Tuesday, October 23, 2012

NY Dept of Environmental Conservation: Do not Harm Bigfoot

Is Bigfoot protected by the shield of the
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation?
"..you and others are free to pursue Big Foot for the purpose of documenting their existence provided none are harmed..." -- Mark Kandel, Regional Wildlife Manager, NYSDEC - Region 9

In a press release yesterday (10-22-2012) Peter Wiemer, of the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo, announced, "Bigfoots / Sasquatches are a Protected Species per the New York State DEC..."

This is based on a letter to Peter Wiemer signed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC). Huffington Post ran an article disputing the claim, we received a copy of the letter written from the NYDEC to Peter Wiemer today. Please read below.

Mr. Weimer,
    I am responding for Commissioner Martens to your recent e-mail requesting protection for "Big Foot" or "Sasquatch". This is also a follow up to our recent phone conversation regarding the same. As discussed on the phone, the DEC does not recognize the occurrence of Big Foot in the state, therefore it is not addressed directly in our hunting regulations. Because it is not addressed there is no open season on Big Foot and they may not be taken. We are confident that the current laws and regulations afford adequate protect for Big Foot if one were to be found in NY.
    Under the current laws and regulations you and others are free to pursue Big Foot for the purpose of documenting their existence provided none are harmed and you abide by the laws and regulations pertaining to trespass on private property and use of public lands. For information on the use of DEC managed lands see our website, www.dec.ny.gov.
    I hope this response addresses your concern. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.

Mark Kandel
Regional Wildlife Manager
NYSDEC - Region 9
182 East Union Street
Allegany, NY 14706
Phone (716) 372-0645
FAX    (716) 372-2113

Protected species? Maybe not, but depending how you look at it, Bigfoot does seem to be protected by default because the NYDEC does not recognize Bigfoot as occurring in the state. Even if they do not recognize the occurrence Bigfoot, the dept. does seem to acknowledge that Bigfoot do occur, especially when they give permission to "...pursue Big Foot for the purpose of documenting their existence provided none are harmed..." You could argue that the letter proactively forbids any harm coming to Bigfoot.

Below is the full Press Release provided to us from Peter Wiemer:

For immediate release:
October 22, 2012
New York State Hunters – Bigfoots / Sasquatches are a Protected Species per the New York State DEC…

Peter Wiemer, of the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo, requested in a letter dated July 29, 2012 to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Martens to enact a non hunting regulation of Bigfoots in New York State.

The NYS DEC official response made by Mark Kandel on the Commissioner’s behalf, stated, “the DEC does not recognize the occurrence of Big Foot in the state, therefore it is not addressed directly in our hunting regulations. Because it is not addressed there is no open season on Big Foot and they may not be taken.” By not being listed in the hunting syllabus of NYS, any non-listed species then becomes a Protected Species per my phone conversation with Mark Kandel said Peter Wiemer.

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, are large human like beings covered in hair and standing upwards of eight to ten feet tall. Steve Kulls, a Bigfoot researcher from the Adirondacks, NY reported at the Expo that the first documented sighting of a Bigfoot in the USA was in Sackets Harbor, NY in 1818. This, along with many other documented sightings in NYS over the years, has raised the interest level in Bigfoot as well as in protecting these beings from being mistakenly hunted for sport or food as being allowed in the State of Texas.

“With Deer season opening in NYS as well as from the point of tourism and the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo, we wanted to find out for sure if Bigfoots could be hunted and killed in NYS. With the DEC’s reply, we wanted to inform the hunters from or visiting New York State in leaving no doubt as to the killing of a Bigfoot is illegal according to the NYS DEC’s current hunting laws. Accordingly, the same goes for other species like Panthers, Mountain Lions and more, which are also not listed for hunt thus being a protected species in NYS, said Peter.”

Peter Wiemer, an award winning special events director, created the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo because of his genuine belief in Bigfoots as well as the popularity of Bigfoot inspired TV shows. The Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo was written up in the August 2013 issue of Convene Magazine, and is currently the only Bigfoot convention in New York State.

On Friday, October 12th, 2012, “Finding Bigfoot”, Animal Planet’s number one rated TV show held a Town Hall Meeting in Lafayette, PA, one county South and East of Chautauqua county for a show in their upcoming season looking in the area of The Allegheny National Forest. “There were seven eyewitnesses to Bigfoot sightings from Chautauqua County who came forward to me in the months prior to our first Expo on May 6th, so it stands to reason that Bigfoots are also in the counties to the South of Chautauqua in Pennsylvania as well as to the North and East in New York State as being reported by eyewitnesses over the past two centuries.”

The 2nd annual Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Weekend & Expo is planned for April 26th, 27th & 28th, 2013. More information along with pictures and videos can be found at the Expos website.  
#   #   # 

Below is the excerpt from the Huffington Post article from the NYSEC perspective, although as you can see from the information above, it is not the full story.

