Monday, July 9, 2012

Lawyer Blog Thinks Fmr Oregon Gov Embrace of Bigfoot is Damaging

(The Telegraph - Jun 9, 1977)
When the measure passed 4-0 it went international. Below is the actual language of the legislation recently posted by the Lawyers Guns and Money Blog (LGMB).

Oregon Legislative Assembly—1977 Regular Session
House Joint Resolution 52 Sponsored by Representative Kulongoski (at the request of Anita Paulsen)
Protects Wildlife Species known as Sasquatch or Bigfoot and prohibits harassing, annoying or intimidating of Sasquatch.
Imposes penalty of two days labor picking up garbage along Oregon highways for violation of Act.
As a consequence of economic growth and development, untempered by adequate concern and conservation, many species of wildlife become extinct. The possible loss of one such species, Sasquatch or Bigfoot as it is sometimes known, causes especial concern to the Oregon Legislative Assembly.
Notwithstanding that Sasquatch are reputed to live in Devil’s Club swamps and feed on poison oak, there are those who insist on searching for them. Although no one has positively identified or captured one, this Legislative Assembly feels that it is a matter of time before this event will occur. In the past, friends of Sasquatch, out of respect for this shy creature, that has never so much as stolen a picnic blanket, have covered all sign of the creature’s existence. But with the encroachment of civilization and hoards of Sasquatch hunters upon its habitat, it has become more difficult for Sasquatch protectors to do so; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon:
That we, the members of the Fifty-ninth Legislative Assembly, declare that harassing, annoying or intimidating Sasquatch is punishable by a maximum of two days labor picking up garbage along Oregon highways.
The commentary from post author Erik Loomis ends with, "I mean, if Kulongoski was still governor and I found this, I feel I could seriously do some damage to his career."

The truth is there is no damage possible to his career, Kulongoski went full bore. When he presented the legislation it is reported that Ted Kulongoski was dressed in a gorilla costume.

Below is an excerpt of an Oregonian article written in 2002 by Bigfoot research legend Joe Beelart.

Twenty-five years ago a young state representative from Eugene took to the floor of the Oregon House, wearing a gorilla suit, to introduce a resolution to prohibit “harassing, annoying or intimidating” Bigfoot, Sasquatch or any other like creature. The lawmaker in the suit was Ted Kulongoski.
Need further proof that Kulongoski is willing to double-down on his association with Bigfoot? Watch the 150th Clebration of Oregon video below.

Also, Cryptomundo has a great article on how Oregon Governors tend to support Sasquatch. John Kitzaber, will always be known as the first Oregon Governor to acknowledge in front of TV cameras, and while in office during his second term that Bigfoot is real, and still got reelected.


  1. Oregonians Rock!

  2. Now they, The people that like to go out AND LOOK (HUNT) FOR BIGFOOT just made it so you can NOT do that! This is funny, How dum can you get? I would like to see there face when that happens

  3. You can hunt FOR Bigfoot under this THIRTY-FIVE YEAR OLD resolution, but not HARASS Bigfoot:
    Be It Resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon:
    That we, the members of the Fifty-ninth Legislative Assembly, declare that harassing, annoying or intimidating Sasquatch is punishable by a maximum of two days labor picking up garbage along Oregon highways.

  4. How interesting. Who knew? ... Linda Newton-Perry of the online bigfoot magazine, Bigfoot Ballyhoo.

  5. Truth be told, in Oregon you can't throw a rock without throwing it through a Bigfoot or little forest person, while they are hiding in another dimension.

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