Monday, September 28, 2009

Friend a Gorilla

Now you can friend a gorilla via facebook. Got to to check it out.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bigfoot Twitter Search

We've added the twitter search widget to the very bottom of our posts. This is just a test to see how a Bigfoot Twitter search would work out. Give us feedback at

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stabilized Patterson Film at

You have to see this stabilized version of the Patterson footage at click here to see it.

Skeptic gives Top 10 why Bigfoot does not exist.

Photo of Benjamin Radford has a slideshow provided by Benjamin Radford, managing editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine. The slideshow is the top 10 reasons Bigfoot is bogus.

Below I have paraphrased the top ten reasons below. You can see the the slideshow here and read in detail each of top ten reasons Benjamin Radford believes Bigfoot is bogus.

1.) The Empty Fossil Record.
2.) Forget Fossils, Where Are the Bodies?
3.) The breeding population would be tens of thousands.
4.) Most “evidence” are circumstantial eyewitness reports.
5.) Most photos are ambiguous, and even more recognizable ones can be faked.
6.) There no rigorous, documented, peer-reviewed evidence for Bigfoot.
7.) Bird researchers, rigorous observers and exhaustive note takers, have never spotted Bigfoot.
8.) Since the Panda 100 years ago, most new species discovered are microorganisms and insects.
9.) Virtually all the evidence either comes down to being inconclusive or a hoax.
10.) Without a body there is no standard to compare evidence to.

While the Bigfoot Lunch Club would not go as far as saying Bigfoot is bogus, we agree these are all valid challenges we Bigfooters face. It is important that we recognize and embrace these challenges. As steel sharpens steel, we appreciate opposition.

Thank you Mr. Radford for keeping us on our toes, while we try to keep on the heels of Bigfoot.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sumatran Bigfoot AKA Orang Pendek Spotted

In a breaking news report from Cryptomundo, news of a Orang Pendek Sighting.

Orang Pendek (Indonesian for "short person") is the most common name given to a cryptid, or unconfirmed animal, that reportedly inhabits remote, mountainous forests on the island of Sumatra.

The animal has allegedly been seen and documented for at least one hundred years by forest tribes, local villagers, Dutch colonists, and Western scientists and travelers. Consensus among witnesses is that the animal is a ground-dwelling, bipedal primate that is covered in short fur and stands between 80 centimetres (31 in) and 150 centimetres (59 in) tall.

There seems to be quite a buzz in Sumatra right now. First a quote from Cryptomundo.

I’m on my way to Tyler…but I just received this…so I’ll post it quickly:

“Yeti sighted in Jungle !!!! Two team members have sighted the Yeti while we were in the jungle. I heard a large animal moving towards us. Subsequently the creature was then sighted by team member Dave Archer and Sahar Didmus, a forest ranger. I have a sworn affadavit from Sahar to that effect. It hid from us by a tree, before moving rapidly and bipedally through the jungle. Dave describes the OP [Orang Pendek] as looking almost chimpanzee-like. Sahar was so upset and disturbed he began sobbing, and I had to comfort him. We have taken hair samples found at the site, and bagged some rattan which it was eating. We will have these analysed by Todd Disotell. Numerous tracks also found……………!!!!!!!!” ~ Adam Davies (enroute out of Indonesia via Singapore)

And then the guys at Centre for Fortean Zoology started a trip to Sumatra and have some exciting news that will posted on their website tomorrow!

AN unknown species of Indonesian ape could shed light on how our human ancestors began to walk erect.

The orang-pendek of Sumatra is said to be a powerfully built ape that walks on two legs like a man. Both native people and western explorers, including two noted scientists, have reported the creature from the deep jungle.

This week four English scientists and explorers will brave the rainforest in search of the orang-pendek.

The team from the Woolsery-based Centre for Fortean Zoology, will spend two weeks in Sumatra working with the Kubu people, the island's original inhabitants, who will help them track the mysterious ape.

The expedition comes shortly after the announcement of the discovery of a fossil hominid in Georgia. The Dmansis hominids lived 1.8 million years ago and had legs like modern humans, but primitive arms. Their early occurrence has made scientists rethink how hominids moved out of Africa to colonise the rest of the world.

