Showing posts with label Kidfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kidfoot. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bigfoots Are Big and Kidfoots Are Small

It's Kidfoot! "Bigfoots are tall and Kidfoots are small"
No introduction can do this video justice. We were burning way past the midnight oil on other projects and  stumbled upon this by accident. This was actually on the page. Woot's main website generally offers only one discounted product each day, often a piece of computer hardware or an electronic gadget. They have the best copy writers in the world and very clever at promoting their gadgets. Inevitably they would make a faux kids show about Bigfoots Kidfoots.

Read the description of the new show that will be broadcast every Thursday on Kids.Woot
Everywhere we go, we hear people saying "I love the Woot podcast, but I wish I could watch it over at Kids.Woot instead. And that it had puppets. And that the puppets were sasquatch young." 
Well, we listened! 
KidFoot showcases the lighthearted adventures of Kiki and Wendel, soon to be your favorite juvenile bigfoots. Starting next week, you can see a new KidFoot episode every Thursday on Kids.Woot. That's twice the weekly Woot videos you currently enjoy -- at no additional cost to you! 

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