my novel, Kultus.
Check out Kirk tonight 7pm-9pm PST. At 7pm PST you can listen live here.
Click the following link to go to the official Darkness Radio Website.
And of Course you can buy copies of Kirk Sigurdson's Kultus at Amazon

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kirk Sigurdon Takes on the Paracas Skulls

An elongated Paracas skull

"Most people don't know that King Tut's and his daddy's skulls are both elongated. But what about a bunch of skulls in Peru?"
--Kirk Sigurdson

More Paracas Skulls

Brien Foerster and his Peruvian research on odd-shaped skulls is making the media rounds lately. Popularized by "main stream" media, the story really starts in 1928 when a Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, discovered a massive graveyard  filled with the remains of elongated-skull individuals. Tello found more than 300 of these elongated skulls, which are believed to date back around 3,000 years. 

Kirk Sigurdson reports on that, "DNA Tests Reveal South American Elongated Skulls NOT Human" You can read an excerpt below followed by a link to Mr. Sigurdson's post.

When elongated skulls are found (more often than you might think) anthropologists have been trained to assume that the odd shape of the skulls is due to ""cradle boarding." This horrible practice was common in a few cultures thousands of years ago. Baby's flexible heads were bound in such a way as to elongate their skulls over time as they grew and hardened permanently.

Enter: The "Paracas" skulls. They are definitely elongated. Far more than King Tut's skull!

The skulls were found on a desert peninsula of the south coast of Peru. This area used to be Incan. Of course, the skull find there is nothing new. In fact, the skulls are old news, although the DNA tests on a few of them are new.
Read more at DNA Tests Reveal South American Elongated Skulls NOT Human

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ivan T. Sanderson, Father of Cryptozoology and Spy

Ivan T. Sanderson was in charge of  counter-espionage for British Naval Intelligence
"If you ever doubted my contention that some bigfooters are tied to the status quo power structure, now is your chance to eat crow." --Kirk Sigurdson

In case you are unfamiliar, Ivan T. Sanderson is often credited as, The Father of Cryptozoology. He wrote a book that is essential in any bigfooters collection, Abominable Snowmen: Legend Comes to Life. He predates the four pillars of sasquatchery; Grover Krantz the anthropologist, John Green the journalist , Rene Dahinden the hominologist, and Peter Byrne the big-game hunter. 

His bonafides include a B.A. in Biology, and M.A.'s in  botany and ethnology. He has published several scientific journals with the British Museum, the Chicago Museum of Natural History and other institutions. Three of his nature books are considered classics; Animal Treasure (1937), Caribbean Treasure (1939), and Living Treasure (1941). Finally, he was introduced into the living rooms of america in 1948 speaking on American radio and television as a naturalist and displaying animals.

And yes he was a spy...

Novelist Kirk Sigurdson, author of the hit bigfoot book Kultus, will always take us down the rabbit hole exposing the topsy-turvy world we live in. Read an excerpt of Kirk's exposé below.
Notorious bigfoot investigator, Ivan T. Sanderson was most likely the first paid agent provocateur in the field of bigfoot hoaxing, or at the very least, a covert operative. He was well-connected to the Scientific Dictatorship at a young age, having graduated from Eton College in England, as well as Cambridge.

Sanderson worked as counter intelligence for the British Navy during WWII, and then proceeded to work as an agent in British Security Coordination (BSC), which was a branch of MI6 based in New York City. According to Wikipedia, the BSC was heavily involved in influencing "news coverage in the Herald Tribune, the New York Post, The Baltimore Sun, and Radio New York Worldwide.[1] The fictional stories disseminated from Rockefeller Center would then be legitimately picked up by other radio stations and newspapers, before being relayed to the American public." These stories were then placed in major American media outlets to influence public opinion. 
Kirk continues to suggest that Ivan T. Sanderson was a the first among other agents that are currently  peppered in the bigfoot research community. Click the following link to read his full post:  Ivan T. Sanderson was most likely the first paid agent provocateur in bigfoot hoaxing. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Unscientific Anthropology and Special Needs Bigfoot