Richard Freeman, the team's zoologist, said: "It was once thought that our ancestors became bipedal when they descended from the trees and moved onto the grass lands of East Africa in order to exploit new food sources. However, now it seems that many apes and hominids were moving 'bipedally' while they were still rainforest dwellers.

"As well as being a major zoological discovery, the orang-pendek could give us some clues on how bipedalism developed."

The group's trip will be recorded on the Centre for Fortean Zoology's website at

Below is our listing of the Orang Pendek on the AKA Bigfoot World Map.

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Its Not Bigfoot

If the video doesn't show above click here.

I know its not Bigfoot but this creature is truly bizarre. Loren Coleman on cryptomundo calls it the Blue Hill Horror.

He's responsible for many great names by the way. Montauk Monster, Georgian Gorilla (the big 2008 hoax) and now the Blue Hill Horror.

Below is a translation of Panamanian website
The discovery of a strange creature in Cerro Azul has aroused controversy among the people, for while some say it may be a being from another planet, others simply believe that is an animal.

Four teenagers aged between 14 and 16 years, met him at the Jet Blue Hill, on Saturday, while having fun in the place.

According to one of them told the program code 4, they suddenly saw the creature emerging from a cave located behind the water jet. At her appearance and it began to climb over the rocks to one of them panicked and began to thrash him and throw sticks, getting killed, after which they threw into the water and ran.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Added Gin-Sung to AKA Bigfoot World Map

New addition to the AKA Bigfoot World Map
Also known as Kung-Lu,Tokand Bear-Men. Allegedly,a Asian type of giant hairy hominid that inhabits central China. According to reports the Gin-Sung has a long and shaggy black to dark gray coat, a flat head, beetling brow with a sort of upcurled bang on it, long powerful arms and huge hands, and very human-like feet that leave imprints like those of a giant man but with two subdigital pads under the first toe just like the Sasquatch
The Sherpas of Tibet call this creature This is the beast that Bernard Heuvelmans (famous cryptozoologist) suggested might be a descendant of, related to, or even actually a Gigantopithecus the largest primate that ever walked the Earth which went extinct 500,000 years ago.

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Color is Bigfoot's World?

In a recent article, Scientific American reveals how primates are uniquely evolved to see in three colors, known as trichromacy.  Unique not only among mammals, but unique among the entire animal kingdom. To find out why read the excerpt below.  It seems, genetically, it is not such a feat to see in blues and greens (Dichromatic view), but seeing the additional red hues (Trichromatic view) requires a mutation of a gene nowhere near the other two genes. You can read the full Scientific American article here

To our eyes, the world is arrayed in a seemingly infinite splendor of hues, from the sunny orange of a marigold flower to the gunmetal gray of an automobile chassis, from the buoyant blue of a midwinter sky to the sparkling green of an emerald. It is remarkable, then, that for most human beings any color can be reproduced by mixing together just three fixed wavelengths of light at certain intensities. This property of human vision, called trichromacy, arises because the retina the layer of nerve cells in the eye that captures light and transmits visual information to the brain uses only three types of light-absorbing pigments for color vision. One consequence of trichromacy is that computer and television displays can mix red, green and blue pixels to generate what we perceive as a full spectrum of color.

Although trichromacy is common among primates, it is not universal in the animal kingdom. Almost all nonprimate mammals are dichromats, with color vision based on just two kinds of visual pigments. A few nocturnal mammals have only one pigment. Some birds, fish and reptiles have four visual pigments and can detect ultraviolet light invisible to humans. It seems, then, that primate trichromacy is unusual. How did it evolve? Building on decades of study, recent investigations into the genetics, molecular biology and neurophysiology of primate color vision have yielded some unexpected answers as well as surprising findings about the flexibility of the primate brain.
Almost all nonprimate mammals are dichromats, with color vision based on just two kinds of visual pigments. A few nocturnal mammals have only one pigment. It seems, then, that primate trichromacy is unusual. The short-wavelength (S) pigment absorbs light maximally at wavelengths of about 430 nanometers (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter), the medium-wavelength (M) pigment maximally absorbs light at approximately 530 nanometers, and the long-wavelength (L) pigment absorbs light maximally at 560 nanometers. Although the absorption spectra of the cone pigments have long been known, it was not until the 1980s that one of us (Nathans) identified the genes for the human pigments and, from the DNA sequences of those genes, determined the sequence of amino acids that constitutes each pigment protein. The gene sequences revealed that the M and L pigments are almost identical. The S-pigment gene, in contrast, is located on chromosome 7, and its sequence shows that the encoded S pigment is related only distantly to the M and L pigments.

