Monday, March 17, 2008

BFRLC Next Lunch: 3/14

Hello BF Lunch Clubbers! The next lunch is all set for March 21st. Can I get a B? An F? R? L? C? What's that spell, bufirlc? No, it spells a grand time for one and all at the next lunch club meeting. On the agenda...who knows? The return of Epic Gilgamesh? Our upcoming field trip? How to look like you know what you are doing under the hood of a car? What will we eat? We did Indian last time, how about Ethiopian or Cafeteria Food? I can hardly wait to see you all there. Until then....

1 comment:

Let's keep the language clean, keep in mind we have younger fans and we want to make this the best bigfoot website for bigfoot news and bigfoot research.

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