Showing posts with label Craig Woolheater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craig Woolheater. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Skeptic Sharon Hill Takes us on a Bigfoot Media Tour

Sharon Hill takes on Bigfoot in the media at
"The group is governed by a set of pillars and is in the process of writing a “Book of Squatch,” with information, research and rules about the search for Sasquatch..." --Mark Kasting, Head Squatchman of Penn State's Searchers of Sasquatch

Sharon Hill is one of our favorite skeptics, we don't always agree, but she is fair and and extremely good at forming her argument. Better yet, she is thorough and a great fact checker, disciplines we think should be innate in any skeptic, but some self-proclaim skeptics just don't have the DNA for it.

She covers a few news articles we have also covered here at BLC. She mention the New York Times: How to Hunt for Bigfoot and the Hunting for Bigfoot in the Santa Cruz Mountains. You can read her take on both articles at Serious searchers seeking Sasquatch, or Shenanigans? (nice alliteration by the way).

She also showcases a third article we have not covered here at BLC, the Penn State paper, The Collegian, mentions an unofficial Penn State club titled, "The Penn State University Searchers of Sasquatch". You can read The Collegians full article below.

This is where Sharon's skill at going beyond the article is appreciated. In the article the Club claims 140 likes in it's "club," but in actuality it there are only 4 members. We can add to Sharon's reporting, at least two of the four Facebook members are not Penn State students, but Craig Woolheater of Cryptomundo and Sharon Lee of The Bigfoot Reporter.

At the very least The Collegian article is entertaining. Although it is not made completely clear this is a lampoon. There are some indicators like the, "The Book of Squatch" and the new method of "Bird Squatching". Please read the full article below.

Penn State's club Searchers of Sasquatch search for Bigfoot
By Grace Rambo
Collegian Staff Writer

In the darkest part of the deepest woods surrounding State College, he waits. His footprints dot the peak of Mount Nittany; he hunts in Sunset Park and wanders through the trees of the Arboretum. His existence has been questioned for decades, neither proven nor disproven. He is the Sasquatch.

At least, that’s what some Penn State students believe.

For those who have always known in their heart that Sasquatch exists, for those who believe the ever-elusive creature still roams the woods unseen and even for those who remain skeptical of its existence: the “Searchers of Sasquatch” are here.

Where it all began

It started with a TV show and a couple college friends hanging out and watching the popular show, “Finding Bigfoot.” The Searchers of Sasquatch, although not yet named an official Penn State club, is a group dedicated to searching for the mythical creature known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch, said Mark Kasting.

Kasting, better known as “head squatchman” and one of the creators of the group, said he and his friends watched others searching for Bigfoot on television and soon realized that they had a passion for it, too. They decided to form a group the week before spring break, Kasting (junior-astronomy and astrophysics) said.

And so, the Searchers of Sasquatch was born.

Kasting said the group is currently in the process of creating a club constitution and getting an adviser, although Kasting said that such a club requires a “certain type” of adviser.

Jack Bagby and Bruce Etter are two members of the Searchers of Sasquatch who helped create the club alongside Kasting. Bagby (junior-philosophy and Greek) said he focuses on the ethical aspects and issues that come with “squatching,” such as dealing with non-believers and skeptics, while Etter (junior-sociology, psychology and English) focuses on the social aspects, such as keeping up a strong group dynamic when students are out on the hunt.

Kasting, Bagby and Etter said their love of Bigfoot also goes hand-in-hand with the love they have for nature. Kasting and Etter have hiked the Appalachian Trail, while Bagby was a Boy Scout.

And Etter said he’s already discovered some photographic evidence of Bigfoot, citing a footprint he found in State College that he could not explain. Etter described the print as belonging to a “large, five-toed creature,” which was neither human nor bear nor dog.

Kasting said the Searchers of Sasquatch don’t currently have meetings because there is no on-campus classroom large enough to house their members, which reached 140 on Facebook as of press time Thursday.

Ruling the squatch

Searching for Bigfoot is not a free-for-all among believers, but an organized group effort that requires a set of rules for squatchers to uphold and live by.

