Sunday, October 16, 2016

Watch Video of Bigfoot Walking Past Waterfall in Indonesia

Frame of Bigfoot Walking in front of Waterfall in Indonesia

"The Sasquatch can be seen roaming through the countryside against a back drop of exotic mountains." --YouTube Description

This 28-second video has been uploaded to Youtube over a half a dozen times. None of the channels that have the video available for seem to be from an individual. It seems to only be distributed by other media outlets. Most of the videos have been uploaded with the same description:
Footage shows strange 'Bigfoot-like creature' walking by waterfall in Indonesia
It’s claimed that this footage could show the mysterious creature known as Bigfoot - despite it being taken in Asia.
Sightings of the beast usually come from North America, but this lasted video was shot in Indonesia.
The ‘Sasquatch’ can be seen roaming through the countryside against a back drop of exotic mountains.
The version of the video takes the 28-second clip and runs through it several times at different speeds.


The description attached to the video stresses that Bigfoot is mostly a North American phenomenon. This is true, but mysterious hairy bipeds are not uncommon to Indonesia. Indonesia has had many sightings of shorter hairy bipeds known as Orang Pendek. Cliff Barackman has worked with Adam Davies to study these alternate bipeds for several years. On Cliff's Website, you can find tons of info about the Orang Pendek including About The Orang Pendek, Orang Footprint Data, and even some possible vocalizations.


  1. Dang it, Guy...I found the video on YouTube...but it's really poor. This is getting frustrating with so many theories and sightings yet such terrible video and photos. I'm almost ready to give Todd Standing another chance!

  2. come to my house put a tent in my yard and within one week theory becomes reality.


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