Showing posts with label Jeff Meldrum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeff Meldrum. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

UPDATE: Dr. Meldrum Will Do an Additional Presentation at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center Event

Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a Full Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology at Idaho State University
"Dr. Jeff Meldrum has been good enough to offer to do an afternoon presentation as well..." --Susan Buce; Columbia Gorge Discovery Center

There is good news for those who were not able to buy dinner tickets in time. read the full statement from the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center below:

Afternoon presentation added to 
“Sasquatch Revealed” schedule

The “Sasquatch Revealed” dinner event for Saturday, Dec. 28 is sold out at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center, but there is good news for those who still wish to hear Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Chris Murphy and Thomas Steenburg. An afternoon presentation at 3 p.m. has been added to the schedule. Cost is $15 for non-members, and $10 for members. Space is limited, so don’t delay, get your reservation in today. Call 541-296-8600 x 201 for more information or visit The exhibit will be on display through February 23, 2014.

Looking to Travel the Columbia River Gorge? Check out Columbia River Gorge lodging and Columbia River Gorge attractions.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dr. Meldrum to Speak at Bigfoot Exhibit Opening in Oregon

Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a Full Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology at Idaho State University
"Chris Murphy curated it, and we brought it down from Vancouver, B.C. We’re trying to mix in some updated local stories with the exhibit." -- Susan Buce; Columbia Gorge Discovery Center

Below is a press release from The Discovery Center and Museum in the Dalles, Oregon. This should be a great event for the whole family. A presentation by Dr. Jeff Meldrum will kick off a new exhibit curated by Chris Murphy himself.

PRESS RELEASE - For Immediate Release
Date: November 27, 2013
Contact: Susan Buce, Marketing Manager, 541-296-8600 x 215

Columbia Gorge Discovery Center presents “Sasquatch Revealed,” a new exhibit opening Saturday, December 28, 2013 with dinner at 5:30 p.m. and a speaker presentation by Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Chris Murphy, and Thomas Steenburg following at 6:30 p.m. This exhibit draws from all the available scientific research and evidence compiled to date on the hominoid known as Sasquatch, or Bigfoot. Tickets are required by Dec. 23. Call 541-296-8600 x 201 for more information or visit

“Sasquatch Revealed” Exhibit opens Dec. 28

THE DALLES, Oregon — Does Sasquatch exist? Rumors of a large, hairy, man-like creature roaming the Cascade Mountains have existed for centuries. Where does myth end and science begin? Columbia Gorge Discovery Center presents “Sasquatch Revealed,” a new exhibit opening Saturday, December 28, 2013 with dinner at 5:30 p.m. and a speaker presentation by Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Chris Murphy, and Thomas Steenburg following at 6:30 p.m.

This exhibit draws from all the available scientific research and evidence compiled to date on the hominoid known as Sasquatch, or Bigfoot. The display, curated by Christopher Murphy of Vancouver, British Columbia, will be at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center through February 23, 2014. Explore audio segments, view a gallery of footprint and handprint casts, reports of sightings in Wasco County and United States, newspaper reports, comparative skulls, and artist renditions.

Buffet dinner will be served starting at 5:30 pm in the Basalt Rock Café, with your choice of herb-encrusted prime rib or roast salmon with lemon dill glaze. Children’s menu includes ‘Mountain Mac & Cheese’ and ‘Sasquatch Stronganoff’.

Following the dinner, noted Sasquatch researchers Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Chris Murphy and Thomas Steenburg will give a presentation.

DR. JEFF MELDRUM, Professor of Anthropology from Idaho State University will give a talk Dec. 28 and sign his acclaimed book, “Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.” Medrum’s book takes a detailed look at the scientific DNA and forensic evidence gathered on Sasquatch. Meldrum has published numerous academic papers ranging from vertebrate evolutionary morphology, and the emergence of bipedal locomotion in modern humans. Dr. Meldrum is also a co-editor of a series of books on paleontology.

CHRIS MURPHY became involved in the Sasquatch mystery when he met René Dahinden in 1993. He then worked with Dahinden in producing posters from the Patterson/Gimlin film and marketing them along with Sasquatch footprint casts.  In 2000, Chris embarked on a project to assemble a comprehensive pictorial presentation on the Sasquatch. This initiative led to publication of his book “Meet the Sasquatch,” written in association with John Green and Thomas Steenburg, and his Sasquatch exhibit at the Vancouver, B.C., Museum.

THOMAS STEENBURG, born in Ontario, Canada, in 1961, has been actively interested in the Sasquatch since a child. Since 1979, he has actively gone into the rugged outdoors in search of the elusive Sasquatch. Having interviewed many eye-witnesses and investigate many reported sightings, he is all the more determined to pursue and answer the question: is the Sasquatch real or simply folklore? Steenburg has authored three books on the Sasquatch mystery and has appeared in several television documentaries and as a public speaker.

Cost for Adult dinner and presentation: $20 members, $25 non-members; Children: $10 members, $15 non-members.

Cost for presentation only: $10 members, $15 non-members; Children: $5 members, $7.50 non-members. Reservations are required by Monday, Dec. 23. For information or reservations call 541-296-8600 x 201.
The exhibit will be at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center through February 23, 2014.

The Discovery Center and Wasco County Historical Museum is the official interpretive center for the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.  Live raptor shows are presented Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hands-on, multi-media exhibits illuminate the cultural and natural history of the Gorge, including Ice Age geology, Native American culture, Lewis and Clark's cargo, the Oregon Trail, trade, transportation, ecology, and more. The Discovery Center is located off I-84 at exit 82, 5000 Discovery Drive, The Dalles, Oregon, 97058.  Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Museum adult admission is $9, seniors $7, kids 6 to16 are $5, and children 5 and under free.  For more information, phone (541) 296-8600 x 201, or visit  

#  #  #

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Today in Bigfoot History | JAN 06 | Meldrum Backs Freeman

Photoshopped picture of Jeff Meldrum holding a Paul Freeman cast
“So the thought occurred to me: Well, if [Paul Freeman] is responsible for this [Bigfoot] hoax, why would he portray it so incorrectly on the chance I would read it differently?” -- Dr. Jeff Meldrum

Today in 1997 according to the book, Bigfoot Exposed, Dr. Jeff Meldrum stakes much of his academic reputation on the Paul Freeman trackway. This trackway was a series of  Bigfoot tracks from the Blue Mountains near Walla Walla, Washington. He wrote his support on a posting to the Internet Virtual Bigfoot Conference, an online (email-based) Bigfoot research community.