Bagby said that any student who wants to join in the search for Sasquatch must remember to keep an open mind — an important trait if he or she is willing to join the Seachers of Sasquatch and submit to such a “squatchy existence.”

“We don’t want to make too many projections [about Bigfoot],” Bagby said. “It keeps us more ethically minded.”

The Searchers of Sasquatch are not just students who wander in the woods casually searching for the mythical creature, though. The group is governed by a set of pillars and is in the process of writing a “Book of Squatch,” with information, research and rules about the search for Sasquatch, Kasting said.

Some of the pillars include rules like “Everyone can squatch,” “No area is unsquatchable” and “Squatching is fun.” However, there are also very serious pillars, like the killing of Sasquatch, which is one of the most “unsquatchman-like” things a person can do.

Kasting also said another pillar is the idea that searching for Sasquatch becomes instinctive. The instinct to search for Sasquatch is usually triggered by “squatchy” territory. Kasting said a squatcher will feel in tune with nature and know when he or she enters squatchy territory.

One of the final pillars states, “Squatching is forever.” Etter wondered aloud when the hunt for Bigfoot would ever end, since the search for Bigfoot has gone on so long already.

But Kasting said that the hunt for Sasquatch will never end, even if someone were to find Sasquatch or one of his many offspring.

“We have to learn what they have to teach,” Kasting said, in regards to Sasquatch. “They know how to live what appears to be happy lives.”

Etter echoed these sentiments, saying that squatching is more than an attempt to find Bigfoot — it’s a lesson learned.

“Squatching teaches persistence in the face of adversity,” Etter said. “It’s sticking with what you believe.”

How to squatch

Being successful in the hunt for Bigfoot requires more than walking into the woods and taking a look around. There is a unique technique required if a person wants to have any chance of catching a glimpse of the mythical creature.

Bagby said the best place to search for Bigfoot is in large forests that contain big objects to hide behind, and the “further you get” into the forest, the “squatchier” it gets. He added it appears as though in the State College area, Bigfoots are not sedentary, and instead of settling down, they tend to just pass through the area.

Despite knowing where the Sasquatch prefers to live, it’s still difficult to attract them because they are intelligent creatures, Kasting said.

“Anyone who has ever tried has failed; they may be smart enough to know when we’re looking for them,” Kasting said. “It’s going to require a technique other than sneaking around. It’s going to require attracting the squatch to you through calls or noise-making, or showing the Bigfoot that you’re a decent group of people.”

Etter said that there are some important tips that can help anyone search for Sasquatch. One of the first things to remember, Etter said, is to be respectful.

“You’re a guest,” Etter said referring to sasquatch territory. “You’re walking in their home; you want to be courteous.”

Kasting added that keeping a good attitude is important because sometimes, the search for Sasquatch can be discouraging, especially when there are so many non-believers. However, for those who believe, Kasting said being attentive and observant of the qualities of nature will go a long way.

Despite displaying these qualities, Bagby said utilizing nature is also an important part of discovering Sasquatch. In particular, Bagby said a new type of squatching has developed, known as “bird squatching.”

Bagby said observing the way birds react to their surroundings in the wild can give clues as to where a Bigfoot may be hiding.

“Birds see the squatches that we can’t,” Bagby said. “If we watch their patterns, we are able to predict where the squatches are.”

The fascination with squatch

In 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin announced the first report of a Sasquatch sighting in the U.S. The pair claimed they captured video of a Bigfoot on film. While many sightings have been proven false, this sighting still stands as the sole evidence of Bigfoot’s existence.

Nearly 45 years later, the search for Bigfoot is alive and well, especially on Penn State’s campus.

Kasting said he thinks the biggest reason people still search for Sasquatch is for the pursuit of something unattainable.

“People like the search for something that hasn’t been proven,” Kasting said. “People search for meaning in their lives.”

Etter echoed similar sentiments, saying that everyone has their own “squatch” they are constantly searching for.

Aside from the philosophical search for meaning through squatching, Bagby said another reason people find such fascination in Bigfoot is the fact that Bigfoot is a creature more relatable to humans than any other creature.

