Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Coolest Bigfoot Gear

Hypebeast, a fashion news blog, has a post with some great Bigfoot gear.

If you want to get to know the Grapphiti artist known as Bigfoot checkout his site here.

Hypebeast was launched in January of 2005 as a one-stop news source for internet-savvy street fashion enthusiasts. Frustrated with having to browse multiple sites to keep up with the latest information, the creation of Hypebeast allowed for the latest news to be broadcast through one specific medium.

Tongue-In-Cheek Bigfoot

Another tongue-in-cheek article about Bigfoot. I guess any press is good press right?

Although I do like the addition of her five favorite cytptids.

To read the article expand post below or click here.

Do you believe in Bigfoot?
It is a creature that answers to many names: Abominable Snowman, Yeti, Yowie Man, Sasquatch and, of course, Bigfoot. It's also one that has served as fodder for campfire and supermarket tabloid stories for decades.

Frame 352 from the Patterson-Gimlin film showing Bigfoot (or a man in an ape suit).
Although thousands of people claim to have spotted the hairy hominoid (as nearby as the Oregon Caves in Grants Pass, Oregon, and mostly by men who were "relieving" themselves at the time — go figure), the evidence of its actual existence remains fairly fuzzy. There are few (if any) clear photographs or video footage of the grooming-challenged, bipedal beast, and what does exist tends to resemble a man awkwardly disguised in a gorilla suit. No bones have ever been found and countless pranksters have admitted to faking footprints.
When the well-known Bigfoot tracker Ray Wallace died in a California nursing home in 2002, his children announced that their prank-loving pop had used a pair of carved wooden feet to create a track of giant footprints in a northern California logging camp back in 1958.
But Bigfoot advocates remain undeterred by this lack of forensic evidence. A small but vocal group of scientists and cryptozoologists hypothesize that this mysterious animal is the offspring of an ape from Asia that wandered to North America during the Ice Age. They believe there are at least 2,000 ape men walking upright in North America's woods today.
An adult male is said to be at least eight feet tall, weigh 800 pounds and have feet twice the size of our own. Bigfoots are believed be shy, omnivorous and mostly nocturnal. Many encounter stories also describe a terrible stench associated with the camera-elusive, grooming-challenged beast. (Remember the 80s film classic "Harry and the Hendersons?" Check it out for a quick and entertaining refresher course on Bigfoots.)
Some consider the most compelling photographic evidence of Bigfoot to be a controversial short film shot by Roger Patterson in 1967, which appears to document a female Bigfoot striding along a riverbank in northern California. Even renowned chimpanzee researcher Jane Goodall surprised an interviewer from National Public Radio in 2002 when she said she was sure that large, undiscovered primates, such as the Yeti or Sasquatch, exist. Yet oddly, no Bigfoot has ever been captured, dead or alive.
Do you believe Bigfoot is real?
Just for some Monday fun, here's a brief summary of my top five favorite cryptids:
• El Chupacabra - The name (from the Spanish words chupar, meaning "to suck" and cabra, meaning "goat") comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock. Eyewitness sightings have been claimed as early as 1990 in Puerto Rico, and have since been reported as far north as Maine, and as far south as Chile. It is supposedly a stocky creature, the size of a small bear, with a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail.
• Loch Ness Monster - This lake creature was "discovered" in 1933 and is believed to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. The legendary monster has been affectionately referred to as "Nessie" since the 1950s.
• Hodag - In 1893, newspapers reported the discovery of a Hodag in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. It had "the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur and a long tail with spears at the end." Well-known Wisconsin timber cruiser and prankster Eugene Shepard displayed a "captured" Hodag at a county fair, but eventually admitted that the animal was a hoax.
• Kraken - These sea monsters of gargantuan size are said to have dwelt off the coasts of Norway and Iceland. The legend may have originated from sightings of real giant squid that are the size of an average swimming pool with 10 foot long tentacles and eyes the size of soccer balls. These creatures normally live at great depths, but have been sighted at the surface and have reportedly "attacked" ships.
• Jackalope - This animal is said to be a cross between a jackrabbit and an antelope. The tales of jackalopes may have been inspired by sightings of rabbits infected with the Shope papilloma virus also known as Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (eep!), which causes the growth of horn- and antler-like tumors in various places on a rabbit's head and body. For more entertaining info check out this link.
Which cryptid would you most want as a pet?
Posted By: Amelia Glynn (Email) | August 17 2009 at 05:22 PM

Friday, August 21, 2009

There's Always Room for Pye

We have introduced our fellow lunch clubbers to Lloyd Pye back in July 18th 2009. This is the man who refers to Bigfoot and Sasquatch as hominoids not to be confused with the scientific establishment's taxonomy (taxinomical?) use of hominoid You wanted more Pye, you got more Pye.