Did Anthropology get giganto wrong and why do some bigfoots get seen?
"Giganto fossils become huge orangs in anthropological fantasies these days" --Kirk Sigurdson on Anthropologist being unscientific

"Although [comparing a sasquatch face to downs-syndrome] makes some people's "politically incorrect" radar go off, it's worth considering from a purely scientific standpoint." --Kirk Sigurdson being scientific

In back-to-back posts Kirk Sigurdson continues his no-apology critical approach to--well, everything. In a new post out today he pushes back against the scientific establishment and challenges what he believes are assumptions. Read an excerpt below:

Giganto fossils become huge orangs in anthropological fantasies these days, which are not very scientific, IMO. Why? They leap to conclusions as fast as their 19th Century brethren attributed human faces to apes in their illustrations and "scholarly" musings.

Unscientific wish-fulfillment [pictured left]: there just isn't enough data to support the conclusion that a giganto looked like this. It's as rash as supposing that gigantos still exist today in the form of bigfoots.

Personally, I am intrigued by the latter hypothesis, but I realize that there simply isn't enough cold hard data to effectively support such a conclusion with any degree of scientific certainty. I find it hypocritical that anthropologists can be so thorough in some ways, and so flippant in others.

Oh well, nobody's perfect, but when the whole field of anthropology gets behind such a preposterous conclusion (that Gigantos are basically overgrown orangs) then I have to reserve a certain amount of suspicion for those at the top that are responsible for pushing such a notion so hard and so deep into the minds of the general public, as well as allegedly "well-educated" Ph.D's.
Click to following link to read the rest Kirk's Gigantopithicus post.

I think, to be fair, anthropologist have made no conclusions. The jury is still out. Anthropologist admit that they are even uncertain about the locomotion. Without a pelvic or leg fossils, it is very possible that giganto is strictly a quadraped walking around on all fours. A bipedal giant orang giganto is a minority view.

In Kirk's other post he takes note that the description of Sasquatch faces have been compared to the same features as down-syndrome.
I've heard the comparison between bigfoot faces and human "Down syndrome-like" faces in connection with some very impressive encounters where the witness was really able to observe the bigfoot's facial structure.

Although this comparison makes some people's "politically incorrect" radar go off, it's worth considering from a purely scientific standpoint.

Down syndrome (DS) people do have different chromosome patterns than standard homo sapien sapiens. Perhaps it is closer to the standard sasquatch chromosome orientation? One thing is certain: Downs cases look alike, and the more acute the incidence of this disorder, the more exaggerated facial features become.
You can read Kirk's post regarding this topic here.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Military Hospitals Treat Victims of Sasquatch Infrasound

Squatcher Toby Johnson once recalled being "zapped" by Sasquatch
If you're looking for an in-depth investigation on these claims you wont find it. We are sharing an interesting claim from a witness who was comfortable sharing his name.

In the community it is called getting "zapped". In most descriptions it is a simultaneous feeling of  awe, fear and even paralysis. When looking for explanations some have concluded it is similar to the same effects caused by infrasound--an infrasound created by Sasquatch.

In 2003 MSNBC reprinted an Associated Press article that reported, "British scientists have shown in a controlled experiment that the extreme bass sound known as infrasound produces a range of bizarre effects in people including anxiety, extreme sorrow and chills — supporting popular suggestions of a link between infrasound and strange sensations."

In a new post at, Kirk Sigurdson takes the phenomena a step further and mentions a conversation with a man who was aware of infrasound victims being treated by the military. Read a bit below:

Here I am (below) with Kevin Jones "The Colonel." I met Kevin for the first time about ten minutes before this picture was taken at Sasquatch Revealed, which took place at the Discovery Center in The Dallas, Oregon.
Kevin Jones and Kirk Sigurdson at The Discovery Center

Kevin told me about some very interesting accounts of people suffering from infrasound exposure that had been inflicted by sasquatches.

A few of these victims have been successfully treated by military hospitals that specialize in treating such injuries because doctors there have experience with side-effects from military-based infrasound activities.

