Showing posts with label interactive map. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interactive map. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bigfoot World Map Updated: Comecogollos The Puerto Rican Bigfoot

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If you have not spent a day checking out the interactive AKA Bigfoot World Map you have been missing out. I created it and I still get lost in it. You can explore, click and drag the map above or go to the full screen version at AKA Bigfoot World Map.

Today we add the Comecogollos, the Puerto Rican Bigfoot. Nick Redfern offers the most on this cryptid. In an article aptly named Profiling Puerto Rico’s Bigfoot, Mr. Redfern writes, "That I was on Puerto Rico looking for the infamous Goat-Sucker, but ended up on the receiving end of a varied body of Bigfoot-themed material was a welcome and refreshing diversion."

Nick Redfern continues, "Regardless of what the Puerto Rican Bigfoot is (or is not!), when there is even a small body of material the onus is still on us, the researchers and the investigators, to study the mystery carefully and as thoroughly as possible. I cannot say for sure that Bigfoot (or something like it) really does lurk in the denser and wilder parts of Puerto Rico, but I can say – having sat and chatted with Peter for the best part of a day - that the witnesses most certainly believe that to be the case."

In a reaction to Mr. Redfern's article, Cullan Hudson on his self-named blog posted an alleged photo of the Comecogollos.

Is The Puerto Rican Bigfoot as Big as a 60 foot Tower
Mr. Hudson uses another photo to debunk the alleged Comecogollos photo:

One investigator presented the image above as photographic evidence of this strange beast. I have juxtaposed it against another image that will better elucidate my concerns over the authenticity of this Comecogollos photo.

The image above of the "creature" standing higher than the surrounding vegetation in the El Yunque National Rainforest is at odds with the dimensions described by witnesses. For this image to be true, this creature would have to stand between 40 and 60 feet tall, as can be seen when we use the tower image [left inset above] for scale reference. This tower stands approximately 60 feet high. So, it gives us a good scale for the average height of the surrounding (and quite ubiquitous) vegetation. The same trees you see by the tower, are the same you'll see on the mountain in the Comecogollos image. In fact, I dare say the Comecogollos image was probably shot from the vantage point of this tower since landmarks visible from it are clearly in frame here as well.

Although the Comecogollos is one of the lesser-known bi-pedal cryptids it has gained notoriety in travel section of the New York Times and now is archived forever on Bigfoot Lunch Club's a/k/a Bigfoot World Map 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mapinguari, The Bigfoot of Brazil and Bolivia

Mapinguari The Bigfoot of Brazil
Today MSNBC reposted a story from Life's Little Mysteries about the cultural variations of Bigfoot.

More than a quarter of Americans believe in Bigfoot, a recent poll found. They claim this legendary bipedal ape, a "long lost relative" of humans, evades detection in remote woodland areas. Although it may seem strange to think a 7-foot-tall land mammal could go unnoticed for so long, the notion is actually widespread.
Along with that sizable minority of Americans, an Angus Reid Public Opinion poll found that 21 percent of Canadians also believe in an undiscovered hairy humanoid, which they prefer to call Sasquatch. In Russia, belief in a similar creature, called the Yeti, is so common that local branches of the Russian government have funded Yeti expeditions, and the country has even considered founding an entire institute devoted to the study of Yetis.
The Yeti is also said to roam the Himalayas, sometimes going by the name of Meh-Teh, or the "Abominable Snowman." Not to be outdone, Australia has the Yowie, and South America, a mythical beast called Mapinguari. Malaysians, meanwhile, fear the orang minyak, or "oily man" monster.
We checked our a/k/a Bigfoot World Map and noticed the Mapinguari was absent for out list of variants and decided to update our map with an entry for the South American Mapinguari.

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Wikipedia offers this brief description of the Mapinguari.
The mapinguari or mapinguary (Spanish pronunciation: [mapiŋɡwaˈɾi]), also known as the Isnashi [isˈnaʃi], is a legendary cryptid said to resemble a ground sloth–like creature with red fur living in the Amazon rainforests of Brazil and Bolivia. The name is usually translated as “the roaring animal” or “the fetid beast”.
According to native folklore the creature has a series of unnatural characteristics related to other fantastic beings of Brazilian mythology. These include the creature only having one eye, long claws, caiman skin, backward feet and a second mouth on its belly. In more recent eyewitness accounts it has consistently been described as resembling either an ape or giant ground-dwelling sloth and having long arms, powerful claws that could tear apart palm trees, a sloping back, reaching heights of 7 feet when standing on its hind legs and is covered in thick, matted fur.
Back in 2005 Craig Woolheater of Cryptomundo wrote a post about the Mapinguari and brought our attention to a Discovery article's description of the Mapinguari.

