Monday, January 31, 2011

If its Monday, it's Thom Powell's ThomSquatch

Full disclosure; Its no secret we are big fans of Thom Powell, but that doesn't mean we can't share what we think makes his blog unique. He seems to have fallen into a regular post on Monday evenings and we thought you would want to know.

Since it's launch, Thom Powell's has had the feeling that it is building up to something. We think it has a lot to do with the continuity from post to post. Unlike other Sasquatch blogs, Thom seems to be telling a continual tale. Similar to the classic Saturday serials, Thom leaves us on the edge of seats as to what he is going to reveal next.

You don't have to take our word for it. Thom seems to be consistently posting on Mondays now, so make sure you tune in each week for something new. Below is a montage of his post so far. Consider the blurbs below theReaders Digest version of ThomSquatch.

Bigfoot Research: Intel not Science (Sun, Dec 12, 2010)
If you consider yourself a "bigfoot researcher" and hold out hope that one day you will gather the evidence that proves the existence of bigfoot creatures, you may be searching the internet for information and advice that will help you succeed. The modern era of bigfoot research began in 1958 when Jerry Crew presented track casts to the Humboldt Times as evidence of mysterious bigfooted creatures. Science requires replication of any successful scientific result as a necessary aspect of a correctly applied scientific methodology. Bigfoot researchers, then, are like the CIA and the spooks at CIA are not utterly focused on unassailable proof when they evaluate the information they gather. Indirect and uncertain sources of information are still valued and exploited. Read the Rest >>

The Future of Bigfoot Research (Tues, Dec 21, 2010)
There are three basic approaches to gathering intelligence: electronic surveillance, inserting trained operatives (spies) into enemy camps, and gathering info from witnesses, captured agents and defectors.
Electronic surveillance is expensive and difficult to install but it produces the most empirical information. Information gathered by our own trained agents is more reliable than the information offered by captives, defectors, or civilian observers, but the latter is much more easily obtained. In my own pursuit of bigfoot research, I don’t do the electronic surveillance much anymore. If nothing else, bigfoot researchers are supporting the economy. Read the Rest >>

Spy vs. Spy (Wed, Dec 29, 2010)
As was suggested in a previous blog post, bigfoot researchers are basically spies. That includes the sasquatch. The biggest surprise of my entire experience in the strange world of bigfoot research was the realization that, while I was attempting to study 'them', they had been studying me...
...The timing was uncanny. Then someone handed me the book, The Mothman Prophecies, by John Keel. First key idea John Keel puts forward: In the study of paranormal matters, the phenomenon you are studying changes in response to your study of it. Read the Rest >>

The Whole Enchilada (Mon, Jan 10, 2011)
If one conducted an investigation of the sasquatch in a very active location, like Mount Ranier for example, that this guy or gal would gather a great deal of human experiences that would be useful toward understanding the phenomenon even though it would be utterly unprovable information. Sometimes, this leads to more unverifiable observations, but this time they are my observations, not somebody else's. I figure I'll concentrate on gathering proof later, and just concentrate gaining a little understanding first. At some point, one does get enough material that it becomes necessary to check with other serious field people to find out whether my observations, tentative conclusions, and suspicions match the stuff they've been getting. I did this by writing everything down in one book, 'The Locals', and got that published in 2003. Read the Rest >>

The Coconut Telegraph (Mon, Jan 24, 2011)
"Okay, Steve, you think you've logged on to some kind of coconut telegraph to the sasquatches. Fine. Here's what you're going to do. You're going to ask them to step in front of the cameras we have up at Allen and April's place up in Washington. Tell 'em we really need them to do that."
Steve thought for a moment. "It would help if I knew more about the area where the cameras are."
"No way, Steve," I insisted. I want to do this scientifically. That means 'double blind' as the researchers say. That means you can't know the location and you can't know the results of the experiment. That way, you cannot be suspected of faking the results. The residents can't know what you're doing either. . That way, they can't be accused of wishful thinking or outright faking, either." Read the Rest >>