Totem poles could symbolically depict sasquatch defensive and offensive infrasound "blasting," which is interpreted by most anthropologists as mere whistling.

Based upon the descriptions Kevin offered of such injuries, I'm fairly sure that I have suffered from similar symptoms that were caused by bigfooting. 
Read the rest of Kirk's newest post, "Sasquatches & Their Tactical Use of Long Range Acoustics" to read his conclusions which include how infrasound ties into his new novel Kultus. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Kultus Week, Day 5: Bigfoot and Trolls

A different rendering of the Kultus Bigfoot
Earlier this month novelist Kirk Sigurdson released his much-anticipated novel about Bigfoot. Like any great novel, it's themes transcend what the book is "about". There is no doubt if you are fascinated by Bigfoot and want to read something by somebody who knows a thing or two about the Sasquatch phenomenon, Kultus will be a book you will recommend to a friend.

I feel like a lot of Bigfoot fiction (movies too) fall short because they are usually ONLY about Bigfoot. Too many nods to established Bigfoot canon; Bluff Creek, Ape Canyon, P/G Film. I understand there should be some homage to these pillars of bigfootery, but what about something that stretches us a little?

 This brings us to Kultus. And the Bigfoot troll.

Head detail of Kultus Bigfoot Troll

In the Bigfoot community we have the fortune of Native American oral traditions, these have shaped our curiosity and even our research. What if there is an additional way to describe Bigfoot, based on other traditions? How far have we dug? Are there European or Arabic Bigfoot legends we have ignored?

While the Bigfoot in Kultus is traditional, in the sense that it does not conflict with most behaviors we have heard and read about, it is an inspiration to broaden our understanding of the Sasquatch phenomena. 

At, the companion blog to the Kutus novel, you can read a two-part series on Trolls and Bigfoot. We have a small blurb for part one and part two below. 

The Troll Mythos, Part I

Was Beowulf essentially a tale of the first "bigfooter?" Perhaps. Most literary critics, college professors, and armchair anthropologists today have no idea that readers of Beowulf (or listeners to the oral tradition) were terrified of real life bog beasts, just as Native Americans were terrified of Bigfoot.  And there is a very good reason for this parallel. Read more of Troll Mythos, Part I

The Troll Mythos, Part II

To ancient Europeans, these creatures were known as "trolls."  As centuries passed, the legends became myths and these myths then devolved into silly caricatures of themselves. This tendency actually parallels modern science's reluctance to analyze a species of relict hominid that has been around far longer than the discipline of science, and perhaps even homo homo sapiens. The irony of such a parallel is not lost on me. If the proof is in the pudding, then the troll is in the machine, so to speak. Read more of Troll Mythos Part II

You can buy the novel Kultus from Amazon at the link below or buy signed copies from Kirk Sigurdson himself at

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kultus Book Week Day 3: Sasquatch and Us Interview with Kirk Sigurdson.

Screen shot from Christopher Munch's documentary Sasquatch and Us
"Chris Munch's film, Letters from the Big Man, is today the most philosophical story ever to grace the silver screen involving a sasquatch."

Kirk Sigurdson's novel, Kultus is now available on This entire week we have been celebrating the launch of his book, here at the website and also on the Bigfoot Lunch Club Facebook Page.

While a few of you are just now becoming familiar with Kirk Sigurdson, many of you know he has been a major influence in the community for almost over a decade. In fact one of his greatest contributions hass been as a consultant to Christopher Munch's well-reviewed movie Letters from The Big Man

In his blog post, "Bonus Feature Interview in Letters From The Big Man" Kirk describes the opportunity:

Thom [Powell] and I helped to steer Chris towards a deep and meaningful direction. In his usual way, Thom was the enabler. He encouraged Chris to "go there." And since I had just returned from "there," I was more than happy to share my insights.

"There," in the context of our discussion, involved sasquatch as not merely a relict species of hominid, but also as a deeply complex being that quite possibly pushes the boundaries of that magical place between known and unknown technologies. Yes, that's right, we made it abundantly clear to Chris that the rumors about sasquatch and intra-dimensional goings-on were more than merely the wishful thinking of New Age tree-huggers and faerie dust.

