Showing posts with label Ron Morehead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Morehead. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Meet Ron Morehead. The man with the most impressive Bigfoot Audio.

Ron Morehead speaks at HopsSquatch Aug 16th
DATE: Sunday, August 16th 
TIME: 12:30-3:00
WHERE: NW Quimby Lucky Lab  | 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209
WHO: Ron Morehead of the Sierra Bigfoot Sounds

How did Ron Morehead get Sasquatch to come into his camp night after night and record their sounds and language? Ron reveals all (except the location) of his phenomenal recordings.

These are absolutely the best, hands down, Bigfoot sounds! Why? These are the only sounds that:

Ron Morehead is an ‘adventurist’; a positive ‘someone’ who loves life, but often lives it on the edge. As a SCUBA diver, he swam with the hammerhead sharks, has been filmed in Mexico’s Pacific Ocean riding the backs of giant manta rays, and been a safety diver for the filming of Right whales in Patagonia.

As a private pilot, Ron has flown his own aircraft from the Alaskan bush to the Costa Rican jungle. Besides travelling to the ancient Mayan civilizations in the Yucatan, he has also flown into a remote jungle area of Chiapas (Southern Mexico) on an anonymous Mayan discovery expedition. What he saw was thought to be one of the last remaining strong-holds of the Mayan people. He has ventured into Western Nepal’s Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve to help assess the tiger population, explored the jungles of Bardiya on elephants, and been in the wilderness of Siberia looking for evidence of the Russian Yeti. He has made two trips in South America exploring the enigmatic structures and the non-human remains of the pre-Inca people.

Over the years Ron has been interviewed by several radio programs and has been televised by the BBC and other learning channels. He was a guest speaker at the Darwin Museum in Moscow (Russia) and for years he has given presentations at symposiums and conferences about his Bigfoot/Sasquatch experiences. He has openly shared his knowledge and accounts with others. His book, “Voices in the Wilderness,” chronicles his 40 years of researching the enigma. Besides his book, he has produced two CDs with actual Bigfoot vocalizations, focusing on the interaction he and others had with these forest giants.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Best Suggestions for Having a Bigfoot Encounter--If That's What You Really Want.

Ron Morehead is best known for his Bigfoot Recordings 
Ron Morehead has had great success with encountering Sasquatches. His Bigfoot recordings a/k/a Sierra Sounds have been independently scrutinized by several professionals from varying disciplines.

Dr R. Lynn Kirlin, a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Wyoming presented that the formant frequencies found were clearly lower than for human data, and their distribution does not indicate that they were a product of human vocalizations and/or tape speed alteration.

Nancy Logan  is a human sound expert in the State of California. In her opinion the vocalizations have a pitch range that is considerably more flexible than that of humans. They go much lower and much higher.

And more recently Scott Nelson, a Crypto-Linguist, with over 30 years’ experience concludes: “We have verified that these creatures use language, by the human definition of it.

Ron Morehead has recently posted a YouTube video (Watch Below) on his recommendations for a Sasquatch campsite based on his experience. We are pretty confident that Ron was doing something right in the Sierra's

Also Ron will be guest speaker at the 2014 Sasquatch Summit. Click the following link for the 2014 Sasquatch Summit location, dates and details.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ron Morehead Shapes Quantum Theory of Bigfoot with Biblical References

Ron Morehead suggests alien bigfoot DNA intervention referenced in the Bible
"So, should we be afraid…just what could Bigfoot be anyway? The remains of giants have been found on earth before." --Ron Morehead

Ron Morehead is renowned for his bigfoot recordings. His recordings have been dissected by skeptical journalist Al Berry, electrical engineer Dr. R. Lynn Kirlin and most recently by Navy crypto-linguist R. Scott Nelson.

Mr. Morehead continues to make bigfoot news with his newest contribute to sasquatch research. He is shaping his quantum theory of bigfoot at his new bigfoot research website. His newest post aptly titled Quantum Bigfoot Theory stitches quantum theory, biblical references, familiar to Ancient Alien fans, into a tapestry tailored specifically for unveiling his own insights into Bigfoot.