As a matter of fact, the descriptions of the creature in question sounded more like a bipedal primate than a giant ground sloth to me.
“Covered in long red hair, standing more than 6 feet on its hind legs, emanating a stench so foul it disorients everyone in sniffing distance, the mapinguari is reputed to be the wildest, rarest, most mysterious and terrifying denizen of the rain forest..." 
If you haven't visited the a/k/a Bigfoot World Map it is great way to get lost in the global Bigfoot phenomenon. Plus you get to learn rich details of the Bigfoot Variants from around the world. If you have any suggestion for us to add, pleas submit them to

Saturday, October 29, 2011

AKA Bigfoot World Map updated: La bête noire (the Cajun Sasquatch)

Sure we already have the Honey Island Swamp Monster, but the La bête noire seems to have deeper cajun roots.

In a recent Sun Herald article it recounts tales heard by the staff of John C. Stennis Space Center which happens to be placed between Honey Island Swamp and Devils Swamp. Below is the tale of the Cajun Sasquatch, known by locals as the La bête noire.

Some believe the “Cajun Sasquatch” roams the Honey Island Swamp, which is on the western side of the Stennis buffer zone near the Louisiana state line. The creature is also known in south Louisiana lore as the “Honey Island Swamp Monster” or in some cases la bête noire, which is French for “the black beast.” The creature has been described as hairy, with fur colors ranging from orangey, black, grey or brown, in various news stories and television interviews dating as far back as the early 1970s. Some descriptions say it’s about 7 feet tall and weighs 400 pounds.

“(La bête noire) is what the Cajuns call their Bigfoot,” Giardino said. “Old Cajuns swear that it jumps on their flatboats and also leaves huge footprints.”

Giardino said Stennis officials don’t get as many calls about the beast as they did years ago.

SRC: Sun Herald

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Monday, October 25, 2010

AKA Bigfoot World Map Updated: Kapre

Thanks to the good work at the North American Bigfoot Blog, maintained by Cliff Barackman, we were able to add a new Bigfoot variant to our AKA Bigfoot World Map.

At Cliff's blog he writes of an interesting tale of the Phillipine Bigfoot known as Kapre.

Not long ago, an eyewitness report from the Philippines was related to me by the witness' husband, and later posted on this blog. This has now brought other witnesses forth with their stories about seeing kapres (bigfoots?) on other occasions.

One man knew his wife had seen a kapre as a little girl back in 1985. He eventually coaxed her to meticulously describe what she saw. The man then found a talented and well-known bigfoot artist to whip up a couple renditions of what his wife saw...Read the rest here

Below is a small version of our interactive map. click on the link below the map to see Bigfoot variants across the planet!

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Alaska's Urayuli and Kushtaka added to AKA Bigfoot World Map

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Below is an exerpt from a page on Bigfoot Encounters titled "Many Names, Alaska's Bigfoot" which contains an article written by Mary J. Barry, author of Alaska's Ghosts, Enigmas, Outlaws and Things That Go Bump!

It should be noted that the Kustaka is more generally described as an otter-like creature. In fact according to Wikipedia,  Loosely translated, kushtaka means, "land otter man". The monkey-like description below is unique to Mary J. Barry's article. To learn about the classic version of the Kushtaka, please read the Wikipedia Page.

John Active, a Yup'ik storyteller from Bethel, has gathered a large number of accounts told by the Yup'ik people of Southwest Alaska concerning their encounters with Urayuli. This being was described as standing ten feet tall, covered with hair, with glowing eyes. Its arms were so long, they reached to the creature's ankles. It was said to roam the tundra and cry out its loneliness with a voice resembling that of a loon. Although its appearance terrified the persons confronting it, the Urayuli never harmed anyone, according to the accounts gathered by Active. However, legendary accounts lore has it that children who disappear while in the woods are transformed into Urayuli.

The Southeastern Kushtaka has a less benevolent reputation. The Natives feared the creature and avoided its habitat. Harry D. Colp described a miner's encounter with the Kushtaka, in an account, which was later published as "The Strangest Story Ever Told."

Colp and three other prospectors teamed up in 1900 at Wrangell. They sent Charlie, one of the four, to Thomas Bay to look over a gold prospect, while the others sought grubstakes to pay their expenses. Charlie went about 50 miles up the coast to this location. There the rains kept him confined to his tent for several days. He then went out, trying to locate the landmarks given to him by an Indian.

By chance, he found a gold-flecked quartz ledge and loosened a piece with his gun, breaking his gunstock in the process. As he was taking his bearings, he said, a troupe of creatures he called "devils," that looked like both men and monkeys, swarmed after him. These shaggy beasts, with long, coarse hair, stinking and covered with sores, pursued him back to his canoe. During the chase, they screamed and scraped his back with "long claw like fingers."

