Monday, May 13, 2013

Today in Bigfoot History | May 13th 1967 | Roger Patterson Rents a Camera

The 16mm Cine-Kodak K-100 was the camera rented by Roger Patterson
 and used to film the most iconic footage of Bigfoot. 
On May 13th in 1967 Roger Patterson rented a 16mm Cine-Kodak K-100 camera from the Yakima Camera Shop. Although the rental was intended for only two days, we know Roger Patterson had it until at least October 20th of the same year. This was the date of the famous Patterson/Gimlin film when both Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin filmed what appears to be a female Sasquatch walking in the Bluff Creek area.

Our favorite part about Bigfoot research, is the ability to geek out on ancillary research that contributes to our larger set of Sasquatch knowledge. In this instance, the Cine-Kodak K-100 provides a lot of opportunity to disect the P/G film. Even better there is a man who has done the research for us; Bill Munns. 

Bill Munns has probably done the most research on the type of camera and settings used to captured the P/G film. In the self-titled Munns Report he describes he showcases how important the camera detail is in reconstructing the P/G film site.

"In the process of that attempt to build the digital model, I have discovered something about the film which has been mistakenly assumed by one and all for the last 41 years, and it does impact significantly on any analysis of the film. All assumption has been that the lens on Roger Patterson's camera was a 25mm lens, the standard issue lens for the Kodak K-100 camera. My analysis indicates that the camera has a 15mm lens on it instead (presumption being a Kodak  Cine Ektar 15mm lens with S mount to C mount adapter, as per the Kodak camera user's guide,because the camera requires a companion viewfinder lens of same focal length, which Kodak only supplied for it's Cine Ektar lenses." SRC: The Munns Report release No.1

In his In the blurb below you can read Bill Munns reaching out to the cinematographer community. 

"...I immersed myself in the analysis of the film, I felt that building a digital model of the film site may help clear up some issues, and having 12 years now working with 3D visualization software, I felt I had a good background to attempt this. But in trying to build the digital model, I began to see discrepancies with the general report that the Patterson film was taken with a Kodak K-100 single lens camera with the standard 25mm Ektar lens on it. My analysis indicated a wider angle lens was necessary to replicate the filming, and the only wider angle lens made by Kodak (and having the appropriate viewfinder companion lens) was the 15mm Ektar. So I tested building the digital site model using the 15mm lens specification, and it assembled quite splendidly, and very accurately, in terms of locating seven distinct camera positions and matching them in the digital model so the digital model renderings overlay the actual film frames exceptionally well."

Bill Munn's continues to work on the P/G Film. There is a recent effort to raise funds for a documentary he's working on called, "When Roger met Patty".

You Can Greenlight Bill Munns Documentary: When Roger Met Patty

Bill Munns is Planning a Full-Length Feature Documentary on the
Patterson/Gimlin Film
Bill Munns is a Hollywood creature designer, 3D computer graphics professional, and arguably the foremost expert on the Patterson/Gimlin film. Bill Munns is campaigning for funds and planning the production of a feature length documentary touting, "the remarkable truth of the Patterson/Gimlin Film, and the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon."

According to Bill Munn's video on IndiGoGo (see below), his goal is to produce something worthy of submitting to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), a/k/a the Oscars. He believes this level of visibility will encourage mainstream media to take notice and raise the bar for intelligent discussion.

At IndieGogo, the crowdsourcing website Bill Munns has chosen, Bill Munns describes the documentary:

The documentary, by it’s vary title, seems to be focused simply on the PGF event, but it will equally give abundant attention to the many other respectful research efforts ongoing today. But an excellent documentary feature tells a story the audience can relate to, and the concept I have chosen is to first take the one most powerful event in Bigfoot/Sasquatch lore and show why, beyond any doubt, it is a real event, and then, with that established, expand the story to the current research efforts, their accomplishments and their challenges as they continue. So the PGF, the event where Roger Patterson met and filmed the entity we call Patty, that is the title centerpiece of this story, and effectively sets up the discussions of current research. So please do not think this project neglects the many fine research endeavors currently ongoing. The PGF focus in the title is simply what in great narrative program structure is referred to as “the hook”, that element which catches the public and mainstream media’s attention and holds on, so they will continue to watch and learn about all the other fine research projects today.

