Monday, November 9, 2009

Issue #17 of Yeti Researcher Available!

What a treat! 49 Pages of great Yeti Research! Yeti Researcher is a fictional publication with real research.

Its hard to to describe without chasing your tail. I think the first thing you need to understand is this was an intellectual undertaking, that spans far beyond Yeti Research. How do we know this? Let's meet one of the contributers, Joshuah Bearman. his bio on his webpage TheRumpus.Net is as follows:

Joshuah Bearman has written about CIA missions, aspiring Fabios, and the world's greatest Pac Man player. Yes, it was he who blew the lid off the story of the great rodent disaster of 2003, when giant gerbils invaded inland China. Joshuah has written for Harpers, McSweeneys, Wired, Rolling Stone, and contributes to This American Life.

'Nuff said? Then you read what he presents as the intention for Yeti Researcher:

“[T]he idea was to make something that McSweeney’s readers would think is amusingly, fascinatingly compelling and that bigfoot researchers would be able to read with satisfaction” (Bearman, e-mail). Thus, though their intention was fictional, every step of the research and writing process was subject to rigorous fact-checking in accordance with the pseudo-scientific field they were working within: the information in “Flores Man and Sumatra’s Orang pendek” could “have survived the fact-checking process at a real magazine.” They did not make-up any of the information, insofar as, according to common-sense it was not already made up. “[T]he information in the articles is real. By which I mean we didn’t make up any bigfoot sightings, records, theories, etc. It was all researched and cited.”

The bottom line is you just have to download the PDF version of issue #17 here to really appreciate what these guys did.

One thing for sure!Bigfoot Lunch Club Salutes all the contributers to Yeti Researcher and especially you Joshuah Bearman for giving us this treat for free.

You can read Joshuah's full post here.

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