Showing posts with label Loren Coleman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loren Coleman. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Long Lost "Minnesota Iceman" Resurfaces--in Austin, Texas!

Close up of April 1969 Argosy magazine cover featuring the Minnesota Iceman
The Minnesota Iceman has resurfaced and will be on display at the Museum of the Weird in Austin, Texas. Read the official press release below, buy tickets to the Minnesota Iceman grand opening, and learn about the shipping of the Iceman filmed on A&E's Shipping Wars to be rebroadcast this Saturday June 29th 2013.

Promo video below is from the Museum of the Weird Facebook Page.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Long Lost “Minnesota Iceman” Resurfaces… in Austin, Texas!

In 1968 a carnival attraction being billed as “The Siberskoye Creature” began showing up at malls and fairgrounds across America. Also known as “The Creature In Ice,” the exhibit appeared to be the body of a hairy Neanderthal or Bigfoot-like monster frozen in a solid block of ice in a refrigerated coffin.

The “Iceman” soon garnered the attention of scientists, the Smithsonian Institution, and even the FBI, who all wanted to get their hands on the creature. Then, as suddenly as it appeared, the Iceman seemed to mysteriously vanish without a trace, and along with it all hopes of ever having the body thoroughly examined.

Over the ensuing decades the enigma of the Minnesota Iceman, as it were later to be called, became the subject of many books, lectures and television shows including Unsolved Mysteries and Animal X. The story grew to near legendary status among the generation that remembered seeing it, and for over three decades the mystery of whatever happened to it became as much an open question as whatever “IT” actually was.

Now, after many years of its whereabouts being unknown, the long enduring mystery of “Where is the Minnesota Iceman?” can finally be answered.

Museum of the Weird owner Steve Busti announced today that the original Minnesota Iceman is currently in his possession, still frozen, and will soon be exhibited to the world once again in his Austin, Texas tourist attraction.  Busti is aiming to have the Iceman set up in his museum and open to the public within a week, with plans for a special Grand Opening event on Saturday, July 13th in cooperation with eminent cryptozoology site

The Museum of the Weird is an homage to dime museums made popular by the likes of P.T. Barnum, and features everything from real mummies, shrunken heads and oddities, to wax figures of classic movie monsters, to live giant lizards.  They even boast a live sideshow on stage every day, where one can see magicians, sword-swallowers, human blockheads, and even an “elecrticity-proof” man.

In addition to the Minnesota Iceman taking up permanent residence at the Museum of the Weird however, Busti also plans to loan the Iceman for display to Loren Coleman’s International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine ( for a special limited future engagement. You can follow Coleman’s blog at for forthcoming information.

Further details will be announced at a later date. In the meantime, you can find more information at

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

(Time to be announced)

Museum of the Weird, in conjunction with the world's foremost website on all things cryptid,, will be hosting a very special event on July 13th at the Museum of the Weird in Austin, TX:


Featuring an all-star line up of world famous cryptozoologists, experts and authors, it's sure to be a night of entertainment, intrigue and mystery as we explore the unknown creatures that lurk in the darker corners of the world we live in! Please come out and join us for the grand opening of the Minnesota Iceman!

Speaker presentations, author book signings, and screenings to be announced.

The regular ticket price to the event is $35 and includes admission to the Museum of the Weird and the conference.  Space and seating is extremely limited, so we recommend buying your tickets early!

Click to Buy Minnesota Iceman Tickets

Jennifer meets with the buyer of the Minnesota Iceman and his friends
as they prepare to hunt Bigfoot. Will Jennifer join them on their adventure?
New episodes of Shipping Wars debut every Tuesday 10/9c. You can catch the Minnesota Iceman Episode this weekend on Saturday, June 29 11:31 PM ET and Sunday, June 30 03:32 AM ET. A description of the episode is below.

Marc's buddy, Johnny Chavez finally wins a load, but his day in the sun will be overshadowed when Marc pranks his run. Jennifer hauls a cold, creepy, mysterious load... and that's just the seller, who joins her to ensure the oddity he's shipping makes it to its destination before it unthaws.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Loren Coleman Clarifies His Remarks in New Haven Article

Loren Coleman, left, speaks with host Joshua Foer at the Institute Library in New Haven.
In our previous post, "Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman Speaks about Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA Study" we quoted the New Haven Register article interviewing Loren Coleman. Since our post we received comments regarding a few of Mr. Coleman's statements, in particular his "No data, no discovery" and "Angel DNA" comments. 

Yesterday (January 20th, 2013) Loren Coleman posted an article on Cryptomundo to clarify his remarks to the New Haven Register. Full disclosure: I am a regular contributor to Cryptomundo and a big fan of Loren Coleman's contributions to the Bigfoot community. Read an excerpt from his clarifications below:
In discussing the recent DNA news, I quoted John Hawks, the Wisconsin anthropologist, in my agreeing with his notion that “no data, no discovery” is the stance to take. My attribution to Hawks was absence from the article.

I said that quotes supposedly from the researcher in Texas, saying ridiculous things like “These are angels from heaven,” were released on Facebook, and that does not help the cause of serious research on Bigfoot. Those remarks were denied later as having been said by the Texas individual. The article does not make it clear I was talking about the leakage and not the exacting quotations.

In the solving of the source of the “Montauk Monster,” at my New Haven talk, I was clear to credit myself and others for pointing to a “raccoon in second-stage decomposition,” as what the thing on the beach was. Besides myself and a New York game official, Darren Naish was behind the solution too.
We wanted to cover the two primary topics that were discussed in our comments area, but Loren Coleman also touches upon other aspects of his New Haven interview, and your welcome to read them here

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman Speaks about Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA Study

Loren Coleman, left, speaks with host Joshua Foer at the Institute Library in New Haven.
“My standard is: no data, no discovery, and why is she saying ridiculous things like ‘These are angels from heaven’?” -- Loren Coleman on Melba Ketchum DNA Study

In an article by Randall Beach for the New Haven Register, Loren Coleman is asked about his approach to cryptozoology. You can read below as he describes himself as a skeptic and then brings up Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study:

Coleman stated at the outset: “I am a skeptic.” He demands to see plenty of hard evidence before believing any of the many claims of creature sighters.

