Monday, July 22, 2013

SquatchIt! Sasquatch Calling Device on Kickstarter

The SquatchIt! Sasquatch calling device is more than a novelty.
Soon anybody will be able to sound like a Sasquatch. For many of you who attended the last HopSquatch event you were able to hear a prototype first hand. Well now is your chance to get this out of the prototype stage and into the hands of the world.

The inventors of SquatchIt! have started a SquatchIt! Kickstarter campaign to raise some money to put the SquatchIt! into production. For only $25 dollars you get all sorts of perks plus your very own SquatchIt!


Read how and why the SquatchIt! was invented
The Genesis of SquatchIt!

One day we had this great idea… What if we could create a Sasquatch caller that would be both authentic in replicating the sound of what many people believe to be the actual screams of a real Bigfoot and at the same time, have on our hands, the ultimate loud, next-generation, battery-free noisemaker. We believe SquatchIt could very well be the next “must have” impulse item.

The possibilities from communicating with a Bigfoot to scaring friends on camping trips, to heckling politicians are endless!

So, after a lot of research and development, as well as access to some seriously secret Sasquatch research, we have developed a SquatchIt prototype and now have an amazing Sasquatch Caller device, to help people find Bigfoot and raise a ruckus!

SquatchIt makes a loud, scary noise, sure to soil the underwear of your friends and loved ones during that next excursion into the wild wooded yonder! Whether you want to capture a photo of the elusive Sasquatch, scare and startle others or you just want to make a whole lot of noise, SquatchIt is totally up to the task!

SquatchIt is perfect for the serious Bigfoot enthusiast, as well as anyone looking for something new and fun!

Approved by Guy Edwards!

Approved by Derek Randles

Full more details, photos and videos go to
or go to the SquatchIt! Kickstarter campaign and DONATE NOW!

1 comment:

  1. This call makes a wonderful award for my Speech students.


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