Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lively Bigfoot Conversation at The

Some things are too good not to share. The screen names are real, the icons are made-up to protect the anonymous commentors at the history channel.

MR FLABBY: I just had to point this out.The bigfoot phenomenom is a complicated one.There are alot of things you believers don't understand.You keep hollering about bigfoot couldn't be paranormal because there is evidence that it a real animal,such as footprints,blood,and so-called hair.You don't realize that a demon can leave tracks,make noises,etc.I've never heard of blood supposedly being bigfoot's.If they found any blood I guarantee you that it will turn out belonging to some other animal.

Read the following information and keep it in mind because it's the truth.

"Spiritual creatures(demons)can leave physical traces of hairs from living known and even extinct animals,and they can leave hairs from genetically altered species.There will never be found a true bigfoot hair,or bone,since they are not truly flesh and blood creatures.They are spiritual beings,and do not even conform to the laws of physics.'

JJJONES: Where is this from? Oh, and it doesn't say anything about footprints.

RaZr Blayde: flabby the idea that a demon carries around hairs that he must have made himself is absurd.

King Ramses II: Oh look, a demon left me a Velociraptor feather...

Gandaf12: I have seen bigfoot in washington state and trust me its no demon its just huge id say bout 8ft tall 500-700 pounds easily with dark brown hair and is really shy cause when i got near it and i was bout say 20ft away it looks at me gets up and just walk away

In case you wanted us to weigh in, at BLC, we like the idea that there is evidence to discover, evaluate, and consider when it comes to Bigfoot. We find Mr Flabby's version of Bigfoot similar to what Lucy was to Charlie Brown. How disappointing it would be for Lucy/Bigfoot to plant evidence for us to find, only to take it away because it was never "real".

The above conversation at The History Channel

Tiger Woods Elusiveness Compared to Bigfoot

Oh brother! Every paper in the nation is running this photo below. How did they know we like red circles? The caption with the photo reads, "Sightings of the elusive golfer all over the world have become so commonplace he might as well be Bigfoot..."

Oddly enough this is not the first time Tiger has been photographed with a Sasquatch.

Insert Rim shot here (ba-dum-bum!) For the record, while we wont comment on Tiger Woods, we do enjoy the fact that Bigfoot is so much a part of pop-culture that it can be used as common vernacular in a newspaper headlines.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ask Bigfoot Elsie: Eye Shine

We are always experimenting with new ways to entertain and inform Bigfooters, while remaining fresh and topical. Today we are happy to announce "Ask Bigfoot Elsie." We have two reasons for this new feature.

Reason one: Since we have added, believe it or not, people are feeding back--or is the proper term "feed backing"? Either way, we are starting to get Bigfoot questions.

Reason two:Last year we created a mascot and we've been trying to figure out how to use her.

Without further ado here is our first email question.

B. Elsie,
Almost everyone agrees that Bigfoot must be a nocturnal animal to remain undetected and not yet proven to exist by man. As such you would assume that they have to be able to see in the dark and every animal that I am familiar with that roams the woods in the dark has reflective eye shine.

What am I missing here? Or are those scientific people not doing their homework?

Thanks in Advance,
Reflecting on Bigfoot


Thanks for your question. Let's go to the chalkboard to explain what eye shine is. As you can see below most nocturnal animals are equipped with a feature designed to amplify the amount of light that reaches the retina. Called the tapetum lucidum (pronounced ta-pee-tum and colored yellow) this mirror-like membrane reflects light that has already passed through the retina back through the retina a second time. Whatever light is not absorbed on this return trip passes out of the eye the same way it came in—through the pupil, causing eye-shine.

In most nocturnal mammals the tapetum is yellow. This yellow color produces the often seen yellow eye-shine. Interestingly, different animals have different color tapetum, a fact that can aid in nighttime animal identification; white in many fish; blue in horses; and red occurs in rodents, opossums and birds. We shouldn't confuse this with "red eye" in photos. Red eye is a reflection of the red blood vessels on the retina.

Wrapping this up and connecting this to Bigfoot? There are no known great apes with the night vision enhancing tapetum, although some smaller primates do have this membrane. Bigfoot encounters with eye shine would either support that Bigfoot has tapetum in her eyes, or in some cases she is being misidentified. If Bigfoot could produce eye shine, it would most likely be yellow. Black bears are known to produce red eye shine.

BigfootEncounters has a great article on Eye-shine
Wikipedia page on Tapetum lucidum
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