This was a pretty big deal since at the time Dr. Jeff Meldrum was member of the Biological Sciences faculty at Idaho State University and Grover Krantz’s professional heir-apparent in the field of anthropology. Currently as of 2013, Meldrum is a full professor. Krantz was the first university professor to publicly support and research the possibility of Bigfoot's existence.

If you have ever heard Dr. Meldrum speak, you may be fortunate enough to hear how he first met paul Freeman and the circumstances of thier meeting. In our previous post, "Dr. Jeff Meldrum Compelled by Freeman Tracks" you can read Dr. meldrum retell the story, below is a short excerpt from that post:
Meldrum began following the tracks, far beyond where Freeman’s boot tracks ended, and found additional sets of footprints coming and going. Whatever had made the tracks had apparently come down the Mill Creek drainage, using the brush along an empty irrigation ditch as cover, possibly to raid the apple and plum orchards further below.

“At that point it was clear Paul had read the whole circumstance completely backward,” Meldrum says. “So the thought occurred to me: Well, if he’s responsible for this hoax, why would he portray it so incorrectly on the chance I would read it differently?”
The point is, Dr. Meldrum found enough interesting about the trackway himself, that he was compelled independently what he had observed himself. But let’s back up and discuss Paul Freeman a bit.

Paul freeman is described in an AP article.
Freeman, 45, does not seem the type to spook easily. He is beefy, bearded and, at 6-foot-4 and 265 pounds, approaches Sasquatch proportions himself. He's a meat-cutter by trade; an outdoorsman and hunter by nature.
Apparently he put down the butchers knife and started to search for bigfoot. Before his death he had claimed to see Bigfoot himself 4 times and has collected more cast, most of them with dermal ridges, more than any other Bigfoot hunter. This brings us back to Meldrum. Meldrum not only staked his good name but also put his money where his mouth is, he ended up buying Freeman’s collection for a sum of nearly $2000 dollars. 

Dr. Meldrum was quoted by the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, "I’d been given an earful by people about Paul’s reputation, and it was bad. I went into it very skeptical."

You can read Meldrum's initial reaction to the prints at our post, Dr. Jeff Meldrum Compelled by Freeman Tracks. You can get further details at Cliff Barackman's Cast Database.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Slate Online Magazine Bashes Bigfoot

Sign on Pikes Peak Highway Photograph by Ashish S. Hareet/Wikimedia Commons

"Bigfoot is not a monster but a meme." -- Brian Switek

Slate is an online magazine first owned by Microsoft and currently by the Washington Post, it is known  as a current affairs and culture magazine. Although if you ask our opinion, it has never found a niche that distinguishes itself with any character. However it is not the opinion of the magazine overall that we want to focus on, it is today's article (11/21/2012) written by Brian Switek. Brian has been critical of Bigfoot before, but seems to especially target Jeff Meldrum. Earlier we covered Mr. Switek's critique of Meldrum.

Mr. Switek is at it again, criticizing Meldrum and Bigfooters in general. While we think skeptics are healthy for the Bigfoot community, we prefer the ones who have a more balanced approach and actually give constructive thought to our endeavor. We prefer the Brian Dunnings and Sharon Hills of the world.

To be honest, we look forward to Bigfoot criticism. We look forward to some insight to ourselves that we may not have the objectivity to see. Unfortunately Mr. Switek delivers the same old arguments, without a single new thought or novel take on the Bigfoot Phenomena. You can read a short excerpt below to get a sense of the direction Mr. Switek is going. You can follow the link below to read more of the same.

Jeff Meldrum wants to search for Bigfoot by using a remote-controlled blimp. Because when you’re looking for a mythical creature famous for eluding all who search for it, a giant, buzzing, looming balloon is clearly the way to go. Meldrum, a tenured Idaho State University anthropologist who established his career studying primate foot anatomy before shifting his focus to monsters, expects he’ll have to raise $300,000 to get the project airborne. He’s trying (and so far failing) to get funding from private sources. (No surprise that his home institution wants nothing to do with the endeavor.) That’s a lot of money and effort for what will undoubtedly turn out to be a collection of blurry photographs that look like Instagram snapshots from a visit to the Pacific Northwest woods.

I loved reading breathless tales of encounters with the Yeti, Loch Ness Monster, Jersey Devil, Bigfoot, and other cryptids as a child, but those stories have never been supported by anything more substantial than an out-of-focus snapshot or embellished campfire story. And in the case of North America’s legendary nonhuman ape, the picture historians and sociologists have pieced together is that Bigfoot and other shaggy humanoids are cultural inventions that we have repeatedly conjured so that there’s always something wild and mysterious in the woods. Stories about Bigfoot began to proliferate after expeditions in the Himalayas in the 1950s reported ambiguous Yeti footprints—none of which have been convincingly attributed to a Gigantopithecus descendant or other prehistoric hominid holdover. Sasquatch fans have since done a bit of retconning [sic] by claiming Native American stories and dubious historical encounters as part of their mythology, but the trail is clear. Bigfoot is not a monster but a meme.

SRC: Slate Magazine

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dr.Meldrum Backs 3-Year-Old Bigfoot Blimp Project

Rendering of the Bigfoot Blimp to be used in the Falcon Project
We have been covering the Falcon Project since February 2010. Click the following link to read our entire Falcon Project coverage. The blimp project has been trying to get off the ground since before then. This may change if Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Professor of Idaho State University, can raise over $300,000.

Originally the Falcon Project was the dream child of gold dredger, William Barnes, and business-owner, Jason Valenti.  Back in 2010 the Bigfoot blimp had a different design (see picture below)

2010 version of Bigfoot blimp
On November 4th 2010 Reuters picked up the story read excerpt below.
Now Meldrum is seeking to raise $300,000-plus in private donations to build the remote-controlled dirigible, equip it with a thermal-imaging camera and send it aloft in hopes of catching an aerial glimpse of Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch.

Meldrum, author of "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science," said the undertaking represents a giant leap in the quest for an animal he believes may have descended from a giant ape that once inhabited Asia and crossed the Bering land bridge to North America.

"The challenge with any animal that is rare, solitary, nocturnal and far-ranging in habitat is to find them and observe them in the wild; this technology provides for that," he said.

Since the Reuters piece Utah's has picked up on the news and posted two videos on it's website.

