Showing posts with label Stomping Ground. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stomping Ground. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Exclusive Screening at Portland HopsSquatch Event

Award-winning indie horror/comedy at bigfoot and beer event 

Los Angeles Director Dan Riesser will be in town, Saturday March 12th to screen his feature film Stomping Ground.  Award-winning and critically acclaimed independent film, Stomping Ground is two-thirds romantic comedy and one-third creature feature. The event is hosted by sell-out bigfoot and beer speaker’s series, HopsSquatch, from 6-9pm at Lucky Lab NW.  

Stomping Ground premiered at the Dances With Films Festival, won the "Soul of Southern Film Jury Award" at the Indie Memphis Film Festival, and has been screened at festivals across the country. 

"Tired of the same-ol’, same-ol’ when it comes to spooky stories set in the deep woods? Stomping Ground is a film that digs into mythology and interpersonal dynamics to amp up the suspense..." --Atomic Fangirl

You have already seen Dan Riessers work before. Check out his hilarious Finding Bigfoot sketch he wrote, directed and produced for The Soup.

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this historic event.  Limited space available, only $5 per person to attend. The Lucky Lab Brew Pub is located at 1945 NW Quimby St, Portland, OR 97209.  For more information, please contact Guy Edwards at, 503.929.7436 or register online at


In its 5th year, HopsSquatch is a monthly bigfoot and beer event for bigfoot enthusiasts, researchers and pop-culture fanatics. Previous speakers include Finding Bigfoot TV Host Cliff Barackman; History Channel's go-to Anthropology Professor Dr. Jeff Meldrum; creature fx expert Bill Munns; acclaimed novelist Kirk Sigurdson and legends in the bigfoot community.

You can also catch the trailer for Stomping Ground below.

Monday, October 27, 2014

WATCH Bigfoot Movie "Stomping Ground" at Indie Memphis Filmfest

You can catch Stomping Ground at the Indie Memphis Filmfest on Nov 1st 
"Ben and Annie are a young couple on a weekend trip to Annie’s small North Carolina hometown who embark on an impromptu 'Bigfoot hunt' that threatens both their relationship and their lives" --Stomping Ground description from the Indie Memphis Filmfest website

Stomping Ground is a movie we have been championing for several years. It takes a completely different approach than most Bigfoot movies, which to most of us Bigfooters is a welcome change.

We are excited to announce that the folks in Memphis get a chance to see a screening of this movie at the Indie Memphis Film Festival. Get your tickets at Watch the trailer below to get a taste of what this movie has in store.

For those who need a refresher. Stomping Ground is the brainchild Dan Reisser, previously known for his short films and his producing/directing on the E! Entertainment's THE SOUP. One of THE SOUP's funniest skits is the the parody trailer for Dolphin Tale. You may have even seen his short film

Canadians! You can watch it now! If you are from up north check it out!!! The film is currently available from multiple Video-On-Demand providers from now through January 31st, 2015. Find the film through the following providers: Bell, Telus, SaskTel, MTS.

To catch up, you can read our complete Stomping Ground coverage, from the Stomping Ground storyboards and the Stomping Ground world premier.

You can also stay up-to-date with all things Stomping Ground from the source itself through the links below:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

World Premiere for Independent Bigfoot Feature Film “STOMPING GROUND”

Official Poster Artwork & Design by Dylan Chudzynski
"Even though Stomping Ground is a movie about a big hairy mythical beast, it’s still a very personal film to me." --Dan Riesser, Director

We have been covering Stomping Ground for almost two years. We are excited to announce the world premier of Stomping Ground on June 8th at TCL Chinese 6 - Hollywood, CA.

For those who need a refresher. Stomping Ground is the brainchild Dan Reisser, previously known for his short films and his producing and directing on the E! Entertainment's THE SOUP. One of THE SOUP's funniest skits is the the parody trailer for Dolphin Tale. You may have even seen his short film

Now he has a full-length feature. It starts with young couple, Ben & Annie, who travel from Chicago on a weekend trip to Annie's small North Carolina hometown. Once in NC, they run into some friends and Ben finds out Annie in Bigfoot. In fact, she and her friends used to "hunt" for the creature when they were kids. Before Ben knows it, he's off on an impromptu Squatchin' trip deep in the Carolina backwoods. Amidst the Squatch calls, campfire stories and beers, Ben quickly realizes that Paul may have an ulterior motive in bringing Annie to the woods. And something else out here seems to be after her as well. Everyone but Ben thinks its Bigfoot. But it can't be, can it? After all, Bigfoot isn't real...

Official trailer below:

Bigfoot Lunch Club is very excited that this movie has begun screening and congratulations for getting a acquired by California Pictures for worldwide distribution and sales.

Click the following link to read our previous coverage of Stomping Ground.