“I try to interview the witness first,” he told us. “I try to understand the human element. The creature is important to me. But I’m never blown away by a piece of evidence. I always look for the motive.”

For instance, he investigated the claim by a veterinarian in Texas she had discovered a being that was “part human, part primitive.”

“My standard is: no data, no discovery,” Coleman said. “And why is she saying ridiculous things like ‘These are angels from heaven’?”
The article continues to talk about a few other cryptids but the subject comes back to Bigfoot and Mr. Coleman reveals what started his fascination for Cryptozoology; a Japanese movie about the Yeti.
Coleman said that for every 100 cases of new animal claims, about 80 of them are mistaken identity, one is a hoax and the other 19 are unknown.

“But the media goes crazy about the hoaxes,” he noted.

Coleman said Bigfoot hoaxers are “really evil people.”

“Let’s talk about Bigfoot,” Foer said, and Coleman was off and running.

He noted that when he surveys people who come to his International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Me. (the world’s only cryptozoology museum), “nine out of 10 are interested in Bigfoot.”

Coleman thinks he knows the reason: “Of all the cryptids, Bigfoot is the one that looks the most like us.”

Coleman isn’t about to declare Bigfoot is real but he did say, “I think there is something going on out there.”

He said the most “compelling” evidence is the Patterson-Gimlin footage of a hairy figure shot Oct. 20, 1967, in Bluff Creek, Calif. “You can see the mammary glands,” he noted. “And muscle contractions.”

Coleman added: “You see horses reacting to the creature. You have film, you have footprints. We have to be careful about putting all of our eggs in a basket. But if you look at it now, it’s the gold standard of all Bigfoot films.”

Coleman said we needn’t look for Bigfoot in populated regions such as Connecticut. But he noted: “You’ve got the melon heads in Shelton! Groups of unknown creatures in the woods with giant heads. They’re folk art.”

Coleman said, “I’ve been at this 53 years” and yet cryptozoology is still often dismissed as pseudo science. “I’ve long ago given up my defensiveness.”

He got interested in the field when he was a kid. The date was March 20, 1960. He saw a Japanese documentary, “Half Human,” about the Yeti (the Abominable Snowman).
You can read the full article at the New Haven Register 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Human Side of the Randy Lee Tenley Tragedy

Randy Lee Tenley (Dec. 10, 1967 ~ Aug. 26, 2012)
Many of you have already heard of the guillie suit Bigfoot hoax tragedy. A man, randy Lee Tenley dressed in a guille suit was unfortunately hit by two vehicles while trying to insight a Bigfoot sighting.

At Cryptomundo, Loren Coleman reminds us that a tragedy is more than bad luck, it has emotional consequences that most likely have lifetime impacts. Besides Randy Lee Tenley, there are three very young people that will have to wrestle with the events last Sunday night. The two teenage drivers and Randy's son, Hunter Tenley. 

A benefit fund for Randy’s son, Hunter Tenley, has been established at Three Rivers Bank, 233 E. Idaho St., Kalispell, MT 59901 (406-755-4271)

Please take the time to read Loren Coleman's post where you can read the entire Randy Lee Tenley obituary and the following comment from Loren Coleman:

Our condolences to the Tenley family, and especially his son Hunter. I publish the entire obituary here, so the benefit information will be widely disseminated, for this young man is, no doubt, in need and pain.

Once again, support and condolences to the two traumatized young women drivers who encountered Mr. Tenley on Highway 93.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Attorneys Offer Opinion In Johnsen vs. Cryptomundo, Moneymaker, & Coleman Defamation Suit

"...there is a real danger that a jury may not believe that Mr. Johnsen has been damaged at all. They may even conclude that you can't hurt a professional Bigfoot hunter's reputation by calling him crazy." --

Established in April 2005, is written by a group of mostly attorneys. Law is a relative constant focus on the site with a splash of cheeky humor.

Yesterday (June 21, 2012) Popehat resurrected the defamation case between Plaintiff JOHN JOHNSEN and co-defendants CRYPTOMUNDO,  INC,  a corporation, MATTHEW MONEYMAKER,  an  individual and LOREN COLEMAN,  an individual.

On April 23rd 2012, Cryptomundo publicized the case by starting a legal defense fund, stating, "Both Cryptomundo and Loren believe the case is baseless. Mr. Johnsen has demanded that he be given ownership of the website to settle the case. This is simply not acceptable."

The gist of the complaint is in paragraph 13 of the Summons Document
On or about June  8, 2011, Defendant Moneymaker published an inaccurate recitation of  his interactions with Plaintiff, during a wildlife expedition in the Ocala National Forest.  During this characterization of Defendant Moneymaker's interactions with Plaintiff, Defendant Moneymaker defamed Plaintiff by stating that Plaintiff was mentally ill and by accusing Plaintiff of  carrying firearms into the Ocala National Forest.
Click the following link if you want to read more details of the Moneymaker Defamation Case. Although you can get a pretty good review in the excerpt below.

If A Bigfoot Hunter Doesn't Have His Reputation, What Does He Have?

America is an increasingly crass nation, true. But there are still some places where decorum and good breeding are expected and even demanded.
For instance, anyone acquainted with cryptid enthusiasts knows that a gentleman seeking introduction to their society must first build a solid repute for probity. In turn, those admitted to the drawing-rooms and salons of the cryptidologists know that only the most polished among them can aspire to the rarefied circle of Bigfoot hunters, the royalty of the cryptid-seeking community. And yet even Bigfoot hunters — elite as they are — can encounter self-doubt when they ask themselves, "yes, my poise and quality have made me a Bigfoot hunter, but do I possess the savoir-faire necessary to achieve a position amongst the Bigfoot hunters ofFlorida? Can I persevere in that imperial land, where the exacting standards for urbanity and good deportment strain the abilities even of graduates of the finest finishing schools in Tampa and Orlando?"
By necessity, when swimming in these heady waters, a good reputation iseverything. So you see, when one Florida Bigfoot hunter accused another Florida Bigfoot hunter of being crazy, the latter had no choice but to sue for defamation.
Our story takes us to the aforementioned Florida, where Bigfoot is sought by our players. I admit that I — embarrassingly untutored in these things — labored under the naive belief that Bigfoot is a phenomenon of the Pacific Northwest. That, apparently, is an error on the level of believing that Duke is one of the Ivies. Bigfoot-hunting has a rich tradition in Florida. Some say that Bigfoot (never say Bigfeet; they'll wonder if you came in by the servant's entrance) migrated to Florida for its warmer climes and the easy supply of food (particularly in the late afternoon and early evening hours); those prone to unkindness suggest that the migration was a result of a Bigfoot flight seeking refuge from the increasing prevalence of Chupacabra-Americans in their traditional realms in the West.
Read the rest at

