Showing posts with label primates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label primates. Show all posts

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hard Wired Traits in all Primates Including Humans and Sasquatch

The photo above is of Laurie Santos A.K.A. The Monkey Whisperer. With such a title you would assume she may be a primatologist, she's not, She's a Yale University psychologist, and primatologist are listening to her.

Her findings reveal that not even 30 million years of Dependant evolution can rewire what is innate within our shared primate DNA.

Lemurs, from the island of Madagascar off the coast of Africa, evolved in isolation for some 30 million years. Despite this long separation from the rest of the primates, they now have something in common with a group of rhesus macaques in Puerto Rico and capuchin monkeys living at Yale: They all contribute to Santos’s wide-ranging study of our primate relatives, offering an unparalleled glimpse into our evolutionary past. Monkeys, it turns out, have many of the same survival skills that we do, from a predilection for forming groups to a knack for taking risks and deceiving adversaries. -- Linda Marsa, Discover Magazine

We provide the link to the article below, but there were three unique characteristics that we thought were of interest to Bigfooters. Some of these traits may seem obvious to the seasoned bigfooter, but its always nice to see confirmation from the scientific academic community.

1. Bigfoot knows what your looking at; when your looking at her, she changes her behavior
The results of Santos observations not only suggested Lemurs payed attention to which direction the experimenters were looking, but were perceptive enough behave differently (like stealing lemons) when they thought they were not being watched.

2. Bigfoot can count and uses those numbers to predict outcomes.
Whether counting how many researchers in a team or how many times Bigfoot has seen them, Bigfoot Remembers. Adult lemurs are as good as six-month old baby at adding and subtracting.

3. Bigfoot doesn't have to create a tool to use it.
In other words, without history or training, primates were able to distinguish the purpose of tools just by the features they had (i.e. Hammers, screwdrivers, bags, strings).

These traits are true for all primates across the board from the primitive lemur to the complex human. The implications of these behaviors confirm many assumptions Bigfooters have long contemplated.

Discover Magazine Article

Saturday, April 17, 2010

LIFE Discovers Primates and Perhaps Insights to Bigfoot

The Planet Earth series was amazing, Blue Planet was spectacular, but Discovery Channel’s newest series, LIFE, is just plain unbelievable. LIFE is an 11-part Discovery Channel series In collaboration with BBC, exploring the animal kingdom. It took over 3,000 days to film, and captures animals hunting, breeding, evolving, and living. It is narrated by Oprah Winfrey, and will air perhaps the most exciting episode tomorrow night at 8PM.

The Episode, Primates, will focus how intelligence, adaptability and resourcefulness help primates beyond their physical means, and thrive in a variety of habitats.

Any lover of Bigfoot or Sasquatch is guaranteed to gain insight into this elusive beast by watching tomorrow night's episode.

Below is a promotional video on the entire series.

LIFE Primate Page
LIFE Home page

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