Killing the Messenger (Mon, Jan 31, 2011)
I guess if I'm going to be a good little scientists, even in my pursuit of such non-scientific matters as bigfoot, I must go where the path leads me, even if I don't like what I'm finding out. When it comes to my mission of gathering better bigfoot evidence, the problem with John Keel's path is that he leads me right into a friggin' brick wall.
Since I don't like the John Keel's message maybe I'll just tell myself that John Keel wasn't such an authority on bigfoot after all.
If I don't like the message, can't I just kill the messenger, instead? I guess not. He died two years ago. Rest in peace, John Keel. Read the Rest >>

You can count on Thom having a lot more to say. You can visit his weekly posts at

You can also subscribe to his Facebook page Below

Thom's Twitter Account @thomsquatch

ThomSquatch the Blog
Thom's Facebook Page
Thom's Twitter Account

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Powell's 7 Tentative Conclusions
Cliff Barackman's Post on Powell: Trying Something New

Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide on the History Channel

**Newer Update (2/1/11)** Finally got an actual image from the show (see below). SRC: Seattle Times
Plus read Loren Colemans contribution to the show at Cryptomundo.

**UPDATE (1/31/11)** One of our astute fans provided us with a link with more info. Experts on the show will include: Drs. Jack Rink, Anna Nekaris, William Sellars, Jeff Meldrum, and Ian Redmond. Click on the ISU link below to get more info.

This is what we do know. It will be on the History Channel on Feb 2nd, They shot most of the footage in a Canadian town named Harrington, and they are using a scene from Jack Links Jerky to promote the show.

There is the official description as well:
A team of top scientists come together with one goal to create the definitive guide to Bigfoot. Does the creature exist? And if it does where is it? And how can it survive without being detected? Using a new interactive map the team has plotted more than 10,000 Bigfoot type sightings from around the world. These sightings are of an unidentified creature which walks on two legs and is covered in a thick layer of hair. Many of theses sightings date back over 100 years. With their expert knowledge of the natural world they are able to dismiss nearly 90% of the sightings, but what emerges is a series of global hotspots that cannot be explained which indicate that something is out there. The team examines these global hotspots and searches for explanations including new theories that suggest we may have been looking for the wrong creature all along?

You can check your local listing here

In Ontario, Quebec, a local paper asked the Production manager about the show.

The documentary will focus on prehistoric times and will include discussion about "mythical" creatures such as the Sasquatch and Yeti.

According to Helen Conlan, production manager for the United Kingdom-based company, Dangerous, the documentary will not make light of the myths and legends that surround the creature, but will instead explore the possibility that such creatures might actually exist.

"We brought numerous experts from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom together to research this," she stated in an e-mail interview. "Our goal is to retrace the steps of early man and shed some light of the legends that surround Bigfoot and the Yeti. I think the end result will be a very interesting and enlightening film."

Conlan said the show will be called Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide and was co-produced with Handel Productions, one of Canada's leading producers of factual television and documentary programs.

She said numerous experts on the subject were interviewed in an attempt to find a scientific base for Bigfoot.

We can't wait to see what will make this show different than the other shows out there.

Ontario Paper: Is Bigfoot calling Harrington home?
Handel Productions
ISU Voice: Meldrum to discuss sasquatch for History and Discovery on Feb. 2

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sasquatch Birth Journal: Filed under Bizarre

There has been some preliminary buzz about this video for sometime. Now it is available in it's completeness. We wanted to make sure you watch this at your own discretion. Not only is this bizarre, but it is also graphic.

On the Website Sasquatch Birth Journal the following factoids are presented:
Estimated Weight of Pregnant Female: 275lb/125kg/62flbn*
*Flibbon(flbn) has been theorized as a rudimentary unit of weight developed within Sasquatch culture.

Estimated Foot Size: 1.5ft/1.48168Pc

Estimated Weight of Infant: 15.4lb/7kg/3.27flbn

Estimated Area of Sasquatch Vagina in Hectares: .000025hec

Gestation Period: approximately fourteen months

The North American Sasquatch is a megafaunal bipedal hominoid, also known as "Bigfoot", "Nuk-luk" or "Woolybooger". Both female and male alike are considered to be highly promiscuous and generally lack discretion in regard to hygiene. The male Sasquatch unceremoniously abandons the female immediately upon impregnation. This leaves the female to fend for herself during the intense seventy-two hour labor period. The standard birthing posture is upright, scientifically referred to as "Inverted Supine" or "Gravity-Fed Style". Traditionally a tree serves as the midwife; seizing it by its trunk, the female is provided with ample protection, leverage, and stability. Once the female's water breaks(approx. six gallons in volume) she seeks out a secluded deciduous tree, its trunk an average of three feet in diameter, thick enough to support the expecting mother and her firm embrace. Typically the female Sasquatch tends to avoid trees of the coniferous variety when making her choice. There are two theories behind this: One, is that the sap/tar secretions are a nuisance during the already complicated birthing process, and two, is in order to avoid exposure to pine nuts, which are considered toxic to the Sasquatch newborn.