Discovery News has high praise for Dr. Jeff Meldrum's credentials and rightly notes his reputation is why the Falcon Project is getting attention:
Part of the reason that the plan -- dubbed the Falcon Project -- is gaining such notoriety is the participation of Jeffrey Meldrum. In stark contrast to the vast majority of Bigfoot hunters and enthusiasts across the country and on television, Meldrum has legitimate scientific credentials as a professor of anatomy and anthropologist.

While these areas of research are not directly relevant to Bigfoot, Meldrum is more academically qualified than most to examine and analyze alleged Bigfoot tracks and photographs.

SRC: Discovery News
According to it is a "Wacky Plan"
The plan, dubbed the Falcon Project, was first envisioned by a Utah man named William Barnes who allegedly came face-to-face with a "well-manicured" hairy creature in northern California sometime in 1997 and subsequently approached Meldrum with the notion of finding Bigfoot using an airship. The Falcon Project is projected to take flight next spring. 

That is, at least, if it ever takes off. Fundraising efforts have been slow. Reuters reports that Meldrum has yet to raise a single dollar for his cause. Still, he's hardly the only party interested in finding the legendary beast. Spike TV is offering a $10 million reward to anyone who can offer irrefutable evidence of Bigfoot's existence as part of a new reality show.
SRC: The Week

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dr. Jeff Meldrum Compelled by Freeman Tracks

Dr. Jeff Meldrum Adjunct Associate Professor of the
Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University

“I thought about the grief I would get from my peers. Do I want to go down that road? But as I looked at this, how could I not?” --Dr. Meldrum after seeing the Paul Freeman tracks

If you have had the fortune of listening to Dr. Jeff Meldrum speak in person, you may have heard his encounter with the Paul Freeman tracks. This was a pivotal moment for Meldrum and there are two things we love about it. First, you become privy to Meldrum's inner thoughts and initial skepticism. Second, you learn what kind of evidence looks for when checking out a trackway.

We don'e think there has been a better retelling of Meldrum's first encounter with the Freeman tracks than what Scott Sandsberry has done below. 

Footprints turn skeptics into believers

June 26, 2012 by Scott Sandsberry  
YAKIMA, Wash. — Jeff Meldrum is a foot guy.

If you want to understand how humans and some apes have evolved to walk on two feet — how the tendons and muscles flex, how the bones work together, how the weight is distributed — Meldrum is your man. A Ph.D. who teaches anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University, he has widely published on bipedal foot function throughout natural history.

Jimmy Chilcutt is a prints guy.

For 18 years he ran the fingerprint portion of the crime lab for the Conroe (Texas) Police Department. His crime-scene investigations put people in prison or demonstrated their innocence.

Sixteen years ago, Meldrum and Chilcutt — the prof from Idaho and the CSI cop from Texas — crossed paths in an arena neither thought he would ever enter: Bigfoot tracks.

Each went in expecting to debunk a hoax.

But a hoax wasn’t what they found.

• • •

In 1996, Meldrum was asked to review a compilation of Bigfoot-related columns by the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin’s Vance Orchard.

One of Orchard’s favorite interview subjects was a man named Paul Freeman, who said he had on numerous occasions found — and cast in plaster — gigantic, human-like footprints. Freeman had either been fired from or quit his Forest Service job — reports vary, and Freeman died in 2003 — several years earlier after quite publicly declaring he’d seen a Bigfoot. He was believed by some, even within the community of Bigfoot believers, to be a hoaxer.

“I’d been given an earful by people about Paul’s reputation, and it was bad,” Meldrum says of Freeman. “I went into it very skeptical.”

He became even so when Freeman blurted, “Would you like to see some fresh tracks? I just found some this morning. First tracks of the season!”

Meldrum’s immediate thought: Right. Fresh tracks. How convenient.

Meldrum and his brother drove with Freeman into the Mill Creek area of the Blue Mountains and stopped in the middle of an open area where, Meldrum recalls, “Here was this long line of tracks, very clear in wet, silty soil.

“We got Paul’s take on it. At this point, I’m still kind of scratching my head thinking, ‘How did he do this?’ Literally. But as I knelt down I saw skin-ridge detail. Just as you have details on your fingertips and palm, the sole of your feet does that as well, as do all primates. One of the ways you could tell the difference between a bear and a gorilla print would be the texture of the skin, the ridging.”

But one thing struck Meldrum as odd. The route of the “footprints” — the legitimacy of which Meldrum still doubted — seemed to start and end at the same place, right where their truck was parked.

“I could just picture this guy jumping out of the pickup truck, running around the field with these (large fake) feet and then coming back and diving into the bed of the pickup, taking off the feet, climbing into the driver’s seat and taking off.”

So Meldrum took Freeman home and returned with the materials to cast some of the prints. “If it’s a hoax, it’s a hoax,” he recalls thinking. “And we can expose it as such.”

• • •

Upon their return to the field, Meldrum and his brother parked near where they had the first time. As they began assessing the tracks again, something different became clear: The tracks hadn’t started and ended at the same place, as Meldrum had initially thought.

They did a complete change of a direction in the middle of the dirt road — directly under where the truck had previously been parked.

Meldrum began following the tracks, far beyond where Freeman’s boot tracks ended, and found additional sets of footprints coming and going. Whatever had made the tracks had apparently come down the Mill Creek drainage, using the brush along an empty irrigation ditch as cover, possibly to raid the apple and plum orchards further below.

“At that point it was clear Paul had read the whole circumstance completely backward,” Meldrum says. “So the thought occurred to me: Well, if he’s responsible for this hoax, why would he portray it so incorrectly on the chance I would read it differently?”

Freeman had not made casts of any of the tracks at this site, Meldrum says. “His attitude was ‘I’ve seen so many footprints I don’t even bother making casts until they’re absolutely perfect,’ and he said these are such that (he) wouldn’t even bother with.”

Meldrum, though, was dumbstruck by what he was seeing — differences between the tracks, places where the foot had slipped or the toes had dragged, the half-tracks.

“These are all the features that make it come to life in my mind and began to cause me to set aside my skepticism,” he says. “While it’s clearly from the same foot, in one instance the toes are tightly flexed and it’s gripping the soil on a slight incline … in one extended and splayed, the first three toes sunken into the soil but the fourth and fifth don’t quite leave a mark.”

In one print, he says, “It had stepped on a stone and the stone was accommodated by the soft tissue, absorbed kind of by the sole pad of the foot.” In another, “There was a protruding rock and you could see the ball of the foot up onto the rock and then the toes had clearly curled over the top of the rock.”
As Meldrum decided the tracks could not have done with a carved set of fake “Bigfeet,” he thought about the creature that must have made them. “And as that realization set in, the hair on the back of my neck sort of stood up.”

