Friday, February 24, 2012

Lee Romaire, Creature FX Artist for Letters From the Big Man, Offers Opinion on Game Cam Bigfoot Picture

Photoshop illustration of Lee Romaire, of Lee Romaire Studios
 checking out Melissa Hovey's game cam Bigfoot picture
"The fur is simply too uniform in color, density and direction to be authentic..." -- Lee Romaire, Creature FX Artist on Letters From The Big Man

As you may remember from an earlier posts, Letters from the Big Man, was an attempt to make the most authentic depiction of Bigfoot, not only in behavior but also visually. Lee Romaire, in our opinion, succeeded. Bigfoot lunch Club was provided exclusive photos and a test video of the Bigfoot costume. You can also see a few examples of Lee Romaire's work below.

You can see an artist cutting the hair to different lengths as mentioned in Lee's opinion.
It should be noted these photos are "In Progress" and not reflective of the final costume
Here is Lee's expert opinion provided this morning (Feb, 24, 2012)

Possible Sasquatch Picture Taken from a Game Cam (click to enlarge)
"In my opinion it's  fake.  The hair used here is identical to an expensive brand of fake fur that we use.  This particular fur type is called  werewolf fur, woven on a 4 way stretch fabric (which is identical in color to the skin showing under the fur in the photograph).  You can order this fur in medium or sparse density, and this one looks to be medium density.  
The fur is simply too uniform in color, density and direction to be authentic.  Even though this is a high quality fur, it needs to be trimmed, painted etc. to achieve a hyper realistic look.   The skin is also too uniform in color.  
If one was able to zoom in very tight on this photograph and manipulate it I'd bet that you'd find a weave pattern on the skin areas." 
To make [recreate this exact photo] in your garage would probably cost less than $800.
--Lee Romaire
UPDATE: Lee Romaire wanted to make it clear that he did NOT mean a Bigfoot costume could be made for $800, he has emailed us with more specificity, "what I meant by that photo being created for $800.00 is NOT that you can make a whole suit, but someone could sculpt a bust from the back up (with no detail on the face, paint it and stretch $500 worth of artificial  fur on it and it would produce that shot.""

He continues, "I believe that bigfoot is real, and that I have been fascinated with the subject for years. People have asked me to comment on the Patty footage, but I want to believe it's real too badly to be objective."

Lee's opinion matches up with our post yesterday featuring Bill Munn's expertise.

Also, in our opinion, we wouldn't worry about these being tips for hoaxers. Any body with the time and talent for this stuff is already using those two resources to make money in Hollywood. And as you can see, even two FX experts and Bigfoot hopefuls (if not full-on believers) can detect details of fabrication. Neither one of them had see the other's opinion.

You should read our post, "The Making of Letters from the Big Man" to read our interview with Lee Romaire and learn how he collaborated with Christopher Munch on the Sasquatch design.

Also, Be sure and check out Lee Romaire Studios, he's been working on a lot of great stuff lately, from the animatronic Lincoln for Disney, to an animatronic goat for Sacha Baron Cohen's newest movie  The Dictator.

We will always appreciate the respect and work he put into Christopher Munch's Letters from The Big Man.


  1. No offense to Mt romire but his comment

    "The fur is simply too uniform in color, density and direction to be authentic..."

    Check out his pics of his work above.The fur is on his is way more uniform in length, color and density.

    In fact cover up most of his pic and just show the upper back area...

    1. I see different lengths on the arms but even from the neck, the shoulder blades and even shorter at the small of the back. You can even see trimming in the example picture on the right.

    2. But lets see a tight closeup of just the upper back.You can see the lengths because of the distace and full body shot. My fringe is long and I have a goatee, but my hair at the back is short...from the back how would you know?

  2. Anonymous,

    I agree with you. The pic shown is a work in progress pic. It is not a final pic of the suit we created.


  3. This looks like the back of this creature


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