In the excerpt below Mr. Morehead writes about the possibility of the biblical twins Esau and Jacob being bi-paternal (one mom, two "dads"):
We all know of the different accounts of the great flood in ancient texts. According to some of these texts it was brought about because of the infection of the human genome (man, God’s special creation) by aliens, e.g. the Nephilim, half alien-half human. That being said let’s move forward to Isaac’s wife, Rebekah, and the twins she gave birth to. The first boy was Esau, who was red and hairy (Gen 26: 24-26). The second was Jacob, who was loved, but Esau was hated (Romans 9: 13)…why? As the story goes, Esau gave up his birthright to Jacob, eventually moved, and became the patriarch of a race of bearded, red-haired, nomadic people. Because of the ‘red’ they were called the Edomites (Edom meaning red). Recently one of my colleagues pointed out that the Edomites were depicted in Michelangelo’s painting of The Last Judgment, in 1541. At the bottom of the painting you’ll see the hairy Edomites in a cave…hmm, any connection?

Now the big question; can two eggs in a woman’s uterus be fertilized by two different males at the same time? The answer is ‘Yes’. One in 400 sets of fraternal human twins is bipaternal ( So my theory, which is shared by a few others, is that an alien (Lucifer), trying to corrupt the human genome again, fertilized one of Rebekah’s eggs and Esau was the result. This would have created a human hybrid and Bigfoot just might be a remnant of that.
Read more of what Mr. Morehead has to say about his Quantum Bigfoot Theory

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sasquatch Researcher and International Adventurer Ron Morehead Has a New Website

Screen shgot of Ron Morehead's new website (click to enlarge)
Ron Morehead is has provided some of the most noteworthy audio evidence in Bigfoot Research. Known as the Sierra Sounds or to laymen as the Bigfoot Recordings, these audio recordings capture Bigfoots communicating with each other. Listen to a sample of "Fast Talk" below:

Recently Ron Morehead has chronicled his time during these Bigfoot Recordings and Sasquatch vocal interactions in a book titled Voices in the Wilderness. It's a compelling story with a supplemental CD so you can hear the sounds while reading about the adventure into the Sierras.

In time for Ron Morehead's presentation at the Honobia Bigfoot Festival and Conference (October 3rd 2014) he has a new website launched that showcases Ron Morehead's Latest Research.

This new website will allow Ron Morehead to share some his own personal research into the Bigfoot phenomena. We are big fans of the associations that Ron Morehead brings to the Sasquatch mystery that at first glance may seem peripheral to some and brand new to others. For example he mentions the giant red-haired cannibals trapped in the Lovelock caves of Nevada, he also has an article about the Minaret Skull found in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and probably the most interesting research is his travels to Peru and Bolivia. also has a photo gallery of Ron Morehead's adventures as well as a video gallery of Ron Morehead's presentations. If you want to find out of Ron Morehead will be presenting in your area, check out his calendar at

Finally, if you don't have a copy of Ron Morehead's newest book or Bigfoot Recordings you need to grab a copy at his newest online store it is a lot easier to navigate and makes it easy to grab his book and audio recordings.

Bigfoot Lunch Club plans on catching up with Ron Morehead at the 2014 Yakima Bigfoot Round Up. We hope to seew you there too!

Click the following link for our previous coverage of Ron Morehead and Bigfoot News.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Linquists Battle Over Bigfoot Language

Does Bigfoot have defined phonemes? Phonemes are distinct units of sound, like vowel sounds. 

"The vocalizations are an amateur impression of how a proto-language might sound if it evolved from non-human primates" -- Karen Stollznow of Scientific American on the Morehead/Berry tapes.

We are NOT big fans of lazy skeptics. Good skeptics on the other hand are healthy for our research. Ones that have held our feet to the fire are Sharon Hill of Doubtful News and a Huffington Post contributor and Brian Dunning of Skeptoid. Skeptics, in my opinion, are just like witches in OZ, there are good ones and bad ones.

We are not quite sure what category Scientific America's Karen Stollznow. Ms. Stollznow has  Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of New England and seems to be critical of Scott Nelson's credentials. To catch you up, Scott Nelson retired from the Navy after a 17-year career as a crypto-linguist, intercepting Russian communications and decoding them. While his son was listening to the Morehead and Berry Bigfoot audio recordings (a/k/a Sierra Sounds) he detected patterns and perhaps even language.