Meldrum knew going public about what he now believed to be a large, unknown biped could damage his professional reputation, turning him into that supposed scientist who believes in Bigfoot.

“I thought about the grief I would get from my peers,” he says. “Do I want to go down that road?
“But as I looked at this, how could I not?”

• • •

Some months later, Jimmy Chilcutt was channel-surfing on weekend when he found himself on the Discovery Channel watching some supposed scientist who believed in Bigfoot.

“I was just halfway watching it, waiting for a football game to come on,” recalls Chilcutt. “He was holding a footprint cast and said there were actually dermal ridges on that cast.

“And I said, yeah, I’ll bet that’s from some human. I figured it was some kind of fake.”
And Chilcutt was precisely the person to know the difference.

In addition to his CSI fingerprinting experience, Chilcutt had also begun researching hand and foot print patterns of all the different primate species, arranging with zoos and animal parks in the South to be on hand to print any apes or monkeys being anesthetized for dental or veterinary work.

His reason: While genetic print-pattern differences between human ethnicities have over time become less distinguished because of racial interbreeding, apes and monkeys do not interbreed between species — so the distinctions between their print patterns remain consistent, generation after generation.

“I wanted to get a database of the different primate species to see if they were different, and why and how,” Chilcutt says, “to see if I could relate that to humans and be more precise.”

And, he adds, “Only primates have dermal ridges.”

So Chilcutt called the scientist he’d seen on the TV — fellow named Meldrum — explained his primate print research and asked for permission to assess the mysterious casts himself. Meldrum told him to come on up, and Chilcutt flew to Idaho.

When Chilcutt arrived at Meldrum’s ISU office, Meldrum took him to the lab where the print casts were and went back to his office. “I totally let him go, without giving him any background or my opinion as to any of (the casts),” Meldrum says. “I wanted him to judge it purely on what he was seeing.”

What Chilcutt found floored him. Three of the castings he examined — out of more than 100 over that day and the next two — were clearly from the same foot. “They were definitely non-human,” he says, but “had all the characteristics of dermal ridges.”

The foot had some scarring on the bottom of the foot. “Any fingerprint expert knows,” Chilcutt says, “when the wound heals, the (dermal) ridges curl inward toward the cut.” Upon close examination of the dermal ridges on the bottom of one of the casts, he says, “No question about it: They were curling back in.”

That particular aspect, Chilcutt says, “would be very, very difficult to fake” — requiring both an extensive background in anatomy and anthropology but also the resources to pull off the hoax.
Chilcutt’s conclusion: The prints were not fakes.

Asked if it was difficult to accept what a week earlier he would have considered laughable, Chilcutt says no.
“Any forensic person, any CSI guy, they look for the facts. It is what it is,” he says. “Whether it helps the defense or the prosecution, it doesn’t matter. And when I looked at the prints, there it was.
“We’ve got some kind of primate out there. Non-human.”

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dr. Jeff Meldrum Speaks in North Bonneville Tomorrow Night

Flyer (click image to enlarge) for Dr. Meldrums presentation North Bonneville Fire Hall
The video below is Dr Jeff Meldrum interviewed at the Richland, WA Bigfoot Conference last May. It was uploaded to the Yakima Herald Website yesterday. If you missed him in Richland, WA you will get to see him tomorrow night (June 13th, 2012). All the details from the Fort Vancouver Regional Library are below.

WHENWednesday, June 13, 2012, 7 – 8:30pm
WHERENorth Bonneville Fire Hall
21 E Cascade Dr. 
North Bonneville, WA 98639
EVENT TYPEAuthor Event, Talk or Lecture
DESCRIPTIONA program by Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology, Idaho State University. Dr. Meldrum will have copies of his book for sale and replica casts of Bigfoot "footprint."
EVENT NOTESLibrary events and programs are free and everyone is welcome. Registration is not required.
CONTACT INFONorth Bonneville Community Library
(509) 427-4439

Monday, June 11, 2012

Found Footage: Local Coverage of Biscardi's 2008 Bigfoot Press Conference

Tom Biscardi at the Aug 15th 2008 CNN Press Conference
"In my opinion Jeff Meldrum is an associated anthropologist, he's not a true anthropologist that can really do what we need to be done." --Tom Biscardi answering a question why Jeff Meldrum was not participating in identifying the frozen Sasquatch

We are going to take you back in time in light of a new video that surfaced today. Back in July of 2008 we broke the news of a Clayton County police officer (Matthew Whitton) and a former correctional officer (Rick Dyer) who had a frozen Bigfoot in a freezer. 19 days later the Bigfoot news went international after  Tom Biscardi got involved and wrote an official press release.

The whirlwind media circus culminated to a Press Conference covered live by CNN where Biscardi promised DNA evidence based on research by Curt Nelson from the University of Minnesota. Curt Nelson, as some may remember, also did the DNA research on the MonsterQuest episode where a Bigfoot stepped on some nails.

The video below was uploaded today (June 11, 2012) and seems to be from the same press conference, Unlike the CNN videos (also embedded below), this video seems to be more of a live feed withouty any special post production or editing.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Watch Video of Jeff Meldrum Discussing new Idaho Bigfoot Video

Dr. Jeff Meldrum talks about the recent Idaho Sightings and Video
Below is a video and article from an ABC News affiliate featuring Dr. Jeff Meldrum. Meldrum is probably the most prominent academic exploring Sasquatch (Relict Hiominids). His partial biography page at Idaho State University:
As the acting director of the Center for Motion Analysis and Biomechanics (CMAB) he is collaborating with engineering faculty, paleontologists, and the Idaho Virtualization Lab, to model the pattern of evolution of the hominid foot skeleton. His interests also encompass the evaluation of the footprints purportedly left by an unrecognized North American ape, commonly known as Sasquatch. He has authored an expanded companion volume to the very successful Discovery Channel documentary, Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.