“We could relate to this animal,” Bagby said. “A dog is a domesticated thing, but a Sasquatch lives on its own just like we do.”

But anyone, even those who don’t believe in Sasquatch, can join the group.

Kasting said believers and skeptics alike are welcomed to join the Searchers of Sasquatch. The main idea, Kasting said, is that people are coming together.

“Not everybody will see it the same way,” Kasting said. “The important thing is that everyone is out there doing it together.”

Etter said that he personally is unsure of the existence of Bigfoot. Despite his doubts, he said it’s crucial for all people who look for Sasquatch to have fun and keep searching.

“We’re just trying to get our feet wet and not take a question mark for an answer,” Etter said. “I believe in the possibility of the unbelievable.”
SRC: The Collegian

Monday, July 4, 2011

Todd Standing Offers $2 Million for Bigfoot Body Parts

All good things must come to an end. This is why Todd Standing never ends. We have to credit to Craig Woolheater of Cryptomundo for giving us the heads up. We would be committing Bigfoot Lunch Club malpractice if we didn't give our own take.

Let's talk about the Money
Below is the explanation of the rules for the reward.
This reward is offered specifically under the 2 parameters listed below.

1st the body or significant piece of the body must have expired due to Natural causes. A detailed accounting of the discovery will be documented and investigate by a wildlife officer and forensic expert provided by the sylvanic team.

2nd The discovery must remain entirely confidential. No media or public discloser in any way. Our species protection and legislation is at a point where as soon as we can a provide a body full species protection will be implemented and enforced. It is our intention to have wildlife officers across North America identify and protect known bigfoot habitats before the media and public is aware of the situation.

Once these two obligations have been confirmed the 2 million dollar reward will be issued. The party responsible for the discovery will receive full credit for their discovery the moment this information goes public.

Let's talk about the Funny
We have two take-aways for Todd's Proposal. First, Todd has the best chance on collecting on his own reward. If there is anybody who knows how to triangulate and come face to face with Bigfoot, it would be Todd Standing. If there is anybody who knows where a group of Bigfoot live and continually has the ability to make contact with Bigfoot, it would be Todd Standing. If there is anybody who has the best odds of proving Bigfoot, based on their own statements, it would be Todd Standing. So why would someone who has all the assets, (by Todd's accounts) to be the first to prove Bigfoot offer $2 Million? Because nothing says your more serious about real evidence like lots of money.

This brings us to our second take-away. We are not lawyers and will not offer legal advice. We can, however, share some fundamentals of the legalistic formalities of how cash rewards work. Rewards fall under Contract Law. $2 million is serious money and at Sylvanic they are not taking this very seriously, they should have a page of legal-ese somewhere on the site that makes the claim of the reward. I know this because I have built many websites for many retailers that offer rewards far less than $2M. Those websites require lots of legal-ese defining the terms of the contract.

So in one fell swoop Todd has tried to convince us he's really serious by offering $2 million and then telling us he is not really serious by offering $2 million dollars.

If you do, by chance, decide to take Todd Standing up on his offer, get a contract lawyer first before you even email or talk to Todd.

By the way we have had the best coverage of Todd Standing, please read are entire coverage of Todd Standing

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cryptomundo X BigfootLunchClub Collaboration

Not since chocolate and peanut butter has such a combination made so much sense. Well, bananas and strawberries are pretty good too. We are extremely excited and proud to announce that Bigfoot Lunch Club is now a contributor to

Nothing changes here, all the same breaking news, exclusive reports and humor you have come to love will continue. Basically, we will have another way for people to find us, and it gives us an opportunity to add to the great body of work already established by Craig Woolheater and Loren Coleman.

We would like thank Craig Woolheater for inviting and welcoming us aboard. This collaboration is at the heart of what we try to encourage at Bigfoot Lunch Club; share openly and support each other. None of us have a monopoly on truth or good ideas.

So please give Cryptomundo some love back and visit them by clicking on the "Cryptomundo Contributor" button below, Loren Coleman has been prolific about his postings this week and there are tons of great stuff to read.