After Karen introduces the general public on types of Sasquatch evidence she dives right into the possibility of Bigfoot language and the Morehead/Berry Tapes:
A fascinating category of evidence involves claims of a Bigfoot language. Eyewitnesses report hearing howls, whoops, growls, screams, mumbles, whistles and other strange vocalizations in the wild, and attribute these to Bigfoot. Variant forms of Bigfoot are found across cultures, and the Sasquatch, Himalayan Yeti, Australian Yowie and other alleged creatures are similarly believed to produce vocalizations. Other Bigfoot communication includes the mimicry of wildlife and forest sounds, wood-knocking, rock-knocking and rock-throwing. Bigfoot is also thought to form patterns with sticks and rocks as a kind of writing system. In wilder claims about wild men, Bigfoot are believed to have the ability to communicate telepathically, and use their large feet to send infra-sound communication over long distances. Bigfoot are also claimed to speak and understand human languages, and to have their own Bigfoot language.

There is little evidence to support these claims, other than the anecdotal kind. The Sierra Sound recordings, also known as the Berry/Morehead tapes, are touted as the gold-standard of evidence for a Bigfoot language. During a number of expeditions to the Sierra Nevada Mountains between the years 1972-1975, Alan Berry, Ronald Morehead and their crew captured audio recordings of alleged Bigfoot encounters. They recorded a total of 90 minutes of Bigfoot language and vocalizations using a microphone dangled from a tree branch attached to a reel-to-reel recorder. Over the years they also found 18-inch footprints of Bigfoot, and experienced many sightings…just not during the recordings!

Morehead and Berry (until his death in 2012) staunchly deny that the recordings are a prank. However, for a number of reasons, it is highly probable that the recordings are a hoax, or that the crew were hoaxed. The expeditions were undertaken specifically to hunt for Bigfoot. “Bigfoot” was heard but never seen when the recordings were made. It is obvious that other animals made some of the sounds, such as bears. The wood knocks are easy to re-create, while the “language” itself is unconvincing. The vocalizations are an amateur impression of how a proto-language might sound if it evolved from non-human primates. This “Bigfoot” is likely human, and the Sierra Sounds a combination of hoax and misidentification, like all of the other evidence for Bigfoot.
Sounds like she has already reached a conclusion. What is unfortunate is we were hoping her critique would come more from a linguist perspective, but her conclusion, as you will read below,  is that looking into Bigfoot language is putting the cart before the horse. She thinks we should be looking for a body first. Not only is this a disappointment, because it would have been great to get another linguist's perspective, but it  also a flawed argument. If this was the prevailing logic we would have never tried to decipher the cuneiform text left on clay tablets by the Sumerians.

Here is her non-linguistic based argument:

Self –proclaimed “Bigfoot language expert” R. Scott Nelson has taken the Bigfoot language claims one-step further. As though it is the Linear B of Bigfoot language to be deciphered, Nelson has created a transcription of the Sierra Sound Recordings. He is a retired U.S. Navy Cryptologic Technician Interpreter who speaks Russian, Spanish and Persian. He also believes he can speak “Bigfoot”.

Nelson claims he has identified not only vocalizations such as whistles, grunts, and snarls, but also individual phonemes, i.e., the sounds that combine to create words. Nelson has created a pronunciation key for these phonemes, and he uses the Latin alphabet, diacritics and various other symbols to represent these sounds. He calls this the Sasquatch Phonetic Alphabet (SPA), or the Unclassified Hominid Phonetic Alphabet (UHPA). It is unclear why he doesn’t use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), the standardized representation of the sounds of spoken language.

Bilingualism (speaking two or more languages) and working as a translator doesn’t qualify someone to identify or describe undocumented languages. This is an area of anthropological linguistics, although it appears as if many cryptozoological fans confuse “crypto-linguistics” as a field that researches the language of cryptids. The Sierra Sounds are used not only to support the claim of a Bigfoot language, but also to legitimize claims of Bigfoot’s existence. As Nelson argues, “The existence of the Sasquatch Being is hereby assumed, since any creature must exist before his language.” However, there are still prior questions. Does Bigfoot exist, and if so, could Bigfoot speak?

