Sunday, July 13, 2014

TRUE STORY: Utah Govt Provides Almost $100k for "Bigfoot vs. Nazis" Movie

As if Bigfoot and Nazis aren't enough Einstein and Dr. Frankenstein also makes an appearance

"The one and only 'Bigfoot versus Nazis' will be filmed in Utah this November — with state financial assistance." --Salt Lake Tribune

Normally I like to provide some type of editorial from the angle, "what does this mean?" Not a chance on this one. What does it mean when an entire state decides to provide almost $100,000 in incentives to help finance a movie titled, "Bigfoot Vs. Nazis"?

Well Utah has it's reasons. Read below and then check out some cool preview photos from the movie production.
Maybe its plot is a bit far-fetched, acknowledged Utah Film Commission Director Marshall Moore in a presentation Thursday to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development board. Especially the parts where Einstein and Frankenstein get involved in the fight between monsters mythical and real.

 But, he added, the Camera 40 Productions team making the fantasy adventure feature film will spend almost $500,000 in the state, shooting for most of November with a cast of 18, plus 25 crew members and 200 extras.

For that reason, GOED’s board unanimously approved a post-performance tax credit for Camera 40 of up to $98,406, 20 percent of the amount the production team expects to leave in the state.

"Bigfoot versus Nazis" was one of eight film projects that received incentives from GOED. The offers are based on the production companies spending defined amounts of money in the state and, quite often, hiring at least 85 percent of the cast and crew locally.

The tax credit increases from 20 to 25 percent when spending tops $1 million, Moore noted. But it can be cut back if a production falls short of meeting its spending goal.

SRC: Salt Lake Tribune, State putting money into ‘Bigfoot versus Nazis’
Here are some photos that were available on the official BvsN Facebook Page

Concept art providing a pre visualation of a key scene from "Bigfoot vs. Nazis

Actual screen shot with an Über Nazi and his radioactive weapon
A closer look at another Über Nazi.
A sneak peak at the Bigfoot design from Bigfoot vs Nazis

Official Bigfoot vs. Nazi Poster

Kirk Sigurdson: The Relationship Between Kong, Bigfoot and Trolls

Scene from Peter Jackson's King Kong
"Legends of sasquatches abducting female humans were quite common in Native American lore. Of course, both trolls and King Kong follow suit in this regard, kidnapping females." -- Kirk Sigurdson
There is no other personality in the Bigfoot community that has explored the psychological impact of the Bigfoot mystery more deeply than novelist Kirk Sigurdson. In fact, his novel, Kultus, is at the surface a riveting page-turner that is hard to put down, but upon deeper reflection it exposes and reminds us how a single phenomena (the Bigfoot mystery) can be many things to many people.

Recently, on his blog, Kirk reminds us of how the Bigfoot phenomena continues to shape and reveal itself through pop-culture. To get more of Kirk's insights regarding King Kong, Bigfoots and Trolls read, King Kong: Modernist Representation of the Bigfoot/Troll Mythos.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Today in Bigfoot History | JUL 09, 2000 | Married Couple Chased by Bigfoot

Bigfoot chasing a couple
"My wife and I were chased out of the woods by what I am sure was a Bigfoot in the Lake George/Buck Mountain region of the Adirondacks, New York in Warren County."
 Source: Bobbie Short,
A couple were chased away from their resting place by what seemed to be a Bigfoot.

Warren County, New York State
Lake George - Buck Mountain region Adirondacks

Around July 9th, 2000 — My wife and I were chased out of the woods by what I am sure was a Bigfoot in the Lake George/Buck Mountain region of the Adirondacks, New York in Warren County. The creature observed us from about 100 feet away and broke large branches and made a large roaring/screaming like sound at least 7 times, maybe more that could only come from a very large mammal. I have been in the woods with very large bears and have even taken away food bags from bears, but this was no bear or Coy-dog, it was much larger.

We never did see it, but we could hear it following us out through the trail in the woods and I have NEVER been so scared in all my life. It kept coming closer — would stop and "roar", then approach us closer. We were nearly frozen in fear, but managed to collect our things from where we had been resting and nearly ran out of the woods. My wife is a very big skeptic of Bigfoot... until this point. The whole time we walked out of the woods, she kept on commenting that it was following us. We could feel it watching us and could hear it through the woods, a few times I saw something moving through the woods parallel with us but tried not to look as we both picked up large sticks in case in attacked us. There was no one parked at the trail head when we came out and I suspect it had followed out 2 other hikers that had hiked in earlier ahead of us and just happened to come across us.

The sounds we heard that day have really bothered me since then. I am literally scared to death of going into the woods alone now, even though I have been hiking for over 20 years. I can't explain the terror I felt from hearing this thing. I feel like I have to go back to the area and check it out, but my wife will never go back into the woods after this incident, that's how frightening these sounds were.

I was wondering if you know of anyone in the Upstate NY area that researches Bigfoot that would go up into the trail with me to just look around and see if we can maybe find tracks of some sort or look for signs of the creature. Thanks JW, witness identity withheld by request.
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