As you may know, the rest is history: Chris Munch's film, Letters from the Big Man, is today the most philosophical story ever to grace the silver screen involving a sasquatch. I feel privileged to have been included in the "brain storming" stages of the project, prior to when Chris began conjuring his imaginary world into which his story line figured prominently.
After the film was completed, Christopher Munch wanted to add a bonus feature for the DVD release. The feature would include many of the people Christopher had come in contact with. Watch  a few excerpts featuring Kirk Sigurdson below.

Read a preview chapter 1 of Kultus
Buy Kirk's Book at
Check out the DVD

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kultus a Bigfoot Book Written by Accomplished Novelist Kirk Sigurdson

Kultus: Kirk Sigurdson's 5th Novel 
You can buy Kultus at or get signed copies of Kultus at

As editor of, I have read about every Bigfoot book out there (fiction and non-fiction). Except for Shady Neighbors and Eve, many times the fiction novels can fall a little short. This book is another exception and definitely sets the bar for Bigfoot literature.

Kirk Sigurdson is a professional novelist and it shows with every line, page, and chapter. The overall story arc is riveting, relying on many Sasquatch scenarios familiar to the Bigfoot community. The strength of this novel is it will appeal to anybody who loves a mystery and is willing to meet interesting characters. This novel stands on its own as great fiction, it just happens to have a Bigfoot--and this Bigfoot is like no other.

Read a synopsis about the book below:
Kultus is the fifth novel written by Kirk. It touches upon the universal nature of love, sentience, and the sustainability of resources in a world burdened with an ever-growing human population. A surprising amount of research from the fields of anthropology and cryptozoology helps to enrich the story with realistic details. Like Upton Sinclair's, The Jungle, Kultus has the power to transform society for the better. Its social commentary about non-human intelligence is at once captivating, and also chilling.
The Author, Kirk Sigurdson is currently a Professor of Writing and English literature at Portland Community his research for the novel included venturing dozens and dozens of times into Sasquatch "hot spots" for overnighters, often with friends who shared some very unique experiences. If you were fortunate enough to get the Letters from the Big Man DVD, it included a bonus documentary which featured Kirk. Kirk has also been a guest writer here at Bigfoot Lunch Club.

You can buy Kultus at or get signed copies of Kultus at is also home to Kirk Sigurdson's new blog where he will share his unique perspective on Bigfoot and the world at large. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hypothesize This!

How would Hamlet handle the debate among Bigfoot insiders
"But then again, I couldn't say for sure either way.  For I am a 'fence sitter.'  Like Hamlet, I chose to withhold my entire judgment on the matter." -- Kirk Sigurdson regarding Bigfoot and UFO connectivity

The sasquatch phenomenon has defied explanation for thousands of years.  A few more are not going to kill us.  I am not one of those paranormalists that thumb my nose at game cameras and thermal imagers.  I’m quite interested in examining data that has been gathered, quantified, mulled over, (and hopefully not massaged).

Yes, I admire Jeff Meldrum’s work immensely, but that doesn’t stop me from considering paranormal aspects that are often attendant upon sightings, encounters, and run-ins with the “big folk.”

Part of the reason that I am open-minded about the supernatural aspects of High Sasquatchery stems from my own personal experiences that have made me quite uncomfortable--encounters involving limited telepathic exchanges, as well as the witnessing of a verbal language.  I also have reason to believe that some sasquatches, some of the time, have the ability to “cloak” themselves from people’s sense of sight, but not our senses of smell or hearing.

About half of my hundred-odd overnighters into the wild have involved friends and loved ones tagging along with me, and, yes, witnessing everything from branch breaking, to knocking, to calls, to stomping, to verbal exchanges between sasquatches, to roaring, to the games sasquatches are want to play, such as stacking eggshells on top of each other in little piles to peak our curiosity the next morning after the raw eggs had been sucked dry.