For arguments sake, if Bigfoot did exist, the species would likely have developed its own system of communication, like chimpanzees and Vervet monkeys. Similar to the claims of the (so far mythical) Orang-Pendek, Bigfoot would probably communicate using vocalizations. However, non-human primates don’t have the physiology to produce a wide variety of speech sounds, so it is unlikely that Bigfoot would have developed language, or would be able to speak existing human languages. At any rate, this is all starting off on the wrong (Big)foot. There is no solid physical evidence to support the existence of Bigfoot. Before we establish the existence of Bigfoot language, we would need to establish the existence of Bigfoot.
You can read her full article at the Scientific American Blog

Sunday, October 23, 2011

More Pictures from the Kemerovo Siberian Yeti Conference

Igor Burtsev (center standing) at the kick-off press conference. The 7ft. tall boxing champ Nikolai "beast from the east" Valuev is sitting on the panel (far right.)

As promised here are more pictures from the Kemerovo Yeti Conference provided by Ron Morehead. Morehead is best known for his audio recordings of Sasquatch vocalization, known as The Sierra Sounds. The Sierra Sounds Volume #1 "Bigfoot Recordings" is self-described as a selection of audio clips captured by Morehead, that reveal very clear Bigfoot vocalizations captured on a crisp night at a remote wilderness camp.

Ron Morehead was specifically tapped by Igor Burtsev, director of the International Centre of Hominology in Tashtagol and head of the 'Yeti institute' at Kemerovo State University, to join the expedition. Along with Igor Burtsev and Ron Moreheead, attendees included scientist from 7 different countries gathering in Kemerovo region 3,000 miles – and four time zones – east of Moscow.

The conference took place earlier this month (October, 2011)and produced several headlines that included the words "95% Certainty and Indisputable Proof" of the existence of Yeti.

Below are pictures from the expedition including a picture of the "nest" that was reported as one of the indisputable proofs.

Interesting ten foot tree branch formations on the way to the Kemerovo cave.

A closer look of the tree branch formations suggest these braches became intertwined early on and continued to become woven by nature.

Directly out side the Kemerovo cave

Inside the cave looking out.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum taking a closer look at the Yeti nest, reported as evidence from the expedition.

A cropped version of the above photo with the brightness adjusted for easier viewing (click to enlarge)

This is the size of the crew that was on the expedition taking a lunch break.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ron Morehead Back with Pictures from Siberian Yeti Expedition in Kemerovo

Bigfoot Lunch Club had the honor of spending the evening with Ron Morehead and Thom Powell in Portland, Oregon last night. Ron had just returned from the huge Kemerovo Siberian Yeti expedition. Not only did he come back with a perspective not told in the mainstream media, but he came back with photos too.

In case you don't know, Ron Morehead is best known for his audio recordings of Sasquatch vocalization, known as The Sierra Sounds. The Sierra Sounds Volume #1 "Bigfoot Recordings" is self-described as a selection of audio clips captured by Morehead, that reveal very clear Bigfoot vocalizations captured on a crisp night at a remote wilderness camp.

We actually have enough content to span several posts. So we will start at the beginning and see how many posts it will take.

When we asked Ron how he was contacted, he mentioned he had met Igor Burtsev, one of the most prominent yeti researchers in Russia, at a previous Sasquatch conference. Igor asked if Ron was interested in doing some investigations in Russia and that conversation led to the most recent expedition.

Once Ron got there he mentioned over and over again how well they were hosted. There is no doubt to the locals whether or not Yeti lived in the area; from Senators to the indigenous tribe of the Shors, they had all seen enough evidence. Therefor Ron and others were given quite the red carpet treatment.

The Picture below is the blessing of the indigenous Shors people. Wikipedia describes them as:

Most of Shors live in the Tom basin along the Kondoma and Mras-Su Rivers. This region is historically called Mountainous Shoria...The Shors were mainly engaged in hunting, fishing, some primitive farming, and pine nut picking. Blacksmithing and iron ore mining and melting were also important (hence, the name "Blacksmithing Tatars"). SRC: Wikipedia

The purpose of the ceremony was an opportunity to get permission from the Shors to investigate the area--and yes there was a mascot there.

Below is a video with RT correspondent Marina Portnaya who was with the expedition most of the time.

Stay tuned for more pics from the cave, tree formations, the nest, and castings from Ron's further adventures after the expedition.

