Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sylvanic Bigfoot Project: Populated Bigfoot habitat found

FULL DISCLAIMER: the pic above was enhanced to delineate the alleged Bigfoot and the Rocks in the foreground. You can see the actual unaltered footage in the video futher down the post. Besides we have no horse in this race anyway.

Alberta native Todd Standing is a columnist for www.unexplained-mysteries.com. He is the resident skeptic at Sylvanic Bigfoot Project. The other three in this group included; a biologist from Great Falls, Montana; a Cree Nations elder representing the First Nations People; and a paramedic fire fighter from Calgary, Alberta.

Sylvanic Bigfoot Project's goal is to obtain enough physical evidence to implement government legislation that will ensure the survival of Bigfoot. Who isn't? That's breakfast conversation for us at BLC. We thought the health care bill should have extended to all bipeds, thus covering Bigfoot.

There is a difference between Todd and ourselves. He has found Bigfoot a community of them. This is good, because according to his website, sylvanic.com, that was all he needed; physical proof.

On March 5/ 2007 Alberta native Todd Standing and his team received confirmation from Danielle Lessard of the Clerk of Petitions for Canada (613-992-9511), that our second submission to get protection for the species commonly referred to as Bigfoot was certified. Mike Lake had the petition Tabled before the House of Commons. We received a response on May 12, 2007 from the House of Commons as to their decision on protection of the illusive species.

They responded by giving us the name of a department and a list of scientists employed by the Canadian government that decides whether a species becomes a protected one. This department said, "Show us a body and we will give you your species protection". Not hair, blood or feces, or even a finger or leg, but a fully intact and recently deceased body.

After a tremendous amount of time and dedication we have discovered a new domicile that is regularly inhabited by the species commonly referred to as Bigfoot and are making preparations for the study of this domicile.

Bigfoot videos 2 and 3 were no fluke. A great deal of planning, preparation, and hard work went into getting in position to film these animals.

Here's the rub, they are not finished with their research and do not want to devulge the exact site in order to protect the species. In his own words:

Our goal is to carefully gather as much information about this species while adhering to our first priority, which is to ensure we do not compromise the research site in any way. This species has zero tolerance for any sustained human presence. When a habitat is compromised, not only do we lose a valuable research site, these animals lose their home. Loss of a habitat means loss of life. Our priority now and always will be the welfare of this species. If we feel our work in any way leads to the detriment of these animals our work will stop immediately.

Our ultimate goal is to discover an intact body that has expired due to natural causes.

He does provide some video evidence (below) and narrates his motive and methodology.

You can read a column Todd wrote in 2006 about the Sylvanic Bigfoot Project here.
You can listen to a December 28, 2009 Interview with Todd in at Blog Talk Radio here.
You visit the Sylvanic Bigfoot Site and purchase Videos 2 & 3 for $5 a piece here

2009 BLC Blog Pics in Review

Some posts don't have the right imagery to go with 'em. This means we have to manufacture them. Our art dept is so dedicated to the right visual message they would be doing these with a xerox machine if they didn't have Photoshop.

You can see our pics at our Facebook Fan Page as a slideshow here

Or scroll down below

OCT 20th -- Celebrating the 42nd anniversary of the Patterson/Gimlin film.

SEP 17th -- What color is Bigfoot's World?

NOV 18th -- Panda as elusive as Bigfoot

NOV 2nd -- Cryptozoology 101 at Bigfoot University

NOV 6th -- Playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and Bigfoot

NOV 26th -- Cavemen Roasted Birds Too

OCT 23rd -- Yippy! yeti on Monsterquest!

DEC 9th -- Porcupines point to Bigfoot

NOV 27th -- How do Creationist See Bigfoot?

???? Sorry can't remember post for this one.

OCT 31st -- Global Warming = Bigfoot Migrates North

DEC 16th -- History of the Blobsquatch

Monday, December 28, 2009

Promoters of $1M Hunt 4 Bigfoot Contest Weigh-In

We received a Comment to our previous post via WhalesInSpace.com that seems to close the case of the $1,000,000.00 Hunt for Bigfoot. We decided it deserved its own post. Rick Lewis, of Bigfoot Central/Legend of Bigfoot Museum and promoter of the Hunt 4 Bigfoot event has provided the comment below.

The primary purpose of our Hunt for Bigfoot event is simply to gather together four hundred or more other Bigfoot enthusiasts, for a few days to enjoy the Great Outdoors of the San Juan region of Colorado, promote our business-Bigfoot Central and Legend of Bigfoot Museum, show off the town of Silverton in which we are located, and let everyone enjoy an evening together, Bigfoot'n at our planned $1,000,000.00 Hunt for Bigfoot closing party.

Over 17,000 people visited our Legend of Bigfoot Museum this past season and we have had many a request for such an event. With (7) recorded sightings nearby this year and a long history of encounters in this region, Bigfoot excitement is in the air and the response to our planned event has been very good. For those one or two skeptics-and there always seem to be some in a crowd-we encourage them to stay home. The $1,000,000.00 Hunt for Bigfoot event is for imaginative and fun enjoying people only.

-- Bigfoot Central/Legend of Bigfoot Museum

Great Job WhalesInSpace.com!

You can still register to participate in The Hunt For Bigfoot at www.hunt4bigfoot.com

Please read our terms of use policy.