In an email to The Huffington Post, Kandel denied that his department took any such action.

"New York State has taken no action with regard to listing or protecting Bigfoot," he said.

But sasquatches aren't without some legal protections, according to a previous email from Kandel to Wiemer which stated that, "there is no open season on Bigfoot and they may not be taken."

Mike Greene, of Thermal Bigfoot Footage Fame, Speaks in NC

Mike Green Captured a Bigfoot with a Thermal Camera
The Bigfoot Thermal video is still considered one of the most compelling videos in recent history.  Also known as the Squeaky Footage, due to the squeaky toy used to draw the Sasquatch in, this film was recorded by former EMT Mike Green.

Matt Moneymaker, co-host of the TV show Finding Bigfoot says of the video, "This is the most important footage of a Sasquatch since Paterson/Gimlin film taken over 40 years ago...”

Mike Green will be visiting the Archdale library to speak and answer question. You cane read the details below reprinted from the Courier Tribune. 

ARCHDALE — Bigfoot researcher Michael D. Greene will talk about his nationwide quest for the legendary beast at 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 2, at the Archdale Public Library, 10433 S. Main St., Archdale.

The event is free and the public is invited.

In search of Sasquatch, Greene has traveled from Bella Coola, British Columbia, to the Teslin River, Yukon Territory, to Bluff Creek, Calif., to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, to the Adirondack Mountains of New York state, Florida’s Everglades and to North Carolina, where he now makes his home near Salisbury. He has a thermal film image of what appears to be a Sasquatch moving through the North Carolina woods at night and in 2011 was filmed by an Animal Planet crew for the show “Finding Bigfoot.”

Greene has a master of science degree in behavioral psychology, is a court-qualified Questioned Documents Expert and for 20 years was Chief Investigator for a state fraud bureau.

He is a pilot and a former EMT and an 18-year member of the National Ski Patrol. When not “Squatching” he can be found sailing his catamaran “ALL I ASK” out of Norfolk, Va.

For more information, contact Jonathan Farlow at (336) 431-3811 or jfarlow@randolphlibrary.org.

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Craigslist Bigfoot Prankster Interviewed

Craigslist ad goes viral; although no one took it seriously
This last September (2012) a Craigslist ad went viral and was picked up by MSNBC news. It was later determined to be a prank, but not before it was reported on MSNBC.com (see below).
Add Bigfoot research to the recession-proof industries. A website called All over Albany has alerted the Internet to a job opening on Craigslist that — for a primate-lover with an open mind and a (preferably) four-wheel-drive vehicle — could be the opportunity of a lifetime.
The Craigslist post, which seeks a research assistant, explains:

"Not for profit organization, located in Whitehall, NY is a high-energy, team-oriented research entity that is involved in the tracking, documenting, and study of cryptozoological creatures, with a deep interest in the study and search of bipedal primitive apes. We seek an experienced researcher with a deep understanding of cryptozoology, primatology, with a good background with scientific research and interest in great apes."

Some of the research assistant's responsibilities will be to "investigate, document and interview individuals with reported Bigfoot sitings (sic)," and an appropriate candidate must be prepared for "occasional travel to remote areas of Adirondacks including spending several nights in the wilderness, checking motion cameras, collecting hair and dung samples for laboratory analysis amongst other related activities."
Duties and Functions:
  • Develop actionable tracking program in designated geographic area.
  • Investigate, document and interview individuals with reported Bigfoot sitings.
  • Occasional travel to remote areas of Adirondacks including spending several nights in the wilderness, checking motion cameras, collecting hair and dung samples for laboratory analysis amongst other related activites.
  • Must have own transportation, four-wheel drive a plus.
** Serious Inquiries only **
Compensation: based on experience, this is a grant funded position and is expected to last 6 months with the possibility of renewal.

Today (10.23.2012), a Florida weekly paper, Broward Palm Beach New Times interviewed the prankster to determine how he got the verbage for the compelling ad.
When asked about how he came up with such clever phrasing and job duties to include the ad, Reeves explained that he had watched a Bigfoot special earlier in the week on the History Channel and remembered the lingo dropped by various cryptozoologists. Adding in the fact that the position was grant-funded and would likely only last six months was a stroke of genius.

But the Internet has a way of revealing dirty little secrets, and one commenter was quick to point out that Reeves' ad wasn't all that original after all. And New Times wasn't the first news outlet to go bananas over the prospect.

As documented in this MSNBC article and this All Over Albany article, somebody hit an upstate New York Craigslist board with the same posting. As far as we can tell, neither of these outlets bothered contacting the poster to determine the veracity of the post.

"I took it from somebody else and added some stuff to it," Reeves said when contacted on Monday.

The original ad isn't up on the New York Craigslist site anymore, as far as we can tell, so it's tough to figure out whether Reeves did in fact tweak and modify the ad as needed. He did at least change the locations to mention a few rural areas near the panhandle.

SRC: New Times

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