Tonight (October 17, 2011) Ron Morehead will be on the Q&A panel of experts after the screening of "Not Your Typical Movie at the Hollywood Theatre in Portland, Oregon. More event details here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Video News Footage of Yeti Hair From Russia

Click to read our entire coverage of the Siberian Kemerovo Yeti. Or read the latest below...

Finally! A translated video of the Russian News clip of the Yeti News Coverage. We see a lot of familiar faces in there. Dr. Jeff Meldrum is there at the 20 second mark and again in a scene with Ron Morehead of Sierra Sounds fame at about 50 seconds into it.

Below is the article from The Telegraph that goes with the video

Russian footage of 'Yeti' hair emerges

10:59PM BST 12 Oct 2011
The footage of the hair and footprints that are alleged to have come from a Yeti follows reports from Russia on Monday that scientists had found proof of the existence of the mythical figure.

Earlier in the week the Russian coal-mining region of Kemerovo said in a statement on its website that the evidence was found on the research trip to its remote mountains.
"During the expedition to the Azasskaya cave, conference participants gathered indisputable proof that the Shoria mountains are inhabited by the 'Snow Man'," the Kemerovo region administration said.

The expedition was organised after Kemerovo's governor invited researchers from the United States, Canada, and several other countries to share their research and stories of encounters with the creature at a conference.

In the video from Russian television the scientists and enthusiasts can be seen searching the area and examining the fur and markings they come across before returning to a lecture theatre for presentations about the 'abominable snowman' as the Yeti is also known.

Despite the seeming breakthrough one delegate remained unconvinced.
"So long as we do not find the bone remains of this snowman, it is pointless to talk about him." said Valery Kimeyev, a local archaeology professor.

SRC: The Telegraph

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2010 Countdown, 10 days of Appreciation: Day 01 Toby Johnson

We want to spend the final days of 2010 appreciating those who have supported us this year. Three years ago, we could of never hoped for this much success. Our only goal was to search, dig and find the most topical Bigfoot news, make a modest mark and if we were lucky contribute value to the community.

We will save the last day for our fans, without your tips comments and suggestions we wouldn't have the mass appeal we have. For now, we would like to recognize Toby Johnson.

We know Toby has learned cloning technology and refuses to share with the rest of us. Without duplicating himself, there is no way one man could have accomplished as much as he did during the first annual Oregon Sasquatch Symposium. We know he had help, but no one can deny how much he put into the event himself.

He's on his way towards the 2nd annual symposium and, trust us, we will have more info on that as we get closer to the event.

Toby was our gateway drug to bigfooting community, when we began our blog we had only read about other Bigfooters, because of Toby we were able to meet them, talk to them, drink beer with them! And of course talk Squatch.

Thanks Toby for being a friend of Bigfoot Lunch Club. We salute you. We will see you at next years 2nd Annual Oregon Sasquatch Symposium.

Check out next years line up below!

Beth Heikkinen is an independent researcher living in the Pacific NW. Beth's first daytime sighting happened 50 miles from her home. Since that time, and with the help of wonderful people, her background now includes tacking, backpacking and hiking.

In the nearly 50 years of active research regarding the Sasquatch phenomena, Lee has come to the conclusion that Sasquatch has a very unique form of conscience reference; such as "There is an awareness for play, exploration, hunting/gathering, safety and shelter...a intuition compared to our need for reasoning. In addition, their ability for focused coherent emotional energy and ability to manipulate the high density subtle energy of a remarkable conscious universe. Also known by quantum as the intelligence invisible energy field that is independent of time, space and form."

Thom authored a book about Sasquatch research entitled "The Locals" which was described by reviewer Lisa Kearns as, "a brilliant combination of science and storytelling". His was the first book to suggest many fairly radical ideas that have since been endorsed by many contemporary researchers, such as habituation, infrasound, paranormal elements, human levels of intelligence in the Sasquatch, awareness of cameras, and much more.

Henry made the very first Bigfoot websites on the Internet and also helped many currently notable footers build their websites/databases and moderated the first Bigfoot newsgroup and the first Bigfoot email discussion which Henry is stated as saying, "I apologize for that, please forgive me."