After the ABC News article are two more news pieces released today as well as the YouTube video of the possible Bigfoot sighting. The final articles indicates that the TV Series Finding Bigfoot plans on investigating the video.
Bigfoot Spotted In Idaho?
May 31, 2012 11:04am
A group of high school students may have come close to Bigfoot during a class project in the Idaho wilderness.
A dark, mysterious creature was caught on tape for a few seconds near Mink Creek before it retreated into the treeline.
“It just didn’t look human-like. I don’t know what that is, it’s not a bear, it’s not a moose or anything. It was big and bulky and black,” said the student who captured the video. He spoke to ABC News’ Idaho affiliate but did not want want to be identified on camera.
The students climbed to where they saw the potential Sasquatch and photographed the large footprints it left in the dirt.
“I’m not going to say yes it was a Bigfoot or no it wasn’t, because I don’t know., and nobody knows,” the student told the news station.
The Animal Planet show “Finding Bigfoot”  plans to visit Pocatello, Idaho in June to investigate claims that Bigfoot could be in the area.
SRC. ABC News 

Bigfoot reportedly spotted in Idaho
Kevin Lewis

The legendary missing link Bigfoot was reportedly captured on film by two college students in Idaho.

The-yet-to-be-identified students were on a field trip for school when they spotted a big, dark, bulky figure on a nearby ridge, according to The Idaho State Journal. They rushed to capture the beast on film, managing to shoot a short clip of the mysterious figure. The students also claim to have pictures of the beasts ginormous foot prints.

One of the students remains skeptical about his discovery.”I'm not going to say yes it was a Bigfoot or no it wasn’t, because I don’t know, and nobody knows,” he said, according to the Daily Mail.

Sasquatch expert and ISU professor, Jeff Meldrum, has examined the videos and photos taken by the students. Retired ISU professor, Trent Stephens has also analyzed the footage.  “If it’s real, it’s pretty exciting,” Stephens said. “There’s always room for a hoax, but this was pretty amazing.”

The Animal Planet show Finding Bigfoot has announced that it will make a visit to Pocatello in June to interview people who’ve had encounters with elusive creature.

Bigfoot: Best Evidence Ever Found?
by Margie Wilson-Mars
June 01, 2012 12:35 AM EDT
A group of students working on a school project in the woods 80 miles south of Pocatello, Idaho, found enough evidence of Bigfoot that experts are coming to the area this month to investigate!

What makes this case so striking? How about a video and photographs! The students were working on their project at the west fork of Mink Creek (B), south of Pocatello (A), when they realized someone, or something, was watching them. Up on a ridge, they spotted it... "It just didn't look humanlike. I don't know what that is; it's not a bear; it's not a moose or anything. It was big and bulky and black," said a student. One of the kids started filming with his phone until the creature took off.

The brave students headed up the ridge to check it out! They found some gigantic footprints and took photos. "...a large dark figure that bears a striking resemblance to descriptions of Sasquatch," says Sasquatch expert and Idaho State University professor Jeff Meldrum. He says there is a rich history of immigrants and others spotting "strange and marvelous things like stories of wild men and mountain devils" in that area. Usually, Sasquatch sightings are in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia areas.

Is it a hoax? Doubtful. Historically, scammers in cases like this want the notoriety and attention that comes with sightings. The student that owns the tape doesn't even want his name released. Anatomist Trent Stephens said, "There's always room for a hoax, but this was pretty amazing." It was enough to convince Animal Planet to venture into Pocatello later this month to film their program, Finding Bigfoot. They plan on talking to other people about the sightings in the area.

Stephens compared the video to the famous Patterson film taken in 1967 at the Klamath River in California. "I was just dumb-founded," Stephens said. "That arm swaying is exactly like the Patterson film." The student said, "I'm not going to say yes it was a Bigfoot or no it wasn't, because I don't know, and nobody knows." Maybe Finding Bigfoot will have more answers when it airs!


Saturday, May 19, 2012

WATCH: Dr. Jeff Medrum's Presentation at Richland, WA Sasquatch Conference Pt 2/4

Multiple Species of hominids coexisted on this planet during the same era
This is part 2 of Dr. Jeff Meldrum's Presentation (You can view Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)

In the second portion of Dr. Jeff Meldrum's presentation at the Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People (Sasquatch) held in Richland, WA, he explains how the new discoveries of multiple species co-existing at the same time creates a more compelling argument for other hominids possibly existing in our modern era. The six hominids he mentions are "Homo" floresiensis, Homo Erectus, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neandertalensis, Homo sapiens and H.denisova.

While he maintains there is not enough evidence, in his opinion, to indicate there are multiple Bigfoot species in North America, he does take us on a world tour of other possible hominid species on other continents. For example, the Orang Pendek. The Orang Pendek is described by Wikipedia as:
Orang Pendek (Indonesian for "short person") is the most common name given to a cryptid, or cryptozoological animal, that reportedly inhabits remote, mountainous forests on the island of Sumatra.
The animal has allegedly been seen and documented for at least one hundred years by forest tribes, local villagers, Dutch colonists, and Western scientists and travelers. Consensus among witnesses is that the animal is a ground-dwelling, bipedal primate that is covered in short fur and stands between 80 and 150 cm (30 and 60 in) tall.
 Watch as the video below as Dr. Jeff Meldrum takes us back in time among the hominids.

WATCH: Dr. Jeff Medrum's Presentation at Richland, WA Sasquatch Conference Pt 1/4

Dr Jeff Meldrum at the Richland, WA Sasquatch Conference

Below is one of four  video excerpts from the Dr. Jeff Meldrum's presentation at Thom Cantrall's Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People (Sasquatch).  (You can view Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)

Richland WA PNW Bigfoot Conference 2012: Dr. Jeff Meldrum Part 1

In the first video, Dr. Jeff Meldrum discusses his new publication the Relict Hominoid Inquiry. According to the Relict Homoid Inquiry website:
The objective of the RHI is to promote research and provide a refereed venue for the dissemination of scholarly peer-reviewed papers exploring and evaluating the possible existence and nature of relict hominoid species around the world.
A strictly on-line free access publication, the RHI contains primarily Research Articles, as well as Commentary & Responses, Brief Communications, Essays, News &; Views, and Book Reviews.
An interesting point made by Dr. Meldrum is how the hairy-man myth is widespread but not universal. An important distinction. If the hairy-man was universal, it could be written off as a projection of human experience. This reminds us of the Jungian Archetypes, that Carl Jung suggests that are innate in our DNA. Dr. Meldrum is suggests these are not archetypes, these are not manifestations of the human psyche.

Finally, Dr. Meldrum uses an illustration from 1763 containing four mysterious primates. 1. Troglodyta Bontii, 2. Lucifer Aldrovandi, 3. Satyrus Tulpii, 4. Pygmaeus Edwardi

Anthropomorpha depicted in Hoppius' Amoenitates Academicae (1763)

The last three images have been associated to  2. Gibbon, 3. Chimpanzee 4. Orangutan respectively. This leaves the first illustration, Troglodyta Bontii, unidentified. Could it be the Sasquatch? 