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Loren Coleman Talks Midwest Bigfoot History and BFRO Commercialism

Loren Coleman reminds us that the earliest reports of Sasquatch
sightings in the country came from Missouri and Arkansas.
“The most wrong-headed ideas are coming out of the BFRO. You’re just not going to find animals like this primate if you go into an area with 30 to 50 people looking for it. The noise and the camping activities will scare these creatures to the next valley.” --Loren Coleman

It should be mentioned that further in the article Coleman has high praise for the individual BFRO investigators themselves, he makes a definite distinction between the commercial group ventures and the respected individual researchers.

Mostly he talks about the history of hairy wild men and the sightings that took place in the Midwest--okay technically Oklahoma is considered part of the Intermountain Region, and the Midwest contains 10 other states, but that makes for a long headline.

Bigfoot sightings common in Four-State Area

By Josh Letner

— Woolly corners of Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma may support more than just black bears, mountain lions and wild hogs, according to one group of researchers. They believe the region also could hide a population of the legendary sasquatch.

They cite dozens of unexplained encounters in the Four States going back 150 years. But their search for a 7-foot tall beast has run up against more obstacles than bigfoot’s shy nature.

‘Old Sheff’

Loren Coleman, founder of the International Museum of Cryptozoology in Portland, Maine, says some of the earliest reports of sasquatch sightings in the country came from Missouri and Arkansas.

Coleman says there are reports of a “monstrous wild man” in the swamps of the Missouri Bootheel dating to the 1840s. A decade later, hunters in Arkansas reported seeing a creature that was “gigantic in stature, hairy, and having footprints that measured at least 14 inches long.”

“What we have to look for in terms of old reports are people talking about hairy wild men and there are many, many of those coming out of the Ozarks. It was a real hotbed for reports of these creatures in the 1850s,” he said.

A similar report emerged out of Crawford County, Kan., just after the Civil War.

“We of the Arcadia Valley, in the southern part of Crawford County, are having a new sensation, which may lead to some new disclosures in nature history, if investigated as it should be. It is nothing less than the discovery of a wild man or a gorilla, or ‘what is it,’” stated a report that first appeared in the Journal Free Press of Osage City, Kan., in 1869, and was soon reprinted in the St. Louis Democrat. “It has so near a resemblance to the human form that the men are unwilling to shoot it. It is difficult to give a description of this wild man or animal. It has a stooping gait, very long arms with immense hands or claw; generally walks on its hind legs but sometimes on all fours.

“The settlers, not knowing what to call it, have christened it ‘Old Sheff.’

“It cannot be caught and nobody is willing to shoot it.”

The letter was signed by M.S. Trimble.


Since then, there have been more than 200 reports of Bigfoot encounters out of Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas, according to the Bigfoot Field Research Organization.

Ron Boles, who lives in Springfield and is senior regional investigator for BFRO, said they are a volunteer group that catalogues, investigates, and rates Bigfoot encounters across the nation. A Class C encounter, for example, is non-visual evidence, such as a track; a Class B encounter may involve a vague or blurry sighting; the rarer Class A sighting, said Boles, involves a sober-as-Sunday-morning contact.

One such encounter occurred in Southwest City the morning of Sept. 6, 2010, according to Boles and BFRO.

It was Labor Day, and three fishermen were driving home at about 12:50 a.m. when they allegedly spotted a large creature hiding behind a trash can on the north end of Main Street. When they approached in their vehicle, the creature stood on its hind legs and fled. The fishermen pursued briefly before it escaped into the night.

The incident was reported by the driver to the BFRO and Boles says he investigated it, along with Larry Newman, a current candidate for sheriff in Jasper County.

“I was never more convinced of a Class A sighting than that one,” Boles said.

“Never in my life was I prepared for what I saw,” the witness told investigators. “It had long hair about 5 or 6 inches long and turned and looked at us twice to see if we were on his tail, I guess. This was a face-to-face encounter with this thing. He had his head in a trash can eating something. That’s how we got so close, he didn’t see us coming. He left a footprint behind and the police took a picture of it.”

Boles says the driver willingly gave his account but the others were reluctant to talk.

“I trust apprehensive witnesses a lot more than I do willing ones,” Boles said. “In some rural areas, people would rather go to their graves than lose face.”

Newman and Boles, who conducted their investigation six days later, described the witness as “genuinely frightened” by the experience.

“The footprint was 16 inches long and 8 inches wide,” Newman’s investigative report states. “They described a creature about 6 1/2 to 7 feet tall with a shoulder width of about 3 feet. Very heavy muscular legs, arms and body. The face had a wide flat nose, black around the eye area and small ears. The hair (not fur) was a reddish-brown color and not messy and matted as often described. The face was black.

“After this lengthy and detailed interview we believe this to be a close contact Class A sighting,” Newman wrote.

Boles and Newman said they did not want to release the name of the witness, citing the stigma surrounding those who claim to have sighted Bigfoot.

Newman has conducted other investigations for BFRO, and says he was contacted by the group because of his experience in law enforcement. He says he has investigated several reported sightings in the region. He says some seem legitimate while others are clearly false.

Newman says he has never seen a sasquatch himself, so he remains unconvinced of their existence. Boles says it is good for investigators to have a healthy dose of skepticism..

“We have been taught to be more skeptical of these reports than anybody,” he said. “If we’re not the most skeptical people out there, then that takes away the integrity of our research.”

Chetopa Hoax

Skepticism is warranted, too, because the Four States is not only noted for its woolly corners, but also for its practical jokers.

Such may have been the case in Chetopa, Kan., in February 1978.

According to BFRO and media reports at the time, the Chetopa Police Chief was alerted to more than two miles of tracks, with footprints that measured 17 inches in length and nearly 6 inches in width. Thousands of people came out to see them.