On July 1, 2000, Dr Johnson and his family ran into a Sasquatch about one mile up the mountain from the Oregon Caves National Monument Park. Since their encounter, Dr Johnson has led numerous research expeditions surrounding the Oregon Caves as well as near Grants Pass, Oregon. His encounter and subsequent research expeditions have helped him to become a sensitive listener to others who've had encounters and need someone to talk to. Dr. Johnson also works through the issue of PTSD with the witness, a process he deeply understands.

He is best known for his audio evidence of indistinguishable vocalization, known as The Sierra Sounds. The Sierra Sounds Volume #1 "Bigfoot Recordings" is a selection of audio clips captured by Morehead, that reveal very clear Bigfoot vocalizations captured on a crisp night at a remote wilderness camp.

Nelson is retired U.S. Navy Cryptologic Technician Interpreter (Crypto-Linguist), and he worked for Naval Intelligence, logging thousands of hours of collection and transcription of voice communications.

Expected Guest of Honor.

Oregon Sasquatch Symposium
Buy OSS tickets and T-Shirts now!

Our Coverage of Last Years Symposium

Saturday, June 19, 2010

OSS what's on store for tomorrow

Tomorrow at the Oregon Sasquatch Syposium is the most anticipated by
the Bigfoot Lunch Club.

It's starting with Jaime Avalos of He will
presenting in full gear. His field research process is probably the
most streamlined when compared to most field researchers. He's a one
man traveling science lab.

Then Ron Morehead of the Sierra Sounds fame ( the standard for Bigfoot
audio recording) will be presenting.

Following Moorehead is appropriately Scott Nelson (pictured standing
in the middle). Scott was a linguist for the navy. He will be
revealling some fascinating breakthroughs in bigfoot language
including cognates (words that are the same in multiple languages)

And of course, the grand finale will be Dr. Jeff Meldrum. A professor
and eloquent speaker, Meldrum alone is capable of bringing credibility
to the pursuit of Sasquatch.

Stay tuned fans, as we continue our live blog of the Oregon Sasquatch

In the picture (left to right) is Hermon Joyner, BLC contributer;
Scott Nelson, linguist and discoverer of Bigfoot language; and Guy
Edwards, BLC artist/graphic designer.

See you tomorrow fans!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Countdown to Oregon Sasquatch Symposium: T-Minus 1 Day

Here it is the final post before the big event this weekend. Well, actually the big event kicks off tonight! The Oregon Sasquatch Symposium will have a kick off party at 6:30pm tonight. It will be located upstairs at the Red Lion Inn Main Reception Room. All you have to do is follow the spiral staircase and walk on in.

Attending the OSS/Kick Off PARTY

Bob Gimlin

Autumn Williams

Jaime Avalos

Dr. Jeff Meldrum

Kathy Strain

Sali Sheppard-Wolford

Thom Powell

David Rodriguez

Ron Morehead

Scott Nelson

..............and oh so much more!

If you do not have a ticket yet and or want to get an exclusive deal with the official OSS t-shirt, stop on by and there will be a package deal.

Also, it goes without saying, bring something you want autographed. Bring your camera and have a blast!

We will be tweeting and live blogging the event so stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Countdown to Oregon Sasquatch Symposium: T-Minus 3 Days

If the patterson/Gimlin film is the best video evidence we have, then the best audio is the Sierra Sounds recorded by Ron Moorehead, then translated by Scott Nelson; both speakers at the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium.

Although its on the hush hush, our sources are telling us that a break-through in deciphering the Bigfoot language will be presented exclusively at the Oregon Sasquatch symposium.

Scott Nelson is a Veteran of the U.S. Air Force, private pilot, musician, developer of a local hospitality industry, and Sasquatch researcher. He is best known for his audio evidence of indistinguishable vocalization, known as The Sierra Sounds.

Ron Moorehead a retired U.S. Navy Cryptologic Technician Interpreter (Crypto-Linguist) has logged thousands of hours of collection and transcription of voice communications.

More recently he has been teaching philosophy and languages at Wentworth College. Other courses include Russian, Persian, and Spanish languages as well as philosophy and religion.

Read more about each speaker at the external links below

Sierra Sounds Website
Scott Nelson Interview on Nite Callers Radio

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Countdown to Oregon Sasquatch Symposium: T-Minus 5 Days

All week we are celebrating and counting down to the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium

From the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium website:

Join us in the beautiful and cozy Willamette Valley this weekend as we kick off the first annual "OSS" Oregon Sasquatch Symposium in Eugene, Oregon. This event will be held at Lane Community College in the Forum Hall. Seating is limited, and tickets are sure to go fast once they are released.

