Showing posts with label nick redfern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nick redfern. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fox News Affiliate Covers Cryptid Fest

You may recognize Rick Dyer above, he helped with the 2008 Georgian frozen Bigfoot Hoax. Although he claims the Federal Government stole the body from him. You can see his 10 videos of his version. he was one of the attendees of the first annual Cryptid Fest. Headlining the fest was Ken Gerhard and Nick Redfern

You can watch the report below and read the article that accompanied the video.

ATOKA, OK -- The quest for big foot has taken trackers across America.

The mysterious monster was first reportedly seen in the forests of the Pacific Northwest.

The most famous siting was recorded in 1967 by Rodger Patterson in Crescent City, California.

Now, the hunt for Bigfoot is on in Texoma and it brought enthusiasts out to McGee Creek state park on Saturday for "Cryptid fest".

Tracker with, Rick Dyer says, "It started with us finding the body in 2008 and then the government took it."

Tracker Jeremy Ware says, after finding the body in a forest of Pennsylvania, tracking the monster became their life, "This is something we do everyday, you know this is not something we just do for fun."

Author Nick Redfern travels the world in search of strange creatures and he comes to Texoma seeking Bigfoot.

Redfern says, "I think there's a genuine Bigfoot phenomenon. The big question is, what is it? Some people view it as a type of ape that science hasn't classified yet, but other people take it to be a paranormal thing, like a ghost and that explains why we don't catch him."

Despite the mystery, Redfern says an important part of being a tracker is to rely on scientific methods.

Redfern says, "for the most part you need to be in a location where these things are being seen and if we find evidence like hair samples or tracks."

Trackers say, there's an unusual amount of Bigfoot activity in McGee Creek Park. Some say it's due to the forest, other say, it's the water.

Trackers Nick Redfern and Ken Gerhard took us deep into the woods, following what were believed to be tracks.

Moments before arriving, trackers claim to have spotted something in the distance.

Gerhard then attached a camera to a tree in hopes of catching a glimpse of the elusive creatures.

Gernhard says, "I attach the camera right here and then when something passes by, the inferred light will detect the motion and snap a picture."

The camera was set to take photos throughout the night and trackers can only hope its evidence will be as compelling as Patterson's.
SRC: Fox Texoma News

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lair of the Beasts: Seeking the Indian Bigfoot is a leading website dedicated to providing avid Comic Book, Anime, Movie fans with news and feature stories about Comic Book, Fantasy, SciFi, Horror & Anime. Nick Redfern, author of Final Events and the forthcoming The NASA Conspiracies, pens a weekly series titled Lair of the Beast. Today's article (October 23rd, 2010) is regarding the CFZ's efforts to find the Indian Yeti.

Lair of the Beasts: Seeking the Indian Bigfoot
A Monstrous Expedition

By Nick Redfern October 23, 2010
On October 31 – appropriately Halloween, of course - a team from the British-based Center for Fortean Zoology (CFZ) will be embarking upon a truly ambitious expedition to the Garo Hills of Northern India in search of legendary, hairy, man-like beasts know as the Mande-burung – or, in simpler terminology, the Indian equivalents of the United States’ Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman of Tibet. The 5-man team will be led by Adam Davies – the author of the monster-hunting-themed book, Extreme Expeditions – and will also consist of Dr Chris Clark, Dave Archer, field naturalist John McGowan, and cryptozoologist Richard Freeman; the latter a former keeper at England’s Twycross Zoo and the author of the book, Dragons: More Than A Myth.

Jonathan Downes, the founder and director of the CFZ, says of these strange and elusive animals: “The creatures are described as being up to ten feet tall, with predominantly black hair. Most importantly, they are said to walk upright, like a man. Walking apes have been reported in the area for many years. These descriptions sound almost identical to those reported in neighboring Bhutan and Tibet. Witnesses report that the Mande-Burung - which translates as forest man - is most often seen in the area in November.”

Downes continues: “The Garo Hills are a heavily forested and poorly explored area in Meghalaya state in the cool northern highlands of India. The area is internationally renowned for its wildlife, which includes tigers, bears, elephants and Indian rhino and clouded leopards.”

He adds: “The Indian team will be led by Dipu Marek, a local expert who has been on the trail of the Indian Yeti for a number of years and has, on previous occasions, found both its nests and 19-inch long ‘footprints.’ The expedition team has also arranged to interview eyewitnesses who have seen the Mande-Burung. Camera traps will be set up in sighting areas in the hope of catching one of the creatures on film.”

As for what these creatures may actually represent, Downes has a few thought provoking ideas: “The Mande-Burung may be a surviving form of a giant ape known from its fossilized teeth and jaw bones, called Gigantopithecus-Blacki, which lived in the Pleistocene epoch around three hundred thousand years ago. This creature is, of course, extinct. However, much contemporary fauna such as the giant panda, the Asian tapir and the Asian elephant that lived alongside the monster ape, still survive today. It is thought by many that Gigantopithecus also survives in the impenetrable jungles and mountains of Asia. Its closest known relatives are the Orangutans of Sumatra and Borneo.”

And as Downes carefully notes, the CFZ’s intrepid explorers are no strangers to heading off into the vast unknown in search of mysterious and elusive creatures: “Last year the team, who investigate mystery animals all over the world, travelled to Sumatra in search of a small, bipedal ape known as the Orang-Pendek. Dave Archer and local guide Sahar Didmus saw the creature, and the group brought back hair that was later analyzed by Dr Lars Thomas at the University of Copenhagen. The DNA proved to be similar to an orangutan's, an animal not found in that part of Sumatra.”

Needless to say, I will be providing right here at Lair of the Beasts both careful and up to date information, as and when the team reports in to the Devonshire, England headquarters of the CFZ. Will the fearless five really turn up hard evidence in support of the theory that giant apes – possibly even surviving, relic populations of the presumed-extinct Gigantopithecus – actually do inhabit the wilder parts of India? Only time will tell…

Nick Redfern is the author of many books including Final Events and the forthcoming The NASA Conspiracies.

Sumatran Bigfoot
Orang Pendek Update

Nich Redfern at Wikipedia lair of the Beast
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