Almost all vertebrates have genes with sequences that are very similar to that of the human S pigment, implying that some version of a shorter-wavelength pigment is an ancient element of color vision. Most nonprimate mammals have only one longer-wavelength pigment, which is similar to the longer-wavelength primate pigments. The gene for the longer-wavelength mammalian pigment is also located on the X chromosome. Those features raised the possibility, then, that the two longer-wavelength primate pigment genes first arose in the early primate lineage in this way: a longer-wavelength mammalian pigment gene was duplicated on a single X chromosome, after which mutations in either or both copies of the X-linked ancestral gene produced two quite similar pigments with different ranges of spectral sensitivity the M and L pigments.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

KGW: Bigfoot discovered on Ross Island

PORTLAND, Ore. -- For decades we've trekked the depths of our world's forests following sightings and reports of a giant beast; part ape, part human. Gordon Noble greets us with excitement.
"I found bigfoot right here on Ross Island!" exclaims Noble.
Noble, a kayaker to the island has befriended the giant figure. Crouching down, Noble inches in and gently greets the beast.
Bigfoot appears to be molting. Really soft," says Noble.
--KGW Portland

If you want to waste your time with this "cute" news story and video click here

The worst part of this story is they actually interview Michael McLeod, author of Anatomy of a Beast. You all know how we feel about him.

PORTLAND, Ore. -- For decades we've trekked the depths of our world's forests following sightings and reports of a giant beast; part ape, part human. Now the trek ends here.
Marcus Amorosa is our captain. We've received word that bigfoot is close, the northwest point of Ross Island. Motoring North from Willamette Park, we see him. In the distance emerging from the woods. Oh, that's not it.
The trek continues. A short distance forward a man sits on the beach. Behind him, does he realize? Does he see? Gordon Noble greets us with excitement.
"I found bigfoot right here on Ross Island!" exclaims Noble.
Noble, a kayaker to the island has befriended the giant figure. He's agreed to guide us closer.
"I think he's getting used to humans now I really do. He's getting comfortable," says Noble.
Crouching down, Noble inches in and gently greets the beast.
"How you doing? You alright today? A little windy?"
Without fear, Noble reaches out a hand. Bigfoot appears to be molting. His head is bare, but his torso is a soft fur or faux fur.
"Oh his fur is really soft. Really soft," says Noble.
An encounter of this kind has never been filmed. Author to "Anatomy Of A Beast", bigfoot expert Michael McLeod has interviewed many who've come close.
"They see something that hints at it. A tree stump or a bush. It's kind of spooky and so they just go with it," says McLeod.
Though he seems fearless, his eyes fixed on all who approach, we back away. We leave sasquatch to the island. Will he be seen again? Will passing jet boats and kayakers notice? We will remember today September 10, 2009 -- bigfoot found in Portland, Oregon.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Why haven't we found Bigfoot? Because we haven't found the woolly rat--until now.

The world is still full of mysteries and secrets. Some of those mysteries are undiscovered, unclassified, and unknown creatures that inhabit our backyards. Sometimes, by chance, we find these secrets of nature. This time it was the woolly rat, next time it may be Bigfoot.

Below is an exerpt from a story in the

A lost world populated by fanged frogs, grunting fish and tiny bear-like creatures has been discovered in a remote volcanic crater on the Pacific island of Papua New Guinea.

