Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dr Jeff Meldrum Participates in Oxford University Genetic Bigfoot Study

Dr. Jeff Meldrum announces parallel DNA Study
CORRECTION: Rhettman A. Mullis, Jr. of has helped us keep this story accurate. He has stated "This is Dr. Bryan Sykes' project not Dr. Meldrum's project. Meldrum, like Team Bigfootology, was asked to be a part of Syke's project. Bigfootology was included because this was a joint brain-child of Team Bigfootology member Dr. Anna Nekaris who is a colleague of Dr. Bryan Sykes."

Without much fanfare or hyperbole Dr. Jeff Meldrum mentioned a DNA study to parallel Dr Melba Ketchum's current DNA Study. We had heard this news at the Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People (Sasquatch)  held Richland, WA earlier this May.

Our initial reporting stated Dr. Jeff Meldrum is working with Bryan Sykes on a parallel Sasquatch DNA research. Bryan Sykes is professor of human genetics at Oxford University. His company, Oxford Ancestors, traces human genetic backgrounds. Sykes's books include the New York Times best-selling The Seven Daughters of Eve.

We think it important to underscore Dr. Jeff Meldrum made no projections of possible results or outcomes of his parallel study. He only mentioned Dr. Bryan Syke's credentials and the fact that they have begun preliminary work on the project.

Rhettman Mullis Jr., President of Bigfootology, clarified to us that they are also participating in this project.

Below is the the comment from Rhettman posted on Steven Streufert's Facebook group:
"There are two different things happening. Dr. Sykes is writing a book on the findings and their invitation for us to be a part of this project is the equivalent of having Dr. Stephen Hawkings ask to help identify a new star, or Einstein asking us to be a part of developing quantum-mechanic theories. We are honored and privileged to be included. So Dr. Sykes will write his book, but they are also filming a documentary that will be three one hour shows about the event. Soon we will be asking for DNA samples from all over the world and Bigfootology will assist in the accumulation of those samples. We are also in the process of reaching out to some known hybrid-offspring of human and Bigfoot joining. Because this work is being done by scientists using scientific method and Bigfootology being the only actual scientific organization, the outcomes will not be questioned or doubted critically, because the scientists involved are at the top of their field. It is a very exciting time and we are awaiting our next marching orders from Sykes through Dr. Nekaris, when that happens we will make a formal announcement and really get things moving. We have been working on this project behind the scenes, quietly, for about 3 months now, so regardless of what other DNA projects find, their work will either be validated or invalidated by Sykes outcomes."
Later this afternoon we will post the video of Dr Jeff Meldrum's presentation at the Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People (Sasquatch). In his presentation he mentions Bryan Sykes and the Parallel DNA study.

You can read about Dr. Meldrum's lunch with Bryan Sykes and watch a video of Meldrum discussing the lunch.


  1. Awesome ! I can't wait to see the outcome !

  2. "Without much fanfare or hyperbole Dr. Jeff Meldrum mentioned a DNA study to parallel Dr Melba Ketchum's current DNA Study"

    I do not believe Ketchum will produce results.

    If true, then this may be a chance to actually have DNA samples really tested. I emailed Bryan Sykes at Oxford to confirm his involvement.

  3. One error that needs to be cleared up here. This is Dr. Bryan Sykes' project not Dr. Meldrum's project. Meldrum, like Team Bigfootology, was asked to be a part of Syke's project. Bigfootology was included because this was a joint brain-child of Team Bigfootology member Dr. Anna Nekaris who is a colleague of Dr. Bryan Sykes.

    1. Thanks Rhettman I will make the correction clear. I appreciate the clarification and the help keeping this story accurate.

    2. How does Science Alive fit into this?

      Here's what I know and it all comes direct from the guys at Science Alive.

      Science Alive LLC (Richard Stubstad & Java Bob Schmalzbach), and their samples are also part of the UK study. More than likely Richard is a funding partner if that is the case too? Told to me by Bob?

      The Science Alive samples well some are from Tom Biscardi?????????????? Told to me by Richard?

      That should tell you all you need to know... Bob admitted some and Richard the rest, so it's all true! Neither person said anything about this being on the QT when they mentioned it to me either.

      Just like Biscardi to bash Dr Meldrum and others that he later has to work on the same side with! Because he only does it because he is jealous... If he really meant what he said he wouldn't ever go back on his word... To me it's sad that any of this is connected to Tom Biscardi??? I think that means this study looses all it's credibility?

      I can't help but think Dr M would be horrified to know he's in the same study as any samples from Tom Biscardi?

    3. Hi Alex, I assume the process of the DNA testing itself will disqualify any samples that might be questionable. Bryan Sykes and the participating universities have their good names to protect :)

      On the other hand, it would be interesting to see what happens from the opposite perspective. Instead of, "what does the participation of certain individuals say about the study." I am also interested in what the study will say about those certain individuals. Thanks for the comment Alex, great info and great questions!

  4. Nancy Cohen · PSU/University of Manchester

    We were in Woody Creek at Hunter Thompson's memorial when my friend was shaken to the bone core after having an experience in sighting what he thought was BigFoot. We travelled through the mountains the next day and did indeed find a cinnamon coat, lef ton the road side. We wanted to take it for laboratory testing, but were scared of the bugs.


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