Showing posts with label beltway booger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beltway booger. Show all posts

Friday, August 6, 2010

Weird Georgia Catalogs Bigfoot

The illustration above is based on the particular Bigfoot That inhabits Georgia. Below is some actual footage of a savanna swamp ape.

Jim Miles is the author of two Weird Georgia books. Weird Georgia is part alternative state history and part renegade tour guide. Read about Georgia weirdness and decide for yourself if the stories of UFOs, Bigfoot, ghosts, natural phenomenon, citizens with unusual abilities and archeological curiosities should be taken seriously. Use the INTERACTIVE MAP to plan family outings.

In the most recent post Miles talks about a 30-acre property that seems to get lots of grunts, screams and whoops:
In 2000 a family purchased 30 acres of land in rural Elbert County and took up residence. Since then they and neighbors have had many sightings of a Bigfoot creature. They have found anomalous footprints, smelled the creature, and heard grunts, screams, and whoops, the latter a “low to high bass sound lasting several seconds,” wrote Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) investigator Morris Collins. Also reported were “feelings of being watched, feelings that the family should leave a particular area, and at least one stalking incident involving the witness being separated from her mother, father and the family dog becoming very frightened.” The dog has acted intimidated both inside and outside the house. In one instance a teenager and an adult riding a 4-wheeler on the property sighted the creature.
Encounters often occur when only women are present, a peculiarity noted in other cases. Sightings have happened in all seasons and at every time of day for a decade.

All of Weird Georgia Bigfoot Posts
Bigfooters can Pick a Booger When We See One
Cryptomundo talks Boogers

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bigfooters can pick a Booger when we see one.

The Newnan Herald was Georgia’s first newspaper after Civil War. Eventually the title of the newspaper became The Times-Herald

Started as a sideline by two Newnan lawyers in the days after the Civil War ended, The Times-Herald has become an institution in the intervening 143 years.

For decades, Coweta County residents have turned to The Times-Herald for news about local government. Mothers of the bride have brought write-ups about their daughters’ weddings, and sports fans have checked out the results of the latest local games.

Recently one of the journalist, Jeff Bishop, has been writing about a local legend known as the "Belt Road Booger" also known as The Happy valley Horror

In short; it's a 30 yr legend with multiple sightings and several descriptions similar to Bigfoot.

A few descriptions from the Times-Herald article:

"It was dark. It stands about five feet tall. It's big across the chest. Its eyes look like diamonds at night when you shine a light on them," was how one local woman described the "monster."

The creature was reported to have "a face like a monkey and a long bushy tail."

Read the two articles below to learn what local residents have been saying for 30+ years.

Legend of the Belt Road Booger

Bigfoot researchers pick up on 'Booger'

To get the lowdown and perhaps a very astute prediction regarding these news stories and what's fueling them, we have the wisdom of Loren Coleman at Cryptomundo

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