Friday, December 24, 2010

2010 Countdown, 10 days of Appreciation: Day 04 Craig Woolheater

We want to spend the final days of 2010 appreciating those who have supported us this year. Three years ago, we could of never hoped for this much success. Our only goal was to search, dig and find the most topical Bigfoot news, and share it with anybody that listen. If we were lucky, we would make a modest contribution to the Bigfoot Community and find an audience. We have been more than lucky, thank you.

We will save the last day for our fans, without your tips comments and suggestions we wouldn't have the mass appeal we have. For now, we would like to recognize Craig Woolheater.

We wish we knew Craig better, we met him briefly at the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium last summer. He was kind and generous, proved he had read our blog by referencing a few posts. We owe our early success on our Facebook page to him. After he fanned our page we got the biggest gain in a single day ever. Instantly we got 300 more fans. (The man has pull!)

Craig is also responsible for Cryptomundo, you may have heard of this blog about Cryptozoology with a guy named Loren Coleman as one of the contributers. Cryptomundo was an early inspiration to us and the reason why we asked for Loren Coleman books for Christmas last year.

Craig continues to say good things about us and credits us at Cryptomundo and on Facebook. Bigfoot Lunch Club would like to thank you for your support this summer and helping us jumpstart our Facebook page. Thank you Craig Woolheater.

Craig's facebook Page
Cryptomundo's Facebook Page

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A Coleman Christmas for Bigfoot Lunch Club

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Scientists to look for China's Bigfoot

As with many great Sasquatch announcements, everything is in place for this endeavor-- as soon as they get some money.

There has been a string of news sources reacting to the initial Reuters Article about a group of 100 Chinese Scientist looking for assistance in manpower and money in search of the Yeren (The Chinese Bigfoot). Craig Woolheater of Cryptomundo and TBRC has announced it as, "the new dawn of hominid research in China". We have posted every unique article on the subject including news sources like the initial Reuters article, China's Xinua, USA This Week, And even CNN.

Chinese Researchers Prepare To Relaunch 'Bigfoot' Search
(USA This Week; 10/10/2010) Scientists in China's Hubei Province have announced that they would soon launch a new research to track down the elusive creature named Bigfoot. The Hubei Wild Man Research Association (HWMRA) has asked researchers from outside to join the group's search in the Shennongjia forest region, reported Xinhua.

Talking to Xinhua, Luo Baosheng, vice president of the HWMRA, said that the organization is comprised of more than 100 scientists and explorers, who are looking for the Bigfoot, an ape-like animal, for years. "Most importantly, we want the team members to be devoted, as there will be a lot of hard work in the process," Luo told Xinhua. Team members are also expected to be in good physical health and preferably 25 to 40 years of age, he added.

The Bigfoot is also known as "Yeren" or "Wild Man" in China and its search will cost at least USD 1.5 million, said Wang Shancai, a member of the the group and an archaeologist with the Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. The group has approached various companies and institutions to seek funding for their research, Wang added.

"Unlike expeditions three decades ago, the better technological support will help us get closer to solving the mystery. We are now working together with the China Three Gorges University to develop long-time energy-supply devices to support cameras that will be installed in the ape man's possible habitat," noted Wang.

Chinese researchers have been searching for the Bigfoot since the 1970s and the search for Yeti, another name for the creature, is not restricted to China only. People in the United States have been looking for Yeti, also known as Sasquatch.

SOURCE : USA This Week

Chinese researchers to relaunch 'Bigfoot' search
(CNN 10/09/2010) -- Wanted: Patient person. Physically fit, with basic knowledge of biology. Able to take pictures.
Job: Find Bigfoot.
Scientists in China's Hubei Province have announced they are looking for additional members for its special team tasked with tracking down the creature.
The Hubei Wild Man Research Association (HWMRA) is recruiting researchers internationally to join the group's search in the Shennongjia forest region, according to state-run news agency Xinhua.

Luo Baosheng, vice president of the HWMRA, told Xinhua that the organization is comprised of more than 100 scientists and explorers who have been chasing the ape-like animal for years. The last time a organized search took place was in the early 1980s, Xinhua reported Saturday.