On more than one occasion, different friends, at different times have independently said they suspected a sasquatch had been standing or walking near them, despite being invisible.  On each occasion, I had not mentioned my suspicion that sasquatches are capable of such things.  My friends came to this conclusion on their own, based upon experiences such as literally seeing a thick branch on the ground break when nothing was visually there, but something heavy seemed to have walked by.

I try my hardest to respect the opinions of my peers, especially when those opinions differ from my own conjectures about just what in the hell sasquatches even are.  One thing that I feel inclined to mention here involves a playful jab at the hardcore “scientists” in our midst.

I personally know a few of the more famous “apers” (those who contend that sasquatches are a heretofore uncatalogued species of primate), and I feel privileged to call them my friends, but I just can’t let one thing go.

Here it is:  I won’t name names but more than a few of my “aper” buddies admit to having seen UFO’s and ghosts.  Some of them even claim to have seen both!

And yet, when it comes to Pacific Northwest bigfoots, they insist that anything other than a “hard science” explanation involving a reclusive species of (non-technologically gifted) ape would be unprofessional, counterproductive and pointless.  In short, many of them flatly deny the possibility that sasquatches could have supernatural abilities, despite the fact that a significant number of sightings involve variables that simply can't be explained with the scientific tools at our disposal: things like vanishings, portals, UFO's, etc.

To me, not only is this reluctance on the part of my scientific friends to include inexplicable variables in many sightings a form of self-denial, but it’s also a great illustration of the way human beings tend to compartmentalize what modern science cannot explain.

In a way, I find this to be unscientific—summarily ignoring evidence that doesn’t fit into a pre-established paradigm.  One example might involve tracks that simply disappear in the middle of a field; another a hovering UFO over a visual (or auditory, such as mine) encounter with sasquatch.

Again, I am speaking here about my scientific friends that have experienced life-changing supernatural events in their pasts (such as UFO sightings and ghostly visitations), which bow to peer pressure and discard data they consider to be insignificant and unreliable because it falls outside of the usual scientific paradigm of sasquatches merely being large apes.

The inexplicable (supernatural) data they ignore in their bigfoot research has no direct connection with their earlier supernatural experiences; however, these earlier experiences do provide a sense of context (life outside of the price fixe scientific bubble in which most of us live) that is summarily ignored, and thus discounted.  My contention here is that scientific researchers that have personally encountered UFO’s and/or ghosts should be the first ones to examine and evaluate supernatural aspects of bigfoot phenomenon; however, it’s been my experience that this is rarely if ever the case; in fact, such “hard science” adherents, which have experienced supernatural activity in their pasts, seems to GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to avoid the supernatural aspects of the bigfoot phenomenon.

This type of scientific cherry-picking (avoiding anything that seems even remotely supernatural about a sasquatch encounter or evidence gathered from a sasquatch sighting or hot spot) applies double to “hard science” folks that have, at other times in their lives, experimented with the use of psychedelics, which can also provide valuable insights into the real perimeters of existence rather than the price fixe bubble in which most of us tend to live and operate as human beings.

One friend in particular, who considers himself a “hard scientist” in the bigfoot camp, and who is quite well known and respected by people on both sides of the phenomenological fence, told me over a few beers one night that he had been visited by an extra-dimensional entity as a child, and this being reappeared to him several times every six years until he was eighteen years old.  The creature was jet black, larger than a normal man, and it had the ability to appear and disappear at will.

Now, you might dismiss such an account as preposterous, but I most certainly do not.  I know my friend quite well, I trust his judgment, and I believe he did experience something out of the ordinary.  Or course, the fact that the daemonic “thing” appeared in front of a group of his friends on his eighteenth birthday, and that I personally spoke with one of them, also had an impact on my assessment of the phenomenon.

I have also noticed that, occasionally, folks who become interested in sasquatches (whether or not they have personally experienced any sasquatch-related funny business) also claim to have relatives in their families that once upon a time worked in Black Ops, usually involving the Air Force.  I can personally name three unrelated people in the field of sasquatch research that fit into this category.

