Saturday, June 19, 2010

OSS Dr Meldrum and Jaime Avalos Teach Casting

Using his own footprint Dr Jeff Meldrum Teams up with Jaime Avalos of
to teach casting best practices.

Some tips include prepping the footprint with a high laquer hairspray.

Another tip included NOT use plaster of paris, as it is too chalky.
Today Jaime used magic stone he buys regularly at Michaels Craft store.

The final cast of Dr Meldrums cast will be auctioned off at the Oregon
Sasquatch Symposium.

OSS Kathy Moskowitz Strain

800 yr old Hairymam Pictograph is the topic of Kathy's presentation.

Her focus is the ancient oral traditions regarding Bigfoot. Her belief
we can learn the most from the natives who have had the greatest
opportunity for exposure to Sasquatch.

Consistant beliefs across north America native traditions.

Bigger than humans
Hair covered
Walks upright
Cannabalistic, which draws the conclusion that native Americans felt
that Sasquatch was more human than animal.

Many oral traditions recall huge wars against Tribes of Bigfoot (a
possible reason for smaller modern populations of Bigfoot).

OSS Thom Powell convinced by Leonard Nimoy

As an 8thgrade science teacher, Thom was convinced Bigfoot was pseudo
science. While using "In Search Of" hosted by Leonard Nimoy to
introduce science, or lack there of, to his students.

Upon reviewing the episode he realized the evidence was actually

Thom is one of the first to incorporate habituations, infrasound, and
giving credence to temporary abductions.

More recently his research has been leaning towards the paranormal,
and recommends researchers should not turn away from the more
paranormal aspects.

His presentation also included how to write a Bigfoot book.

He recommends "The Mothman Prophesies" as a good example of where
Bigfoot research should go. Also recommended was, "The Sense of Being
Stated At."

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