Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bigfoot vs. The Zombies

Zombies have long been a staple of independent horror films and recently the genre has expanded to include Bigfoot. It was inevitable that a young studio would include both. This is the brain-child of Abandoned Cinema, creators of Adelle, Lobsteroids, Monster in the Woods and the zombie epic 2 (coming to Blu-Ray from Elite Entertainment this Fall.)

It sounds like the movie will be made by democracy, which should be interesting in its own right. Fans will be able to donate and pick who wins in the epic battle between Bigfoot Vs. Zombies.

“We are setting out to make the film that we think the fans would want to see in this situation, we don’t want to settle for some half assed human element in this battle, and that’s what a studio would make us do. We think the fans want to see a feature length film that really delivers on what the title suggests. We are promising a film that delivers on that title from the start to the gory end,” says co-writer/director Andy Davis (2, Adelle, Monster in the Woods).

The fans of the genre will decide if this film gets made by putting up their own money, and offering their own thoughts on everything involved in the film from the look of the creatures to the storyline to weather practical effects will be primarily used or CG.

While your at it check out our listing of the top 51 sasquatch-ploitation movies ever made. Rated by the folks at Internet Movie Database (IMDB.COM)

Full article at Fatally Yours
BF vs Z Donation Page
Abandon Cinema

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bigfoot of Another Color or The Rise of the Blonde Bigfoot

Above is a picture of Mike Rugg of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum and Paul Ruebens of Pee-Wee Herman fame.

Mike Rugg posted a video today on his YouTube Channel of a encounter he has been working on for a couple of years.

There are two striking things to us.

One, the witness is a bicyclist who often camps in the same areas. Time and time again we have heard from the likes of Autumn Williams of Oregon Bigfoot and Ron Moorehead of the Sierra Sounds Bigfoot Recordings that people with multiple encounters visit the same spot over and over again, eventually allowing Sasquatch to become acclimated to the witness.

Two, the other thing of note, is the rise of blonde Bigfoot. Mostly Bigfoot's fur is considered dark brown, cinnamon, or black. What do we make of the North Carolina Man's description of a blond Bigfoot and in Mike Rugg's video of a white haired one?

Be sure and Check out Almost Daily's Amazing Amanda two-part interview of Mike Rugg at The bigfoot Discovery Museum here

Mike Rugg Bio
Mike Ruggs Bigfoot Discovery Channel
Bigfoot Discovery Museum Website

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Don't Tell Us Its Not Bigfoot

Just a quick example how popular/elusive Bigfoot is. Hidden deep within a GMC Terrain commercial is a nuclear family complete with a friendly Sasquatch

You can find Bigfoot in the video below at about 10 seconds into the commercial.

We would also like to suggest GMC pay us for the free advertisement. GMC, you will be thanking us when your You Tube Video gets the BLC Bump and it translates to Selling cars! Better yet, give us a GMC Terrain™ with its impressive EPA Est 32 MPG Hwy and we will call it even. Suburu gave us t-shirts for this post.

Plus, we already have a design ready.

Please read our terms of use policy.