Friday, January 24, 2014

Live Tweets from the Cast of Bigfoot Bounty Friday the 24th

Watch the best cast members tweet during tonights 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty
Live tweets from the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty twitter feeds! Starting with the contestants; Stacy Brown Jr. (@BigfootStacy), Michael Merchant (@MerchantBigfoot ), Rictor Riolo (@Rictor_Riolo ), Dax Rushlow (@daxmaul ), Ro Sahebi (@rocknrolljihad ). Then the Judges; Dean Cain (@RealDeanCain), Natalia Reagan (@natalia13reagan), Dr. Todd Disotell (@ToddDisotell). And most importantly the Executive Producer, Jon Krull (@HippyKid) --Oh we join in too (@BigfootLC

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bigfoot Sword of the Earthman Mars One Day Promotion

Cover art for sword and sorcery sci-fi comic, Bigfoot -- Sword of the Earthman

On January 23rd 2008 (exactly 6 years ago today), The Telegraph reported, "The photograph, taken in 2004 by the Mars explorer Spirit, appears to show a human shaped object that looks startlingly like previous photographs purporting to have captured Bigfoot."

The comic Bigfoot: Sword of the Earthman explains how he got there. Deep into it's fifth issue, of a six-part series, Bigfoot: SOTE has been a media darling inside the world of independent publishers. Creator, publisher and writer, Josh S. Henaman, describes the comic as, "Equal parts Conan and Flash Gordon." Filling out the creative team is Andy Taylor (line art) and Tamra Bonvillain (colorist) and boasts a logo design by Tim (Enormous) Daniel.

We have read every issue so far and the series gets better and better with every installation.

For one day only, every person who buys the "Bigfoot Bundle" (issues 2 - 5), Issue #1 will be included for FREE! Just type "I saw you on Mars!" in the comments when you order.

CLICK TO BUY THE BUNDLE!!! and type, "I saw you on Mars!" in the comments to get Issue#1 for FREE!

Bigfoot is no stranger to comics and if you are a real insider you will know that Bigfoot taught Superboy how to be a Superman back in 1977. In the same year an over sized Bigfoot named Yetigar fought Godzilla.

Bigfoot – Sword of the Earthman is available now in select stores and via its website. A four-page preview appears online at www.bigfootcomic.comCLICK TO BUY THE BUNDLE!!! and type, "I saw you on Mars!" in the comments to get Issue#1 for FREE!

Brewhouse Comics is the ultimate DIY publishing house. Founded in 2012 by Josh S. Henaman, Brewhouse takes its name from the public houses of old, where the emphasis was on good drink, good company and great stories. Focusing on craft, Brewhouse aims to take that philosophy into the comic book world one story at a time.

LAST CHANCE TO GET A PIECE OF BIGFOOT HISTORY CLICK TO BUY THE BUNDLE!!! and type, "I saw you on Mars!" in the comments to get Issue#1 for FREE!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Who is Natalia Reagan from Spike TV's Bigfoot Bounty

Primatologist Natalia Reagan from 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bountyu
"It's fat bottom girls that make the world go round" --Natalia Reagan to Stephen Colbert (kind of).

The quote above can be seen in context if you watch the third video in this post. We opened with that particular quote, because we believe it encapsulates a side of Natalia Reagan we have yet to see on Bigfoot Bounty.

In case you don't follow this blog, Natalia Reagan is one of the three judges on Spike TV's 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty. On Natalia Reagan's Spike TV bio page, she is billed as an anthropologist and a primate conversationalist. But we knew she was more, so much more, so we did some sleuthing, typed "". And found a whole other side to Natalia Reagan.
Natalia Reagan is an anthropologist, writer, actress, comedienne, and cartoonist. She has appeared on the “TODAY Show,” “Fox Edge News,” “Playboy Morning Radio,” and various other radio shows weighing in on different scientific subjects, from the evolution of boobs and butts to how pheromones play a role in human mating. Natalia also is the creator of “Science! It’s Your Friend” a tongue-in-cheek web series that seeks to answer fun science questions using comedy.
She is absolutely hilarious, witty and great at explaining things. This is the Natalia we want to see more of on the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty. Check out the care-free chemistry between her and Dr. Todd Disotell in these videos she uploaded to her YouTube Channel 

And this extra video just released a few days ago.

And finally see the video that definitively answers, "Who is Natalia Reagan?"

You can Check out Natalia's Official Website:
Her documentary about breasts:
And her answer To Stephen Colbert's challenge:

Catch live tweeting from the cast of the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty on Friday nights 10/9 Central.

We (@BigfootLC) will be live-tweeting and cheering on our 5 favorites during Bigfoot Bounty. Who are our 5 favs? Glad you asked! Here are our five favorites (in alphabetical order) and their respective twitter handles. Click on any of the twitter handles to go to each persons twitter page.

Stacy Brown Jr. (@BigfootStacy)
Michael Merchant (@MerchantBigfoot )
Rictor Riolo (@Rictor_Riolo )
Dax Rushlow (@daxmaul )
Ro Sahebi (@rocknrolljihad )

And if you want to connect with the judges. Who also tweet during the show.
Dean Cain (@RealDeanCain) he also has a Twitter account for his FB fan page (@AllDeanCain)
Natalia Reagan (@natalia13reagan)
Dr. Todd Disotell (@ToddDisotell)

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