Watch the video below as Dr. Jeff Meldrum touches on each of these subjects in greater detail.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dr Jeff Meldrum Talks Bigfoot Genetic Study with Bryan Sykes of Oxford University

Dr Bryan Sykes, A DNA expert that has already been published in Nature
"Since he [Dr. Bryan Sykes] got wind of some of the, in my opinion, premature rumors of the hybridization and origins of Sasquatch, he was interested in that." --Dr. Jeff Meldrum

 This is part 3 of Dr. Jeff Meldrum's Presentation (You can view Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)

On April 28, 2012 Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Dr. Bryan Sykes had lunch to discuss among other things the possibility of the hybridization of sasquatch. Sykes, who is very familiar with the mixing of ancestral genes in humans, was curious about the possible hybridization of Sasquatch. During the lunch Dr. Meldrum advised Dr Sykes, "It was extremely unlikely that such hybridization had occurred," Meldrum continued, "and the evidence was non-existent at this point, but the question was out there and was worthy of examination."

As you may have read from our previous post Dr Jeff Meldrum Participates in Parallel Sasquatch DNA Study, Dr. Jeff Meldrum is working with Bryan Sykes on a parallel Sasquatch DNA research. Meldrum has already offered some hair sample to Sykes. Dr. Bryan Sykes is emeritus professor of human genetics at Oxford University. His company, Oxford Ancestors, traces human genetic backgrounds. Sykes's books include the New York Times best-selling The Seven Daughters of Eve.

Watch the video below from Thom Cantrall's Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People (Sasquatch) held in Richland, WA. In the video Meldrum discusses his lunch with Dr. Bryan Sykes and a little about each of his co-hosts from the History Channel's documentary "Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dr. Jeff Meldrum: Sasquatch on the Oregon Trail

Dr. Jeff Meldrum will be Speaking June 1st and 2nd
the topic will include Sasquatch on the Oregon Trail
Dr. Meldrum will be kicking off a Bigfoot exhibit that will be on display from June 1st through October 15th at the National Oregon/California Trail Center.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum is often considered the foremost national scientific expert on the Sasquatch or Bigfoot phenomena. Meldrum is an Associate Professor of Anatomy & Anthropology in the Departments of Biological Sciences and Anthropology, and is an affiliate curator at the Idaho Museum of Natural History. His formal study of primates began with the terrestrial adaptations of African primates, and has since taken him from the dusty skeletal cabinets of far-flung museums, to the remote badlands of Colombia and Argentina in search of fossil New World primates. He has published extensively on the evolutionary history of the South American primates and has described several new extinct species.

His attention returned to the emergence of modern human bipedalism. His co-edited volume, From Biped to Strider: the Emergence of Modern Human Walking, Running, and Resource Transport, redirects attention from the origins of simply walking on two legs, to the pattern of emergence of the innovations specifically unique to modern human gait. His interests in the footprints attributed to an unrecognized North American ape, commonly known as sasquatch, came into focus when he literally crossed paths with an enigmatic set of tracks in the Blue Mountains of Washington State.

Meldrum has conducted collaborative laboratory and field research throughout the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West, and has spoken about his findings in numerous interviews, television appearances, public and professional presentations. He is author of Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, which explores his and other scientists’ evaluations of the evidence suggesting the reality of this legendary primate.

This exhibit is made possible by the following sponsors: Zions Bank, Bear Lake Memorial Hospital, Bear Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau, Clover Creek Inn, Paris Hills Agricom, Rocky Mountain Power, Agrium, Direct Communications and Monsanto.

Buy your tickets here!

Dr Jeff Meldrum Participates in Oxford University Genetic Bigfoot Study

Dr. Jeff Meldrum announces parallel DNA Study
CORRECTION: Rhettman A. Mullis, Jr. of has helped us keep this story accurate. He has stated "This is Dr. Bryan Sykes' project not Dr. Meldrum's project. Meldrum, like Team Bigfootology, was asked to be a part of Syke's project. Bigfootology was included because this was a joint brain-child of Team Bigfootology member Dr. Anna Nekaris who is a colleague of Dr. Bryan Sykes."

Without much fanfare or hyperbole Dr. Jeff Meldrum mentioned a DNA study to parallel Dr Melba Ketchum's current DNA Study. We had heard this news at the Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People (Sasquatch)  held Richland, WA earlier this May.

Our initial reporting stated Dr. Jeff Meldrum is working with Bryan Sykes on a parallel Sasquatch DNA research. Bryan Sykes is professor of human genetics at Oxford University. His company, Oxford Ancestors, traces human genetic backgrounds. Sykes's books include the New York Times best-selling The Seven Daughters of Eve.

We think it important to underscore Dr. Jeff Meldrum made no projections of possible results or outcomes of his parallel study. He only mentioned Dr. Bryan Syke's credentials and the fact that they have begun preliminary work on the project.

Rhettman Mullis Jr., President of Bigfootology, clarified to us that they are also participating in this project.

Below is the the comment from Rhettman posted on Steven Streufert's Facebook group:
"There are two different things happening. Dr. Sykes is writing a book on the findings and their invitation for us to be a part of this project is the equivalent of having Dr. Stephen Hawkings ask to help identify a new star, or Einstein asking us to be a part of developing quantum-mechanic theories. We are honored and privileged to be included. So Dr. Sykes will write his book, but they are also filming a documentary that will be three one hour shows about the event. Soon we will be asking for DNA samples from all over the world and Bigfootology will assist in the accumulation of those samples. We are also in the process of reaching out to some known hybrid-offspring of human and Bigfoot joining. Because this work is being done by scientists using scientific method and Bigfootology being the only actual scientific organization, the outcomes will not be questioned or doubted critically, because the scientists involved are at the top of their field. It is a very exciting time and we are awaiting our next marching orders from Sykes through Dr. Nekaris, when that happens we will make a formal announcement and really get things moving. We have been working on this project behind the scenes, quietly, for about 3 months now, so regardless of what other DNA projects find, their work will either be validated or invalidated by Sykes outcomes."
Later this afternoon we will post the video of Dr Jeff Meldrum's presentation at the Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People (Sasquatch). In his presentation he mentions Bryan Sykes and the Parallel DNA study.