“After a while the chief supposedly found what was making the tracks, which was a 6-foot-6 kid named Chuck Bentley,” says the BRFO.

Bentley later admitted he made large wooden feet and stapled them to his boots, and created large strides by running while friends served as lookouts.

“I was just trying to add some excitement to Chetopa,” he said after he confessed.

However, the BFRO website implies the chief may have concocted not the story of the tracks, but the story that it was a hoax, to get people to settle down and to keep the curious from stirring up the town.

Bentley never returned telephone calls.


Clever tricksters aside, Coleman says there is still much in the world that remains undiscovered. The growing field of cryptozoology, derived from the Greek word “krypto” meaning hidden, is the study of creatures that are not known to science, but are hypothesized to exist.

While some people might scoff at the notion of cryptozoology, new species are still being discovered. He points to a new species of monkey discovered in Burma, giant lizards in the Philippines, and giant squid in the Pacific Ocean, which were first photographed only a few years ago.

“In our society today everything is instant, but people forget that it took 67 years to find the giant panda in the 1930s. It took over 50 years to find the mountain gorilla in Africa in a concentrated search area,” he said.

Coleman says he believes it is possible that a sasquatch could survive in the Ozarks. He says, although the area’s population has grown, it has become more concentrated in towns and cities.

“We go from one place to another on these strips of asphalt and we are increasingly ignoring the places that are green,” he said. “There are a lot of animals out there that people are absolutely ignoring.”

Boles says there is currently more forested land in the United States than at any point in the last century. He also points to skyrocketing populations of deer, turkey and feral hogs as a potential food source for sasquatch.

But Coleman says he is concerned that a recent activity — charging to search for sasquatch —  could undermine the scientific integrity of the quest to document cryptids.


In late February, the BFRO ran afoul of the National Park Service after an expedition of more than 30 Bigfoot enthusiasts — who had each paid $300 to attend — was stopped by park rangers in the Buffalo National River south of Harrison, Ark. The group was fined for leading an expedition without receiving a vendor’s permit.

Chief Ranger Karen Bradford said the group was acting as a concessionaire without the proper permits. She said that even if the group had applied for a permit, it is unlikely that the Park Service would have approved of a Bigfoot expedition because there was “no evidence of any Bigfoot, sasquatch, or yeti living in the Buffalo National River.”

Boles said the issue the Park Service was “an oversight, nothing more, nothing less.”

He says he is alarmed to hear that the BFRO would not be granted a permit in the future. He says the Park Service allows guided ghost tours at its Civil War battlefields, so why not Bigfoot expeditions in the wilderness?

“The Park Service is willing to acknowledge the possible existence of Civil War ghosts, but not an undiscovered primate?” argued Boles.

He also said the BFRO doesn’t guarantee that participants will have an encounter, but it does provide “the potential to have an encounter.”

“We offer an opportunity for people to come together to learn the signs that we look for and the things we do to draw them in,” he said. “You can’t go looking for them and hope to find one; you have to draw them in. You have to become the bait. You’ve to peak their curiosity and have them come to you.”

Coleman says BFRO guides have encouraged expedition participants to beat on trees and set off fireworks in an attempt to attract the reclusive creatures.

“The most wrong-headed ideas are coming out of the BFRO,” he said. “You’re just not going to find animals like this primate if you go into an area with 30 to 50 people looking for it. The noise and the camping activities will scare these creatures to the next valley.”

Coleman says the expeditions are “commercial adventures” that do not follow scientific method.

While Coleman is critical of the weekend expeditions, he has praise for the field investigations conducted by the BFRO of reported sightings.

“If you’re talking about the group and the weekend events, that’s much different than their individual investigators who also have a credible background in law enforcement. Those people are doing good research and good science.”

Boles says he is confident that there are many unknowns in this world that are yet to be discovered.

“I think there are a lot more mysteries left on this Earth than modern science will ever admit to,” he said. “Just because they don’t recognize it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Scientists haven’t been able to prove the spooklight in Joplin, but are you going to tell me that it isn’t there?”

SRC: The Joplin Globe

Monday, April 23, 2012

Cryptomundo, Loren Coleman, and Matt Moneymaker Defendants in Defamation Case

Today, April 23rd 2012, Cryptomundo has asked for help in raising funds for it's legal defense. You can make a contribution to Cryptomundo's legal defense fund at the paypal account ( 

Craig Woolheater has posted:
Cryptomundo and Loren Coleman have been sued for defamation by a member of the site, John Johnsen (click here to see a copy of the Complaint). Both Cryptomundo and Loren believe the case is baseless. Mr. Johnsen has demanded that he be given ownership of the website to settle the case. This is simply not acceptable.
We are not lawyers, but according to the legal document the domain is on the table. below is an excerpt from the legal Summons Document (you can see the document here)
Plaintiff requests judgment against Defendant Cryptomundo for damages, including but not limited to liquidated and actual damages, costs, interest, attorney's fees, and prays for such other relief in equity, including but not limited to transfer or any and all domain names associated with Defendant Cryptomundo, which this Court deems just and proper.
What is all this about? In paragraph 13-15 it describes the alleged act of defamation:
13. On or about Junee 8, 2011, Defendant Moneymaker published an inaccurate recitation of his interactions with Plaintiff, during a wildlife expedition in the Ocala National Forest. During
this characterization of Defendant Moneymaker's interactions with Plaintiff, Defendant
Moneymaker defamed Plaintiff by stating that Plaintiff was mentally ill and by accusing
Plaintiff of carrying firearms into the Ocala National Forest.
14. Defendant Moneymaker published these comments on the website a forum for members of the cryptozoological community. See Exhibit 1.
15. The statements disseminated by Defendant Moneymaker were defamatory in nature because they depicted Plaintiff as a crazy, delusional man who carries firearms into national forests, and is "not in the same reality as the rest of us," to quote from Defendant Moneymaker.
What are typical defenses against Defamation? Again we are not experts and we do not practice law. We did visit and found these common defenses against a defamation.

