Showing posts with label beerfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beerfoot. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bigfoot Fans, Now for Something Completely Different

Monty Python is often credited as blending the absurdly random with the brilliant, all at once. Imagine if they had also loved Bigfoot. Enter Craig Flipy.

Oh you may remember him from the best bigfoot short film on You Tube, The Legend of Beerfoot. To this day it is one of our most popular posts.

Craig has been busy since those days. At Craig has neatly tied together his YouTube channel, a story about looking for bigfoot on a moped, and a new blog; effectively creating a portal to his media empire--if not his mind.

If you need a reason to get lost in the mind of Craig Flipy just read the opening line to his bigfoot search by moped story:

Reading a story about someone who went looking for bigfoot means that you don’t have to skip to the end to find out what happened.--Craig Flipy

Craig Flipy, BLC salutes you! And for the first time in Bigfoot Lunch Club history will will finish a post with a single picture after the Related Links Section, Because we know Craig Flipy would love the idea to be a part of Bigfoot Lunch Club history. But first, of course...

Craig Flipy's YouTube Channel
Crappy Little Dreams Blog
Our First Post on Craig Flipy

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Legend of Beerfoot

Well fans, Bigfootin' makes for all sorts of strange bedfellows. Its probably a symptom of the subject matter. Granted, without evidence there is a lot of wiggle room for people to share novel speculations and the odd theory or two; but in the interest of Bigfoot we embrace each other. If you've read us before, you know we believe a good idea/theory can can come from anywhere. We have never really said any theory is too Bizarre. We thought we could say that about people too--until we met Craig.

Craig could talk 'squatch with the rest of them. He was a friend of a friend so he already had a free pass, he was "in". Then we heard he had created a short film reenactment of an unfortunate experience he had had with his mom's drunk boyfriend when he was very young. This is his story, this is a true story, this is "Legend of Beerfoot".

Pay attention to the film at about 22 seconds in, Craigs brilliance as an actor shines as he sweeps himself offscreen.

Craig played himself in the video, the drunk boyfriend was played by Craig's friend Barney (we met him too).

Despite the humor, the cinematic brilliance, and the uncomfortable feeling to watch through-out, Bigfoot Lunch Club salutes you Craig. Anybody who has had to endure that kind of humiliation and still pursues the discovery of Bigfoot is a friend of ours.

Craigs other videos
Craigs video is also showcased at North American Bigfoot

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