You can read about Dr. Meldrum's lunch with Bryan Sykes and watch a video of Meldrum discussing the lunch.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

ISU Professors Argue About Sasquatch Funding, Critical Professor Invokes the "Easter Bunny Argument"

Believe it or not, Dr. Jeff Meldrum is not mentioned once in the back and forth argument of whether it is appropriate for the National Science Foundation's million dollar funding should be used, in part, to display Bigfoot tracks at Idaho State University. For some of you Bigfoot layman, this is extremely odd, due to the fact that Dr Meldrum is the most prominent academic in the Bigfoot community, AND he is a professor at Idaho State University, where these other two professors are battling it out. You can read our complete coverage of Dr. Jeff Meldrum

Since we didn't have a photo of the professors, we decided to provide another "snapshot" of the major players in this debate. These are results from The word bubbles are our own addition, but the rest of the data is from's rating system. Notice Dr. Meldrum is the only one considered "Hot".

Read the article written by Martin Hackworth who equates Bigfoot to the Easter Bunny below.

Easter Bunny vs. Bigfoot

By Martin Hackworth

In Herbert Maschner’s recent column in the Idaho State Journal, he referred to a number of insinuations by me concerning the involvement of the Idaho Museum of Natural History with poor science in my recent column about Bigfoot, 9/11 conspiracy theories, Cold Fusion, Weather Wars and other outlandish ideas dressed up as science. Though I am happy that Professor Maschner felt “privileged” to respond to my column, I cannot return the sentiment. It’s just too depressing to have to explain to a museum director, with credentials out the whazoo, why the scientific method is real but Bigfoot is not. I also do not think that the term “insinuation” means what Professor Maschner thinks that it means.

Professor Maschner evidently based his critique of my column on the Cliffs Notes version. He attributes, for instance, the use of the term “fringe science” to me, when the term I actually used was “pseudoscience” — literally, false science. To elevate Bigfoot tracks to fringe science status is to attribute to them vastly undeserved merit. I also stated (no insinuation) rather plainly that the scientific pursuit of Bigfoot, sans any compelling evidence, is foolish. Perhaps the insulation, to which he refers, rests in the notion that if I think that the scientific aspirations of Bigfoot, et. al., are scientifically dubious, I also think that those who hold these notions, by extension, could be dubious as scientists. Let me save you some wear on those outsized mental gears — you’re right.

A central tenet of Professor Maschner’s critique is academic freedom and I find his views extremely interesting. Evidently academic freedom is pretty one-sided. By Maschner’s reasoning it’s OK, according to the precepts of academic freedom, to bestow an unearned patina of respectability on something as silly as Bigfoot — but it’s not OK to function as a critic and point out serious (and obvious) flaws in the same business. If other opinions expressed recently by Professor Maschner in the ISJ are accurate — and I assume they are, since he expressed them — academic freedom exists to protect weak, featherbrained and intellectually questionable academic endeavors like Bigfoot — things that deserve little serious consideration — but not to protect fundamentally important and critical academic endeavors like faculty self-governance, which do.

As for Maschner’s confident claim that the National Science Foundation is completely onboard with supplying a million dollar grant to ISU that has been used, in part, to display Bigfoot tracks, I take it that he will have no objection to me supplying them with a copy of his column and asking if it’s true. As long as they are onboard there’s no harm, right? I hope that this holds up better than his claim that no public monies have been used to display Bigfoot tracks in a museum facility on a public college campus using a taxpayer-funded computer system.

But perhaps I am too hard on the Professor Maschner. His ideas concerning the “democratization of science” might be groundbreaking. Could it be that what separates us is mere geography? Could it be that some in the College of Arts and Letters, way over on the other side of the ISU Quad, simply don’t deal with the scientific method on a daily basis like most of us in the College of Science and Engineering do? Why have none of us heard of the exciting sounding paradigm known as the “democratization” of science?

Perhaps , in honor of Easter, I should use Professor Maschner’s droll prose, along with the motif du jour, as a teachable moment. This afternoon there happens to exist, right in the field below my home, many giant tracks that a democratically-assembled multicultural tour de force of neighborhood children, Native Americans, Feminists, Hispanics, LGBTs, Mormons, Catholics, Persons of Color, MENSA members and a few individuals dumber than a fence post all attribute to an unknown-to-science variant of Oryctolagus cuniculus. There are reports of similar tracks all over the world — far too many to attribute to any hoax. There are cards and T-shirts available at the grocery store and it’s all over television. All of this suggests that the Easter Bunny deserves serious consideration.

So I’m going to wait until all of the kids get done with the egg hunt and make casts of whatever giant bunny tracks are left. I assume that the Idaho Museum of Science will have no objection to using a system supported by the NSF to scan and display these tracks — since the evidence for the Easter Bunny (in my opinion) is at least as compelling as the very similar evidence for Bigfoot. We’d sure not want to deprive folklore specialists the ability to study the Easter myths, anyone in comparative literature the ability to deconstruct writings, sociologists the ability to confab, and scientists, writers, students, skeptics and politicians the ability to see exactly how similar I believe, when you line them up side by side, the scientific basis for Bigfoot and the Easter Bunny happen to be.

Award-winning columnist Martin Hackworth, of Pocatello, is a senior lecturer in physics at Idaho State University and the publisher of SRC:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dr. Jeff Meldrum: Sasquatch Most Closely Resembles a Form of Ape

Renowned bigfoot researcher Jeff Meldrum of Idaho State University spoke to Wofford students studying urban legends during the January Interim. Here, Wofford senior Dominque Cox gets a book signed. (GERRY PATE/
In our previous post, "Dr. Jeff Meldrum Speaks at Wofford College," we alerted our fans to Meldrum's speaking engagement to Wofford students studying "urban legends" during the January Interim.

The Spartanburg Herald-Journal is a daily newspaper, and the primary newspaper for Spartanburg, South Carolina.The Journal covers what happened at the event in the article below.

