Showing posts with label bigfoot books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bigfoot books. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kultus a Bigfoot Book Written by Accomplished Novelist Kirk Sigurdson

Kultus: Kirk Sigurdson's 5th Novel 
You can buy Kultus at or get signed copies of Kultus at

As editor of, I have read about every Bigfoot book out there (fiction and non-fiction). Except for Shady Neighbors and Eve, many times the fiction novels can fall a little short. This book is another exception and definitely sets the bar for Bigfoot literature.

Kirk Sigurdson is a professional novelist and it shows with every line, page, and chapter. The overall story arc is riveting, relying on many Sasquatch scenarios familiar to the Bigfoot community. The strength of this novel is it will appeal to anybody who loves a mystery and is willing to meet interesting characters. This novel stands on its own as great fiction, it just happens to have a Bigfoot--and this Bigfoot is like no other.

Read a synopsis about the book below:
Kultus is the fifth novel written by Kirk. It touches upon the universal nature of love, sentience, and the sustainability of resources in a world burdened with an ever-growing human population. A surprising amount of research from the fields of anthropology and cryptozoology helps to enrich the story with realistic details. Like Upton Sinclair's, The Jungle, Kultus has the power to transform society for the better. Its social commentary about non-human intelligence is at once captivating, and also chilling.
The Author, Kirk Sigurdson is currently a Professor of Writing and English literature at Portland Community his research for the novel included venturing dozens and dozens of times into Sasquatch "hot spots" for overnighters, often with friends who shared some very unique experiences. If you were fortunate enough to get the Letters from the Big Man DVD, it included a bonus documentary which featured Kirk. Kirk has also been a guest writer here at Bigfoot Lunch Club.

You can buy Kultus at or get signed copies of Kultus at is also home to Kirk Sigurdson's new blog where he will share his unique perspective on Bigfoot and the world at large. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Messy Melodrama of Bigfoot Wars

That's what they are calling it, they are using adjectives like messy and calling reaction melodramatic! From blogs such as Cryptomundo,Ghost Theory and Bigfoot Books. Its a BIGFOOT WAR-ar-ar (cue echo effect). Were not trying to be sensational, but the difference of Bigfoot opinion has been in the forefront of many high-profile Bigfooters. It is a convoluted story and we are not a blog for length. We are more like: get in, feed your Bigfoot news appetite, get out. Yum, yum.

Thankfully someone took the time to explain the whole thing in a little over 10,00 words (10,191 to be exact). At Bigfoot Book's Bigfoot Blog they cover the WHOLE thang. From The Mr. Mike Debacle, CryptoMundo Demise?, BFF Insurrection, Outing the Bigfootery Enquirer, and even Lenny Green's Wildman Songs. We have a nifty machine that takes a whole bunch of words and tries to summarizes them. Below is the result of that. I don't know if it does it justice, but here is a an automated summary Of the post at Bigfoot Books's Blog.

Why all of these Bigfoot Wars??? Can't prove Bigfoot? OVERNIGHT AM, BIGFOOT, AND MR. MIKE: CREATING THE MATRIX OF CONFUSION. Lan Lamphere, the voice said, of Overnight AM radio. First, "Mike"? Was Bigfoot really "FOUND"? “Backyard Bigfoot” Update" the story continues."The Story Continues..." Mr. Mike – Bigfoot – Shocking Story Revealed July 12, 2010 Live. Against BIGFOOT BOOKS themselves.

We wrote this email to Sharon Lee, Bigfoot Field Reporter:

Sharon Lee wrote a piece encouraging Bigfoot folks to "open their minds."The Ghost of Bigfoot and Mr. MikeBigfoot Found in North America?


We actually lose money on Bigfoot, so there!


We swear that was completely automated. We really recommend getting the full context of the great reporting at Bigfoot Books. Plus read Ghost Theory's untangling of the backyard bigfoot.

Bigfoot War pt.2 at Bigfoot Book's Blog
Ghost Theory: Backyard BF: Its getting Messy
Mr Mike melodrama at cryptomundo

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