What Defenses Are Available To People Accused of Defamation?
The most important defense to an action for defamation is "truth", which is an absolute defense to an action for defamation.
Another defense to defamation actions is "privilege". For example, statements made by witnesses in court, arguments made in court by lawyers, statements by legislators on the floor of the legislature, or by judges while sitting on the bench, are ordinarily privileged, and cannot support a cause of action for defamation, no matter how false or outrageous.
A defense recognized in most jurisdictions is "opinion". If the person makes a statement of opinion as opposed to fact, the statement may not support a cause of action for defamation. Whether a statement is viewed as an expression of fact or opinion can depend upon context - that is, whether or not the person making the statement would be perceived by the community as being in a position to know whether or not it is true. If your employer calls you a pathological liar, it is far less likely to be regarded as opinion than if such a statement is made by somebody you just met. Some jurisdictions have eliminated the distinction between fact and opinion, and instead hold that any statement that suggests a factual basis can support a cause of action for defamation.
A defense similar to opinion is "fair comment on a matter of public interest". If the mayor of a town is involved in a corruption scandal, expressing the opinion that you believe the allegations are true is not likely to support a cause of action for defamation.
A defendant may also attempt to illustrate that the plaintiff had a poor reputation in the community, in order to diminish any claim for damages resulting from the defamatory statements.
A defendant who transmitted a message without awareness of its content may raise the defense of "innocent dissemination". For example, the post office is not liable for delivering a letter which has defamatory content, as it is not aware of the contents of the letter.
An uncommon defense is that the plaintiff consented to the dissemination of the statement.

We know many of you have your own blogs and your own facebook groups. It is important that we are able to quote third party opinions and not have to fear litigation. You can contribute to the Cryptomundo defense fund. It is easy. Go to this paypal link and type in as the recipient. For the record we have a made a small contribution ourselves.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sasquatch Science Peer Review Worth Paying Attention To

Is the Bigfoot Community, Charlie Brown and Melba, Lucy?
Scientific peer review on Sasquacth? We are not talking about Melba Ketchum. We have gone on record as not being too excited about Melba Ketchum and her potential research. We definitely have not covered it as mush as the other Bigfoot sites. For us, there have been too many red flags. The in-fighting, the fractioning of the original group, the moving of the goal posts of release date, the challenge of a peer group being able to duplicate the source DNA themselves. To us, there are many factors that contribute to our lack of confidence in the research.

We would be happy to be wrong. We would also welcome any contrary opinions. 

Logo for The Journal of Cryptozoology

That being said, we are excited about a new journal promising peer review research in the field of Cryptozoology. It is simply titled, Journal of Cryptozoology. Loren Coleman has announced it at Cryptomundo. Go check it out to get the details. Below is an excerpt describing the journal itself.

Dr Karl P.N. Shuker [of Shuker Nature] , the Editor, of the new Journal of Cryptozoology has announced this fresh peer-reviewed publication. Since the journal is planned to be a scientific one devoted to a specific subdiscipline of zoology, i.e. cryptozoology, it must adhere to the same structure and procedures that scientific journals devoted to mainstream subdisciplines of zoology adhere to, which involves submitted papers being assessed by academically-qualified zoologists with specialized knowledge in that particular subdiscipline.
Those involved in the Journal of Cryptozoology have established scientific credentials. You can read more details from Loren Coleman at his post titled, "Journal of Cryptozoology". We are very excited about this new peer reviewed journal.

Please send us your thoughts about Melba Ketchum, tell us why we are wrong, or why you feel the same way.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Loren Coleman Hilights a difference between Erickson/Ketchum Project and Pangboche Yeti Finger DNA tests

In a comment to Loren Coleman's post on Cryptomundo titled, "Pangboche Yeti Finger In Context: What Does Human Mean?" An astute reader asks a very important question:
Wendigo Truth Force responds:
So I’m a little confused here, admittedly. They found this [Pangboche Yeti] finger bone the other day? And DNA testing is already complete? I thought it took much longer, and that was part of the reason the Ketchum/Erickson debacle is taking so long

Loren Coleman has a great response explaining when the Pangboche Yeti finger bone was found and highlights, by example, a difference between the two DNA studies.

Loren Coleman responds:
The Pangboche finger was found some time ago, filming of interviews were conducted, Peter Byrne was flown in, more taping occurred, and in the meantime the DNA analysis was taking place. A timeline was not published, but it is apparent this BBC program has been in the works for some time. However, unlike the Erickson Project, there were no leaks.
He is referring to the Erickson Project leaks by several sources, the one with the loosest lips may be Richard Stubstad.

Watch this clip from Unsolved Mysteries: Episode #4.29. This 1992 episode talks about the Pangboche Yeti Hand and interviews Loren Coleman at some length.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Andy Finkle Baldfoot T-Shirts Selling Fast

This unique Andy Finkle Baldfoot t-shirt design could be yours! Only four left! Two mediums, one large and one x-large.

You may be familiar with Andy Finkle's unique style he has done portraits of Loren Coleman, Cliff Barackman and Mike Rugg.

The best part is this shirt glows in the dark!

So what are you waiting for? Go to this page and buy the last four available shirts left! Be the envy of your bigfoot friends and help one of cryptozoology's favorite artist! Check out more details at this link!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

95% Certainty and Indisputable Proof?

At Cryptomundo Loren Coleman is quick to tone down the rhetoric coming from the Seberian Yeti Expedition.
"...while “evidence” might have been collected, there was not “indisputable proof” gained.

No DNA analysis has been conducted. No results have been confirmed or published.

One footprint, allegedly.

One clump of moss said to be a bed, supposedly.

Sorry, such a rush to make a sensational media splash is not even good hominology among my Russian colleagues."

--Loren Coleman

You can read below where Mr. Coleman tells the Huffington Post, "These are not 'proof' that would hold up, zoologically,"

Scientists '95 Percent' Certain They've Found Elusive Siberian Yeti
Lee Speigel | First Posted: 10/10/11 07:34 PM ET Updated: 10/11/11 12:56 PM ET

Has it finally happened? Did scientists find real evidence of the existence of a hairy bipedal creature known as the Siberian Snowman or Siberian Yeti?

Researchers are claiming they are 95 percent sure that the fabled Russian version of the Abominable Snowman or Bigfoot lives in the Kemerovo region of Siberia.

Last week, a group of international scientists met in Moscow and then set out to the remote mountainous area in search of the elusive creature

It didn't take very long for them to issue a statement on the official Kemerovo website stating they had found "footprints, a probable den and various markers that Yetis mark their territory with."

