Friday, April 20, 2012

Kentucky Bigfoot Goes International -- Again

Charlie Raymond, international Bigfoot ambassador from
Kentucky Bigfoot visit his group at

Forget Finding Bigfoot, It seems Charlie Raymond and his band of merry Bigfooters at Kentucky Bigfoot are our American Bigfoot representatives to our cousins across the pond. You may remember them escorting BBC news earlier this year, it seems the Irish want in on the action. More specifically, Seán Moncrieff, an an Irish broadcaster, journalist and writer. Moncrieff currently presents the weekday afternoon radio show Moncrieff on Newstalk. Tuesdauy's episode. 

Part of the show was slightly misrepresented at You can read the recap below and listen to the interview yourself further down. In our opinion, and we are completely biased, Charlie did an excellent job fielding the predictable questions we have all encountered. You may want to fast forward to the 23:12 mark to get to Charlies Interview. Once again, we salute Kentucky Bigfooters, we are your biggest fans. Great job Charlie.

Seán Moncrieff continued his speciality of drawing interesting information from the most ridiculous of sources.
Tuesday’s unsuspecting subject on Moncrieff (Newstalk, weekdays) was Charlie Raymond of the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organisation. The communication methods of Bigfoot (Bigfeet?), we were informed, involve “tree knocking”. One Bigfoot will knock on a tree – an extremely loud noise, apparently – and another in a different part of the woods will respond. Raymond and his fellow researchers emulate this by bashing trees with baseball bats.
“I’ve got immediately a reply back,” Raymond said.
“And you’re sure it’s not an echo?” Moncrieff asked, playing it serious, before asking: “What do you suspect Bigfoot is hitting the tree with? I presume he doesn’t have a baseball bat. Is he bashing his head off it?”
That’s a good question, said Raymond. “We assume they have a large stick, but some other scientists think they might use handclaps.”
Moncrieff drew him out, asking how he knew it wasn’t another researcher hitting a tree – and “Bigfoot could be up some other place, clapping his hands”.
No one can choreograph farce like Moncrieff zipping along with a series of Sunset Beach-esque cliffhangers before the ads kick in. “Up next, robot cats!” he declared gleefully as one’s about-to-switch-over hand dropped in defeat. Robot cats. Well, you’d have to give that a listen.

New York Times: How to Hunt Bigfoot

Bigfooter Ambassadors Matt Moneymaker & Cliff Barackman Takes
The New York Times Bigfooting
Before attendees can be registered for an expedition, they are required to read a chapter from the B.F.R.O. handbook that helps people “deal with the terror of a first experience.”

The tone of how the media handles bigfooters has changed within the last year or so. Oh sure, they still acknowledge that Bigfoot is elusive and proof is lacking, but I would argue that the pursuit of Bigfoot has gained some respect--if not respect, at the very least serious interest.

 We think credit is due to Finding Bigfoot, not necessarily the show itself, but its marketing and publicity team. Over the last few years they have lined up media embeds and highly visible interviews. The cast have been great ambassadors for Bigfooting as well.

After the first season, there were a few Bigfoot insiders that predicted that Finding Bigfoot would be a stain on Bigfooting, we disagreed from the beginning. We actually felt it would shine a greater light and generate interest in Bigfooting. We also have great faith in humanity and trusted as more people went to the web to learn more about Bigfoot, they would independently come to the same conclusion as most of us have. Bigfoot is compelling.

Do you need further proof Bigfooters are getting more respect? In the recent New York Times article (below) they refer to Matt Moneymaker as Mr. Moneymaker. It should be noted the headline of printed version of this article is "Howling at Nothing: A Hunt for Bigfoot" So, we don't have full respect, but  anybody who refers to Matt Moneymaker as Mr. Moneymaker throughout the the article must be trying

How to Hunt Bigfoot
Published: April 20, 2012

A BIGFOOT’S howl is multidimensional: a deep and undulating whoop that starts low and ends in a high, feral squeal or resolves completely, like a siren. The first time I unleashed one, while crouching on a bluff overlooking the eastern bank of the Apalachicola River, Matt Moneymaker — who, moments earlier, had loosed a robust, commanding shriek that echoed cleanly through the valley — responded with a hearty guffaw.

“I have a cold,” I mumbled by way of an excuse. It was nearly 2 a.m., and we were huddled in the dark in Torreya State Park near Bristol, on the Florida Panhandle. My craggy, toadlike holler did not yield a response.