None of them has told me more than that.  None of them has gone into any mind-blowing accounts of exotic technologies or encounters with aliens, while all of them have reported that their relative "in the know" kept his or her lips shut tight and didn't talk about what they did on the job, whereas after work, they preferred not to think about it themselves.

It's probably worth mentioning that I don't know anyone else in any other social circle or professional circle who claims to have relatives that once worked in the "black ops" business.  I have no connection whatsoever to anything like that.  In fact the people I've ever met with such connections are bigfoot researchers.  Neither do I have any relatives of my own that claim to have worked in Black Ops.

As for my own experiences, I make no secret of the fact that I have seen UFO's on two occasions and encountered strange UFO-like activity on two other occasions.  So even though I don't consider myself a "hard science guy," that's yet another case and point.  Two of those experiences occurred when I was with other people, whereas during the other two happened when I was alone.  In other words, fifty percent had additional witnesses.

I have also witnessed two large balls of light going up and down behind a treeline near Goat Mountain, Oregon, changing the tops of the trees from red to white.  These objects emitted soft effusive light not radiant light (such as that from an airplane or helicopter).

In short, both objects were glowing, spherical, and approximately thirty feet in diameter.  I know because I could see them with my naked eyes, as well as examining them through a pair of binoculars.  Even as these glowing spheres were rising and falling behind the treeline, from behind me, over the ridge, by Big Spring, a loud sasquatch vocalization was calling in the direction of the lights.  For all of the world, the call sounded to me like the Klamath Scream recording, deep and sonorous, almost mechanical, yet with the ability to carry effectively over quite a distance.

Now, does this mean I believe aliens were piloting those "unidentified" craft, which I witnessed?  Certainly not.  Leaping to such an illogical and unscientific conclusion would be the province of an operant programmer/provocateur such as Stanton Friedman or Whitley Strieber.

Even though I am not trained in the hard sciences, I still recognize the importance of considering "what, when, and where" before "who or why."  In fact, I'm a strong proponent of the "trivium," an ancient form of logic that actually predates that of scientific inquiry, but it no less useful in situations such as UFO sightings.

Since we're at it, we might as well add in the paranormalist friends of mine in the field that have also reported seeing UFO's at some point in their lives: three more eyewitnesses for the peanut gallery.  And that's not even counting the ones that I have yet to meet.

I should have mentioned at the outset of this article that I've never made a point to go around asking folks about UFO's.  In fact, the subject makes me somewhat uncomfortable to broach.  So there could be quite a few more people with dual experience sets (sasquatch and UFOs) coming to the meetings at the Western Bigfoot Society and other related events without my knowledge.  Plus, there's the fact that I'm not very active in the field these days and rarely attend any meetings.

Are all of these connections between people with UFO experiences who are also vigorously pursuing answers about the sasquatch question a mere coincidence?  I think not.

But then again, I couldn’t say for sure either way.  For I am a “fence sitter.”  Like Hamlet, I chose to withhold my entire judgment on the matter.

Yes, I know what you are saying: Hamlet’s famous “reluctance to act” is what helped to precipitate the demise of his kingdom.  How very medieval of him.

When the evaluation of sasquatch phenomena is involved, I might as well go ahead make the case that we need more people like Hamlet, who resist the urge to dismiss things which they and the tools of modern science cannot explain.  Lest we forget, Hamlet also saw a ghost with three witnesses, one of whom was a dear friend of his.  And not only did he see a ghost, but the otherworldly entity also claimed to be the spirit of his murdered father, and demanded revenge!

In the case of "hard scientists" that believe they have seen ghosts or UFO's, and also harbor a strong desire to figure out the mysteries of sasquatch, it's understandable not to leap to conclusions.  After all, their training in the hard sciences conditioned them to resist making such connections.

Such training can also function as a form of conditioning that causes the brainwashed subject to ignore observable evidence that cannot be repeated or categorized.  Despite such things, it's worth remembering that many great pioneers in the sciences were able to balance their belief in a supernatural supreme being along with their work constructing experiments, observations and conclusions based upon repeatable, reliable, and observable evidence--in other words, the application of scientific inquiry.

