Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hobbit Still Stirring Things Up

Homo-floresiensis A.K.A. the Hobbit will be starring in its very own special issue of The Journal of Human Evolution

Some of the biggest findings are evidence of close ties to Australopithecus, A famous speculative Bigfoot ancestor.

Combined with other anatomical evidence, the results ruled out Asian Homo erectus as the progenitor. Both jawbones shared characteristics with Australopithecus and early Homo, and were closer to them than the Dmanisi skeletons were. The ancestral hobbits must have left Africa before the hominins who reached Dmanisi, Brown and Maeda reasoned.

Another big one would be the redefinition of the genus Homo.

“What will come from this is either the redefining of the genus Homo or the argument that this species has so many unique characteristics and so many features shared with australopithecines that it probably belongs in its own genus,” Brown tells HES.

Discovery Magazine has a great blog dedicated to the Hobbit here.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bigfoot Twitter Search

We've added the twitter search widget to the very bottom of our posts. This is just a test to see how a Bigfoot Twitter search would work out. Give us feedback at

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