A team of scientists from Britain, the United States and Papua New Guinea found more than 40 previously unidentified species when they climbed into the kilometre-deep crater of Mount Bosavi and explored a pristine jungle habitat teeming with life that has evolved in isolation since the volcano last erupted 200,000 years ago. In a remarkably rich haul from just five weeks of exploration, the biologists discovered 16 frogs which have never before been recorded by science, at least three new fish, a new bat and a giant rat, which may turn out to be the biggest in the world.

The discoveries are being seen as fresh evidence of the richness of the world's rainforests and the explorers hope their finds will add weight to calls for international action to prevent the demise of similar ecosystems. They said Papua New Guinea's rainforest is currently being destroyed at the rate of 3.5% a year.

"It was mind-blowing to be there and it is clearly time we pulled our finger out and decided these habitats are worth us saving," said Dr George McGavin who headed the expedition.

The team of biologists included experts from Oxford University, the London Zoo and the Smithsonian Institution and are believed to be the first scientists to enter the mountainous Bosavi crater. They were joined by members of the BBC Natural History Unit which filmed the expedition for a three-part documentary which starts tomorrow night.

They found the three-kilometre wide crater populated by spectacular birds of paradise and in the absence of big cats and monkeys, which are found in the remote jungles of the Amazon and Sumatra, the main predators are giant monitor lizards while kangaroos have evolved to live in trees. New species include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged frog and a fish called the Henamo grunter, named because it makes grunting noises from its swim bladder.

"These discoveries are really significant," said Steve Backshall, a climber and naturalist who became so friendly with the never-before seen Bosavi silky cuscus, a marsupial that lives up trees and feeds on fruits and leaves, that it sat on his shoulder.

"The world is getting an awful lot smaller and it is getting very hard to find places that are so far off the beaten track."

Friday, September 4, 2009

Latino Bigfoot?

We have tons of readers asking us about the Mexican or Latino Bigfoot. they are refering to El Chupacabra. The legend first emerged in March 1995, when eight sheep were found dead and drained of blood at a farm in Puerto Rico.

All the victims – and hundreds of other farm animals and pets killed in similar circumstances on the territory in subsequent months – had three puncture wounds in their chests, which investigators struggled to explain.

Locals nicknamed the unknown attacker "el chupacabra", the goat sucker, and while the beast was never captured rumours of its terrifying physical appearance began to swirl.

As you can see from the photos above and the illustration below, el chupacabra looks nothing like Bigfoot. Although a famous cryptid we would never claim it to being related to bigfoot by any way. Comparisons are only warranted due to elusiveness.

If, however, you do want to see other Bigfoot related species check them out at the now famous AKA Bigfoot World Map

If you want to read about the taxidermist that recently caught a Chupacabra there are two links below.

The Telegraph
The Sun

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Seraching for Bigfoot Online

Its always interesting to see search trends for Bigfoot. before in the past we have introduced you to the comparisons of search terms such as Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti.

This last month we have noted a declining trend of the search for Bigfoot. The biggest spike we had seen was actually August of last year when the Georgia Hoax erupted. As seen on the graph below.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Excellent Neanderthal Documentry

Neanderthal-Episode 1 Of 2

NEANDERTHAL-Episode 2 Of 2

Bigfoot; Polish and Perverted

Apparently the Native American legends characterizing Bigfoot with a fondness for the ladies has just been reinforced.

A TERRIFIED teen claims a YETI spied on her as she took a dip in her bikini in a remote stream.

Justyna Folger, 19, noticed the hulking ape-like beast in Poland's Tatra mountains, where there has been a spate of Bigfoot sightings in the past week.

Something exciting happened in Poland a few days ago. Piotr Kowalski was walking in the Tatra Mountains located in Poland, when he noticed a mountain goat. He quickly reached for his camera and started to video tape the animal when he noticed something else walking about on the mountain.

“I saw this huge ape-like form hiding behind the rocks. When I saw it, it was like being struck by a thunderbolt,” Kowalski said.

Kowalski did hand the film over to the Nautilus Foundation, a group that works with unexplained phenomena. Robert Bernatowicz the President of the Foundations said “The film clearly shows “something” that moves on two legs and it is bigger than a normal man.”

Yeti reports have been in Poland for centuries, now experts are on their way to Poland and expeditions are being set up to see if any types of tracks were left at the sight.

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