Mr. Moneymaker is the founder and president of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (, a group of Bigfoot investigators dedicated to acquiring “conclusive documentation of the species’ existence.” Bigfoots, also known as sasquatches or yetis, are famously elusive creatures — if, in fact, they exist at all — and since 2000, the organization has hosted research expeditions, some of which are open to nonmembers, to suspected Bigfoot habitats across North America. The goal is to rouse and record a Bigfoot. The trips, which typically last four days and cost between $300 and $500 (not including airfare, camping equipment or food), are led by a B.F.R.O. investigator native to the region and center on nightly jaunts through the woods.

In December, on an outing in the same park, Matt Craig, 26, spotted what he believed was a Bigfoot on a thermal imaging device. He and five others watched while it hugged a tree and popped in and out of hiding, as if it were playing peek-a-boo. “At that point, my mind was trying to rationalize what it was,” Mr. Craig said. “I was shaking so bad I couldn’t even look through the thermal after that.”

Now, 11 of us — three women and eight men, including Mr. Craig — had assembled with hopes of repeating his encounter. I was dubious but also willing to accept that I didn’t know exactly what kinds of oddball creatures might be loping around the forest late at night.

The Bigfoot organization’s online database contains over 30,000 user-submitted Bigfoot reports, and it’s a surprisingly consistent body of data: by most accounts, adult sasquatches weigh around 650 pounds and are 7 to 10 feet tall, nocturnal, fond of women and packaged sweets, hairy, bipedal, omnivorous, flat-footed, and distinctly malodorous.

On B.F.R.O. expeditions, faith in the existence of Bigfoots is presumed, and the hunts proceed with a kind of grim earnestness. Members are accustomed to incredulity: detractors (including most reputable scientists) insist that all observed phenomena could easily be attributed to a bear, or a rogue primate, or some dude in a gorilla suit. Bring us a body, they say, or anything that can be objectively authenticated (to date, no definitive Bigfoot remains have been excavated).

Cliff Barackman, for one, isn’t troubled by dissenters. “I don’t care what people think,” he said. “I think skepticism is healthy and good.”

Mr. Moneymaker and Mr. Barackman are co-stars on the Animal Planet series “Finding Bigfoot,” in which they amble through dark thickets, howling at one another and banging blocks of wood together (sasquatches purportedly communicate via “knocking” — the belligerent pounding of trees or their own bodies).

For believers, rustling up a squatch, as they are often called by the team, is serious business, and “Finding Bigfoot” is deliberately low on high jinks. Mr. Moneymaker and his crew host town hall meetings, recreate sightings and employ a cornucopia of enticement techniques, like arranging glazed doughnuts on a log.

Membership in the B.F.R.O. is by invitation only, and requires (paradoxically, perhaps) at least the appearance of good sense. Kevin Smykal, 58, leads the organization’s Florida chapter, and conducts telephone screenings of potential participants before they can sign up for an expedition. “We’re very careful,” he said. “We don’t want somebody who’s going to be an irritant to other people. You’re not going to want to spend your nights out in the woods with an undesirable.”

I didn’t want to be an irritant, but I also wasn’t sure I wanted to spend that much time in dark woods. The organization’s investigators wear headlamps and carry flashlights, but they’re intended only for use in emergencies. “The darker it is, the closer they come,” Mr. Moneymaker noted, and I sensed that neurotically flicking on your headlamp midexpedition was considered an unforgivable gaffe. Mr. Moneymaker cited weather, big cats and stray branches as a sasquatch hunter’s primary foes; a park ranger further cautioned us against snakes and alligators.

Not far from camp, Mr. Barackman pointed out a series of unusual animal tracks. There was speculation that they were made by a bear or maybe even a young sasquatch. None of the presented possibilities were particularly comforting. The next morning, castings were made of the footprints; they turned out to be the work of an exceptionally large northern river otter.

AT 10:30 p.m., after we’d roasted hot dogs and exchanged a couple of squatching yarns, Mr. Moneymaker ran through a few rules. “Don’t freak out” was the prevailing theme. He said he’d seen otherwise stoic men — soldiers, even — turn into “sniveling messes” when led into a dark forest. Before attendees can be registered for an expedition, they are required to read a chapter from the B.F.R.O. handbook that helps people “deal with the terror of a first experience.”

Mr. Moneymaker distributed night vision monoculars called Ghost Hunters, which render everything in shades of green. We split into two groups, putting enough distance between us that we could convincingly initiate and return calls. We hoped to hear a few knock backs right away. “It’s not going to be a human out there making knock backs, it’s going to be a squatch,” Mr. Moneymaker said. “If we hear knock backs then we’re in business.”

