Thursday, April 12, 2012

Watch Local Vermont News Cover Sasquatch Authors, Witnesses and Finding Bigfoot

WCAX news talks to Bigfoot Author/Witness Paul Bartholomew

Paul Bartholomew, along with his brother have methodically researched, documented, and studied the Bigfoot question in both New York and the New England states for over thirty years.

Today ran a story with the author as well as witness Frank Siecienski. Siencienski had an apple orchard ravaged of so many of its apples he believed it was more than a deer, so he put a trailcam to see if he could see exactly what could be eating all his apples.

Then on a September evening in 2010 the camera caught what he suspects is a female Sasquatch carrying her young. The picture has made it's rounds in the bigfoot community and now Finding Bigfoot will investigate it further. 

Steve Krull on the left, Mother Sasquatch with baby on the right.

Video and report of the WCAX segment below, followed by Steve Krull's audio interview with both Paul Bartholamew and Frank Siecienski on his BlogTalkRadio show Squatchdetective Radio.


Bigfoot sightings across New England have been reported for hundreds of years.
"Red glowing eyes, about 7 feet tall, making a sound like a pig squealing or a woman screaming and walking like a man but looking more like a gorilla," Paul Bartholomew said.
That's the most common description researcher and Bigfoot author Bartholomew hears from those who say they've seen the sasquatch.
"It's a global phenomena and it's here in our own backyards," Bartholomew said.
Bartholomew's backyard-- Whitehall, N.Y.-- has had recorded sightings for centuries.
"You go back to the Algonquin and the Iroquois and they talk about the stone giant and the giant men of the mountains. The Abenaki had their creature reports. So this whole area is rich in traditional reports of this creature," Bartholomew said.
But there are some more recent reports, he says. One was supposedly spotted at a local golf course in the 1970s. It now uses Bigfoot as its logo. And Whitehall passed an ordinance to protect the creature in 2003. There's even a statue of sasquatch in town.
Just east of Whitehall, sightings have been reported along Route 4 and all across the state of Vermont from Bennington to Colchester.
Frank Siecienski of Hubbardton believes a Bigfoot was near his home.
"One section of my apple tree, the apples were completely devoured. One whole section. I pointed it out to my wife and she says 'oh God,' the deer must have been hungry. And I said no, a deer couldn't have eaten that many apples in one night," Siecienski said.
So Siecienski set up a trail camera trying to catch the sasquatch on tape. On a September night two years ago he recorded something.
"I found out from researchers that this is a female sasquatch with its young underneath it. It's protecting its young," he said, showing the recording.
Whether you believe the evidence collected is reality or just a ruse, they'll have an interested audience Saturday.  The TV network Animal Planet will bring its show Finding Bigfoot to Rutland. Producers will pick stories feature on the show.
"Not only is it a fun, upbeat, interesting, different story that is being filmed here. And the local community is getting very excited about it," said Tom Donahue of Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce.
Bartholomew hopes the show will bring some more credibility to his claims.
"Our major goal is to bring this out of the tabloid mentality and bring it into science. The DNA age. And I think that's right where we're heading," Bartholomew said.
Big news for Bigfoot fans all across Vermont.
Few details about the network's plans have been released, but our sources say about 100 people will show up, and three stories will be chosen.

Listen to internet radio with SquatchD Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Fayetteville Freethinkers: Capture Bigfoot, Win House

You can win a house--if you prove Bigfoot
That's right. Yesterday, April 11th 2012, an Arkansas online community is offering the title deed to a real home in Arkansas if you can bring them proof. You can read the announcement below followed by the legal affidavit backing their reward.
Hello everyone. From time to time the Fayetteville Freethinkers have offered rewards for evidence of paranormal powers demonstrated under careful and proper observing conditions. It's been reported that Arkansas is in 3rd place for having a lot of "Bigfoot" activity, so on behalf of one of our members, we are offering the reward of a house in Fayetteville to anyone who can catch Bigfoot and bring him in.
The following affidavit provides the legal details and is presented to demonstrate the full legitimacy and legally binding nature of this offer:
(Click picture to enlarge)

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Superman Sides with the No-Kill Sasquatch Debate

For those that don't know. One of the most polarizing topics in the Bigfoot Community is the Kill/No-Kill debate. It may seem obvious what the two sides advocate, but why do they advocate killing or not killing Bigfoot? In a nutshell:

TEAM KILL: We will never prove Sasquatch exists without physical proof of a body.

TEAM NO-KILL: There are other scientific methods that are just as acceptable, even if it is to capture one. Some go further and say it is a morally cruel.

Most people have picked their sides and persuasion of of either argument is almost futile. But what would Superman do? More specifically Superboy?

At the they break down the 1977 Superboy/Sasquatch issue in great detail. Noting the Sasquatch issue was the transition from boy to man. We just wanted to share the panels in which several Bigfoot terrorize Smallville, takes out Superboy's girlfriend, and then Superboy stops short of killing a Sasquatch. You can click any of the photos below to see enlarged version.


If I didn't get to turn a car or bend a street light,
I guess I would settle for a trash can to stomp on


After Superboy uses superbreath to get rid of the the Sasquatch,
They resort to classic Sasquatch behavior rock throwing


This was all a test? How cruel are Kryptonian robot teachers?

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