These days, the hard sciences are marked by a trend towards specialization and compartmentalization.  Such motion seems retrograde when it comes to making the really big breakthroughs, and perhaps this is no accident.  After all, many of the really big discoveries of the pre-industrial eras were made by so-called "amateur" scientists that dabbled in more than one discipline.  Back then, the cross-pollenization of ideas helped to stimulate unorthodox associations that led to unexpectedly big discoveries.

Compartmentalizing personal UFO experiences from sasquatch research is nothing short of tragic, especially when key evidence and experiential data very much point towards a relationship between the two.

And for those researchers that don't have the advantage of such personal experiences, dismissing and discarding accounts of paranormal experiences and evidence involving sasquatches is just as "unscientific" as proselytizing others about one's spiritual veneration of New Age sylphs, satyrs & hirsute giants.

Kirk Sigurdson is an acclaimed author whose works have included the novel Cowslip and have been featured in The Portland Review and Lovecraft Studies. Kirk holds a Master's degree in English literature from NYU and teaches writing in Portland, OR. His next project is a Bigfoot novel titled Kultus.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Can't We All Just Get Along?

If Yeti's and Sasquatch can get along, why can't we?
The BFRO has been notorious for “throwing out” any accounts of sasquatch activity that also feature things like UFO’s, aliens, other sorts of cryptids, or telepathic communication.  
I joined a BFRO web board several years ago and was summarily expelled from the site within days for mentioning the fact that my experience with sasquatch involved mild telepathic exposure (a phenomenon that I have never experienced in any other context).

I find it somewhat disheartening how sasquatch “researchers” (an appellation that many folks dislike) tend to follow a sort of polarity when it comes to the way they gather evidence.  There are two camps: the “paranormalists” and the “apers.”  

The first camp contains people who “go there” when it comes to supernatural encounters with sasquatches, while the second camp includes folks that believe human technology and scientific analysis will eventually reveal the existence of a heretofore uncatalogued species of primate.

Whenever I attend meetings, I feel a tug-of-war between these two extremes.  My problem is that I sympathize with many ideas in BOTH camps while simultaneously feeling alienated by BOTH camps.  I know that I am not alone.

Why is it that sasquatch researchers feel an almost religious need to have such adamant opinions about a great deal of experiences that defy explanation?  I, for one, always try to stop myself from “proselytizing” when it comes to judging the views of others or foisting my speculations upon others as if “I have the answers.” 

Let me give you an example of what I mean, and why I make a strong effort to “judge not, lest I be judged.” 

A few years ago, I attended the Bigfoot Bash and Bounty in Washington.  The weather was perfect, the beer was cold, and the conversations and mingling of enthusiasts started out civilly enough.  However, this changed by the end of the afternoon, as the beer taps had been flowing copiously.  One notorious field researcher actually threatened to shoot another (who, thank goodness, was not present). 

This same researcher also told a story of riding a bear down a steep hill.  Nobody present took the threat or the tall tale seriously, but the former was delivered with strong venom.

I didn’t take the threat seriously either, but the venom with which it was delivered did catch my attention.  The man’s eyes were swelling out of his sockets, spittle was leaping out of his mouth, and his face was pulled back into a shock of gorgon-like intensity. In all fairness, nothing violent ever happened as a result of what was said.  It was an empty threat made on a hot afternoon after a heroic number of beers had been consumed.  
Still, the incident is worth considering.  Why?  Because it typifies a type of behavior that seems to follow bigfoot meetings like an invisible crone who sprinkles a faery dust of vitriol & extremism over people.  It's also worth pointing out that, on the whole, bigfooters are normally quite gracious people.  In fact, a certain form of unselfish benevolence often pervades their countenances.   

It doesn't matter which camp you occupy--the "apers" or the "paranormalists"--the urge to caterwaul about sasquatch in group settings, or on the Internet, where opposing viewpoints are present, and then to gossip about "who said what" later, and "how ridiculous it was," seems to be the rule more than the exception. 