SECOND WARNING! This is graphic, but tasteful.

You learn more about the Zellner bros on the website below.

Zellner Bros official Website
Sasquatch Birth Journal

this is where we usually share links of things that are similar to the post you just read. We got nothing!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Todd Standing: The Panda and The Rocky Mountain Gigantoppithicus

We have been awfully critical of Todd Standing. Just read any of our Todd Standing Posts. If you don't know Todd Standing he is in charge of the Syvanic Bigfoot Project. The Sylvanic Bigfoot Project's goal is to obtain enough physical evidence to implement government legislation that will ensure the survival of Bigfoot. We don't really care for his evidence. We will say, after seeing him recently in interviews, he does a great job relaying many of the informational pillars of Bigfooting.

Although just posted today (01-29-11) on You Tube, this 2007 follow-up video to his coast to coast interview is a nice presentation to the Giganto theory. He uses the panda's reliance on bamboo as an analogue for why Giganto would have to find other food sources.

We noticed there was no mention of The Sylavanic Bigfoot instead he uses a far sexier term, Rocky Mountain Gigantopithecus. He should have stuck with that, due to the criticism he has encountered. Todd claimed the area where he encountered and filmed Bigfoot was called Sylvanic by native people. Sylvan actually owes its lexiconography to the Medieval Latin sylvnus, from Latin Silvnus, god of the woods, from silva, forest.

We found the video was packaged really well, it was clear and interesting and well worth the watch.

EXTERNAL LINKS Todd's Official Site
Toddster's You Tube Page

German Blog: Sylvanic Bigfoot Fake!
For Your Consideration, Sylvanic Bigfoot Part 3
Sylvanic Bigfoot Case Closed

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cryptomundo X BigfootLunchClub Collaboration

Not since chocolate and peanut butter has such a combination made so much sense. Well, bananas and strawberries are pretty good too. We are extremely excited and proud to announce that Bigfoot Lunch Club is now a contributor to

Nothing changes here, all the same breaking news, exclusive reports and humor you have come to love will continue. Basically, we will have another way for people to find us, and it gives us an opportunity to add to the great body of work already established by Craig Woolheater and Loren Coleman.

We would like thank Craig Woolheater for inviting and welcoming us aboard. This collaboration is at the heart of what we try to encourage at Bigfoot Lunch Club; share openly and support each other. None of us have a monopoly on truth or good ideas.

So please give Cryptomundo some love back and visit them by clicking on the "Cryptomundo Contributor" button below, Loren Coleman has been prolific about his postings this week and there are tons of great stuff to read.

Jeff Meldrum Speaks at Indiana University Southeast

Jerod Clapp at News and Tribune has filed a great article on Jeff Meldrums Speaking engagement at Indiana University Southeast. Overall he finds Meldrum's arguments persuasive.

Idaho State professor follows footprints to track elusive apes


NEW ALBANY — Jeff Meldrum researches Bigfoot.

But not like those television experts or online theorists. Instead of relying on sketches from sketchy eyewitnesses or blowing testimony out of proportion, he bases his research on evidence he thinks is compelling — footprints.

Meldrum, a biology professor at Idaho State University, spoke to a crowd at Indiana University Southeast on Thursday about his findings from footprints that have been collected from all over the world, reportedly from these ape-like creatures.

“If I were satisfied that these were just hoaxes and folklore, I wouldn’t spend the time on this that I do,” Meldrum said.

He said his studies are rooted in trying to analyze some of the anatomic indicators that can be found in footprints, such as how these animals might move and their estimated size.

Doug Darnowski, associate professor of biology at IUS, invited Meldrum to speak at the university after hearing him on a radio program and reading one of his books on the subject.

“He can match these things in one place and find them between unconnected people over periods of decades,” Darnowski said. “There’s so much detailed information he’s found in these things like the dermal ridges shown in the prints.”