The video above is from the 2005 Bellingham Sasquatch Research Conference. Not only does Pye present an extensive defense of his theory, but he is almost political in his call to action to fight the scientific establishment.

Lloyd Pye's Bio can be read below.

Lloyd Pye is an author, researcher, and lecturer in the field of alternative knowledge. He calls on over 30 years of experience to write and speak about the origins of life, human origins, Hominoids (bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti, and others), and the work of Zechara Sitchin. This broad base of knowledge makes him one of the world's leading proponents of the Intervention Theory of origins, which stands in sharp contrast to Darwinism, Creationism, and Intelligent Design.

Lloyd is also the caretaker of the famous Starchild skull, and has written a new book about his eight years of struggle to get it scientifically tested to establish beyond dispute the precise genetic heritage of both of its parents. So far, extensive testing indicates that its mother was a normal human but its father was, in all probability, something other than entirely human. More information is available at Lloyd Pye's new book titled The Starchild Skull -- Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid? will be available in July, 2007, in bookstores or directly from

Bigfoot Knows what your thinking--or feeling.

In our "never play poker with bigfoot" series we file a report from Newsweek claiming all major apes are able to empathize and understand human emotion just by the expressions on our face.

For those who have seen Bigfoot and been scared, he/she knows it.

A cool paper in the September issue of the journal Developmental Science describes studies on 17 chimps, five bonobos, five gorillas and five orangutans from the Wolfgang Köhler Primate Research Center in Leipzig, Germany…The apes' skill at reading an expression of happiness… indicates that they can read meaning in the emotional expressions on human faces, suggesting that despite 6 million years of separate evolution apes and humans share a common emotional language.

you can read the full artcle here or click below

Apes Feel Your Pain
by Sharon Begley
There's new evidence that primates can read human emotions.

Memo to zoo visitors making faces at the chimps and gorillas on the other side of the glass: they know what you're thinking. Or, more precisely, feeling.
The extent and limits of ape intelligence is a hot area in science, but most of the research has focused on cognition. Now a team of scientists has turned the spotlight on emotions, and how well apes can read the human kind as displayed in our facial expressions. Earlier studies had shown that apes understand people's goals and perceptions. But whether apes understand our emotional expressions was pretty much a mystery, even though there are striking similarities between the facial expressions that we and our more hirsute cousins make, as researchers as far back as Darwin noted. Both human babies and newborn chimps make a pouting face to get mom’s attention, for instance, and bare their teeth in something like a smile in order to make nice—or "achieve social bonding," as primatologists put it.

A cool paper in the September issue of the journal Developmental Science describes studies on 17 chimps, five bonobos, five gorillas and five orangutans from the Wolfgang Köhler Primate Research Center in Leipzig, Germany. In the first test, a researcher sat at a table on one side of a plexiglass panel while an ape sat on the other side. Two opaque boxes rested on the table. The scientist opened one box (making sure the ape could not see inside) and smiled with pleasure. He next opened the other and made a disgusted face. The ape was then allowed to reach through one of the holes in the panel and pick one box. Which would he choose?

In 57 percent of the tests, the ape chose the box that elicited a smile from the scientist rather than an expression of disgust. Good choice. The box that brought the smile contained a grape, and the ape was rewarded for his perspicacity in reading human facial expressions. The other box contained dead cockroaches. The apes' skill at reading an expression of happiness, write David Buttelmann of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and his colleagues, indicates that they can read meaning in the emotional expressions on human faces, suggesting that despite 6 million years of separate evolution apes and humans share a common emotional language. (It's always interesting to compare apes to babies: human infants can read facial expressions and act on them at around 14 to 18 months.)
In the next experiments, the set-up with the plexiglass was the same. An ape saw the scientist hold up a grape and a slice of banana, but his view was then blocked as the scientist put one treat under one cup and the other under the other cup. The ape then watched as the scientist looked under each of the two cups in turn, making an expression of happiness at one and of disgust at the other. The scientist next reached under one cup (at this point, the ape's view was again blocked, so he could not see which cup the scientist chose) and ate what was inside. His view restored, the ape saw the scientist munching on something, and then was allowed to choose a cup for himself.

This time the apes tended to choose the cup that had triggered the expression of disgust. Counterintuitive? Not at all. The apes went beyond the simplistic "pick cup that elicited happy face" to make a fairly sophisticated computation. That is, they seemed to reason that the human would eat the food that made him smile, emptying that cup, with the result that only the disgust-inducing cup would still contain a snack.