Virtually no one who has devoted more than a few measly hours to the "Sasquatch Question" seems immune to the potency of that faery dust.  Of course, this is not always the case, but when dogmatism rears its ugly snout, an otherwise cordial event has been known to degenerate rather quickly.

During more than a few meetings, I have been reminded of that classic scene in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, when the ring of great power causes everyone in its presence to begin arguing with each other, more and more vehemently, until a skirmish breaks out, which, thankfully, is halted before anyone is hurt.  I suspect this sort of zealotry in otherwise mild mannered folk is not merely an accident . . . but that's another story and another article altogether.  Sasquatches seem to bring out demons in those who witness them, or in those who dedicate a significant portion of their lives to uncovering the existence.  

One person whom I greatly admire that has wended his way free of such polemic and such imbroglios is the beloved Bob Gimlin.  Although I’m not a personal friend of Bob’s, I've had the pleasure of sharing beers with him at picnic tables on more than one occasion.  I admire his ability to hold his ground without pandering and without getting caught up in slanderous diatribe that turns fiercely personal.

Bob’s knack for steering clear of shit-throwing matches (which are quite common among howler monkeys, but usually not homo sapien sapiens) is worthy of praise.  It should stand out as an example of noble behavior that we all can strive to emulate.  Despite the fact that his position in the bigfoot community is front and central, since he was present when the famous footage of “Patty” was taken (although we might as well call the creature “Bobbie” or “Gimli”) Bob takes the high ground.  

In fact, things were so heated and weird back in the day, after the famous footage was captured on film, that Bob made the (wise) decision to keep out of the fray for decades before re-emerging as one of the most coveted speakers in the field, and for obvious reason: not only is he a charming elder statesman for cowboys everywhere, but he is also about as genuine and trustworthy as they come.  And not to mention the fact that Bob covered Roger Patterson with his rifle on an afternoon that changed the field of bigfooting forever! 

So what’s my point here?  Well, I can answer that reasonable question with another more famous one, which has at least some relevance to bigfooter meetings, events, and gatherings everywhere, particularly when both apers and paranormalists decide to quaff alcoholic beverages together: 

As Rodney King once stated, “Can’t we all just get along?”   

Kirk Out

Kirk Sigurdson is an acclaimed author whose works have included the novel Cowslip and have been featured in The Portland Review and Lovecraft Studies. Kirk holds a Master's degree in English literature from NYU and teaches writing in Portland, OR. His next project is a Bigfoot novel titled Kultus.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Author Kirk Sigurdson on Radio Show Inspired by Bigfoot

Acclaimed author Kirk Sigurdson is currently working on publishing a new Bigfoot  book
"I don't really care for the term conspiracy theory, I prefer something more descriptive like selective history or bernysian-style propaganda" --Kirk Sigurdson

At 5pm/8pm PST/EST Bill Baum of Inspired by Bigfoot Radio show will interview one of the most thought provoking voices in Bigfooting.

Kirk has been involved in two Bigfoot documentaries. One is a 20 minute short about a squatchy area he has coined as Kultus (see video below). The other documentary is available as a bonus feature to the true-to-life Bigfoot movie Letters From The Big Man.

Kirk Sigurdson is also known for his highly acclaimed book, Cowslip, and his much anticipated Bigfoot book titled, Kultus. His writings have also appeared in The Portland Review and Lovecraft Studies. he lives in Portland, Or, where he teaches writing. To top it all off Kirk holds a Master's degree in English literature from NYU.

Listening to Kirk is like chasing the white rabbit in Wonderland. And like Alice, even though you may have never heard or seen what you meet in Wonderland, you will not be able to deny what is revealed in front of your face. Most would consider the topics Kirk speaks to as "conspiracy theories," but as he prefers, a more accurate label would be hidden histories. What will Kirk Sigurdson reveal on Bill Baum's show, you'll have to tune in to find out. Click the following link to listen to Kirk on "Inspired by Bigfoot Radio"

Watch the Kultus documentary below.

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