"Most importantly, we want the team members to be devoted, as there will be a lot of hard work in the process," Luo told Xinhua. Team members are also expected to be in good physical health and preferably 25 to 40 years of age, he added.
The search for the phantom, known as the "Yeren" or "Wild Man" in China, will cost at least $1.5 million U.S. dollars, according to Wang Shancai, a member of the the group and an archaeologist with the Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. The group is seeking funding from various companies and institutions, Wang said.

Chinese researchers have been searching since the 1970s. There have been more than 400 reported sightings of the half-man, half-ape in the Shennongjia area. In the past, explorers have found inconclusive evidence that researchers claimed to be proof of Bigfoot's existence, including hair, footprints, excrement and a sleeping nest, Xinhua reported.

Witnesses say the creature walks upright like a human but is much taller, and is covered in hair head-to-toe.

The search for Yeti is not restricted to China.

People in the United States have been looking for years. The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) claims it's the oldest and largest organization with the goal of finding Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch. The organization relies heavily on eyewitness reports from residents.

According to BFRO's website, the animal began to be referred to as Bigfoot by journalists in the 1950s after a spat of sightings reported in northern California.


Chinese association to hunt for "Bigfoot" search team members
WUHAN, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- A "Bigfoot" research association in central China's Hubei Province said Saturday it plans to launch a global recruitment drive seeking members of a high-profile search team for the ape-like creature in the Shennongjia Forest Region.

The association, made up of more than 100 scientists and explorers, is hoping the expedition could end the long-running debate on the existence of the legendary half-human, half-ape figure, nearly 30 years after the last organized expedition to seek the mysterious beast in the early 1980s, said Luo Baosheng, vice president of the Hubei Wild Man Research Association.

Altogether more than 400 people have claimed to have seen Bigfoot in the Shennongjia area, but no hard evidence has been found to prove its existence.

According to witnesses, the creature walks upright, is more than 2 meters tall as an adult and has a gray, red or black hairy body.

The team members should be between 25 and 40 years old. With good physical health, they should also have a basic knowledge of biology and know how to use a camera, said Luo.

Preference would be given to those who have outdoor experience.

"Most importantly, we want the team members to be devoted, as there will be a lot a hard work in the process," he said.

However, there is no specific timetable yet for the expedition as the association is still in talks with several companies and institutions about the funding of the expedition which will cost at least 10 million yuan (about 1.5 million U.S. dollars), said Wang Shancai, an archaeologist with the Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, who is also a member of the association.

Located deep in the remote mountains in Hubei, Shennongjia Nature Reserve has long been rumored to be the home of the elusive creature known in China as the "Yeren," or "Wild Man."

China organized three high-profile scientific expeditions for Bigfoot through the 1970s and 1980s. Researchers found hair, a footprint, excrement and a sleeping nest that were said to be Bigfoot's, but none of which could conclusively prove its existence.


Scientists to look for China's Bigfoot
(Reuters) - A group of Chinese scientists and explorers is looking for international help to mount a new search for the country's answer to Bigfoot, known locally as the "Yeren," or "wild man."

Over the years, more than 400 people have claimed sightings of the half-man, half-ape Yeren in a remote, mountainous area of the central province of Hubei, state news agency Xinhua said on Saturday.

Expeditions in the 1970s and 1980s yielded hair, a footprint, excrement and a sleeping nest suspected of belonging to the Yeren, but there has been no conclusive proof, the report added.

Witnesses describe a creature that walks upright, is more than 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) tall and with grey, red or black hair all over its body, Xinhua said.

Now the Hubei Wild Man Research Association is looking for volunteers from around the world to join them on another expedition to look for the Yeren.

"We want the team members to be devoted, as there will be a lot a hard work in the process," Luo Baosheng, vice president of the group, told Xinhua.

But the team will have to come up with about 10 million yuan ($1.50 million) first, and is talking to companies and other bodies to secure the funding, so there is no timetable yet for when they may start, the report added.

China is no stranger to cryptozoology. Tales abound of mysterious, Loch Ness monster-like creatures living in lakes in remote parts of the country.

Tibetans have also long talked about the existence of the Yeti, or "Abominable Snowman," in the high mountains of their snowy homeland.