When hiking through the woods with no other light source than a new moon, it’s remarkably easy to lose sight of everyone around you, and even that false sense of isolation can be deeply terrifying. Our group of five crept toward the river in a single line. We paused near the site of Mr. Craig’s encounter and, after radioing Mr. Barackman’s team, tried a few howls.

Much of Bigfooting is listening, and like any kind of hunting, it requires extraordinary patience. While we waited for a reply, I pulled a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup out of my back pocket and laid it on the ground. (I’d been told that Bigfoots have a particular affinity for Zagnut bars, but they weren’t stocked by the local Wal-Mart.) A foraging armadillo let out a few inquisitive grunts, but sasquatches, it seemed, were uninterested in initiating contact just yet.

Eventually, we trekked back to camp and reorganized. Around 3 a.m., I followed Mr. Barackman and four others east toward the park’s sandy access roads. We howled, knocked and scanned for glowing eyes, but our solicitations were not reciprocated. By 4:30 a.m., I was asleep in my tent with my hiking boots still on.

The next morning, I sat by the fire snacking on a slice of bacon and a powdered doughnut. The other team had heard and recorded a response howl — a brief, high-pitched hoot. We speculated about whether it was human. Mr. Barackman described the results of the expedition as fairly typical. “We recorded something that we don’t know the origin of,” he said. “The mystery continues.”

A few minutes later, something screeched in the distance, and Mr. Moneymaker, barefoot, abandoned his breakfast and bounded into the woods at full speed. Although the sound turned out to be nothing, I was impressed by Mr. Moneymaker’s enthusiastic gait. It was that of a believer.
SRC: The New York Times

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Four Year "White Bigfoot" Project, 50 VHS Tapes Later

Artist depiction of a White Sasquatch with a dark face
"Its definitely not a cow or an ungulate, I'm pretty sure of it because I got better pictures of it..." -- MK davis

We just got off the phone with the MK Davis regarding his White Bigfoot Video. We wanted to learn little bit more about the how the tapes came to him and nature of the recordings themselves.

We learned the tapings were part of a four-year project producing over 50 six-hour VHS tapes (that's 300 hours). MK has had them for about six months and has digitally transferred the VHS tapes himself. 

These videos are taped on a land that was initially purchased because the current owner was looking for Indian artifacts, like arrow heads and what have you. Eventually he kept coming across large prints and tracks and wanted to know what could be making them. 

With the help of some tech-savvy people they set up cameras. These cameras were set up to continually film, no infrared triggers, no motion detectors, just continuous taping. More interesting is what you see is not the direct view of the camera, each lens was pointing to an angled mirror. This was to overcome the theory that Sasquatch are quite aware of cameras and purposely try to stay out of the line of sight.

When we brought up our arguments about a possible cow or ungulate, MK Davis was adamant in denying the possiblility. 

"Its definitely not a cow or an ungulate, I'm pretty sure of it because I got better pictures of it next to the creek"

We asked about the dark pixelations that seemed to lead the alleged Sasquatch and he had agreed that he had seen that too and says his better picture also show the Sasquatch has a dark face. 

He continued to describe other oddities,"When it walks upright it almost looks like it is sitting in a chair, there's nothing underneath it--you could put a chair underneath it, but it just moves around with its knees bent almost at a 90 degree angle. Also, in the video it never runs, [one foot is always in contact with the ground] its actually walking that fast!"

The video below was uploaded to show a bipedal figure from the same footage. MK Davis is certain he can rule out a cow, sheep or any other type of ungulate.

MK also noted the part that intrigued him most about theWhite Bigfoot video. "The thing that got me was when it was on all fours the way the hind leg kicked up, I had seen that before. When I was in Louisiana I saw, point blank, something run right in front of my vehicle on all fours. It did the same exact thing, the hind legs almost reach all the way up to the head and then extend."

Over the phone MK shared some interesting audio that we hope he will share soon. The audio samples were similar to other familiar alleged Sasquatch sound sounds, the Samurai Chatter, a groan that will make your ears bleed (at the very least make your skin crawl), and some possible conversation between two individuals.

MK has uploaded another video (see below) that  he uses to do a size comparison. In our mind it is not as compelling as the audio we heard.

By the way light-colored or blond Bigfoot are not unheard of you can read our post, "Rise of the Blonde Bigfoot" to read about them more.

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