That was even stronger evidence than in the first test that the apes understood the meaning of the human's facial expression, and were not simplistically equating "disgust" with "stay away from this cup." Their skill at inferring how people will act on their emotions, conclude the scientists, suggests that they "understand facial expressions as expressing internal states that cause certain [human] actions—in this case, eating one food but not another." The apes had to understand that expressions of disgust or happiness reflect an internal state that people will then act on, and infer that the person was more likely to eat the food that made him look happy. Species did not matter—chimps, gorillas, and the others all did about the same—but age did: the older the animal, the better he did. Call it the wisdom of old age.

In my recent story describing the rising criticism of evolutionary psychology and the idea of human universals, I noted that emotions and emotional expression do seem to be universals (unlike, say, rape). If so, that suggests that emotional expressions have deep evolutionary roots, perhaps reaching as far back as the common ancestors of humans and modern apes. That possibility looks even more likely as evidence accumulates that apes can read the emotions on our faces.
© 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bigfoot a Ventriloquist?

National Geographic reports a study that orangutans may manipulate their voices with leaves pushed to their lips. With the theory of Gigantopithecus being a common ancestor to both Orangutans and Bigfoot, perhaps this behavior extends to Bigfoot as well.

Like Bruce Wayne switching to his Batman voice, orangutans may be going deep to deter predators, and some are even using tools to sound more intimidating, a new study says.

Sometimes the apes use just their lips; sometimes they kiss their fingers. But in some communities, orangutans—male and female, young and old—go so far as to push leaves against their lips as they kiss-squeak.

To find out, researchers recorded kiss squeaks between 2003 and 2005 near a research station in Indonesia's Central Kalimantan Province on the island of Borneo. The team noted whether the sounds had been made with hands, leaves, or lips alone.
"Classic" kiss squeaks—lips only—were fairly high pitched, registering around 3,500 hertz. When hands were used, the frequency dropped to an average of 1,800 hertz. Leaves further deepened the sound, to an average of around 900 hertz.

Deeper, Bigger, Badder
In most animals vocal pitch and body size are tightly connected: Larger vocal organs create larger, deeper sound waves.

So perhaps, the new study says, the orangutans are trying to fool predators into thinking the apes are bigger than they actually are.
"This effect [probably] further discourages the predator from the hunt," said study co-author Madeleine Hardus, a behavioral biologist with the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.

Though the team didn't gauge predator reactions to the various kiss squeaks, she thinks the popularity of the leaf method hints at its effectiveness.
But Hardus doesn't expect leaf kissing to sweep Borneo.

"Most of the areas where it is currently used are isolated, and we do not expect it to spread to other populations," she said.
"Although, where it currently exists, almost all of the orangutans use it."
Findings to be published tomorrow in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

International Bigfoot

The diversity of all the Bigfoot Lunch Club Members is quite a melting pot. Even more so, our visitors span all four corners of the globe.

Due to these two factors we have established a translator at the top of our side bar to the right. We encourage you to try it out.

Gracias por su apoyo.
Merci pour votre soutien.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung.
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Thank you for your support,

Epic Gilgamesh

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hobbit Wars

Here at the Big Foot Lunch Club we have a high interest in Homo floresiensis. Homo floresiensis ("Flores Man"; nicknamed Hobbit) is a possible species in the genus Homo, remarkable for its small body and brain and for its survival until relatively recent times. It was named after the Indonesian island of Flores on which the remains were found.

This small bipedal hominid lived among us over 1 million years ago. More significant, as we declared in an earlier post, it is an entirely different species than us, Homo sapiens.

As Bigfoot enthusiast we like the idea of other bipedal hominids living among us. In another post we also suggested Hobbit’s feet were more structurally similar to Bigfoot’s than humans.

A new Time Magazine article declares there is opposition to the different species theory below is an excerpt from the article. To read the whole thing click here.

Inhabitants of the Indonesian island of Flores used to tell stories of a separate race of little people called the ebu gogo, 3-ft.-tall, hairy human-like creatures that hid in the island's many limestone caves.
That changed in a paper published in the current issue of the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The PNAS team closely examined the one almost complete skull unearthed at Flores and say they found no evidence that it was belonged to anyone but a modern human.
The original authors of the Nature paper — Peter Brown and Michael Morwood, both of the University of New England in Australia — aren't about to surrender their belief in a new species. In an email, Brown says that the PNAS paper "provides absolutely no evidence that the unique combination of features found in Homo floresiensis are found in any modern human."
Colin Groves, an Australian biological anthropologist who is an author on an upcoming paper in the Journal of Human Evolution that discounts the microcephaly hypothesis, says the PNAS team subtly shaped the evidence to fit their conclusion: that the hobbit was just a developmentally stunted human. Henry Gee, a senior editor at Nature who was responsible for overseeing the publication of the original Flores paper, concedes that the PNAS paper is "very interesting" but says the authors "cherry-pick the evidence [they] like."

