Saturday, January 2, 2010

German Blog: Sylvanic Bigfoot Fake!

Last month we reported the availability of a new video containing footage of the Sylvanic Bigfoot. We did not, however, pony up the cash to pay for the other videos that supposedly had even better footage of Bigfoot. We left that to is a bilingual German/English and Chris Kummar is the blogger in residence. He goes on to describe his blog as:

I write about people, monsters and myths. Nothing symbolizes the myth better than the Sasquatch, a race of ape-men who will live in the wilds of America. No "monster" leaves so many traces, and is seen as often as this legendary animal. Besides Sasquatch I write about other topics from the fields of cryptozoology and anthropology.

I am a freelance journalist and a student from Switzerland.

Do I believe what I write about? At least I believe that it is worth writing about. Do you have to see something for yourself to be aloud to believe in it? If it were so, I can't believe in Bigfoot. But what is "believe"?

I don't believe. Believe is faith, religion, "modular" thinking... I'm open or try to be at least. Based on numerous correspondences with scientists and other Bigfoot-afficiandos, I consider it very likely that Bigfoot (or Sasquatch, as the Native Americans call it) exists.

Okay, so what is Chris's take on the Sylvanic Bigfoot?

Todd Standing is a filmmaker and bigfoot researcher from Western Canada. He claims to have had at least three encounters with bigfoot and to be in possession of two videos of these creatures. In 2007 he got worldwide media attention for his submission to get bigfoot protected in Canada.

I strongly suspect that Standing is a liar too.

Nothing is lost in translation there, he goes on to describe why the videos are so poor and we have reposted his pictures below.

He has shot two videos. One is too short and too dark to make a definitive conclusion. It shows a furry thing disappearing behind a rock. It could be a man in a suit, it could be a bear, it could be a sasquatch. This video can be watched on his website for free.

I have paid for the video and downloaded it. I have made a picture sequence of the most interesting frames. The red arrow shows the costume extension. Click on the image to enlarge.

Good Job Chris! Bigfoot Lunch Club Salutes you!

Gute Arbeit Chris! Bigfoot Lunch Club grüßt euch!


  1. i believe that bigfoot is real, & he's out there, i support because he's real

  2. i want my money back todd standing....

    ich bin der zorn gottes

  3. this site only tries to disprove why?

  4. I see a bit of discoloration under the arm but not sure how that proves it was a costume. I have doubts this is real but before making big statements that you have proved it fake I really think you need more conclusive evidence.

  5. its totally fake


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