Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chinese spot Bigfoot in Hubei Province--again

Above is a view of the Hubei province in China.

Today, an English-written Chinese newspaper briefly reports the sighting of a sasquatch-like creature. This is a hot area that had many sightings back in 2003.

The article is small enough to repost here:


BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Bears or Bigfoot? That's what villagers in Shennongjia, Hubei Province are wonder-ing ever since one man named Ding Fei, 33, found mysterious thick curly hairs with transparent roots on July 9 at a location called Swallow Hole on a local mountain.

After Ding reported his discovery to the neighborhood committee, some professional researchers found additional hairs and a 30-centimeter-long footprint at the same place on July 11.

According to their research, the hair isn't human or livestock, but the possibility of bears could not be ruled out.

(Source: Global Times)

Editor: Han Jingjing

The map below shows today's spotting among three other famous legendary ones. Click icons to learn more or click on the larger map link here

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Bobbi Short at has great reports back-to-back of the 2009 incident in the same areahere.

Chinese Newspaper Article
Bigfoot Encounters has a great page on sightings from 2003

Fish Food is Brain Food for Sasquatch

A new scientific paper supports the notion that the oily lipids in fish are necessary to, literally, lubricate the brain of an intelligent primate and as far as we are concerned that includes Sasquatch.

The Bigfoot diet is somewhat a mystery (go figure). We can be pretty certain Bigfoot is not strictly a vegetarian as are his cousins; chimpanzees or gorillas — are almost totally vegetarian. Except for an occasional meal of insects, tiny animals, or turtle, they are herbivorous.

Other large primates have the luxury of diverse vegetation and nuts in their habitat. Bigfoot requires more protein. We have heard reliable reports of Bigfoot chasing herds, even eating small deer, but is this the best way for Sasquatch to get protein? The kind of protein needed for an intelligent bipedal ape? The new paper suggest Bigfoot, being an intelligent hominid would need a steady diet of fish to lubricate his brain.

So how did they come to the conclusion oily lipids are necessary for the intelligent ape? By studying the past...

" is the nutritional content in the tropical fish that helped human brain development. This helped increase intelligence enough for them to fish more often and more successfully. And for the growing human baby, the nutritional content in fish becomes vital to increase and maintain a high brain:body ratio.

Also note that fish contain those vital nutrients that the brain needs in order to develop and grow. The human brain is “oily”, containing as much as 600g of lipid per kg, with long chain fatty acids like arachidonic acid (AA) docosa-hexenoic acid (DHA), that the body does not produce; they are thus “essential nutrients” – and fish have them in good measure.--D. BALASUBRAMANIAN

Read the Scientific Paper

Bigfoot vs. The Zombies

Zombies have long been a staple of independent horror films and recently the genre has expanded to include Bigfoot. It was inevitable that a young studio would include both. This is the brain-child of Abandoned Cinema, creators of Adelle, Lobsteroids, Monster in the Woods and the zombie epic 2 (coming to Blu-Ray from Elite Entertainment this Fall.)

It sounds like the movie will be made by democracy, which should be interesting in its own right. Fans will be able to donate and pick who wins in the epic battle between Bigfoot Vs. Zombies.

“We are setting out to make the film that we think the fans would want to see in this situation, we don’t want to settle for some half assed human element in this battle, and that’s what a studio would make us do. We think the fans want to see a feature length film that really delivers on what the title suggests. We are promising a film that delivers on that title from the start to the gory end,” says co-writer/director Andy Davis (2, Adelle, Monster in the Woods).

The fans of the genre will decide if this film gets made by putting up their own money, and offering their own thoughts on everything involved in the film from the look of the creatures to the storyline to weather practical effects will be primarily used or CG.

While your at it check out our listing of the top 51 sasquatch-ploitation movies ever made. Rated by the folks at Internet Movie Database (IMDB.COM)

Full article at Fatally Yours
BF vs Z Donation Page
Abandon Cinema

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