I’ve already got 5 years of concentrated effort in the PGF analysis, some wonderful scientific research that was funded by the Cestone Foundation through the greatly appreciated assistance of Prof. Jef Meldrum, and I’ve got about 15 hours of HD video already accumulated as potential footage for the documentary. So I’m well positioned to reach the goal. But producing a feature documentary that is eligible for Academy Award consideration and festival submission is a major undertaking, and needs some financial support. So that’s what I’m asking for now.
Munns also describes a the documentary approach and a possible second episodic format for perhaps television.

The Documentary Concept

A great documentary tells a story in a focused and concise way, The documentary program concept recognizes that the PGF is the most familiar event in the mind of the general public and media, so the program leads with a definitive summation of why the PGF is real. Then the program branches out to examine the many new technique and new technologies being applied to this elusive entity we call Bigfoot or Sasquatch. I have commitments for interviews with Jeff Meldrum, Brian Brown and the TBRC/TWARC field studies, Bart Cutino and his thermal studies, and The Olympic Project’s remarkably diligent field studies.

Second, the production concept is that researchers, not TV program executives, should control the editing and content decisions. TV Program executives have lost sight of reality and responsible science and can’t resist program eye candy and sensationalism, out of context, over science in context. The story of this remarkably mysterious entity must be told with sincere respect for the real science, the real research, and the real challenges of bringing this entity into a position of biological science recognition. The content decisions and the final edit must be in the hands of researchers. This program will be.

Program Versions

One of the unique aspects of this project is that it recognizes that studies of this topic need different levels of detail and varying presentation times for different audiences, and so the final program result will be set up with four levels of comprehensive information.
Watch the video produced for IndieGoGo crowdfunding site below.

You can get more information at the following sites:
IndieGogo Fundraising Page
Facebook Page When Roger Met Patty
Official Website: When Roger Met Patty

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Today in Bigfoot History | May 9th 1851 | Arkansas Paper Reports Wildman Leaping 14 ft at a Time

Simulation of "Wildman" taking a 14 ft. Leap
The terms Bigfoot and Sasquatch are relatively modern terms, at least modern when used among most of us less indigenous folks. Before Bigfoot and Sasquatch there was the Wildman. Often described the same way as the Bigfoots we have come to know and love. The Memphis Enquirer, article dated May 9th, 1851 is a case in point. As you read the the description of hair, foot size and the amazing ability to leap up to 14ft at a time, you get a sense that this is a description familiar to most of us.

Even more interesting to us is the history the Wildman has had in the area, outdoorsmen describing encounters 17 years prior, starting as far back as 1834.

St. Francis Green, Greene and Poinsett Counties, Arkansas

"Wild Man of the Woods"

"During March last, Mr. Hamilton of Greene County, Arkansas, while out hunting with an acquaintance, observed a drove of cattle in a state of apparent alarm, evidently pursued by some dreaded enemy.

Halting for the purpose, they soon discovered as the animals fled by them, that they were followed by an animal bearing the unmistakable likeness of humanity.

He was of gigantic stature, the body being covered with hair and the head with long locks of hair that fairly enveloped his neck and shoulders.

The "wildman," for we must so call him, after looking at them deliberately for a short time, turned and ran away with great speed, leaping from twelve to fourteen feet at a time. His foot prints measured thirteen inches each.

This singular creature has long been known traditionally in St. Francis Green and Poinsett Counties.

Arkansas sportsmen and hunters having described him so long as seventeen years hence.

A planter, indeed, saw him very recently, but withheld his information lest he should not be credited, until the account of Mr. Hamilton and his friend placed the existence of the animal beyond cavil." 
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