Sunday, June 20, 2010

OSS Jeff Meldrum Spends a few mins about Gigantopithicas

Due to temporary presentation issues with Jaime Avalos. Dr Meldrum
speaks to some of the comments made about Giganto earlier.

He explains the only reason we do have any fossils of gigantopithicas
is due to scavenger porcupines carrying the bones back to the caves.
If not for them we may not even have the mandibles and teeth as

He continues to explain how plenty of information can be learned just
by having only teeth as evidence. Incisor comparison alone reveals a
diet similar to modern day chimps.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

OSS what's on store for tomorrow

Tomorrow at the Oregon Sasquatch Syposium is the most anticipated by
the Bigfoot Lunch Club.

It's starting with Jaime Avalos of He will
presenting in full gear. His field research process is probably the
most streamlined when compared to most field researchers. He's a one
man traveling science lab.

Then Ron Morehead of the Sierra Sounds fame ( the standard for Bigfoot
audio recording) will be presenting.

Following Moorehead is appropriately Scott Nelson (pictured standing
in the middle). Scott was a linguist for the navy. He will be
revealling some fascinating breakthroughs in bigfoot language
including cognates (words that are the same in multiple languages)

And of course, the grand finale will be Dr. Jeff Meldrum. A professor
and eloquent speaker, Meldrum alone is capable of bringing credibility
to the pursuit of Sasquatch.

Stay tuned fans, as we continue our live blog of the Oregon Sasquatch

In the picture (left to right) is Hermon Joyner, BLC contributer;
Scott Nelson, linguist and discoverer of Bigfoot language; and Guy
Edwards, BLC artist/graphic designer.

See you tomorrow fans!

OSS Dr Meldrum and Jaime Avalos Teach Casting

Using his own footprint Dr Jeff Meldrum Teams up with Jaime Avalos of
to teach casting best practices.

Some tips include prepping the footprint with a high laquer hairspray.

Another tip included NOT use plaster of paris, as it is too chalky.
Today Jaime used magic stone he buys regularly at Michaels Craft store.

The final cast of Dr Meldrums cast will be auctioned off at the Oregon
Sasquatch Symposium.

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