($1=6.671 Yuan)

(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Ron Popeski)

Source: Reuters

If you're new and have not checked out our groovy AKA Bigfoot World Map. Below are our pinpoints for the Yeren

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Meldrum Talks China

USA This Week 10/10/10
CNN 10/09/2010
Xinhua 10/09/10
Reuters 10/09/10

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bigfoot Author Thom Powell to Speak NOV 3rd 2010

The University of Oregon/Oregon Sasquatch Symposium has an evening with Thom Powell coming to a campus near you. The event will be completely free and most likely take place in Eugene.

Just as exciting, rumor has it Thom Powell might have his newest book available at that time. The working title of his newest book is "Shady Neighbors"

you remember Thom Powell from his presentation the 1st annual Oregon Sasquatch Symposium

Mr. Powell is also famous for his 2003 book titled The Locals. Craig Woolheater partially describes the 271 page book as:
"...The report concerned a Bigfoot that was found during a firefighting mission on Battle Mountain, NV on August 6, 1999. A letter dated the next day was received by the BFRO from an anonymous federal agency worker who was at the scene with approximately 20 firefighters.

The letter stated that the author had observed a quadrapedal animal that was captured by firefighters. A local vet and MD were called to the scene. The animal was tranquilized and moved to an undisclosed location...."

An editorial review on
Bigfoots ARE The Locals. They live here. They were here before we humans showed up on the continent and they will likely outlast us. This is a 'bigfoot book' yet it probes much deeper than a simple treatment of the hackneyed question of 'Does Bigfoot exist?'. This book delves into such questions as why bigfoots exist, why they behave as they do, and why they have not yet been, and may never be dragged into the spotlight of science and the media. And don't look to 'science' for answers, because science is currently unequipped to shed any light on this profound anthropological mystery.

This should be an exciting event and as more details come our way we will keep you updated!

Thom almost makes top 20 list
Cryptomundo's Book review of The Locals
The Locals book on Amazon

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

G'Day Yowie!

G'Day Yowie! Yowie is the somewhat affectionate term for an unidentified hominid reputed to lurk in the Australian wilderness. It is an Australian cryptid similar to the Himalayan Yeti and the North American Bigfoot.

We get a double dose of Yowie on the web. First, Darren Naish at's Tetrapod Zoology reviews the book "The Yowie: In Search of Austrailia's Bigfoot."

Darren Naish is a vertebrate palaeontologist with six years of phd work on theropod dinosaurs behind him, he mostly spends long hours in the library, hunched over his laptop.

Naise makes it clear how he feels about cryptozoology--kind of.

"I'm of the opinion that the Australian Yowie is one of the most problematic of mystery beasts. It is, in fact, so ridiculous and inconvenient that it's difficult to take seriously. As if sasquatch, yeti and orang pendek aren't difficult enough...I don't reject the possible existence of these creatures out of hand.

The review of the book is fascinating and thorough, it almost goes chapter by chapter.

At Craig Woolheater's Cryptomundo, Loren Coleman says there has been an uptick in reports to him regarding Yowie.

Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

The Cryptomundo post also includes videos interviews with Yowie witnesses.

"What to Make of Yowies?" by Darren Naish at Science Blogs
"Awash with Yowies aplenty mate" by Loren Coleman at Cryptomundo
Update to AKA Bigfoot World Map by Epic Gilgamesh at Bigfoot Lunch Club

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cryptomundo Responds to Being "Down"

Craig Woolheater, owner of Cryptomundo, has responded to the Cryptomundo site being down:

"There have been some changes here at Cryptomundo to start the new year.

Some of them may be apparent, others may not be.

First of all, I have purchased the site, along with our sister site, UFOmystic, from the previous owner.

I have formed a new corporation, Cryptomundo, Inc. that will incorporate both sites.

Now the new web host has suspended the account because we have exceeded the server resources, even though the account had unlimited bandwidth unlimited yada yada...

Please bear with us as we now move the site to a dedicated server.

Service should be restored soon..."

Everybody here at BLC wishes Cryptomundo well and can't wait to see the new changes and look forward to the new site being up soon.

Please read our terms of use policy.