Sunday, January 10, 2010

Stephen Colbert and Conan O'Brien Talk Bigfoot

In our post Stephen Colbert Asked to Join Search for Bigfoot we announced the tourism society of Harrison Hot Springs' request for Stephen Colbert to help search for Bigfoot.

Upon further research, we have realized he is no stranger to the topic.

In a transcript of Stephen Colbert interviewed by Conan O'Brien on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien," Colbert talks about several Bigfoot pieces he did as a correspondent for "Daily Show." The interview was taped June 27, 2003

CO'B: ...Let's talk about "The Daily Show". On "The Daily Show" you are well-known for going out and getting these amazing interviews with strange characters from across America, and you've interviewed people that actually believe Bigfoot exists, are convinced that Bigfoot exists.

SC: Yeah, I've interviewed a lot of, uh, some of the biggest Bigfoot experts in the United States. Um, I've interviewed the people who believe that Bigfoot is endangered. I've interviewed the people who believe that Bigfoot, um, uh, that the Bigfeet, as they call them, are overpopulating and that they're destroying their environment...

CO'B: How does that become a...

SC: There's not a lot of consensus in the Bigfoot expert community.

CO'B: There's a lot of squabbling, yeah. But how could someone think that there's too many Bigfoots running around when noone actually has proof that they exist? How can someone make that argument?

SC: Um, I think a fair amount of Bigoot experts are, um, early-morning drinkers.

CO'B: Okay.

SC: I met somebody in Florida who believed that Bigfoot was in Florida, as opposed to the Pacific Northwest, and that Bigfoot was stealing his pot of lentil soup... that he would make... and this man greeted me at 10:00am stone drunk, shoeless, shirtless, wearing two albino Burmese pythons.

CO'B: And these are the people you're going to for credible scientific information on Bigfoot.

SC: Aaaaah, yeah, those are my experts.

CO'B: Very nice. I like the Stone Phillips way that you said that too. You just, uh, yeah...

SC: [imitating Stone Phillips, once again] They... are my experts.

CO'B: Very nice. You could hurt yourself with that.

SC: I think that's how he got the big neck.

Below is one of the clips from the "Daily Show" with Stephen Colbert talking about Bigfoot Preservation.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bigfoot Fetish
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

You can read the full transcript of the Conan O'Brian interview here.

You can see more Stephen Colbert here.
You can see more Conan O'Brian here.

Kayadi Added to AKA Bigfoot World Map

At the blog ShukerNature there is an interesting post about a native Papua New Guinea legend called the Kayadi. The Kayadi is a Bigfoot-like creature that has been described by multiple independent tribes of the island.

We are happy to include Kayadi to our interactive AKA Bigfoot World Map. Below is the excerpt from the post at ShukerNature titled Kayadi - The Bigfoot of Papau New Guinea

In autumn 2002, Todd Jurasek, a cryptozoological investigator, visited the village of Siawi in a remote region of Papua New Guinea roughly 18 miles east of the border with Irian Jaya just below the mountains, and approximately 6 miles from the Sepik River. During his stay there, he interviewed members of several different tribes including both the Siawi and the Amto tribes.

According to their accounts, this New Guinea ape-man, known to the Amto people as the Kayadi, was at least man-sized (i.e. about 5 ft 5 in tall, judging from the average height of most native peoples on New Guinea), hirsute, and bipedal, but also able to climb trees very rapidly, and strong enough physically to throw humans if confronted. One Amti tribesman stated that in 1981 a Kayadi had been startled by his uncle while digging for eggs in a cave near his village, and another claimed that a local girl had actually been kidnapped a while back by one of these man-beasts.

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Is The Great North Figure a Bigfoot? No.

But apparently its not what we thought either. We made a guess and apparently we were wrong. As you can see in our original post below we thought it was caribou there is evidence on higher resolution blu-ray that it is a camera crew member with a backpack on.

Below is our original post with our speculation it was a turning caribou.

In the YouTube video you see an isolated zoomed in shot from the IMAX documentary "The Great North." In the scene you see a dark shape moving to the right.

Some of the other websites reporting this story are not offering the link to see the complete documentary footage at If you view it for your self you can see the shape looks the same as the dark shapes of the caribou in the foreground. You can also see it moving in the same galloping rhythm as the surrounding caribou. In fact, after the 9 minute and 20 second mark, (at about 9:22) it turns 90° to its left to go up the hill with the rest of the herd. At that point you can actually make out the caribou head and horns.

Below are two different enhancements, only to help you look for the image of the turning caribou in the video. Due to the high pixelation we concede it is much easier to see this turning caribou in the natural flow of the video. You will have to click on the image to see the larger version.

Last time we ignored a story like this we had hundreds of complaints. So, don't just take our word for it. Check out the YouTube video below and then go to to see the footage in context.

And, again, the link to the video is here.

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