Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Can Bigfoot be Explained in 60 Seconds?

YouTube Channel ScienceN60 tackles Bigfoot
"The fossil record does include an animal that looked similar to this existing 1 – 9 million years ago called gigantopithecus, in what is now Southeast Asia." --Science in 60 seconds

Below is a 60 second overview of the Bigfoot basics followed by bullet points from the video. Enjoy!

The video above was published on Oct 20, 2014
The science Bigfoot, Yeti & Sasquatch’s existence explained. How they evolved, their closest relatives the orangutan & gigantopithecus, and why no proof, definitive sightings or Bones & remains have been found.

This is the science of Bigfoot, Sasquatch & Yeti in 60 seconds.

- Bigfoot, Sasquatch and Yeti are some of the biggest animal curiosities in the world. Sightings & folklore in the west date back to at least Native American tribes.

- Science has an explanation for what these creatures are and why they or their remains are so elusive, if they do exist.

- They often described as stands upright & walking with their knees bent, covered in reddish brown fur, with a face that looks like a cross between a gorilla & a human.

- In most accounts their shy, docile, and curious

- The fossil record does include an animal that looked similar to this existing 1 – 9 million years ago called gigantopithecus, in what is now Southeast Asia.

- Orangutans the only great apes in Asia, evolved from gigantopithecus and are very different from most primates, because they prefer solitude.

- They also share Bigfoots’ reddish fur, vocalizations, and curiosity of people

- Orangutans are widely disbursed & rarely come across others in the wild, except to reproduce.

- If Bigfoot & Yeti exists they’re probably also an evolutionary relative of the gigantopithecus.

- Bigfoot could have come across the land bridge from Asia just like the Native Americans & Yeti is close to the same region gigantopithecus inhabited.

- Large territories and higher intelligence may have kept them unseen.

- This, fairly long life spans like other apes, and a bone decay rate as fast as 5-10 years in the Pacific Northwest,

- Could explain why no Bigfoot remains have been discovered. And that’s scienceN60

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