Make sure you stay up-to-date with all things Stomping Ground:

Check out the Stomping Ground Press Kit

Follow Stomping Ground at:


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fundraising Homestretch for Bigfoot Movie Stomping Ground

Stomping Ground illustrated poster by artist Dylan Chudzynski
"Thanks so much to everyone who's watched the video, shared the project, and especially to all those who donated." Dan Reisser, Director/Writer Stomping Ground

With only a few hours to go we should help the post-production of this movie get funded! Watch the video below as Dan Reisser introduces Dan Russo, the FX designer for Stomping Ground. I was lucky enough to see some early designs of the Bigfoot face and was thoroughly impressed, he even took a few of my suggestions.

The video above shows off some of the makeup & FX work done by mad genius Dan Russo at Dizzwork Designs. He oversaw all the makeup & FX on the film, and created some amazing stuff. You'll see a bit of his other work to get a sense of what he's capable of, as well as see a little about a couple of our great rewards.
For $250 you will receive a SIGNED BIGFOOT TRACK PLASTER CAST, made specifically for the film. It's a really cool piece of memorabilia. We recently had our first backer to claim this reward (Thanks so much Dorothy McElwee). Hoping more people claim it so we can make a bunch of casts soon.
For $1000 you will receive a RARE & EXCLUSIVE SIGNED SCULPTURE designed by Dizzwork Designs for the film. We aren't allowed to show off the actual piece yet (it's a bit of a spoiler) but take a look at the video for examples of what it will look like. There's only going to be 10 of these made max... they'll look awesome on your mantel.
So far it seems like the t-shirt (for $100) is a popular item. They will be screen printed by a great local NC company Jubilee Printing. They are soft, comfy, and have a great logo designed by Tim Marklevitz.
We are almost there! Go to Kickstarter now!  We just need a few more dollars and if we go a little over that would be great!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

You Can Help Finish a Bigfoot Movie

John Bobek andTarah DeSpain in Bigfoot Movie, "Stomping Ground"
"Everyone, regardless of how much of a skeptic you claim to be, has a little bit of love for the Squatch inside them." --Stomping ground Kickstarter page.

Fans, you know when Hollywood wants to promote a Bigfoot movie and spread the message to the greater public, they come to Bigfoot Lunch Club. The truth is, we don't always say yes. It has to be a well-crafted story and a novel approach to Bigfoot. Stomping Ground is exactly the type of movie we say yes to, and they need your help to polish this fine film. Watch the video below from the Stomping Ground KickStarter Page.

While we appreciate that you are still  reading this post, by all means, go to the Stomping Ground KickStarter Page and make a pledge you can afford.

The director, Dan Riesser, is a fan of Bigfoot Lunch Club and a producer on E!'s The Soup. Oh sure you know him from some of The Soup's funniest skits  like the parody trailer for Dolphin Tale. You may have even seen his short film

Tara DeSpain, the leading actress in Stomping Ground

Folks, this is a great time to get Stomping Ground on your radar, they have just recently finished shooting all the scenes and just need to finish up in post-productions. These guys know how to use social media, unlike previous independent films we coveredStomping Ground has website, a Twitter page, A Facebook Page and even a Tumblr Page.

They shot scenes in the same area Michael Green got his thermal video. Dan Riesser cares a great deal about the research community, and after several emails we can vouch for the respect he intends towards Bigfoot research in the film.

Please visit the Stomping Ground KickStarter Page and make a pledge.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Stomping Ground, The Newest Bigfoot Movie

John Bobek & Tarah DeSpain in Bigfoot Movie, "Stomping Ground"

Fans, you know we rub elbows with the Hollywood elites, mostly because we tell you so and try drop names as often as possible. Today's post is no different. The name we drop is none other than Dan Riesser, a producer on E!'s The Soup. Oh sure you know him from some of The Soup's funniest skits  like the parody trailer for Dolphin Tale. You may have even seen his short film

After 3 short films Mr Riesser is ready for the full length feature. The movie is titled Stomping Ground and being promoted as: A young couple travels to small town North Carolina and ends up on an
impromptu Bigfoot hunt that threatens their relationship & their lives.

Folks, this is a great time to get Stomping Ground on your radar, since shooting begins this October (2012), you will be in on the ground floor of this production. These guys know how to use social media, unlike previous independent films we covered. Stomping Ground has website, a Twitter page, A Facebook Page and even a Tumblr Page. Don't click yet, let us tell you more about the movie and we will repost the social media for Stomping Ground below.

They will be shooting in the same area Michael Green got his thermal video. Dan Riesser cares a great deal about the research community, and after several emails we can vouch for the respect he intends towards Bigfoot research in the film.

Understandably, we have been asked not to share everything we have been privy to. There seems to be something safe about the "Flat Iron Bar Sequence," so we are resharing the twitter photos below.

As you fans know we don't support every Bigfoot movie that comes our way, but we can't say enough about what we have heard so far about this movie. If your a fan of film, and have previewed Dan Riesser's earlier work, you can tell he has the skill for editing, pace and tone; his ability to film dialogue is impressive. You can follow the movie's progress at the links below and let them know BLC sent ya!

Follow Stomping Ground at:

You can now help finish Stomping Grounds. They only need a little help to finish post-production!  You can go directly to the Stomping Ground KickStarter Page or use the widget below.

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