Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bigfoot Encounter in Norwegian Bigfoot Video

Norwegian Bigfoot Video
With only a short description, "I thought its was a bear. i was hunting in the Woods. but then i saw this thing." and a title, "Bigfoot Encounter? in Norway". This 19-second video was uploaded just yesterday May 24, 2014, and was republished at the British tabloid The Mirror.

The YouTube user has only two videos that are publicly uploaded, both were uploaded recently and both have bigfoot in them. 

Here's another video from the same Norwegian woods. Looks like the second video was removed right after this posting around 9am PST. Below is where the video was.

Do you think it's legit? Please let us know in the comments below. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Todd Standing Discusses Behind the Scenes of Survivorman

Todd Standing returns to update us on Survivorman Behind the scenes

We are proud to say we have covered Todd Standing longer and more extensive than any other website out there. You can read our entire Todd Standing archive and get a sense of, "Who is Todd Standing?"

Before Todd jumped the shark and released his Bigfoot puppet photograph, before he offered 2 million dollars for Bigfoot body parts, before he was rescued after a Bigfoot attack, before even Google decided Todd Standing's name was synonymous with Bigfoot hoax, Todd had a site called which he tried to erase from internet history.

Due to a recent television appearance with Survivorman's Les Stroud, Todd is back in the buzz of Bigfoot conversations. Soon we will be promoting himself with his branded flashlights and custom water bottles. Today, May 21st 2014, he has released his behind the scenes perspective on the two Survivorman episodes.  Enjoy the video below.

New Study: Idaho is the Top State for Bigfoot Searches (on Google)

Idaho tops U.S. for Google Bigfoot Searches (click picture to enlarge)
Among search terms like unicorns, caramel corn and potatoes, Idaho searches for Bigfoot on Google more so than any other state. Using a tool called Google Trends, Estately was able to determine the top term for every state. Although it is a little surprising Bigfoot did not score higher further west, we are happy he made it on the list at all. Read how Estatley did it below.
America’s fifty states have a lot in common, but if their internet search histories are any indication they also have significant differences. Estately ran hundreds of search queries through Google Trends to determine which words, terms, and questions each state was searching for more than any other. The results ranged from mildly amusing to completely disturbing. No doubt this information will come in handy for anyone trying to decide which state they want to buy a home in, especially for those curious how their potential neighbors spend their time online. The results on the map above are just the tip of the online search iceberg. 
If you want to read the results for the other states go to the Estately Blog site 

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