Meldrum said he knows subjects like Sasquatch can appear campy and some of the evidence shown from other sources isn’t scientific, but he tries to be as open-minded in his approach as he can.

“You need to rein in your imagination and really look at this from an objective standpoint,” Meldrum said.

While some of the prints show striking similarities, he said some of them appear to be from different species altogether.

His presentation showing the East Asian Yeti seems to have completely different footprints from North American specimens. He said depending on where the prints are found, he believes the biomechanical adaptations demonstrated in the prints are distinctively built to function in the environments they come from.

“Their feet are elegantly designed to move a large mass in those kinds of environments,” Meldrum said.

An audience member asked why the body of such an animal had yet to be found and Meldrum answered that fossilization is a relatively rare occurrence. He said harsh environments can decompose even bone easily, and scavengers eat all but the hardest bones from carcasses.

He said thousands of deer die annually in some parts of the country, yet few skeletons are ever found.

Darnowski said after the presentation he wasn’t any more compelled to believe in Bigfoot, Sasquatch or the Yeti than he was before. But that’s because he already thought such creatures might exist.

Darnowski said whether students believed in the animals or not, the approach Meldrum took to the research was something they could relate to in their studies.

“I think the nice thing about it, especially for our students, is that it highlights things that are outside of our textbooks,” Darnowski said, “but it shows things they can use practically in other topics. They can make sense of things and see what he’s talking about.

“That, and it’s just fun.”

Meldrum said he’ll continue to research Bigfoot because he wants to continue finding new information.

“That’s what science is all about, answering questions,” Meldrum said. “To walk away from it would be unscientific, in my opinion.”

Meldrum and Gimlin at Washington State History Museum
Idaho State U: In Search of Bigfoot
New NatGeo Bigfoot Show With Dr. Jeff Meldrum

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bigfoot Hoaxer, Rick Dyer, Arrested for eBay Fraud.

Admitted Bigfoot hoaxer arrested for eBay fraud 
"33-year-old Ricky Dyer took their money, but never delivered the items" -- KENS 5 News

Rick Dyer will always, or at least SHOULD always be known for freezing a Bigfoot costume and some opossum guts in a freezer and claiming it was a real body. Click the following link to read our complete coverage of the The Frozen Bigfoot Hoax.

On Wednesday, January 26th 2011, Mr. Dryer was arrested for eBay fraud. read the full article from local news station, KENS 5.

by KENS 5 Staff
Posted on January 27, 2011 at 2:46 PM
A San Antonio man is now facing charges, accused of defrauding four buyers on the popular online auction site, eBay.

Alleged victims in Houston, Austin, Arizona and Canada reported that 33-year-old Ricky Dyer took their money, but never delivered the items, or delivered them in very poor condition.

A purchaser in Canada claims he paid for two Corvettes that he never received. Elwood Nickason says he sent the money through Western Union to a San Antonio bank account in the name of Reyna Ochoa.
According to the affadavit, Dyer was working with a female accomplice who police say still has not been caught.

Investigators say they believe the couple travels back and forth between Texas and Tampico, Mexico.
Dyer was arrested and released on Wednesday after posting a $10,000 bond.

SRC: San Antonio man accused of defrauding car buyers on eBay

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bigfoot Film Premier at Sundance Film Festival: Update

In our exclusive post, "Award Winning Director, Christopher Munch, Premiers "Letters from the Big Man" at Sundance," we mentioned the movie would start screening after the 20th (January 23rd to be exact).

last night we received news from director, Christopher Munch. He wrote, "Our first screening last night went very well. Tomorrow we screen in a new venue."

"What I have found so far is that people have been willing to come to the film with open minds and hearts. This is very pleasing. I will see how it goes over the next few days, and I am going to Nashville on the 27th to show it there."

At Nashville, there is already anticipation building for the screening of Letters from the Big Man. Jim Ridley of The Nashville Scene has high praise for the screening:

This year's film comes from a Sundance favorite: writer-director Christopher Munch, a three-time nominee for the festival's Grand Jury prize. (He remains best known for two of those: his debut feature, 1991's The Hours and Times, which imagined a tryst between John Lennon and Beatles manager Brian Epstein, and 2001's The Sleepy Time Gal, a lilting character study with Jacqueline Bisset's best screen performance.) Munch will appear in Nashville with his new film, Letters From the Big Man, a take on the Bigfoot legend that sounds closer in temperament to Terrence Malick than The Legend of Boggy Creek.