Bigfoot researcher talks at Wofford about urban legends
Published: Sunday, January 22, 2012 at 3:15 a.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 11:36 p.m.
When a class of curious Wofford College students began debating the fact, fiction and in-between of popular urban legends, they recently turned to a widely known expert to find out more about one of the world's age-old phenomenon — Bigfoot.
Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anthropology at Idaho State University, spoke Friday to students in accounting and finance professors Ryan and Jenny Johnson's Interim course, Urban Legends: (Mostly) True Stories Verified by a Friend of a Friend.
Interim opportunities are available to all Wofford students during the month of January each year. The classes aren't usually the traditional academic courses students are used to, but a time for exploration and experiential learning.
So for another week, the 32 students in the Johnsons' Urban Legends course are exploring the truth — or lack thereof — behind popular stories, such as whether trick-or-treaters should inspect Halloween candy for dangers or if catfish the size of Volkswagen Beetles swim near the base of a Colorado River dam.
“It's an interesting topic. The focus of our class is not always if it's truth or fiction, but that people choose to tell the story,” Ryan Johnson explained.
“We're not trying to debunk anything,” Jenny Johnson said.
On Friday, Meldrum signed books next to plaster casts of could-be Sasquatch footprints — examples of the evidence he's personally discovered during years of research on the elusive “wild man.” A known expert on primate locomotion, Meldrum has appeared in a number of documentaries for the Discovery Channel and has written several books on the topic.
“Oftentimes, behind the stories there's a kernel of truth,” Meldrum said. “Do the roots of the stories about wild men point back to a real creature or creatures? Could any persist into the present?”
Meldrum said he enjoys speaking to college-age students because they're usually open to novel ideas and weigh points on their own merits.
Meldrum told students that he personally operates under the hypothesis that the creature known as Sasquatch most closely resembles a form of ape. He said that tales of similar creatures have been passed through the generations in many of the world's cultures.
Taking a scientific approach to the subject, Meldrum discussed the evolution of ape-like mammals that could have, over time, traveled to and settled in various places around the world.
“The prospect that some of them might have existed into the present isn't so far-fetched,” he said, pointing to casts of footprints he first personally encountered in 1996 near Walla Walla, Wash. The tracks closely resemble a human's but are significantly larger and show a pressure ride in the center rather than an arch. The flex at the mid-foot, Meldrum explained, is more similar to a chimp's.
Meldrum told students that one of the themes of the Urban Legends course — and stories like that of Bigfoot — is that there is no history without myth and said he's gained an appreciation for folklore and tradition through his scientific study.
Wofford senior Dominique Cox said Meldrum's presentation made her think. She called the Urban Legends Interim the favorite of her college career.
“The stories are so outrageous sometimes, but there's always a grain of truth to it, so it could be true,” Cox said.
SRC:  Spartanburg Herald-Journal 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fox Carolina: Dr. Jeff Meldrum Speaks at Wofford College Today

(left to right: Dr Jeff Meldrum and a bust of Bigfoot)
Wofford College has invited Dr. Jeff Meldrum to speak as part of  a course titled "Urban Legends: (mostly) True Stories Verified by a Friend of a Friend." Below we have two articles; one from the Wofford's website, the second one is from the Local Fox news affiliate in South Carolina.

From Wofford's Website:
‘Bigfoot’ researcher to speak at Wofford Friday
Professor to discuss scientific work with Interim class on urban legends
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
SPARTANBURG, S.C. – Renowned “bigfoot” researcher Dr. Jeff Meldrum of the Idaho State University, will speak at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20, at Wofford to students studying “urban legends” during the January Interim. 
The program, to be held in the Olin Teaching Theater in the Franklin W. Olin Building, is free and open to the public. 
Meldrum, a professor of anthropology at Idaho State, is a widely known expert on primate locomotion and also has become renowned for his scientific research into the phenomenon of “bigfoot,” or “sasquatch.” He has appeared in a number of documentaries for the Discovery Channel and has written several popular books on the topic, including his most well-known, “Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.” Meldrum is unique because he is on the short list of credentialed scientists who feel it is worthwhile to conduct scientific research into the bigfoot phenomenon. 
The Interim course “Urban Legends: (Mostly) True Stories Verified by a Friend of a Friend” is being taught by Jenny B. Johnson, assistant professor of accounting and finance and coordinator of the accounting program, and Ryan A. Johnson, assistant professor of accounting and finance. The course explores contemporary legends, including how urban legends are more than rumor and innuendo – they reveal individual values, prejudices, hopes and fears. 
Meldrum joined the ISU faculty in 1993, after a stint with Northwestern University. His research revolves around questions of vertebrate evolutionary morphology, especially primate locomotor adaptations. His formal study of primates began with doctoral research on terrestrial adaptations in African primates, and has since taken him from the dusty skeletal cabinets of far-flung museums to the remote badlands of Colombia and Argentina in search of fossil New World primates. He has published extensively on the evolutionary history of the South American primates and has described several new extinct species. He has documented varied primate locomotor specializations in laboratory and semi-natural settings. More recently his attention has returned to the emergence of modern human bipedalism. His co-edited volume, “From Biped to Strider: the Emergence of Modern Human Walking, Running, and Resource Transport,” proposes a more recent innovation of modern striding gait than previously assumed. As the acting director of the Center for Motion Analysis and Biomechanics (CMAB) he is collaborating with engineering faculty, paleontologists, and the Idaho Virtualization Lab, to model the pattern of evolution of the hominid foot skeleton. His interests also encompass the evaluation of the footprints purportedly left by an unrecognized North American ape, commonly known as sasquatch. 

From Fox Carolina

Do you believe Bigfoot exists?
Posted: Jan 20, 2012 8:00 AM PST
Updated: Jan 20, 2012 8:18 AM PST
By Joe Gagnon, Reporter - bio | email
SPARTANBURG, SC (FOX Carolina) - If so or if not, a seminar taking place at Wofford College on Friday will state the case that it is a real possibility.
Renowned "bigfoot" researcher Dr. Jeff Meldrum of the Idaho State University will speak at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20, at Wofford to students studying "urban legends" during the January Interim. 
The program, to be held in the Olin Teaching Theater in the Franklin W. Olin Building, is free and open to the public. 
Meldrum, a professor of anthropology at Idaho State, is a widely known expert on primate locomotion and also has become renowned for his scientific research into the phenomenon of "bigfoot," or "Sasquatch."
He has appeared in a number of documentaries for the Discovery Channel and has written several popular books on the topic, including his most well-known, "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science."
Meldrum is unique because he is on the short list of credentialed scientists who feel it is worthwhile to conduct scientific research into the bigfoot phenomenon. 
The Interim course "Urban Legends: (Mostly) True Stories Verified by a Friend of a Friend" is being taught by Jenny B. Johnson, assistant professor of accounting and finance and coordinator of the accounting program, and Ryan A. Johnson, assistant professor of accounting and finance.
The course explores contemporary legends, including how urban legends are more than rumor and innuendo – they reveal individual values, prejudices, hopes and fears.
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