Wednesday, March 14, 2012

BlogTalkRadio Interview with Toby Johnson Tonight

Toby Johnson, Oregon Sasquatch Symposium organizer and "Friend of the Feet"
"...the annual OSS partly served as Sasquatch support group, albeit one where the therapeutic model is reversed." -- Toby Johnson

March 14th, a month after the discovery of the 122 possible Sasquatch prints, known as the London Tracks, found south of Eugene, Ore, Toby Johnson is interviewed by Alex Midnighht Walker on his BlogtalkRadio channel

At 6:00pm you can tune in to this link and listen to Toby talk a little about this year's Oregon Sasquatch Symposium and Featuring Bob Gimlin and Bill Munns (buy your tickets here). Toby will also discuss the 122 tracks found south of Eugene, Ore., in Cottage Grove. You can read our initial report on the London Tracks, our follow up video-interview with Toby, and Toby's video, "The first 48 hours

The description of tonight's BlogTalkRadio hosted by Alex Midnight Walker is below.

Oregon Sasquatch Symposium organizer Toby Johnson hasn’t seen a Sasquatch first hand, but he is a "Friend of the Feet" none the less! This wasn’t always so. The curiosity of a genuine wooded mystery peaked when he and his son walked upon a 5 toed human looking track back in 2005. Since that day to his surprise, Johnson discovered that the Willamette Valley area is teeming with Sasquatch witnesses that are silent in "mixed" company.

Because of this, the annual OSS partly served as Sasquatch support group, albeit one where the therapeutic model is reversed — instead of opening up and sharing your problems, you’re simply sharing what is actual and factual in a uncommon world view.

Recently on Feb 15th of 2012, Toby Johnson was the first to document and cast the historical London Trackway. The 122 Sasquatch prints from Lane County Oregon is as of today one of the most documented suspected Bigfoot tracks to be investigated. With over 10 Sasquatch researchers on scene, 2+ hours of video, witness testimony, ample sharing of data and a 5 day follow-up into the mountains, The London Prints could serve the whole Sasquatch community as a unmatched resource for years to come.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

120-Plus Possible Sasquatch Tracks (London Tracks): Video of the First 48 Hours

Print enhanced for better viewing (Click to enlarge)

Same image above untouched (Click to enlarge)

In Mid-February 120-plus tracks, possibly Bigfoot tracks, were discovered south of Eugene, Ore. These tracks have been coined, the London Tracks and were first discovered by Toby Johnson and his friend known as Tracker. You can read the brief timeline and the original report here or the extended one written by Toby himself. Toby Johnson was able to to compress the first 48 hours of the London Track discovery into 12 minutes. This is footage was taken Wednesday night FEB 15th & Thursday day FEB 16th.


EXTINCT? Episode 2: Orang-Pendek vs. the Hobbit

Still frame from Extinct? Episode 2 - Indonesia
"...eyewitnesses have again described the Orang-Pendak as being completely covered in hair, with extensive musculature developments. Homo Floresiensis in comparison, is much weaker." -- Adam Davies

Those guys at have done it again. As you recall we announced the first episode of "Extinct?" back in late Feb, they have produced another video with the same charm and clear narrative as the first. (See New Independent Yeti Documentary Shows Promise )

Read an excerpt from the Video below:

EXTINCT? - Episode 2 - INDONESIA - The Search For Little Foot (2012)
Special thanks to Adam Davies
Written, directed, narrated by Ro Sahebi
In the jungles of Indonesia, discoveries are being made. Could this be the missing link we've been looking for? Homo Floresiensis and Orang-Pendek are all the rage in primatology and anthropology. We get a little help in the episode from the Orang-Pendek goto guy, Adam Davies (MonsterQuest, Is it Real?). 
The Bigfoot Report

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