The event was originally formed to unite Oregon researchers within the same venue to share information about what they have going on, basically in their own backyard. The Sasquatch phenomena is, of course, not only an Oregon experience, but given the history of this beautifully forested state, our Sasquatch is as much a part of our culture as the Douglas Fir trees that surround it.

The 19th of June will be a day when long-term witnesses and enthusiasts share their personal Sasquatch encounters at the OSS.

The 20th of June will be the day expert testimony takes front and center stage . Although not every attendee will be from our own Oregon backyard, we are still delighted to invite them into the shadows of our majestic forests. So far, all is looking fantastic as to the forecast for the 20th lineup. Maybe it is our little known saying that has got everyone so on board. "Oregon, will treat ya so many ways, your bound to love one of em"!


Autumn Williams | From

Cliff Barackman | From

David Rodriguez | A 52 yr old Oregon resident who has had a number of encounters with sasquatch over the last 32 years of his life. he has a great PDF article on Tree Breaks here.

Thom Powell | Authored "The Locals" a book about Sasquatch research

Kathy Strain | Anthropolgist who wrote "Giants, Cannibals & Monsters: Bigfoot in Native Culture and treasurer of

Sali Shepard-Wolford | Author of "Valley Of The Skookum"

Dr. Jeff Meldrum | Author of "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science"

Ron Morehead | Recorded The Sierra Sounds Volume #1 "Bigfoot Recordings"

Scott Nelson | Translated the Sierra Sounds and found a Bigfoot language

Esther Stutzman | A Turtle Island Story teller of the Kalapuya people.

Scheduled Special Guest Appearance Bob Gimlin | A man who needs no introduction. The Bob Gimlin of the Patterson-Gimlin film

What are you waiting for? Go get your tickets now!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bigfoot Lunch Club Sponsors Oregon Sasquatch Symposium

We are proud to announce that we have become one of the proud sponsors of the First Annual Oregon Sasquatch Symposium. Toby Johnson, the guy running the event, borrowed our design team to help produce some marketing materials for him and we are proud to announce we are the first to share it with you publicly. Ta-da!

From the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium website:

Join us in the beautiful and cozy Willamette Valley next year as we kick off the first annual "OSS" Oregon Sasquatch Symposium in Eugene, Oregon. This event will be held at Lane Community College in the Forum Hall. Seating is limited, and tickets are sure to go fast once they are released.

The event was originally formed to unite Oregon researchers within the same venue to share information about what they have going on, basically in their own backyard. The Sasquatch phenomena is, of course, not only an Oregon experience, but given the history of this beautifully forested state, our Sasquatch is as much a part of our culture as the Douglas Fir trees that surround it.

The 19th of June will be a day when long-term witnesses and enthusiasts share their personal Sasquatch encounters at the OSS.

The 20th of June will be the day expert testimony takes front and center stage . Although not every attendee will be from our own Oregon backyard, we are still delighted to invite them into the shadows of our majestic forests. So far, all is looking fantastic as to the forecast for the 20th lineup. Maybe it is our little known saying that has got everyone so on board. "Oregon, will treat ya so many ways, your bound to love one of em"!

::: The list of speakers include :::

Autumn Williams | From

Cliff Barackman | From

David Rodriguez | A 52 yr old Oregon resident who has had a number of encounters with sasquatch over the last 32 years of his life. he has a great PDF article on Tree Breaks here.

Thom Powell | Authored "The Locals" a book about Sasquatch research

Kathy Strain | Anthropolgist who wrote "Giants, Cannibals & Monsters: Bigfoot in Native Culture and treasurer of

Sali Shepard-Wolford | Author of "Valley Of The Skookum"

Dr. Jeff Meldrum | Author of "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science"

Ron Morehead | Recorded The Sierra Sounds Volume #1 "Bigfoot Recordings"

Scott Nelson | Translated the Sierra Sounds and found a Bigfoot language

Jaime Avalos | Claims his research is like no other

Jaime Avalos | Claims his research is like no other

What are you waiting for? Go get your tickets now!

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