Sunday, December 21, 2008

Artcic Blast Yeti Sighting

Here in the Northwest we are experiencing an arctic blast. Although any good bigfoot hunter knows Yeti's are usually sighted in Nepal, Tibet and perhaps Canada. Local Portland State University student, Nicholas "Saij" Horton has posted a sighting on his blog Good Tithings

We’re in the middle of what the local news casters are calling the “Artcic Blast”. yep. That’s really what they’re calling it.

I’ve been couped up in my apartment for a few days, and I think it may be getting to me. I could swear I saw a Yeti out my window. Maybe a Big Foot covered in snow to make him look white (given that I’m in the Pacific North West, home of Big Foot).

Although he has misspelled cooped we will take him at his word.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

R.I.P. Forrest J. Ackerman - a BfRLC Obit

Please join the BfRLC in taking a moment to pay our respects to a man that all of us, whether a true science researcher such as ourselves or those who are simply science fiction afficionados, should be tipping our hats to, Forrest J. Ackerman (November 24, 1916 - December 4, 2008).

Ackerman, known as "Forry" or "4e" or "4SJ", was influential not only in the formation, organization, and spread of science fiction fandom, but had long also been a key figure in the wider cultural acceptance of science fiction as a literary, art and film genre. It is said to have been Ackerman who coined the term "sci-fi" even. Astonishing. His collection of memorablilia includes Mr. Spock's ears from Star Trek, among other truly wonderful artifacts. I can continue to go on and tell you what a life Ackerman had, but I encourage you all to research on your own.

Finally, as it is our tradition to all those who have inspired us, taught us, and believed in us, we salute you, Forrest J. Ackerman.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Time to Put Our Best Foot Forward, a commentary by bigfootpdx

I think that the plight of Bigfoot in relation to global warming is something that both Bigfoot researchers and environmentalists need to come together on to give rise to their causes. What better case is there for the fate of each dying breed (Earth and Bigfoot) than the case of the other? Environmentalists can use the case of Bigfoot's migration to show the public the effects of global warming. Bigfoot researchers can seize the opportunity to teach the public about Bigfoot and how it is endangered. Pollution given off by industry, landfills from our collective waste and deforestation in insane amounts have already left big footprints on our earth. What better time is there than now to teach the world about how we can save the earth for you, for me and for Bigfoot?
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