Sunday, April 8, 2012

Watch Tom Biscardi Discover a Bigfoot Lair on a Choctaw Reservation

Tom Biscardi  in Neshoba County on Saturday April 7, 2012
for a special mission on the Choctaw Reservation

A report filed at Alabama's announces Tom Biscardi's investigation of a possible Sasquatch on the Choctaw Reservation. You can read our complete coverage Tom Biscardi by clicking on his name. 

The WTOK report is below followed by the video.
A self-described Bigfoot hunter was in Neshoba County on Saturday for a special mission.
Tom Biscardi was in Choctaw with his crew at the Choctaw reservation, investigating reports of a creature being spotted there. He told us his team baited some traps and found a lair of some type. Biscardi says he has contacted authorities.
"As a matter of fact we have," according to Biscardi. "There are two officers that don't want to give their names that have actually seen the creatures themselves. One was camping, no more than two weeks ago."
Hear more from Biscardi Sunday night at 10:00 on Newscenter 11. SRC:


  1. Why do we still report on what this man does? He shoud be known as the man who shall not be named or reported about. Don't boost his ego by even mentioning him. He is an embarrassment to bigfoot research and should be ignored.

    1. It is easy to be Anonymous and say anthing isn't it? you are a coward and cowards should be ignored. Plain and Simple

  2. It's probably the same two officers that had the bigfoot in the freezer in GA!

  3. I think he went to the wrong site. There is another reservation on the Neshoba County/Kemper County line called the Bogue Chitto Indian Reservation. On a BIA road called the Sonny Jones Road, there is a pine plantation and acreage that the Choctaw tribe bought from Sonny Jones' widow that has the Bogue Chitto creek backing it. There have been sightings and strange noises at night of howling creatures following the creek. It is very isolated back there with a natural spring, also. The creature could live back there with no human contact. Also the creature is believed to be following the creek to the Pearl River around the Bozeman homestead and Jackson homesteads in the swamp where the Bogue Chitto runs into the Pearl River. One Bozeman family member was stalked late at night when he was coming out of the swamp by something keeping up with him. He wasnt sure what it was but it "escorted" him out.

  4. I wouldn't believe anything this man says! he's damaged goods. He's so desperate to prove they exsist that he will do anything. He's in it for the Money, plain and simple. also he is "City bred" and wouldn't know a squirrel nest from a mouse nest. Just look at the crap he tried to present on his first video. He's so stupid he paid $50,000.00 for a "Monkey Suit" dumb, dumb, dumb! I used my Name, anytime you what to Tangle with me, Name the time and place. You disgraced yourself, your family and the "Real" Bigfoot community. You should have a spot on that stupid T.v. show; "Finding Bigfoot". Hey wait a minute, I forgot, they don't "Hoax" anything!

    1. "...wouldn't know a squirrel nest from a mouse nest." Great line John J. Jones!


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