An English translation (from of the original Russian news report added that the conference researchers "collected irrefutable evidence of the existence of the Yeti in Mountainous Shoria" (the southern part of Kemerovo).

They concluded that the artifacts gave them 95-percent proof of the existence of Yeti in the Kemerovo region, the press release stated.

Some possible Yeti hair samples reportedly found in the region by Russian scientist Anatoly Fokin will be studied in a laboratory to determine their origin.

"This does not seem to be any more than what you hear about from weekend excursions in North America that go out, discovering some hair of undetermined origin, calling it 'Bigfoot hair,' then locating some broken branches and piled trees, saying it was made by Bigfoot, and finding footprints that look like Sasquatch tracks," said Loren Coleman, director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.

"These are not 'proof' that would hold up, zoologically," Coleman told The Huffington Post.

It's not the first time this year that alleged Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch) "evidence" has come under scrutiny.

Back in June, creature researchers in California held a press conference soliciting help to get a DNA test that might determine if Bigfoot left physical impressions on the windows of a pickup truck in the Sierra National Forest.

So far, the jury is still out on that case.

Skeptics point out that the area of Siberia that's allegedly home to the local Yeti legend helps promote tourism. In fact, opening day of the ski season there is known as Day of the Yeti -- an attempt to sell many Yeti-related souvenirs and bring in more skiers to the region.

While scientific researchers continue hunting for signs of a Yeti lair in Kemerovo, let's hope they don't discover a cave that contains a set of recently purchased touristy Yeti beverage mugs.
SRC: Huffington Post

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Huffington Post: U.S. And Russian Scientists Target Elusive Siberian Snowman

Click to read our entire coverage of the Siberian Yeti.

The news of the Russian Yeti conference has reached mainstream media. This article at Huffington Post quotes author Loren Coleman.

U.S. And Russian Scientists Target Elusive Siberian Snowman

Lee Speigel

Snowmen aren't just playthings children build in wintertime. Some say they're living beings, and an international group of scientists are about to go hunting for one -- specifically, the Siberian Snowman.

Around the world, there have been reports of large, hairy, human-like creatures. Known variously as Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Abominable Snowman and the Siberian Snowman, none of the elusive animals have ever been captured to confirm their existence.

But cryptozoologists -- researchers who study the alleged existence of unknown animals -- say eyewitness accounts, photographs, films, videos, footprints, hair and even fecal material all suggest the possibility of an unknown species that doesn't seem to want to be discovered.

That may all change, as scientists from the U.S., Russia and other countries come together this week for a conference that will include a trek to the Siberian region of Kemerovo to hunt for the alleged snowman.

An alleged footprint of a Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, appears in snow near Mount Everest in 1951. Now, scientists are setting out to find evidence of a reported unknown, hairy, bipedal creature known as the Siberian Snowman.

"The creatures are generally five and a half to seven and a half feet tall, a lot thinner than what most people think of as a Yeti or Bigfoot," said Loren Coleman, founder and director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.

"They're hearty-looking and have multi-colored brownish-black fur, sometimes with a lighter top to their head and patches of white on their arms, which is unique to the Siberian Snowmen."

Coleman, who is the co-author of "The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates," added that the elusive Siberian Snowman is reportedly not as fearful of humans as are his hairy counterparts on other continents.

"They're sometimes seen at the edge of a forest just staring at people and not really considered as wild creatures, compared to some Yeti reports in Nepal where they reportedly attack yaks or sherpas," Coleman told The Huffington Post.

Sightings of the Siberian Snowmen have increased three-fold over the past 20 years, prompting scientists at Moscow's Darwin Museum to speculate that there may be a small population of these creatures.

Igor Burtsev, head of the International Center of Hominology in Moscow -- which investigates so-called snowmen -- told The Voice of Russia radio that "when Homo sapiens started populating the world, it viciously exterminated its closest relative in the hominid family, Homo neanderthalensis."

"Some of the Neanderthals, however, may have survived to this day in some mountainous wooded habitats that are more or less off limits to their arch foes. No clothing on them, no tools in hands and no fire in the household. Only round-the-clock watchfulness for a Homo sapiens around."

While the Darwin Museum invited Coleman to join its Siberian conference and to give a presentation, he declined, because rather than extending to him the professional courtesy of paying for his trip, "they turned around and said, 'Oh, no, we can't afford that!' And they suggested I go to one of the online travel services to get a cheap flight," Coleman said.

Despite that little inconvenience, Coleman said he thinks the museum is doing serious work in the realm of hominology -- the study of unknown hairy bipedal creatures.

Another reason why it's not the most convenient time for Coleman to be trekking through Siberia is that he's in the process of a major expansion of his museum -- the only cryptozoology museum in the world.

"We're going to have enough space now to exhibit more of the evidence, including my collection of 150 footprint casts and other materials from Yeti, Bigfoot and other hominids from around the world," he said.

As scientists search for evidence of the Siberian Snowman in the mountains of Kemerovo, Coleman will have a grand monster re-opening of his museum on Oct. 30 in Portland.
SRC: Huffington Post

Monday, August 29, 2011

Loren Coleman is on Twitter

!! This post has been corrected from the original. We had incorrectly assumed Loren Coleman had previously been on Twitter. This is his Debut !! Apologies to Loren.

Original artwork by Andy Finkle
(Click picture to enlarge)

We are pleased to announce that Loren Coleman is on Twitter! You can follow him @CryptoLoren. Loren Coleman was the first professional Cryptozoologist to reach out to Bigfoot Lunch Club and welcome us to the world of blogging. Way back in 2008!

In the rare case you do not know who Loren Coleman is, you can read Loren's Bio at Cryptomundo. Below is a short excerpt.

Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. (His proudest longterm role, please note, is as the father of Malcolm, an associate producer of the pre-game shows for Red Sox and Bruins games at NESN in Boston; Caleb, a college student in New England; and Des, a professional soccer referee living in Oregon.)

Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences soon after his first expeditions. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983 (which was inspired by his book Mysterious America), and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other global organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).

