You may recognize Rick Dyer above, he helped with the 2008 Georgian frozen Bigfoot Hoax. Although he claims the Federal Government stole the body from him. You can see his 10 videos of his version. he was one of the attendees of the first annual Cryptid Fest. Headlining the fest was Ken Gerhard and Nick Redfern
You can watch the report below and read the article that accompanied the video.
ATOKA, OK -- The quest for big foot has taken trackers across America.
The mysterious monster was first reportedly seen in the forests of the Pacific Northwest.
The most famous siting was recorded in 1967 by Rodger Patterson in Crescent City, California.
Now, the hunt for Bigfoot is on in Texoma and it brought enthusiasts out to McGee Creek state park on Saturday for "Cryptid fest".
Tracker with BigFootTracker.com, Rick Dyer says, "It started with us finding the body in 2008 and then the government took it."
Tracker Jeremy Ware says, after finding the body in a forest of Pennsylvania, tracking the monster became their life, "This is something we do everyday, you know this is not something we just do for fun."
Author Nick Redfern travels the world in search of strange creatures and he comes to Texoma seeking Bigfoot.
Redfern says, "I think there's a genuine Bigfoot phenomenon. The big question is, what is it? Some people view it as a type of ape that science hasn't classified yet, but other people take it to be a paranormal thing, like a ghost and that explains why we don't catch him."
Despite the mystery, Redfern says an important part of being a tracker is to rely on scientific methods.
Redfern says, "for the most part you need to be in a location where these things are being seen and if we find evidence like hair samples or tracks."
Trackers say, there's an unusual amount of Bigfoot activity in McGee Creek Park. Some say it's due to the forest, other say, it's the water.
Trackers Nick Redfern and Ken Gerhard took us deep into the woods, following what were believed to be tracks.
Moments before arriving, trackers claim to have spotted something in the distance.
Gerhard then attached a camera to a tree in hopes of catching a glimpse of the elusive creatures.
Gernhard says, "I attach the camera right here and then when something passes by, the inferred light will detect the motion and snap a picture."
The camera was set to take photos throughout the night and trackers can only hope its evidence will be as compelling as Patterson's.
SRC: Fox Texoma News