The two sides quickly descend from debating the finer points of human fossils to slagging off on each other's ethics. If only the Flores debate could be so clearly decided. What's certain is that the scientific stakes are extremely high: if the Flores find is really a separate species, then the history of human evolution will have to be rewritten.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Online Class: Cryptozoology 101

Accredited Bigfoot knowledge. offers online courses.

Knowledge is power. Why not learn something new today? UniversalClass™ offers hundreds of affordable online classes taught by dedicated instructors sharing their knowledge on almost any imaginable topic. Join us today, and let's start learning together.

The field of cryptozoology is considered a true science by some and by others it ranks somewhere in between UFOlogy and paranormal research. Our goal with this course is to provide students with the most accurate and factual information available, presenting it in an unbiased format so that students can decide for themselves if each cryptid (a creature of cryptozoology) is real, a myth, a hoax or a misidentified animal.

The course begins by introducing students to cryptozoology and examining the true definition of this interesting field of research. While many who are unfamiliar with the field may dismiss it as "ridiculous", there is a scientific basis for its merit, including the discovery and capture of animals that were once thought only to be of myth and legend, like the platypus, for instance.

Section two of the course focuses on the most popular cryptid of all time: Bigfoot. This huge, hair-covered creature has mystified mankind for centuries. Students will be able to read intriguing stories of sightings, see still photographs of evidence and read what experts have to say about Bigfoot's identity.

The third part of this course focuses on other famous cryptids, including the Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabras, Mokele-Mbembe or "living dinosaurs", and Thunderbird. Each has its own cult-like following of believers intent on proving that their beloved creature does indeed exist.

The last part of the course deals with cryptids that are specific to one area but whose stories have been sensationalized all across the nation. Whether it's the catchy name, like "Dover Demon" or the twilight zone-like stories, these cryptids are known worldwide and most locals are proud to live in their made-famous-by-a-cryptid town.

Click below to see full course materials.

Lesson 1: What is Cryptozoology?
In this section, you will learn about cryptozoology, cryptids and the basis for their study. This will include learning about some of the many zoologically-recognized animals that were once cryptids.
Lesson 2: The Foundations of Cryptozoology
Given past findings, cryptozoologists believe that the search for cryptids is not only meaningful, but is one of the most fruitful paths toward zoological discovery.
Lesson 3: Famous Cryptozoologists
Here is a condensed list of some of most highly-regarded and dedicated researchers in cryptozoology.
Lesson 4: Existing Species That Were Once Cryptids
Here is a list of animals now classified in zoology that were once thought to be just myths and legends.
Lesson 5: Living Species Previously Thought to be Extinct
Here is a partial list of animals that prove that there may indeed be many more animals waiting to be brought out of "extinction".
Lesson 6: What Keeps Unnamed Species Hidden?
Many species may go unnoticed due to their environment and their biological makeup.
Lesson 7: Understanding Bigfoot
In this section, you will learn about the origin of Bigfoot and hear the stories that began the sensationalism that surrounds this creature today. The amount of sightings and evidence is massive, however, for this course we chose to focus on the informati
Lesson 8: Bigfoot Evidence
While no researcher has produced any skeletal remains of Bigfoot, there has been an incredible amount of evidence collected that points to the existence of Bigfoot.
Lesson 9: Sightings: Tales or Truths?
The following lesson is a list of the most famous of Bigfoot sightings.
Lesson 10: Loch Ness Monster and Other Sea Serpents
This section focuses on some of the most interesting, and equally mysterious, cryptids. For each creature, you'll find information on its origin, as well as theories, sightings and evidence to help prove or disprove its existence.
Lesson 11: Chupacabras
This lesson discusses blood-sucking creatures and the notorious Chupacabra.
Lesson 12: Mokele-Mbembe
While these creatures are thought to spend most of their time underwater, they have been reportedly seen lifting their heads and necks up, crossing swamps and even tramping through the rainforests.
Lesson 13: Thunderbird
While there have been sightings of huge birds in various countries throughout the world, Thunderbirds are native to the United States.
Lesson 14: Mothman
While it seems almost every region across the world has its own "local legend", this section focuses on those that have the biggest following and who have received the most amount of media attention. One thing is for sure, each makes for an interesting re
Lesson 15: Jersey Devil
The Jersey Devil is most often described as having the head of a horse, a long neck, skinny legs with hooves, and large bat-like wings.
Lesson 16: Dover Demon
Three teenagers in Dover, Massachusetts claimed to each have a separate encounter with a creature that would later be dubbed the Dover Demon.
Lesson 17: Cryptozoology Websites
Additional Resources: Websites
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