Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Man Becomes Famous after Finding Bigfoot in his Cheetos

Andy's cheesy 'Sasquatch' Photo: CheeseCurlsOfInstagram

“One night I snacked on some Cheetos… I found Sasquatch and other interesting shapes – at least a couple in each bag,” --Andy Huot; Cheese Curl Photographer

Although the 34 year old Andy Huot lives and creates his art in Kentucky, it took an Australian news outlet to recognize his greatness.

In an article dated October 7th, Australia's Yahoo 7 News showcases some of Andy's most provocative work. He is not limited to single pieces, in fact, some of his photos use several cheese curls to tell a story in the form of a diorama.

Evolution of man... in cheese curls. Photo: Andy Huot
The Article titled, "The man who makes the cheesiest art in the world" continues to talk about his process:

“I also started using multiple Cheetos to create dioramas such as ‘The Execution-Style Killing of a Man for Being Different,’ which is my favourite,” he said.

“All Cheetos are saved and sorted in a special container”.
Even his photo captions have become part of the work of art.

“I often do research and create several drafts before I am satisfied. The captions are the most important and most challenging part of the art,” he said.
You Can Find his latest photos at the Following Places
Instagram: @CheeseCurlsofInstagram

And you can buy prints at Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CheeseCurlArt

Monday, September 14, 2015

Unique Bigfoot Audio to be Shared at HopsSquatch on September 27th

Photo of Tillamook Forest Research Group
DATE: Sunday, September 27th
TIME: 12:30-3:00
WHERE: NW Quimby Lucky Lab  | 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209
WHO: Tillamook Forest Research Group

Bigfoot research groups come and go. They are usually dissolve for several reasons and rarely are the lead by the same individuals that initially founded them. Some splinter and others just dissolve slowly. In the end, instead of getting a record of research you get a record of squabbling and rumors. I'm very pleased to announce is that HopsSquatch will be hosting a research group that has overcome all those issues; The Tillamook Forest Research group. 

Even better, Gunnar Monson promises to bring some interesting audio evidence to hopsSquatch. Reserve your ticket now and get the first chance to hear some evidence with full context. 

Members of the Tillamook group includes a who's who of prominent Northwest Bigfoot Researchers. Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson host the popular weekly Bigfoot Radio show, Monster X, Barbara Olvera and Cindy Caddel both have led several BFRO expeditions, Larry Turner has been collecting audio and consulted with the best in the field regarding analysis. Below is a full roster of the group : 

Gunnar Monson, Entrepreneur, Lead Investigator
Larry Turner, Metrologist, Field Investigator, Audio Analysis
Shane Corson, Retail Manager, Field Investigator
Cindy Caddell, Professional Photographer, Degree in Archeology, Field Investigator
Jerod Caddell, Police Officer, Field Investigator
Marc Jasco, Manager of a Calibration Lab, Field Investigator, Wilderness Survival Expert
Jes Sothern, Nurse, Field Investigator
Barbara Olvera, Biology Student, Field Investigator
Greg Rasar, Police Officer, Field Investigator
John Hammer, Nurse, Field Investigator

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Former Pennsylvania Police Officer Says Bigfoot and UFOs are Connected

Fred Saluga of the Fayette County Pennsylvania Bigfoot Research Project (photo:Karl Polacek | Trib Total Media)  

“You get a lot of reports (on Bigfoot and UFOs) from out here in Fayette County...They may be inter-dimensional beings.” --Fred Saluga

Fred Saluga heads the Fayette County Pennsylvania Bigfoot Research Project. While doing a presentation on August 8th 2015, he gained some attention from the local press. You can read an excerpt below where he expands on his suggestion that Bigfoots may not be from this planet.

“They may be inter-dimensional beings,” Saluga said. He pointed to beings that disappear into thin air and Bigfoot trails that last for only a few feet.

Saluga said that there have been many sightings over the years from the Republic area where he grew up. Another hot spot is in the Dunbar area.

According to Saluga, the creatures have been reported for hundreds of years, as early as about 1500 A.D. and from every continent on the planet.

Native Americans called Bigfoot “Sasque” (translated as “Don't know what it is”) or “Sasquatch” to the early settlers in North America.

Some have suggested that the beings are alien transplants, shape shifters or creatures from another dimension. 
You can find out what else Fred Saluga and the  Fayette County Pennsylvania Bigfoot Research Project  has been up to at the links below.

Connellsville group gets earful on Bigfoot

Contact the Fayette County Pennsylvania Bigfoot Research Project at 304-723-8212, go to the group's Facebook page at www.facebook.com/fsaluga or email them at Bigfoot15425@gmail.com

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