We look forward to following Loren Coleman's tweets. As you should too!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Joe Nickell Promotes his Patterson Debunking Book

Analysis of a frame from the 1967 Roger Patterson "Bigfoot" film shows evidence of fakery. Costumer Phil Morris reports he sold Patterson a gorilla suit and material for modifying it, while a man named Bob Heironimus says he wore it for the hoax.--Joe Nickell

Fans, you all know how well Phillip Morris and Bob Heironimus did re-creating the Patterson/Gimlin film back in 2005. No? Here check it out.

Phil Morris (left) with Bob Heironimus (right) on set of the 2005 National Geographic documentary Behind the Mysteries. Bob in Phil's suit (inset) failing to come close to re-creating the Patterson/Gimlin film

One of the biggest fails in the re-creation is the "stovepiping" of the hind leg (this is when the pant-like leg looks like a stovepipe). We didn't even have to use our "pants detecting technology" to see Phill's Costume is a far cry from Patty in the Patterson/Gimlin film. So, who is this Joe Nickell?

According to Huffington Post Joe Nickell, Ph.D, is...
"...perhaps the world’s only full-time professional paranormal investigator – with a background to match. He has spent his life collecting “personas”: carnival pitchman, stage magician (he was Resident Magician at a Houdini museum), private investigator (for a world-famous detective agency), folklorist and historian, forensic-science author, historical document consultant, and many, many others.

In a field where people too often divide into “believers” and “debunkers” – those whose minds are made up in advance of inquiry – Nickell has gained international acclaim and respect as a successful, fair-minded investigator, choosing neither to foster mysteries nor reject them.

Taking a hands-on approach, he has traveled around the world to investigate the strangest mysteries – often innovative strategies such as conducting an original experiment, applying a forensic science in a unique way, doing painstaking historical research, or even going undercover and in disguise. Nickell sees science as a progression of solved mysteries.

Last Saturday (08/13/2011) Loren Coleman posted on Cryptomundo a response to an article on promoting Nickell's book, Tracking the Man-Beasts. In the post Coleman isolates Nickell's argument:

"...Then the Patterson film was made in 1967. It attracted widespread publicity and was shown on popular national talk shows. From that point forward, variations in Sasquatch sightings began to dwindle. Creatures sighted after the release of the Patterson film exhibited a great tendency to resemble the creature depicted in the film." --Joe Nickell

Nickell's Article has some interesting points, and we recommend reading Loren Coleman's post for balance.

Besides, Nickell has also written an article for Huffington Post. You can read article in it's entirety below.

Paranormal Investigation: From Big Foot To Aliens
Written by Joe Nickell, Ph.D.,

If legends and even many eyewitness accounts are to be believed, since ancient times we have shared our planet with various "man-beasts" - monsters that are more or less in our image. While monsters are often consigned to ancient legend and literary fiction, many are held to be in some sense real. Such paranormal beings (those beyond the normal range of science and human experience) include supernatural ones, such as the werewolf, as well as others (like the Yowie, Australia's version of Bigfoot) that, if they indeed exist, could be perfectly natural creatures. These are those embraced by cryptozoology, the study of unknown or "hidden" creatures (i.e., cryptids).

I have been studying these and other reputed paranormalities for 40 years. By 1995 I had become, apparently, the world's only full-time professional paranormal investigator. I have studied mythological, folkloric, and literary monsters; traveled to remote regions in search of legendary creatures; sought vampire graves in Vermont; visited carnival midways to meet human "monsters," look behind the scenes at exhibited spiderwomen and the like, and witness the transformation of a lovely girl into a wild gorilla; took part in a nighttime expedition with Bigfoot hunters; and explored the Pacific Bigfoot country.

In the slides that follow, as well as in my new book "Tracking the Man-Beasts," we set out to track the man-beasts - to separate fact from fancy.

You can see the slides here.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Retired Air Force Sgt Remembers Minnesota Iceman

Wikipedia describes the Minnesota Ice man as:
The Minnesota Iceman is a purported man-like creature frozen in a block of ice and displayed at state fairs or carnivals in and around Rollingstone, Minnesota, and Milwaukee on and around December 17, 1968 as a "missing link". It has been described as male, human-like, 6 ft tall, hairy, with large hands and feet, very dark brown hair about 3 - 4 inches long, and a flattened nose. One of its arms appeared to be broken and one of its eyes appeared to have been knocked out of its socket, allegedly by a bullet that was supposed to have entered the animal's head from behind. If a genuine animal, the specimen would be a significant zoological discovery, as some have suggested the creature was a neanderthal, Bigfoot or Yeti, while others contend that it was a hoax.

The Salisbury Post writes about a retired Air Force Sgt. Thomas Finley and his encounter with the original Minnesota Iceman in 1968 (in 1969 another "version" of the iceman toured the Illinois State Fair; considered a fake with great investigative work by Loren Coleman -- read Rejecting The Minnesota Iceman)

Ever since Finley laid eyes on the Iceman it has inspired his art. As the article continues, it ends with a request from the sergeant to contact him so he can more accurately produce Bigfoot with his paint and canvass.

SALISBURY POST Monday, April 18, 2011 12:00 AM

When writing the stories about Michael Greene’s Bigfoot hunt in conjunction with Animal Planet, I had no idea where they would be read. Retired Air Force Sgt. Thomas Finley, now at home in Essex, England, wrote me for more information. He also sent along two of his own paintings of Bigfoot. Finley is also a Bigfoot hunter. He has been interested in Bigfoot since a visit to the Olmstead County Fair while a youngster in Minnesota. There was a creature frozen in a block of ice called the Minnesota Iceman, and it was purported to be a Bigfoot.

“As a child of eight, I was afraid that the ice would melt and the creature would get me when I was sleeping,” said Finley.

His interest continued through high school, and he once wrote to the FBI about the “Iceman” case. An FBI agent called the house and asked why he needed the information. Finley’s mom told the agent that her son was just 15 years old and was writing a paper for school.

Later, when Finley was interviewing Cuthbert Otten, a mechanic for the famed Flying Tigers of World War ll China, and became even more intrigued. Otten told him of an encounter with a large hairy, man-like creature near the edge of an airfield.

“It was big, and looked like the gorillas that you see in the picture books.”

The Chinese forces on the base called the creature a “Forest Demon,” and said it was bad luck to see one. The next day, Otten rode off into the brush with his friends looking for the creature with Thomas machine guns. They didn’t find him.