On the Sundance Film Channel website the movie is self described as:

Christopher Munch’s extraordinary films, all of which have screened at the Sundance Film Festival, use quiet restraint to dodge reductionism, allowing viewers to derive the meaning for themselves. Letters from the Big Man is no exception.

In the breathtaking, remote wilderness of southwestern Oregon, Sarah Smith, a hydrologist, embarks on an expedition to conduct a government water survey. An intrepid outdoors woman, Sarah craves a solo journey so she can reconnect with herself and nature. Venturing deep into the forest, she intuits another presence. Gradually, the elusive figure reveals himself to be a Sasquatch, and the two interact tentatively. As their bond intensifies, Sarah finds she must take bold steps to protect the Big Man’s privacy, as well as her own.

You can almost sense the rustling of trees and fresh air as Munch reverently explores the possibility of communicating directly with the ineffable mysteries in nature, fashioning a powerful metaphysical love story with resonance for our times.

We can not wait to see a screening of the movie ourselves this weekend. When a director of Christopher Munch's caliber (there is probably not a director that respects his audience more) takes on the subject of Bigfoot, its like a gift.

Below are a few screen shots from the film.

Sundance Page
Nashville Scene
The Director's, Christopher Munch, IMDB Page
Letters from The Big Man IMDB Page

The Town That Bigfoot Built
Not Your Typical Bigfoot Movie

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Mysteries of the Pleistocene; Bigfoot, Clovis and Missing Major Fauna

JD Adams of writes a well researched, and well referenced article tying together several aspects of the Pleistocene Epoch, including geology, jaw bones and the Gigantopithecus.

(SALEM, Ore.) - The Pleistocene Epoch spans a time from 2.6 million years ago to the end of the last Ice Age at 12,000 years Before Present. It is an immensely interesting period because of the existence of legendary, enigmatic creatures and people.

We shall discuss the mysterious disappearance of the Pleistocene Megafauna, the changes wrought by Ice Ages, the massive Missoula Floods that scoured Oregon and Washington, how a meteor impact changed evolutionary history, and how the interaction of ancient human species with the towering Gigantopithecus, the largest primate ever to live on Earth, relates to our modern legend of Bigfoot.

Human history corresponds roughly to the Pleistocene and is known as the Paleolithic Era. It is initially characterized by the use of tools made of stone, wood, or bone, advancing to more complex tools used in agriculture.

The migration of humans out of Africa and into Asia, and subsequently into the North American continent, is thought to have been a contributing factor to the extinction of the large animals known as the Pleistocene Megafauna.

During the last Ice Age, the lowering of the sea level created the Bering Land Bridge between what is now Siberia and Alaska. Paleolithic hunters brought their skills and techniques over from Asia, confronting a world of mammoths and mastodons, saber-toothed cats, and the giant bear arctodus simus, the largest North American carnivore, standing over 11 ft. on their back legs.

These great beasts were examples of extreme adaptation, evolving exotic forms in the fertile land that lay south of the glaciers. During this time period, there is volcanic upheaval while glaciers recede and advance, shaping a constantly changing landscape of lakes and streams in valleys where giant bison and ground sloths grazed.

These variations in climate would have severely stressed the Megafauna by altering food sources and locations. On other continents, the timetable for extinctions was somewhat different, but ultimately resulted in the proliferation of the smaller, smarter, more versatile animals similar to what we see today.

Ice sheets covered large areas of the northern United States during the Pleistocene Epoch, including northern Washington, Idaho, and Montana. The release of an ice dam backing up a glacial lake flooded the Willamette Valley 400 feet deep!

The raging torrent swept down the Columbia River drainage, permanently altering the landscape in the most significant event of its kind ever recorded in geologic history.

Roughly 15,000 years ago, glacial ice grew southward into northern Idaho to block the Clark Fork River, creating 200-mile long Glacial Lake Missoula in western Montana. As the level of the lake increased, it eventually worked its way under and around the obstruction.



Lair of the Beasts: Seeking the Indian Bigfoot
Bigfoot: Bone Flesh and Fur
Bigfoot Found in Tacoma!
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