Sunday, August 16, 2015

Former Pennsylvania Police Officer Says Bigfoot and UFOs are Connected

Fred Saluga of the Fayette County Pennsylvania Bigfoot Research Project (photo:Karl Polacek | Trib Total Media)  

“You get a lot of reports (on Bigfoot and UFOs) from out here in Fayette County...They may be inter-dimensional beings.” --Fred Saluga

Fred Saluga heads the Fayette County Pennsylvania Bigfoot Research Project. While doing a presentation on August 8th 2015, he gained some attention from the local press. You can read an excerpt below where he expands on his suggestion that Bigfoots may not be from this planet.

“They may be inter-dimensional beings,” Saluga said. He pointed to beings that disappear into thin air and Bigfoot trails that last for only a few feet.

Saluga said that there have been many sightings over the years from the Republic area where he grew up. Another hot spot is in the Dunbar area.

According to Saluga, the creatures have been reported for hundreds of years, as early as about 1500 A.D. and from every continent on the planet.

Native Americans called Bigfoot “Sasque” (translated as “Don't know what it is”) or “Sasquatch” to the early settlers in North America.

Some have suggested that the beings are alien transplants, shape shifters or creatures from another dimension. 
You can find out what else Fred Saluga and the  Fayette County Pennsylvania Bigfoot Research Project  has been up to at the links below.

Connellsville group gets earful on Bigfoot

Contact the Fayette County Pennsylvania Bigfoot Research Project at 304-723-8212, go to the group's Facebook page at or email them at


  1. I think there are enough examples of strange events occurring during some bigfoot sightings to suggest there is a lot more to it than we think. Perhaps the biggest secret is they are extraterrestrials, inter-dimensional or both. It would explain everything about Missing 411.

    Logic not ignorance or denial is the answer to all things. What I may never understand is why science lies so much about almost everything. Covering up evidence that does not fit the lie.. Smithsonian, giants, the evidence is right there but it us hidden in order to perpetuate the lies. They work to create a controlled version of reality which is more conducive to our materialistic society, money, profit, labor, sheep.

    The truth will set you free, so we are made to live in a world of lies. Otherwise such words would never have been said or needed.

    Wake up people, eye to see, ears to hear. They will tell you there is no God, they will tell you your eyes are lying to you but it is they who are lying to you, it is their way and their path.


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