Finley is a disabled veteran who formerly worked a sensitive job for the military. He now lives in Essex, England, with his wife Nicola and they have two grown sons. Finley works for an international charitable organization. He has been an artist his whole life and loves to paint Sasquatch, or Bigfoot. Finley has not seen one up close, but is looking for someone who has so that he can do a better portrait of one. One of his hobbies is collecting personal accounts from people all over the world who have had experiences with the paranormal, Bigfoot and other mysterious animals and UFOs.

Finley makes an offer to our readers. He would love to hear from any readers who have stories on any of the above subjects. He prefers older or previously untold accounts, possibly those that would go unrecorded. All who write will be sent a packet of material and a signed print of Bigfoot or UFO artwork that he has personally done. Contact Tom Finley at

Currently Finley’s favorite quote comes from an Osage elder who was asked about his tribal belief in Bigfoot.

“Just because you cannot see him in the forest doesn’t mean he is not there,” said the elder and Finley believes these are good words to live by on the subject.

He also had a few unusual words seldom heard from a Bigfoot enthusiast. “Personally I hope that Bigfoot is never found as it would mean an end to a great mystery,” and then continued “When painting Bigfoot it should be noted; a Bigfoot a day keeps the doctor away.” Finley says “I am not an expert, but I am interested in the accounts people have of these beings. It sounds like fun to me, and I’m sure it will be for Mr. Finley also. I hope gets some good information.

SRC: Salisbury Post Article
Wikipedia: Minnesota Iceman
Loren Coleman's Post: Rejecting The Minnesota Iceman

Arriving late to the Minnesota Bigfoot Party
Bigfoot Communicating by Stick-art in Minnesota?
Utne Reader: The Meaning of the Yeti and Sasquatch

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide on the History Channel

**Newer Update (2/1/11)** Finally got an actual image from the show (see below). SRC: Seattle Times
Plus read Loren Colemans contribution to the show at Cryptomundo.

**UPDATE (1/31/11)** One of our astute fans provided us with a link with more info. Experts on the show will include: Drs. Jack Rink, Anna Nekaris, William Sellars, Jeff Meldrum, and Ian Redmond. Click on the ISU link below to get more info.

This is what we do know. It will be on the History Channel on Feb 2nd, They shot most of the footage in a Canadian town named Harrington, and they are using a scene from Jack Links Jerky to promote the show.

There is the official description as well:
A team of top scientists come together with one goal to create the definitive guide to Bigfoot. Does the creature exist? And if it does where is it? And how can it survive without being detected? Using a new interactive map the team has plotted more than 10,000 Bigfoot type sightings from around the world. These sightings are of an unidentified creature which walks on two legs and is covered in a thick layer of hair. Many of theses sightings date back over 100 years. With their expert knowledge of the natural world they are able to dismiss nearly 90% of the sightings, but what emerges is a series of global hotspots that cannot be explained which indicate that something is out there. The team examines these global hotspots and searches for explanations including new theories that suggest we may have been looking for the wrong creature all along?

You can check your local listing here

In Ontario, Quebec, a local paper asked the Production manager about the show.

The documentary will focus on prehistoric times and will include discussion about "mythical" creatures such as the Sasquatch and Yeti.

According to Helen Conlan, production manager for the United Kingdom-based company, Dangerous, the documentary will not make light of the myths and legends that surround the creature, but will instead explore the possibility that such creatures might actually exist.

"We brought numerous experts from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom together to research this," she stated in an e-mail interview. "Our goal is to retrace the steps of early man and shed some light of the legends that surround Bigfoot and the Yeti. I think the end result will be a very interesting and enlightening film."

Conlan said the show will be called Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide and was co-produced with Handel Productions, one of Canada's leading producers of factual television and documentary programs.

She said numerous experts on the subject were interviewed in an attempt to find a scientific base for Bigfoot.

We can't wait to see what will make this show different than the other shows out there.

Ontario Paper: Is Bigfoot calling Harrington home?
Handel Productions
ISU Voice: Meldrum to discuss sasquatch for History and Discovery on Feb. 2

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cryptomundo X BigfootLunchClub Collaboration

Not since chocolate and peanut butter has such a combination made so much sense. Well, bananas and strawberries are pretty good too. We are extremely excited and proud to announce that Bigfoot Lunch Club is now a contributor to

Nothing changes here, all the same breaking news, exclusive reports and humor you have come to love will continue. Basically, we will have another way for people to find us, and it gives us an opportunity to add to the great body of work already established by Craig Woolheater and Loren Coleman.

We would like thank Craig Woolheater for inviting and welcoming us aboard. This collaboration is at the heart of what we try to encourage at Bigfoot Lunch Club; share openly and support each other. None of us have a monopoly on truth or good ideas.

So please give Cryptomundo some love back and visit them by clicking on the "Cryptomundo Contributor" button below, Loren Coleman has been prolific about his postings this week and there are tons of great stuff to read.

Friday, December 24, 2010

2010 Countdown, 10 days of Appreciation: Day 04 Craig Woolheater

We want to spend the final days of 2010 appreciating those who have supported us this year. Three years ago, we could of never hoped for this much success. Our only goal was to search, dig and find the most topical Bigfoot news, and share it with anybody that listen. If we were lucky, we would make a modest contribution to the Bigfoot Community and find an audience. We have been more than lucky, thank you.

We will save the last day for our fans, without your tips comments and suggestions we wouldn't have the mass appeal we have. For now, we would like to recognize Craig Woolheater.

We wish we knew Craig better, we met him briefly at the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium last summer. He was kind and generous, proved he had read our blog by referencing a few posts. We owe our early success on our Facebook page to him. After he fanned our page we got the biggest gain in a single day ever. Instantly we got 300 more fans. (The man has pull!)

Craig is also responsible for Cryptomundo, you may have heard of this blog about Cryptozoology with a guy named Loren Coleman as one of the contributers. Cryptomundo was an early inspiration to us and the reason why we asked for Loren Coleman books for Christmas last year.

Craig continues to say good things about us and credits us at Cryptomundo and on Facebook. Bigfoot Lunch Club would like to thank you for your support this summer and helping us jumpstart our Facebook page. Thank you Craig Woolheater.

Craig's facebook Page
Cryptomundo's Facebook Page

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