Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Daily Examiner: Motorist Catches Site of Yowie

We just have a small excerpt below from the full article at Australia's Daily Examiner. According to Yowie Researcher Paul Cropper, "In our book we recorded around 350 reports going back to the late 1700s, early 1800s, but I imagine there's a lot more than that which don't ever reach the media..."

After the excerpt you can check out Yowie and many other Bigfoot Variants at the official AKA Bigfoot World Map.


...“I reached the top of the hill and I was coming around the sweeping corner to the right when I noticed something a lot larger than a kangaroo in the middle of the road – my headlights weren't on it yet but it was a bright night and I saw what looked like a large person stooped over, with a big overcoat on,” Dean said.

“At the time I thought ‘you silly old thing, what are you doing in the middle of the road at this time of the morning', but next thing I knew my headlights started to light it up and it took one giant step off the road, it went from standing up like a person to going down on all fours and then it disappeared into the scrub in about three bounds.”

Dean, who is used to night-driving and fatigue management, slowed down and was looking into the scrub for the creature and said he saw it silhouetted against the sky.

“It had an almost sort of a square, shaggy block head sitting straight on its shoulders – I'm a pretty big guy but it made me absolutely awe-struck how huge its body was – it had its arm up against a tree and it had about a foot of hair hanging from under its biceps.”

He estimated the creature to be at least two metres tall and covered in what looked like jet-black hair...

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Daily Examiner: Motorist catches sight of a yowie
Yowie on AKA World Map

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