RELATED LINKS (all are at Bigfoot Encounters)
1993 Alaska Hairy Man Article
Many names, Alaska'a Bigfoot
2005: Alaska's Bigfoot: Creature of Lore or Reality?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ucu Added to "AKA Bigfoot World Map"

According to

The Ucu, also known as Ucumar or Ukumar-zupai, is Bigfoot type creature reported as being seen in the Andes range of mountains in South America particularly in Chile and Argentina. The Ucu is said to be the size of a large dog and walks erect. Unlike the Yeti it prefers the more tropical regions of the Andes mountain range, rather than snow covered peaks. The locals say the Ucu likes to eat payo, a plant similar to cabbage, and emits a sound like uhu, uhu. It is not just locals who have reported hearing or seeing the creatures.

For three consecutive years starting in 1957 there were several documented cases describing a mysterious creature described with features and behaviors all too familiar to us Bigfooters.

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Read more about the Ucu

Friday, May 7, 2010

Moehau Added to "AKA Bigfoot World Map"

We finally stumbled upon another Bigfoot variant. We know, some people like to call them species but semantically this is not correct. In order to classify these variants as different Bigfoot "species" we would need to have substantial biological information to classify with any kind of taxonomy. So we like to use the word Variant until we have a base model(captured Bigfoot) to reference.

Today we are have added the Moehau to the ever expanding Bigfoot Lunch Club AKA Bigfoot World Map.

Moehau are depicted as being as tall as a man, completely hair covered, with marginally ape-like facial features. The primary difference from human appearance being the extremely long fingers, tipped with sharp talons, capable of tearing apart the toughest prey.

The talons seem at odds with most descriptions of Bigfoot, but it is not the first time a variant has been described with talons.

Many areas of New Zealand are named for these great hairy man beasts, Moehau Mountain, where they are believed to reside and people are cautioned against going up there is one such place.

The Moehau are thought to populate both Mount Tongariro and Ruapehu, the Karangahake Gorge, Coromandel Ranges, Martha Mine Region, Waikaremoana – in the Urewera Ranges, The Heaphy River of the Northwest Nelson State Forest Park, Kaikoura Mountains, Fiordland National Park and are believed to be very common in the Haasts Pass area particularly around the Haast River.

Click on Bigfoot Icon on the map below to read more about the Moehau

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sisimique of Nicaragua Added to AKA Bigfoot World Map

translated from

They said that it was growing dark, there were two huge animals with a human face, whose eyes were red like fire, a rather long tail and is called the Sisimique and Sisimicón. They said that these animals appeared to them to unmarried girls and if they liked would take them away with his tail curled. Which first appeared was in the river and then followed the path to the house and were calling on the way the girls who liked to make eyes at men, and one could hear shouts and grunts that no one could imitate. They said that for Sisimique and Sisimicón not enter the houses had to make noise, much less laugh, as the laughter of the women was what they liked. A number of girls had been stolen, because they were either bandits and they knew where there were women who were flirting with men.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kayadi Added to AKA Bigfoot World Map

At the blog ShukerNature there is an interesting post about a native Papua New Guinea legend called the Kayadi. The Kayadi is a Bigfoot-like creature that has been described by multiple independent tribes of the island.

We are happy to include Kayadi to our interactive AKA Bigfoot World Map. Below is the excerpt from the post at ShukerNature titled Kayadi - The Bigfoot of Papau New Guinea

In autumn 2002, Todd Jurasek, a cryptozoological investigator, visited the village of Siawi in a remote region of Papua New Guinea roughly 18 miles east of the border with Irian Jaya just below the mountains, and approximately 6 miles from the Sepik River. During his stay there, he interviewed members of several different tribes including both the Siawi and the Amto tribes.

According to their accounts, this New Guinea ape-man, known to the Amto people as the Kayadi, was at least man-sized (i.e. about 5 ft 5 in tall, judging from the average height of most native peoples on New Guinea), hirsute, and bipedal, but also able to climb trees very rapidly, and strong enough physically to throw humans if confronted. One Amti tribesman stated that in 1981 a Kayadi had been startled by his uncle while digging for eggs in a cave near his village, and another claimed that a local girl had actually been kidnapped a while back by one of these man-beasts.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Added Gin-Sung to AKA Bigfoot World Map

New addition to the AKA Bigfoot World Map
Also known as Kung-Lu,Tokand Bear-Men. Allegedly,a Asian type of giant hairy hominid that inhabits central China. According to reports the Gin-Sung has a long and shaggy black to dark gray coat, a flat head, beetling brow with a sort of upcurled bang on it, long powerful arms and huge hands, and very human-like feet that leave imprints like those of a giant man but with two subdigital pads under the first toe just like the Sasquatch
The Sherpas of Tibet call this creature This is the beast that Bernard Heuvelmans (famous cryptozoologist) suggested might be a descendant of, related to, or even actually a Gigantopithecus the largest primate that ever walked the Earth which went extinct 500,000 years ago.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

AKA Bigfoot World Map

A Bigfoot by any other name...

Check out this highly interactive AKA Bigfoot World Map, created by your truly.

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